? 1 ; 1 w-1 if l 31 4? .(ft- yet 'fi w; ' .' iixk V: v : KNOW ABOUT i frank Allen, of Raleigh, was a busi ness visitor to the city yesterday. f v ''i- ' - . S.. "- '-. .Vv " A ;-. ' -,' i"! ' ; J '!' ''":b"t'i.!!,'iv:tA L. I Moore, Jeft yesterday morning for a professional business visit to Beau- 1 J. Harrison,' of, Grantsboro;'paed through the city yesterday mornmg:en route to Washington, S.:C-- ... ' .- V W. E. Patterson, left-yesterday ing for a short business visit; to BeauJ fort. . Jtev. R. W. Thiot, left yesterday morning for .Raleigh to attend; meet inkof the'. Baptist Chri8tia!vvrttP!f ence union. ,-, W. J.-Hollandrle'tt yestdaJs "ihorn inc for Richmond' ;where. he will take a business course at Smithdeal Business Colleger t - "-', 'Ui i.i t j " v' j"i 'W. F, DowdyIeftjyesterday morn ing for a short business visit to Pollocks ville. . w r v i(Misa Fannie Holland, left yesterday morning far Richmond where;e. m teiia ome Umc vung inenB. fMbs Mable WUHams, lett yesteraay morhing for' Raleigh to attend meet ing of the Baptirt;Clmstiaa Umoji, .Mrv .and Mr? CSeorgs i;W'Brya f :tiiliometaiarl8e;ye afte Visitfrig lSf,;! 'MrMay Barterr- kft; yesterday moreiag for i ahortrisit to Wends in lirand Mrs, J B. BJades, left ye.s tPrH.v A mornmsr for forehead ' City where tte Will spend the -summer ' Mnk l- F. jafvls ham returned from a'visit of several.eeks. - ift v Kansas chy,Mo. m-X',;: ', - ' y . . Misses Julia Bryan Jonesi aiidEkfae Beriy left 'yesterday rmorning forlf . short .visit to friends in Kinsto a, ' Dr. land Mrs. Disosway, of Plymouth, have returned home after spending sev eral weeks in the city visiting Dr. Disos- if,---- '. mitzu-'mwz LARGE ... CROWDS atihwuiwu CHURCH Wll Baptist thtirchxcontinues to .grow inerest ald4iendance eacfciihjht. nTllst?tagn5 tftfifenurep was cruwueu i" ,k-fislo- whn cra rloP ' attention Obtain It.- 'Th6 sermon was delivered in ajvery 'forcef iA Sh, cbittriifclfig' mail M TURKEYS GETTING FAT ON !? ! .: YEAR" PE,STt-ALSQ GOOD BAIT FOR FISHERMEN. . ' ' WHEELING, W. Va., June 10. The . . plague of seventeenTyear locustsi which ' has fallen on, p'ts'pf West . Virginia, ; V Ohio and Western Pennsylvania, has turned out to be a, blessing for farmers ; i' . -and firhermen : ki', ?3f-fi?.y. ; S'tiUntil 'the present time the locusts, ':: '- ; which are coming: out of the ground in -N " ' great numbers,' have been, unable j;o( do t ;i?S ahy damage IbecWuse of thiTfmCkward- ness of crops and fruit, , But they have prove a boon to the turkey-raising. -,' i armeffc S . J't ViV'?1 fc M-Mif'ih Yoiiilg iurkeys as well as roosters and ' hens are fond of the pests, and as a fat tening food nothing ever has been found to equal them. - A flock of turkeys will devour thousands of them, and the . "squab" turkeys,' which ; are eagerly - sought . In ' the big markets, ' are this year fatter and better" thar ever, .which according to poultry raisers, is 'VJue to the seventeen-year locusts, Which they have devoured. ; Along the Ohio, Kanawha ni Big Sandy Rivers the insect are being used ' as bait by fishermen, "who are reporting the biggest catches of recent years. 1 r i r t t' t .V.'e-" t Tr-!s . iS i'fT '(, ii crikciERS aVTHe Athens TOMORROW i" T REIGN OF TERROR BREAKS OUT AGAIN IN THE "BLACK, PATCH" IN' KENTUCKY. (Special to the Journal) -Night afreesh tier of counties, called "The Black Patch" in terror"me,ns), women aQ jtfhildren.ave 'v''l :' V - I. ' -t. ... t.' Deen wmppea wun swiccnes, auer ue ing bound to trees. . Threats,.' have been yputdf against others, ,ancj the peace, officers , have been threatende wiht death. Whole communities are iof Wror. f: , f 3- Fully one hundred tobacco" plani beds Jiave been destroyed by bodies of. naked men in the last two weeks. Grand Juries have been instructed to fipd' out who the guilty parties are jtnd several men have been , indicted. Meanwhile,, the outrages continue .giv ing basis for the story that there are large bodies of men in every county Vho can carry ort the work of terror azng 'Uie farmers. ".Judge .R.'"0. v Pace and .County At Torney 'W. ti.' Gray of Greenville, who have been particularly active against the Night xRiders, have been repeatedly threatened with death, Judge Pace received a letter threatening his life and this morning his garage and 'car w,as .burneaV t . !:; ' 1 f Many men 'who , bavlf been beaten CkeiiNyl fmscd'O'teir t&e. police of ficers anything about it, for fear of Other . visits from i the Night Riderj 6igai)ued ;in Wefetern Kentucky, num bered fully fifteen hundred: men. Gov Wilson then issued a proclamation that any one , killing Night Ridre was already pardoned, Vitd -' after ' tae troops' Were Ordered out the lawlessness ceased until the last feW; weeks. Tbe Girl A! GHent Parli Toniflht Miss -Norma Phillips who "portrays .thepart. of the ".Mutual Girl" in an &$m$tii the-'.Re-lialnFilnCrhas t&i' reputation of jbeT!tnUoutifaf''' actress ap- hfe , motion picture uaeni)''4a;'W0r important event you ' wiltiW' the i'AMutual .'difl'k. Tonicht fcp'bea'ri'1 iniariouB'- scenes around liiw Yorjt.,.. Two pther pictures form the program for the screen fans. -The i; fsesh, air, the chirp of the Bob Whites in' the meadow east of the pav- ilioifi and the '-electric' orchestra render- Jing. dreamy selections froni El Trav-. atore in syncopated waltzes is a iw scrjgtion .hat appeals to all amtRS melnt-sekersi:..,' : , AYot l" at 'Ghent Park. LI 'W. ' rj--""' "' ' CHECKERS AT THE ATHENS . TOMORROW j ,' l , - . ,r.t l ' . . . ; -, v ,; UN ROOFS ARE "O-j FIREPROOF Firemen always consider , safe . van tage points for fighting a 'nearbyl fire yWith a ood tinjroof oyer your head. you' need not feaf flying sparks from any eause.. , k f y:. They ; ' akagiver protection ' from lig- g and all attacks t -J;;. -fy C weather.'-' f lf made of Target and Arrow, tin they, commonly, outlast the .buildings they cover. , . ' , . .We recommend ' this- 50-year old, handmade tin because ' we know, , it lasts, xi'ZVZ ftfftf Let us tell you . more about good roofs if you are interested. f '-V ; TOLSON LUMBER AND MANFG. COMPANY YARD, 0FFICJS AND F CTORY 129 East Front St.. New h 1 & Jti LPXmCTON, Ky.. June 10. morMan' western: Kentixkv. In a COHBH IS FAR BELOW 1 CROPS JN THAT DISTRICT ARE I Btinii uamau&U! Hi in,! DROUTH.? (Special to the, Joprnal) BELLAIR, June ; 1'0,-BellIir is dry j just now and like, most other iplaqes it is very dusty. Crops are suffering some' but the 'ata'nda'rds; corn and cot ton, ate . doing their best, the latter however, is'' in many places a poor stand especially where it wag planted late. . Tobacco i." some ; places is good and in other places too dry for a stand. Potaatoes are tcriously cut off not tveu half a crop in some places. ' .We are eating soup beam; and have eaten some ripe peachss, but the beans are turning yellow, and the peaches .drying up and falling off. " ' ; , There will be few apples in .our sec tion and they don't seem tbbeahything like first class. ;.,.!' V ! Mr. J; B. French,'" ons- of our bid Confederate ' Veterans is doing ' quite poorly and not able to be out: He has hay fee- and some lung trouble, wehope he will soon' b out again. The oat crop is geneally -good and is saved mostly without the rain. Farmers are a little depressed but hopefully looking for the general show ers that will 'Start the pea crop and help all the other crops to mature; PAMLICOfFARMERS NEED RAIN VERY BADLY Reports from Pamlico county are to the effect that a good soaking rain would be of unestimated value! to the farmers. j . :; .! There has been no rain in Pamlice county for several weeks Jkhd1-',the're' suit of fhe lack of rain is that tHe'ehip- ments of truck are small and the crops are drying up. , t- ? J. R. Ball Represents Big Cotton Exporters SIGNS CONTRACT FOR AN.O'fH ; ER YEAR WITH SPRUNT & CO., OF, WILMINGTON J. R. Ball, who has for several years represented the well known exporting firm of Sprunt and Conjpany' pf Wil mington, has just signed up a contract to represent, that firm locally for the approaching season and. w?l do the cotton buying for them om' this mar ket. : ' Mr. Ball is well and favorably known as a cotton buyer all over this section of the State and will probably continue the excellent record made by him in the' past. Sprunt and Company' are the largest exporters of cotton in the world. Owning their own compresses and operating their own boat line to foreign ports they are in a position to give the highest prices for the staple and this accounts in a measure, for. the large business they carry on. Harry Thaw Wants Release on Bail ASKS COURT TO PERMIT HIM TO GO TO HEARING ON ESTATE OF HIS FATHER. ; WASHINGTON, June 10. Appli cation was filed today in the Supreme Court for Harry K. Thaw's release on bail pending consideration by the court of the extradition case on which the State1 of New York; is seeking to re move him from New Hampshire. The petition was filed by former Governor William A. Stone, of Pitts burgh. It was based on the printed statement, that it ""was necessary for Thaw to go to Pittsburgh to attend the hearing in the Orphans' Court of Allegheny-county over the settlement of! the estate of his father, William Thaw. ' -'--..' -'. ' . The attorney contended that Thaws' presence there as a witness was neces sary "and "he also,' was -needed to ad vise with counsel in the' case. ' :,' ' The court will probably announce it's action with the counsel .-on application next Monday. ; :. vmet justice , w nit e gave tne Mate of New York until Friday to file a brief in opposition to Thaw?'' release. ;v ';7. 'North Carolina ' ;, rx-f'$wr- ' -----; ', Sealed 'bids will be 'received up to June v;20thy iftU": jfor'4 furnishing Fire Department - with one ; triple combina tion motor apparatus, of not, less than eight ' hundred gallons : per ; minute puma caoacitv. Rieht reserved to reject any or all bids. F, T, Patterson, City Clerk. ; . - ; 6-11-10 i Shake Off Your Rheumatism. Now is the time to get rid of 'your rheumatism. Try a .twenty-five cent bottle of Chamberlain's liniment "and how quickly yoirr rheumatic,' pains h. ' MARINE NEWS. -The gas freight boat Mabel was in port yesterday mornikg loading a cargo mercl.andiss fbr Beaufort. " g!is ireignt boat Charmer, left yesterday for Swansboro with a cargo of merchandise. The gas freight boat Alfonso was in port yesterday loading a cargo of mer chandise for. Davis, The three mast schooner Levin J. Marvel arrived in port yesterday from northern markets with a cargo of mer chandise consigned to different mer chants of the city. The gas. freight boat Fannie Brevard arrived in port yesterday from Arapa hoe with a cargo of country produce. IN POLICE COURT. Several Cases Disposed of Yesterday Afternoon. Joe Fenderson, colored was taxed with the cost at Police Court yesterday afternoon for allowing his transfer to stand on Queen street at the Union Pas senger Station while a passenger tain was standing on the .Atlantic Coast Line track. . John Granger, colored, was arraigned before the mayor yesterday afternoon charged with not complying with the city sanitary laws. Judgment was suspended on the pay ment of the cost. The cses against Annie Taylor, Thomas Bowden ind?George Eubanks. charged with not complying with the sanitary laws of the city were continued for investigation. SCREENS FOR THE LOCAL FED ERAL BUILDING Uncle Sam has joined the campaign and has decided to assist in "swatting the fly." Through the efforts of Post .master Daniels who is' also custodian the Treasury Department' is to have screen doors and windows placed io the Federal Building here. The con tract for the work has been let to the Tolson Lumber Company of this city. G. W. Taylor, of Morehead City, was a visitor to the city yesterday. T I fit 2 ill I I ! 1 it 1 5? ,, , m 1 ill - Is MM Si. .3 ill -r '-it.', , i I Hi I (Quality and THE LITTLE SPECIAL "UNIVERSAL" FEATURE PICTURE) FEATURING MISS FLORENCE LAWRENCE THE HIGH EST SALARIED MOTION PICTURE ACTRESS IN THE WORLD. There is not a girl on the screen today that surpasses Miss Lawrence in essaying the part of a hoyden, a scamper ing, laughing young creature of the back woods. This splendid feature is from the pen of Donald Buch anan. Miss Lawrence plays the role of "THE LITTLE MAIL CARRIER", knowing nothing of propriety and desiring only to facilitate movement, in which she dresses as a boy. In this garb she first meets the man she afterwards learns to love; he supposes her to be the boy. The discovery of his mistake sounds the awakening of love. IN ADDITION TO THIS SPLENDID FEATURE TWO OTHER PICTURES WILL BE SHOWN. IF ITS "QUALITY" AND NOT "QUANITY" YOU DE SIRE YOU. WILL NEVER BE DISAPPOINTED AT THE "STAR" THE HOME OF GOOD PICTURES AND PERFECT PROJECTION. ' " " T. ? ' M ' " ' v ; Rimiiing Without Orders RUNNINGwITHOUT ORDERS BUT ON A TRACK WELL PROTECTED BY MODERN SAFETY APPLIANCES, OPER ATED AND RUN B Y THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE. I AM NOT A CANDIDATE OF ANY RING NOR AM I SUP PORTED BY ANY RINGSTERS. I BELIEVE THAT EACH MAN SHOULD HAVE AN EQUAL RIGHT IN SELECTING PUBLIC OFFICERS, AND I ACCORD THAT RIGHT TO EVERY MAN. WE ARE LIVING IN AN AGE OF PROGRESS AND INTELLIGENCE, AND A MAN ASKING HIS PEOPLE FOR THEIR VOTES SHOULD DO SO ON HIS OWN MERIT. YOURS TRULY, G. V. RICHARDSON, Dover, N. C. Tlcirc's dlmalilly IN- - s Quality in a Shoe today stands for style, comfort and durability. - - - - mm :'1 ' mpiy i, .- 'J55f!-iiffl?i'5'', Today ji Refinement) MAIL CARRIER J i i I I 1 m HI III i i '4 I i i w m m m til : ft- iv.. m gfay;. CI .-.Si - m .' V I , Si , VS mMMMsllllNMMMMsMrltMsilMV -. .'1 . . . w w . : 4'- N. C. . - l ( (! r- r. So! J by all dealers. , ' I m

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