OOXf 04KMM4 r4H WKH1 M( HIE a- SUES IIILiSELF nn r- r-v "N I Carrying to Navy Yard Bodies of ; v t 1 V Chick and :.-Jt Most p ect balanced poultry Feeds' on the 3 market. Order any amount. Feed your Chicks .9 Cyphers Feed and watch them grow. Now's the time. '. Dan Patch Horse Feed I Sugar Cow Feed. , 9 are the best and purest money can buy. 2 ' fectly balanced food for stock. Farm Implements Biirrus & -W.WW.W.W.W.WWWW.W.W. .W.W.W.WW'-'.W.W.W' ASK 13 $BDRTV 1 1 t - 2&8- APPIffiD -JJiJn (,: 1 SI AND : j- i X hr , M llllltll . . i r- -"l Xiii 9i 9 ' 9.S -.' ", s FtTSJkM . . S Si'i SIS J immmm : meal (.54 ' 't.vi '. vr -la l g -i .... . .. J. A. Meadows in j. i. ivieaaowsi i-i , i - . iii i 1 FOR A New 8 Room House with all Modern Improvements, Hot and Cold water, Electric Light, Lavatory and Bath Room. On North Pasteur St., back of Wm Dunn, Good Location. APPLY TO T. I Turner PHONE 172 93 MIDDLE ST. Fine TAILORING Cleaning and Repairing ; ,S. N. CHAD WICK J 25 Hancock Street. 'Coughs and Colds Weaken the Sys '' ; ' tem. ".. .Continued Coughs, Colds and Bron chial troubles are depressing arid, weak- -': en the system. Loss of weight and np-; petite generally follow. Get' a SOc bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery to ,. day.' It will stop your cough. The first lse helps.: The best medicine for Stub horn Coughs, Colds and all. Throat arid I-ung,' TroiuhleavS(Mr..,-0.' H. Brown, Mufccatinef :ai tai'Uf.:, was rick during; tli&hoi; 8 ri tniner' months a nd J honestly' believe Dr. King's New i l)irovry saved her life." Good for. children. SOc and $1.00, at your Drug gist. Children C3fy'.; ' FOR FLETCHER'S ' OASXORTAi K hi eo: ' ' " : Hen Feeds Parker Iric FOR pi SI Il fill hi I 53 I ' ' SKI i i Hot Weather Tonic fandjgHealth Builder. fm Are you run down Nervous Tired? Is everything you do an effort? You are not lazy you are sick! Your Stom ach, Liver, Kidneys, and whole system need a Tonic. A Tonic and Health Builder to drive out the waste matter build you up and renew your strength. Nothing better than Electric Bitters. Start to-day. Mrs. James 'Duncan, Haynesville, Me., writes: "Completely cured me after 'several doctors gave' me up." SOc and $1.00, at your Druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Cuts. ' UlI You are A Merchant or v A Manufacturer A Doctor or A Lawyer A Liveryman'or A Farmer.. .: ?;,;; . A Minister or . A Layman ; i f A Buyer of Advertising or a Keaaec pi a newspaper, Oest i. ji,t 4 Printing Gomp'y Phone 8 45 Pollock St. 1 i ' RENT Mil it1 !:l IttMI Jll ft I i ; ! I 111 III '-LtlJ III I 1 1 il ft II' 111' It 13)41 Ml' i I 'lUK' II 11 I 4- el b 1 ! ' , , i lis A ner- ,i Kl i ' " ' . la , iff ' ;1: n fie j;y , w ' v Copyright by American Pram r 1' KFSKSSITB services marked the . seventeen blaejackets and marines killed In the capture of Vera Cms. ' President Wilson vlslfed the Brooklyn navv yard the day the fla draned I 1 cofflns arrived nd delivered, an i ww was, military and naval, pomp. Then were blazes of color from nm Hil forms, flaes. irold braid and flnwMn. Thnr was uiam mni fMm from school chorus, There were the crash of rifle volley the sad notes lBnal bugle farewelL 1 The Illustration shows the funeral cortege croeslng w mannaoaB-onage wnicn spans the GIBSON. Catcher of the Pittsburgh National League Team. Four Reels. Chicago has about 600 moving pic tore theatess, with a dally attendance of 500,000 persons. The moving picture craze has spread almost over the entire world. The Chi nese are eager for the pictures. Motion picture photographers from the United States have proved that It is possible to produce clear films In regions in England where It had been thought impossible because of foggy atmosphere. In the first year of their existence the British board of film censors dealt with 7,628,013 feet of film, which In cluded 7,48$ subjects. Only twenty-ws films were entirely rejected as unfit tot public exhibition. " '. , j ':. J "VfA Few Questions. ,;;.;,,. y , f , - ' : ; "Marry a bright woman for succest arid a pretty woman for happiness,' says a Kansas' editor. But who want to go to Jail for -bigamy we would like :, The khiser has made a rule that din iters phall not last longer than forty five minutes. - Why can't this banquet address cursed country have an ein-peror?-CIeveiand Pluin Dealef. 1 , i Would you rather" be the man who spent five years coloring a meerschaum pipe and then lost It or the chap wiio smoked; one brand of cigarettes until he got enough coupons to win a grah(J piano'.krid;' then--. 'bad;, them stolen? Washlngtori Herald. ' r ; L. ( L -- .iWI AssodaUon. arrival In New York of the bodies of address In honor of the heroic dead.. Bast rtver from Manhattan to Brooklyn. VOLCANO BELCHES. Forest Service Officials Report Un usual Disturbance of Mt. Larsen, Cal. RED BLUFF, CAL, June 10. Mt. Lassen, after a week of quiet, commenc ed today to belch forth smoke and va pors. . , .. i . The outburst was ushered in by the rumbling, which was heard at Mineral the headquarters of the forest officials, sixteen miles away, and an earthquake shock was felt. ; Unless the situation improves forest officials will leave for a place of safety. Open Seven Days and Nights to the Week is the place for that Delicious Fussells Ice- Cream. We have cream. all the time now and all first chass fountain drinks. If you haven't tried our dellcous milk shakes you have missed a treat, 'for they are made -from pure Jersey milk. r. ; We also carry everything good to eat. Cigars and candy a spec ially ..-'' The place for white r people only yours to serve. ' - R; R. VLUNGH ROOM C;E Taylor Prop. JV' f"arv STAtlrri RY" " the value of our .'lumber and ' when we say "we ha"ve some especially choice 1 stock on nand " ready, f or delivery," we know the tracde win accept the news 1 t Joyfully and rapidly. Bo we advertise , ATLANTA, GA. June 13 and 14; Jyou"lto1,ienl'yo,ur orderst once ss'Jne24; , " !" the 'supply this year' Is limited a Juhe 24. - v ' . ' F W ' ' Simhkin'S CHICAGO, ILL.TJune 20, 71.and E.W., bimpkllTiS Phone' 107 , wew iiern,i.u Atenever You Weed a flene. al TnU j Take .Orove's . ( The1 Old 6t.indard Grovi's Tastelesi chill Tonic is equally valuable, as e general Tonic because it contains tlit pell ktiowu t:"ic properties of QUININE B'i.1 IPO"'. It nr'i rn the J,ivcr, Drives , J , . ' the Blood and .'. '. i ;'et u 0 cenia iJ ' i I ivJ.s,X KJ) " '' ; lahf Mpl it ','MAw n WQOd-llANElDRUG CO. ' The Sterling strongly' approved for Wedding Gifts. , Notfiing' O' . more permanent: .fiothing more heartilv-Taiued and V ' taken-dare of during all ;' ' Let is', show" you', some Gift Objects, that ' ..w jll.be a credit ip.yoji;and. a lasting, source of ati?-;-faction to the recipient, . -t . - - f . 7 j- v .Si K tO 3f 5f Absolutely FteU ONE BUCK'S Beginning June 8th and lasting to the night of July 17th, for each penny spent in cash we will give two votes. y, For each penny to, be applied on account we "will give one : vote. ... , The little Range- in our window will be given to the little girl under twelve years old who secures the largest number of these votes j. S. Basnight Hardware Co. ! PHONE 99 . 67, S. FRONT STREET 3f 5f 3f 3f 3f ATLANTIC COAST LINE "The Standard Railroad of the South" , Passenger Traffic' Department., f ,; . , V" " ' 'V f REDUCED ROUND TRIP RATES WILL BE MADE FOR SPECIAL OSCASiONS ' B YTHE - ATLANTIC COAST LINE - THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF - THE SOUTH. THE RATES J. ARE OPEN TO THE ' "PUBLIC, r I I ' NOTE-The first dates named are those upon whieh tickets may be sold, and upon which the trip must be begun, and the last "date is the fiunal RETURN LIMIT-the last date opon which the original starting point must be reached. i k" i; ,' WASHINGTON; D;'C -June Z and , WACO, TEX. June 3, 4, 5, and 6f- June 22. -,.' ",l V ! HOUSTON, TEX. Jwne 5. 6, and 7r-JulyS. , , , . h ISLE OF PALMS, S. CrrJune 10, andJlr'June 17. "tOUISVlLtE, KY. June 22, 23 and 24; July i. . , , , ' ' 1 BUFFAL'O, M.'Y.' June 27; 28 and 29r-July 8. iJ h '" ATLANTA. GA. July 6 and ?; July is. ; .' For, tota) rates, 'schedules, reserva tions," etc., to any point named and for and 'desired information, apply to T. ii. rr.N""ETT, rly-t knowi the desirability of usinj only ' the rbest. shaving accessories. "If; cheap, adulterated preparation are f used, there is bound to be ' trouble. - '! We haire everytnIn4 'or tha man ;f 'Who RhavpK. find nil that vnmin delights to have on her toilet table 5 'iit.i .. . . ' vBr weseii , i Pst materials," k nuti nuaieviT we sen is tux ji pi cue J If DC 3 SOLID SILVER FOIl JUNE BRIDES metal whirth t.irfift.! ha mhat. of thH iifft nf whirh W wprW O Kf, : Jewelerr-- ' ' I JUNIOR RANGE New Bern, N. C." Ti C White, General Passenger. Agent, W. L. Craig, Passenger Traffic Manager Wilmington, N. C , - Children Cry t fCR FLETCHFR'S . CASTORIA LOCAL- MARKETS. s Quoted By Jacobs ' And Com. 'i i' pany. - Irish Potatoes $2.50 to $2.75 per bag.' -"Irish potatoes new $2.75 to $3.00 pers' ' barrel., "R i i -t -k J- i Sweet potatoes 65c to 75c per bushel. 1 Lettuce $1.00 to $f.50 ter basket. -Beets 5c to 6c per bunch. ' ' ' t t t ' Squash 75c to $1.25 per basket." i . Beans QOtfto $1.00-per basket''-1 Cabbage 90c to $1.25 per crate." K -" pnions $3.00 to $3.25 per bagftl . Onotatlons from A. Castets" Mar ' I " r -:'it. ket: -w ,v t ; Beef at 10c per pound. ,,w - f -' Pork at He per pound .1 , S" ' Eggs at 18 cent per dozen. f - i ' . , Spring cliickens 40 cents-. to T5 centsv ,; per pain , rJ ' ..- . Old chickens $1.00 per pair, . ' Hides at 10 cents per pound .'Vj i ' r ' Salt.hides atj 1 1-2 cent per pound. , ' , . , Caft't KeerIt Secret; "The spleiiclid work of Chamberlain's Tablets is daily becoming more" widely known. ; No such grand-, remedy '-Tor' stomach and livpr trwibles has ever be ii known, ifl by all dealers. V 4 f

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