CHIcers Hq3 MMIU CILL ; , BIGyPEATURE PLEASED :the jCciiuy cr.J Ice Ck ecu' STAR'S PATRONS W' ::SuM too .hojrrliazji ! f What gives a man a happier, or mo-e satisfied feeling than to know he has some money tucked away in ' the, bank. He is safe from worry and unlooked-for calamity; he - is pil ing up something for his future ,the men in his communiry, and . from day to day and from week seu-reiiance grow wun u. . t . - Do YOUR banking with US. ', We pay Four Per Gent. Interest. . , JNcw Bern Banking &Tra$iCo. ''''''MssaiaBaBBfcfasisswasjsasisBM Notice' To Schedule "BT Tax Payers. YOUR SCHEDULE "B" or; PRIVILEGE TAX, Is now PAST DUE. Same was dbe on. May 31st, 1914 Unless you come in and Pay AT ONCE, you will be subject to a fine of $250.00. Should I not report the ? above delinquents I will liable to the some fine. Please do not put thirf matter, off. 'Come in today and PAY UP and save embarassmenf for us BOTH. " R. B. LANE 'i ' s - fa '.bi":.';-.' "''i'i- ' ' For that afternoon, the lawn party, the reception or the jolly Vinformat, gathering you'll find BRAD HAM'S ICECREAM a "delightful treat to your :-'a -J J C Seired hlRrick Bulls Spesciaf f PfeACH (fresh fruit) STRAWBERRY Vanilla and Chocolate . Phone us BRADHAM'S Where Quality and Service Count. Phone 35 I 111 ' M : 4 - . ; 4 i:i I I 1 r i- - tf.-. .rfi mimimiiiiw it row. w OnriniMC'SBOffl BONELESS and For Your meai. t : ' v t Phone 139 vrfffjxafce and acquiring the respect 01 as he sees his balance grow to week, his happiness" and and Fancy Designs Today your orders ri i 1 w wmmmmw n 1!! n SCZOHBDUIAEI U 1 1 ! Even: fig 1 1 ?! r-i i it i-l! I I ' I I i : i i (' , ii .: . . . ... 4 ft ' ' - KM t . s ' tit THEIR DAREDEVEL 5 ACT, WAS : SUCCESSFUt AND EIVR FU u piTIVES WERE CAUGHTi i .Special. o the . Journal) . s KINSTON,June 10,-By, a 'bit 'of worjt acctatmid by $h gfffter? ; Jt rynj slow county as sheer deredeviltry, Sherc iff A, W, Taylor, and Cortvict Supenn tendentBryant ;sylor of Kinstoi yesterday i;'. morning with the j assist ance of Deputy Sheriff Paughtridge of Richlands and two citizens invaded .two lumber camps n Onslow apdr flragged forth four escaped Len6ir County con victs and a suspect. c'.'j ;Kg The investment of the camps ; was about 3 a. m.. and in : the darkness was more or. less perilous. ;v . The Lef noir ,; officers drove .50'.. mil in aii automobile to reach Camps' Perry and Pender, two- remote -hamlets -'with . a, combined, population pf round 600 Seldom before have officers of the law invaded the cam pa in. search of crim inals, for it, ia regarded by. the ..local officers as a, riaky business. "; Sheriff. Taylor, recently had , !word from that section that one or two) -men wanted by himhad been at Fort Barn- well andi were headed v for ;Tthe Vh- slow . camps. -' j;,. When ;-l he f and ' . the posse arrived after an 'all-nigh Jrive they rushed in uppn the negroesand warned ; fm, dj tay Vwithty r 4 the on three aides, aiid the Taylor searched the shanties Only at , one place was there show, of 'resbtance. - ,' A door wa slammed in the officers1 jfaces. They promptly kicked it . down-' and covered the inmate with ; their revol vers. . . -v ' . - f':! Taken into custody were: : -Z Albert Owen I, who. escaped V with nine other negroes when, ; ' Convicts mutinied at a camp near Kinston last Szptember.- Owens . wa armed , with a : revoherir He will; Btand trial -for carrying the - weapon' and also for disarming and assaulting a guard at the time of the mutiny. Will George and Twillie Powell, who escaped with Owens at the .time of the Mutiny. " ..' . ' Williatn Troubleneld, f believed to have shot; another negro at a lumber camp wilt be retained here. The; five are 'today m 'the. Lenoir county jail hera. Owens and Trouble- field will be retained here, and the oth er thrae will be returned to the roads. Sheriff Taylor made a statement to day that he believes an organized po lice force maintained : by the several counties in which the black timber camps are located, is the only -plau sible' means of preserving order in the camps, filled with negro criminals. He - will suggest the organization of such, a - force to the: officials of the neighboring counties. SUMMER SCHOOL ! FOR TEACH ERS A BIG SUCCESS j vThe, summer -school at Vanceboro'; which : is being conducted by Prof. Highsmith'of Wake Forest and. Miss Harris of Raleigh, is proviag'to be-a great' success. , , ' ., The school is welt attended by teach. ers of this and adjoining counties and much good b expected to be derived from this term which lasts only a few REV. EUCLID McWHORTER RE TURNS HOME. i t Rev. E. C, McWhorter wh(i several weeks ago went to' Morehead City where . he entered a hospital and un derwent an operation for appendecitis and gall, stones has, fr the gratification of his, many.: friends recuperated suffi ciently as to be able to return-homd making Progress in . drill ING OF WELLS. Considering the fact that , they are drilling through solid; j rock, the force that is1 employed in drilling wells back of -the City. Hall kre making rapid pro- One weft has been drilled to the depth of fifty-si feetj twenty-three of -which is through a solid, rock.! ,. At FOnilfflllf A ELGIN, WALTIIAM . ' 30UTHBEND HAMILTON HOWARD ? STANDARD , INGERSOLL i LONGINES (Swiss) . J. '0.Ei"'2r's . JEV.XLER ' m AT THIS sessid:j HOUSE GETTINCf READY 4. TO "TAKE VP HOBSON AMEND- d MENT,TO CONSTITUTION I' 'IxSpeciat 'to" the journal)! A'l ;WSHINGTONuW l0-ati6nt ne Federal) Consri sidered, tbrnorfoW; at ;.'llapetiar&eeli Members' of ' the Committee were rev titeiit fohightbui5 ''Jtj Is Understood they 'will pass on ' a revised resolution toay' by Representative 'Hobson of Alabama, " to ': meet" Opposition to . the amendment he submitted some time ago on .the : ground that; it 'violates State' rights. vH'-'t .H' v' ;fc&f-ifi " Asi, reVis,ed :,- the proposed" new . ar ticle in ; the Constitution reads; -i . 1 "The sale,': manufacture' for: ' sale, transportation ' for .. sale, '; importation r ... t : ; A. ,1!.. .... - iur saie i incuxicanng .nqiors ror beverage- purposes in- the United States ..arfd . alt territory-subject to the jurisdiction ': thereof and the exi portation for sate thereof are ) forever prohibited; the Congress or the; States wijtmn ' ineir ; respective . junsaiccions shall have power to enforce this article by alt needful legislatibri.f vV':-' Prospects 'of a yote, on prohtbitiod at this session- hare been the subject of general discussion lately an4 Ma jonty , Leader . Underwood .has ex pressed willingness, Jio have ; the ques? tion put before the House for a test. He' an other Democratic leaders be lieve X thatiu while Hobonesolution might Command a' tnajorit, it would not receive , the , necessary two-third Votes.- t-&i t:-:ri'-:ff,?Tl The i prospect of an eariy vote on prohibition caused a great flurry about the Capjtal It generally was conceded that, a , vote rori the bitterly-contested question at this session virtually- was assured. - .?? .. . CHECKERS AT THE ATHENS ' TOMORROW . ' V-'.. Breni gold bandied umbrella hai lti ThosorWho get Into hot water bay raallypfoded the neat Some genlne may yet be able to make Ima)c4utt lood ef wild oata.;;:- '.y-' ;.r """" "",'" & ' .'-i And the navy now , recalls the An cient Uarlner'a famoua plaint Experience la valuable) provided yo! can aell It for moris tban'it cost yotk 4 Ma matter - what the j weather, one may always bare sunshine in the heart An old grouch Is as good as a new one, scwhy trouble to break in a fresh Soihe inen drop ont of sight of their own free wllL Others marry prima donnas. ,, ' ;-:(':f,v,; ',4,itsX' good kno you've got tol w a bad thing when you see It Many a man loses more time trying to save a nickel than It would take him to earn ,,' dollar. :? $ tii A 6.000,000 egg shipment from China adds the promise of a foreign yolk to 4 Women' Imitate, the men s in many things; but you never hear of a girl chewing tobacco. . ' Marriage always changed people; but unfortunately it doesn't always alter thenf or .le better.,,v.;, Most of the criticism eomea from those whtf ha ye no Interest 'in the mat ter; oneway or anotner. ry$; :J:'C;i The, fact that Spanish is the'morJier tongue of Mexico does not exert any perceptible sentimental appeal. .WW 'S'- a' '.' ''-'"'' -.-.-J,.'5 ' T7" -(MfcOfrV-V' V f i 'TherVwiH b a ecesl tneetingof the Board of Aldermen, Monday night une 15, at 8 o'clock,: to cooaider the passing of ' an ordinance relative " to unday closing.' J;. . 6-i0v5ti. Scallops, Ciams,. Spanish -Mackerel, ptue fish, -Mulle aijd Trout today j-t '"'J r Ol p-'- '-?S -i''. .i. yeo. Aleves on.;t.;,w;oiu-i ;.;' ;''.Vj,- NEW,BRlSC.CIf tirtE'icUE ? Next Game Saturday, Railroad . rV,-H'"vs Llarrle I'l'enijb f STANDING X CLUBS 'V " ' -. . w ' l p.c.' - v Men ,V,t . 5 luni' ssi rs.'. 4 ' 2 U-V' Men..;; 2 t Sy 2S6 : -r- f T''-ead CI ' 1 v n L. ''Washington At Valley Forge," the firtt'1 6f ftho new; f: Universal" f eature PifM to be shown at the Star theatre was exhibited - there' y est erda'jT before a large aumence and it- gave general tisfaction 'and in J fact . was.highiy praised. 1 te , $tar has takeii; pa the Universal 'service indxf '; ahd iheir prio- grain each day will consist of several "AN AMERICAN CITIZEN'V WAS J , SENT TO WRONG PLACE ' , An. American i-ituen was. to have been shown at the Athens theatre today but V through a 1 misunderstanding at Durham the picture was -sent to Attan ta,".Ga.V; aijd cannot be shown at the Athens until a later date which' will be announced. f ;"-v;i i . 'l.-.'nSrir.-rS.lif GET TOGETHER SOCIAL ? To Ba HeldvAt fhl fin Baptist : " Church Tonlflhi. v. . fA . Following thej prayerTitWce'Which will be held at 8 o'clock' tonight at the First Baptist i churcly.tWmoas' and their friends , will assemble on the church hWnf , which rifl be brilliantty illuminated and there a'; socially hour Will be '.spent. 5 Rcfreshmeots will be served and in fact the gathering will be aregular, "get acquainted meeting.". Rev.-L: B. Padgett requests all members to be 'present with their friends. ' I Miss Nina Gatlin who has. jut com.- pleted her course at tha Eaati Carolina Training school at - Greeirviller N. C. is in the city to spend the summer with her sister, : Miss Hattie' Gatlin. .'Miss4 Gattin ! will leave in September for Scotland Neclc, where she has accepted a position as teacher inthe school there. Mrs. Campen, ; Mrs. W. W. Hooker, and .daughter and Miss Love Eastwood, of Alliance, spent yesterday in the cityTers. However, up to. the present time shoppings F Miss Cora Johnson, ; of Pittsburgh,' arrived in' the city, last evening for an extended visit td her sister Miss Edna Johnson. ' ."y".:- Mrs. D. S. ; Fortner, of Cove City, was a visitor to New Be. n yesterday.' 6A. yy SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Premier Carrier of ', the South. LOW ROUND TRIP SUMMER TOU RIST TICKETS NOW ON SALE TO ."THE LAND OF THE SKY" i' AHSEVILLEl, WAYNES VILLE, HEN. DERSONVILLE, TOXAWAY, BRE VARD, HOT SPRINGS, 4vv . ffcv AND ALL OTHER WESTERN NOR- TH.CAROLINA POINTS." '' ". :,Spend ' your .'vacation in the cool mountains of Western North Carolina'. 4 Week . End and Sunday Excursion ssRSit ATXFlZt I fiv-v m. a An ? isi af W i...-;,, .!-:,.?S:iv'i.; M Rl-.te - ;'iMj 1 jaw.'w',','y't,T-' 3v N 5 I New fierii Journal ' N ''X'-lf' I h ereby iigrhe id subscribe to The Daily Journal ,rf'ff"t r -v- - " - 1'.,, Mr aitd . 6;pay,tftCcgrHet 10 cents per week TwLi '; ?J w- 1 t.-. ' - t3l !t: i t3 BEST CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS, -AYS DRANDREAS P.-CHRIS fy " TIAN. OF BOSTON. - V , , v(Speciai to the: jfoilrnaL) 1 p BOSTON, Tune tfl.-The richesice cream And 'plenty; of. the, iinest; chdcoV lates areithe bejt cure fbr delirium tre-J KJ Jfe; ihens -'r.;.plain' drunkenness either, ac- ,, cording to Dr. 'Andreas-F,-Christian, ay ' . t-'!,' . (eading, Back Bay 'practitioner. , '.""," '', , f ' ' t-'Take the case of a man who has been' ; ;fy.i ,' ; v. . . . , JW'. -J'': St ella, apree tor a long -time, said, ne to- -:;i jtf;;C day, ''and the best cure is to give him some suitable food', .therebyj saving the stomach from digesting itself. 4 Ice . ( cream has a cooiing eHect ana tne coiar :, - , ; " ness absorbs the heat of the alcoholic ; . y ffiufi l. inflammation.' In ice cream, we have Z?t::?: .the fat pf real , cream. plus the gelatine "'yy'rt which acts as a prcectiye layer for the j;v X- ;i jf mucoua! 'membrane.jlt?sbsorbs alcohol v 't yy t poison an cools, protects andneals.lf . -' :;. ji: 'y-'"- ' A drunkard has alcdhol iq hu blood in large quantities when he is on a spreei V When he gets caiidy in his stomach' at ", this time he digests it and creates mora- - ; alcohol out of the sugar. But,'strangety enough, this alcohol will serve ;to. -deal- . coholize the stomach and eventually the system. i'AJs. .1; ; .'.-i'NO.RAIN YET , "if... ...... ,." 'vrJeUiv'tj ' Situation Grows More Seriout Each " a.;. n. , ml-, day' morning predicted that rain would fatti in :les; jthan twenty-fiWyhourv, missed their calculattoa. : I hose wno placed faith' m the 'Opinion; of thedl ciples of the gowebone and other signs were- expecting the cooling showers but they failed to materialize and the situation continues to grow' more' ser- 10U8.T' ''' y ' In other parts of North Carolina rain has failed during the week and at Norfolk" there haye been several show- there has been no sign of a downpour since the first week in May. ; ' . Rev. R. B. Dranet of Edenton.andl Rev. J'.jfbyEbethC, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon to attend a"; meeting of; the Standing Committee of, the .piocese, of East Carolina '' round trip tickets on sale to Morehead ttyj ;Beaufort;WHghtsJle,; Wilmingf tonV and various other summer resorts. " W For illustrated bookiet, wluch, will be . of great assistance in planning your summer.' trip, and complete ' detailed V information, ask your t4tej!.wi'V- munlcate wlth.'-jH ;'VW' JOJONES,?3ifeg: - ' lv Travehng ' Passenger .Agent;1' ,e!?.'.;-ii Ralelirh."NJfi'.? ! 4 : . . Children Cry run rLtionttti --t ASTORIA 1 v., aa . y,,-- .n,aaa.,,.:iz i aaiVa! a w w- 1 'VJ tfAta " ' i . . . ? i,. . .);'-:; ; - ment of;Gocycles , : ' J My busy, cut outcoy- V pon oeiow, : nave : some reliable oer- ' s V v., r son 10 sign u, Dring v you can get a Go ? cycle Free. . - - rV ' 1 ! y m i- ' 1 j : . II -'::.y y. yy iz, -y 1 :' j", ' H a ; W:ii 't':!".'i':t" ylM: 1 ' ' '