mi 5 1 1 ' t. , mill I ged Test r 7. 'I r -1 y- r- ; . . I . f - ;.. . 1 .. . , . . i . rr for Pollols tille in the interest of tie Jr S. Mifle "Furniture Company," ? . t. K-X' ndal Jeft yesterday morning for a short business visit to Kinston. j It. Cj J 4tcaer spent 'yesterday at .Grantsborr jFansacting'j business?. mat ters. ' "H , ,'.' " " i Mrs s" L. Bill arid children Miss Jane f anvTMasier Sam kft 'yesterday morn ;&:"' lug for theirssummer home at .Saltair rfv whtte : tody'- vruT spend-the 'summer. 'v Miss. Gptttie-ft Taylo returned home it k' to Greenibcfo yesterday after, spend ing sonie tinie tu the city t V wiring ' Miss Mary .'Louise "jfoies on Broad street , ' : ' $ 5 , Miss.H, . Meet Aijd. Mrs. G. T .! Richardson left v ye'sterday for 1 M ore head City where, they will spend several days... ;'i '.! : ''''' -'"A'i-Vi. V ' Miss Bettie Tolson, Df'Croatan, pass ed through the city ;yesterday morning enroute to Polloksville where she will 'spend some tune visiting relatives and friends. ' "Miss Ada Pigott passed through Ntw . Bern. yesterday trtorning enroute home to Bogue frpm . a. visit to froends in -to'Bogue from a visit aft Norfolk. Mrs.Geoie AVooten, of Fort Barn well, spent yesterday in the city with friends. , Mrs. M. t). Lane of Fort Barnwell, passed throught he city yesterday morn ing enroute tO"! Wilmington to visit relatives.: - : ,. ? Miss Catherine Cobb who has been visiting in the city as the guest-of Miss Alary Louise Jones, left last night for her home in Portsmouth. : Mrs. Will Morrison, jof Bclhaven, passed through the citv yesterday morning enroute to Wilmington where she will spend some timev - - p- ;!. J. L. bauls, of Fort Barnwell, was a :. business visitor to; the city vesterday '?'jAfb:- ' rtr..:' - .- "4' ' Mif-s Clara Btll Chadwick, of Pol- ' S ay ' ' C 1 ' luIkSw v-- ai in .i.y tiwwhr V Judge O. H. Guion spent yesterday -'at.Vancbboro. G. V. Richardson passed through the city yesterdav afternoon enroute, J ij'' home to Dover from Vanceboro., fi'' Li F. Swain, of Beaufort, passed i through : New Bern yesterday ;atcr- If. ;'aooir enroiite home , from a " business .v. istt, to Washington ie V,Vi D, -Alittnv of Kav$tdck(lvas a busi- "S f tiess visitor to the city yesterday: ?'-'l fir: 1 'k'.' i-'. : s i ' a", . --v Iveff, ? left- yest e rday , af terfioon Ocean .View, where- he will deliver 4 ( t ," i j an address at a meeting of the North "A.'1'! J 'Carolina Seed, Crushers Association '&$MMiMwyJJ?i-fi- V; viii.' v' v ;" ... ... 1 . . r.i; ir:.w..i.F t.--.t.: . v-v :.': r..:-.. .. . . . ' - i ' y-i ' MiseaiQiw r asmaa returnea ia evening from . BaKnnor? . wnetfe" he eperi some time visiting friends and relatives. ' ' i " 7 ;JF': I 1 I I u:,-.-:v,l: Iff? ;f f llr'' '' ":'' 't1- .:v' f w;r.',. r-vr- :;;jGiL later Ti;r. jgh. ,SIF.!!KiIS:BF,fLOeiOJ GRANDEST Aft 1 MOST MIGHTY ' 3 4DF ANY PHENOAI ' " WASHINGTON, P- ,C4- Jxine,, 24 Ninety; billion: tons 'of witer. areffarried nouny: uiraiign me riraiiu8 ui. j ioriaa -by the Gulf 'Stream, according'' tj. Ad' miraLJohn,.:.Pill5hurvvyL& ym grapbic iSocJety ,al tW ashingtrxti , D.. C. This stream, he. savsj-is probably the grandestAnd moat mighty al any ter restrial phenomenon.., x ' :.' ' this one hflur's ftow.of water cmld ixFf-evaporated, the remaining' '.waits would" retjuiremany time: more than .-if i. : '. ' . ..li .L . ( I .. . nil iue siuyti ir ai iiic iwuifu t vdii it, sayt Adniiral PilKsbnry., "It is du ficult. for the .mind .to grasp the immen sity - fthfe great-; ocean jjver. . When one.iH) board a" vessel, floating: upon its waters, one is not as much impressed MliXICo CITV, June 24 .--Greoi-io' at,the power and grandeur of this won- Alcarez, the Filipino servanr of Cap der of ;tsature as-.he is; when he stands tam Rush, of the United St tts bat before.i.&'.'towering mountain, an lm- tlesl ip Florida, for whom tie state mense iceberg, or a fall of water such depatment at Washington ins ituted a as Niagara but. when -one remembers search, walked into the Brazil, in Icga that; the. mighty torrent, spbeding i.n tjon tndav and introduced hii isolf to hour by hout and day by day in a vol- the miristtT. H showed no iyns of time equal to all the largest n ei b of I ill feat nent the world combined,- carrying its bene- AU-arw said he wan release ! from ficentc'heat to temper he climate off the Santii.kro military prison j me ), continents, one begins to realize that when at: tne invitation of his fellow 6f all the: forces of the physical .world prisoner, a Mexican, he went, f Tisa noneaii.equa1 this one of the riyer of pan. a few miles from the ca)iti '. He the oceaii. , remained there until today, wl he . . 'It is interesting to note in the his tory of the Gulf Stream how great us influence: has been on the fortunes of the New Wrorld. Before the discovery of America, strange woods and fruits were frequently found on the shores of Europe borne of these were seen bv Columbus and to him were .convincing evidence that strange lands were to the westward. These woods were ear ned by the Gulf stream and by the pre vailing winds from America, so that m part, the. stream is responsible for the discovery of the New World. Pnnce de Leon. : while searching for the fountain of Youth, discovered this Stream. He sailed southward along the coast of Florida thus stemming the current. He says they found a current that, though the wind Was good, thev could not stem. It semeed that their vessels were going fast through the water, but were being driven back in spite of tjie strong and favorable wind. One ship was soon carried awav by the current and lost from sight, although it was a clear tky. "The1 theories as to die cause of o eati ctirrents have been' many. In recent times the .covrew lof enriertvf has Wen laid to rivers and the QriilSiream cbiet 1 to the Mississippi! In actual fact about 2,000 such rivers would be re quued.c In the tropical regions there i ii . steady movement of the air from east to weft known as the trade windt. Winds blowing over the .surface of the water induce -a Current in the latter due to JTrfctipn. ' A.t. first it only the nieret sltim tmit rtinven. hut cradnallv the - f o J mutton is communicated from layer to layer until at last, if the wind is long continued as, in' the trade wind region, the ijaovetneat extejids to lower depths 300 4Q0 feet, or perhaps more. "These trade"wind currents continue across the SribbeUii untd. they , reach the ob uctlon of the Honduras and Yuca tan1 coasts, from wbicb they escape into the Gulf of Mexico.' ' 4 (." Anofher source of Jt"b Gulf Stream is the.waye caused by the"Winds, Every rippje carries a certain amount of water in the direction toward which it is flow ing rrrespectJve ol the current7 taused by its friction, and when he waves become large,- tone of water are hurierl "STARTS ERIDAY MORNING. t Jl vv.';?. rXmM- 'vf.Ui from tne t i.itv.the troujli every time the wave bnB4k.; .In a large area like tha Carlbbtftil,' tvng a conipara tveyBonstant wiftrf blowing oyer its wjtole.mirface.othis wtion is practicayy a simultaneous tnove;at.'of the sur face, waters to the west w.trd ; y ':jr "Tjhere , is cvery eyiinee that the Gulfc-Streani is ovetnl. absolutely, by IawVn B its . varlatio ? 4ts course through the oceah Is '.without:-doubt. iedf its fluctuations are liy da'ys. men ths, seasons, or by years; but ihey doliot vary materially ne year from thebther. So we may -conclude t t all the physical forces von ttys rath-. that are ubi(t, to i any variations at, all ihe great ocean' cilrrbnts $re mist immut able,",. FIlLIPIi'fiKO III MEXICO CITY CREGORIO ALCAREZ TALKS IN TO Brazilian Legation APPARENTLY UNHARMED read a newspaper account of the search beim; made for him b the Mcxicin police. He then camt here immer.iatelv. He said he had no n oney and had been unable to return to Vera Cruz. Alcircz said lie loft Vera Cruz May 6 to buy fruit for Captain Rush,. On passsing the Mexican lines he wu ar resred as a spy. He did not revea hi? connection with the linited St ties navv. He was taken to Paso del .'la ciio. then transferred to Cordoba. I he Filipino arrived in Mexico C ity in custodv on May 10, and was t rst con i.ied in the imlitarv barracks. On May 15 ne was removed ti antiigo prieon. A'rarez s.nd he was tried ami ai quiiied on a charge of demg an Aii en ean spy. He will leave Mexico i ii.v tomorrow for Vera Cruz. The Local Woodmen Arc Going To Will TO lim'FIL A MONUMENT THAT PLACE NEXT SUNDAY The, Woodmen J the World have erected a monument at the grr.ve of Sov. Edward Iscilsou, who lies buried at Witt, Cartciet'county, and t le local I ra mn nf WnfKitnpn will riinrtnrt th1 dtdkioty' rvim at. t ie erave on Sunday next, They will leave New Bern on the 5:53 train Saturday evening for More-! head City and take an carl) start fromj there" by ' boat Sunday morning and return in time for the evening train i home . i "All the members who. can possibly j o, arc requested to meet at the Wood-j man Hall, Saturday evuning at 4 o' clock for re.ff&lia. The teams esueciallv are' urged to be in readiness with full numbers. Mrs. C. M, Kehoe and son returned' last evening from Seven Springs where they have been speiding several days :V"ii;'.V":-i,':i-:;:- v. . 1EMWELING L FOUR HOMICIDES ANP ONE , NEAR KILLING WITHIN PAST 30 DAYS., ' -":' ' Fayetteville, June 24. :A wave of crime has been hanging over Fayetta vijle and Cumberland county recently. Within the last 30 days four homicides hare been committed three in Fayette ville and its suburbs and one in a re mote township. Besides there was a "near" killing when two young men engagee in a pistol battle at Man chester, 12 miles north of the city. Both jvere shot, one very seriously ,a'nd he is now lying io Highsmith hospital Dnfi r.f rtin.a . H,.Al.iT . ..w . Nvmumi wao juitjjr accidental, and the coroner's jury dis - .--harged the defendant a negro. The i 1 I We Bay ill I1 If you want to Bay LOT. HOM E, FA RM DdaieFs Building j -- fr.r case of Eugene Howell ho killed "Kin"; Lancaster, Jjoth, white, was what snigfct be 'called accidf.atal.frVa Way, tor. the reason that' H' well was 'beside himself with drink, a id jdidi not realize wbat be was, doing ! A coron er Y j it rv f otrtjd him guilty c ftfe killing of Lancaster, and reccomi -ended that he be held with out jbail ' til a rigid inquiry into the case can i had. , He is now in jail.in an awful late of mind over the deed by which h j! took his friend's life and wrecked nis vwn. Lan aster, was burkd with military honor , Monday afternoon, he being a ine nber?of Company F, North Caroli na r auoiial guard. He was married only a f;vv months ago. and leaves a yciing w'.;. He was a weaver in Hilt-Morgan If. c ".ton mills, was a good workman, ind veil liked, although he .was "wi d. ' Howell is also an employe of Holt lviorgan mm ana is a young married nun , Up to the commisssion of the terrihl deed he bore a good reputation. or or LAND Sec We Opposite Gaston Hole! New Bern, N. C An ' -I". ' ,tJrtMMW'Wti -;-vv Marine news, j s "The -gae freight boat, Daisy' arrived ... i .part ye .terday ,vfroni Qrietal for ' a cargtt of merchandise, ' '"' vj, f.z '-7 The gat ' freight": boat Lena-. arfiyecT in port ye terday from Swansb&f,witl : a cargo c lumber.'' J The g. s freight ' boat Alphonso lef't.' ycstertla' for Beaufort with' a cargo. of menl andite ,' ' y The as freight boat Charmer left J1 yesterd; y for Swansboro -with a, carga2 '; of mere' andise. ' . ' The wo mast schooner Bertie 'will leave tj is morning for Wit with a cargo. of ;ner. handise. The gas freight boat Wave left yes-, terday for MorehcaJ City with a cargo. of me: :handise. ' . I I 1 t I Sell A TIMBER l i 1 i f ) t 1 s 1 M 'IS u Sale 5 2 : -Xy. y Kt ft i." fir ? -r in: ? v w Sell 'it tit -: