.iJ:''! ?' '''.V'.. 7; ii rm xs EM DEATH. ; by.&oihebikg Eat Hastt.WiA Aid of Cardui, K ft, ' Effects Her Belifertnce. Draper, N C Mrs. Helen Dalton, ol f !( t i t ., mil place, sayw i siuierea ior jwn, i f ; f with pains in tar left side, and wpuid p.!- jtoftea almost smother to death.' t A V & ; S: but then I would set worse aeata.i Rrul- medicines paitncu; wc ujj , iu ; HS4?3$lnr Cardidt-'-flie woman's .tonic, so he V 'iVfyt;- ? bought me a bottle and I began using it sVwVsV itdid me more eood than aU 'the medi- ; tines 1 had taken. ' " ' kw ; $&? bare Induced tnany of my friends to S i lry Carduit: and they, all say they have been benefited by its use. There never has been, and never will be, a medicine i s comoarft with Cardufc I. believe It is t good medicine foe an womanly uou- ;i For over 50 years, Cardut has been re " Heving woman's sufferings and building , weak women up to health, and strength. 11 you are a woman, give it a fair trial. . it should surelv helo you. as it has a mitlinn nthrr. V,' n : 'i - ' '- Get bottle d Oif iuJ 9-dsy. I" 1 WHtt ft CbKnoor MtdlefM Co, Ladle1 :'- AdTlsory Dept. ' OhotMnooe. Term., (or SfcM i - l.muJmh nn Mn, mu Ind 8i-mn hMll. Hnmi vTUnat lor Women," In plain wrapper. N.C.1SS LILLIAN NORDIC A IS BURIED IN ; ; LONDON. LONDON, June 24, Funeral ser vices wereconducted today for Mme. Lillian Nordica in the King's Weih House Church, My fair,, where she was married five years ago to George W. Young, a New York banker and law yer. , Mr, Young was the chief mourner. Ambassador Page was represented by his secretary. " Mme, Nordica died on Thursday Island, in the Orient, from pneumonia, about three weeks ago. NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue of the power conferred in that certain deed of mortgage ,ex ., ecuted to the undersigned by Mack Pool( and Haniette Pool, his wife, . dated !6th day of November, 1908, and registered in the office of th? Reg ister of Deeds of Craven County, p. C, In Book 173, page 459, m account of default in the payment of the indebt edness thereby secured, I will on Mon 'day, the 27th day of July, 1914, at the . . hour of 12 o'clock, noon; at the court ; ;hous? door of said:c6unty, in the city tof New Bern, sell tp th highest bidder, 'for cash; at public auction, the follow- . .! irlg described tract, or jparcel of land ? : t situated ' "and 'beinirin said county in townsliip No. Eight and described and defined aba follows:. A Certain - ijot situated in 'the City of New Bern on the south 'side of Queen Street, ' . beginning -at Gatsey Green's north-. v ! ; east corner pd runs east 25 feet parallel ;'.;4!S?with Queen "street to.Pennia Battle's , ' .. line, then With Pennie Battle's line sou thward 84 fee, thn4 westward 25 I , feet, then north ward to the beginning, the lot being; 23 feef fronton Queen I ' i street. 1 It . peing lurxntr ucscnueu an the land wherein f said mortgagors This 24th ciay oi".,funet 1914. Mortgagee. Attorney, r,q:ml, SANITARY j INSPECTORS , . , 1 J DOING GOOD WORK ARE yi$p$hW&&W Inspectors McCoy and Bri- .7 jiV.'eQnj'are, makine the rounds of the city -tti'al this time and ife their reports they state the conditions were never better. y t.41tfi4iti The inspectors y A. t' citijens are' taking a, ' ..i' SvT' tlie improvements in t that the colored great interest in improvements in the sanitary con- dition of the cityand are., rendering ;, much aid. ..7" 4 (I , ; 1- - i'V f;SSi80uaHty not quan .?$9t wfftity at! Hackburhs Wood's Seeds Seed Potatoes fOR TAIL CROP. ;( d The planting of Seed Potatoes in June and July is increasing to a wonderful , extent ; A great man?!. fanner claim thatk they give L ettef crop planted at thi time than they do when planted in the cprin. Potatoes planted in June and July mature in the cocl weather of the fall, at a time when they Can be harvested to 1; ft-lvantage.' ' ', ' ' C c : 1 Pet.itoc J wj offer i ' colj ctorae f nVin i, eo 1 3 to keep ii i. ' li G4 A, , IGGINS CUT . SVITH , U KMFE-r-OTHER ' NEAVS j ' ' 'tM Vl ITEMS.'1 frf;t I 'f "(By L'ncle Nathan)1 : OCEAN,'June,23.-tAt seven oclock on the flioning of June- the sixtentTi,' the.Death vtngeli visited the home'of Mr. .and Mrs; B.- J. Taylor,! Who reside near this .places and carried t Heaven their little two year old son, Ira Wash ington. ' t , The death of Ira has caused a wound in the heart of his parents that no hUr man tongue can heal. The dear son has gone to that land of light where the writer's eyes will get their sight when at the . Master's feet he kneels and on his brow his hands I feel. This infant now bathes in the river in which flows the water of life. I A few days ago G. A- Higgins, whi.e handling' a knife, was unfortunate enough to cut himself very painfully. The wound inflicted, was in his leg just above the knee. Medical aid was summoned and the wound was treated. ' The continuous dry weather has been slightly changed by a few local showers, but the Crops are still in need of a good downpour. . Mrs. Mat Toison, of Swansboru, who has been visiting relatives and friends here, has returned home. Bogueland- is to Ix- o.iigrau'lated on her freight lines to i.w Btrn am1 Mare head City. Captain' George Tavlor's boat, Bernice Clvo, oes to New Born every week and supplies the trade at many points between New Bern and Stella. Captain Taylor for many years operated his own boat and worked up a trade, and he has shown excellent judgment in the selection of Captain W.'L. Taylor who now run? the Bernice Cree. I REPUTATION FOR TRUTH -I FULNESS MAKES ADVERTIS l ING PAY. .Advertising pays. Every onf. knows that. But not all know ex actly why and how it pays and why it continues to pay contin uous advertisers. ' ft pays because of the reputa tion the advertisers have made for telling the truth, for fair dealing and for business honesty. IT IS "WICKED TO LIE; AND IT IS ALSO FOOLISH. Just think how fxtremely foolish it would be to ' pay for advertising space in which to spread falsehoods. ' Merchants know that their f ."reputations ' for truthfulness in jthe idvertisments is their besf business asset. They know -that" : to make their advertising valuable , it must be believed; it must be . truthful day after day, week after ; week, month after month. Read the advertisements in 'The JOURNAL closely ' and" ' rer , ' : member that back of every state ment is the reputation of a lead ing merchant, a reputation he has spent years in acquiring and which , he will guard closely. ' Oh What Fun To Have A Run On a Gocycle New Bern Journal ' ' I herebyagVee to subscribe1 to The Daily Journal ' for six mnnthft to be delivered 'to-' ' r. -' v.'.'-' .'v:? ;;' - . - , ? 'i ;Iand to pay the carrier .V;; &tty ' , . . -x Gocycle tola ivca to CAPTAllTHADSELL;. Columbia Vrity. Rov. y "kv '.nB Cpii Por 1914. . Photo by American Presa Asaooiation. ORDINANCE Alderman Ellis moved the ad-iption of the following ordinance: He it ordained by the Board of Al dermen of ihe City of New Bern. Section 1. That Chapter 17 of th. ordinances of the city be amended by adding at the end thereof the following: Section 12. It shall be unlawful for any person afflicted with the smallpox to be in or go upon any street of the city. Whoever violate this oidinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor, and, upon cdhviction thereof, shall be fined the sum of fifty dollars or be imprisoned for thirty days. 6-16-tf. F. T. Patterson. Clerk. Fine Gantelopus and home grown tomatoes at E. B. Hackburn's Boys and Girls an other large ship ment of Gocycles has arrived, , get busy, cut out cou pon below, have some reliable per son to sign it, bring It to The j Daily Journal where ' y I " -I 1 ' you can get a Go- cycle Jfree. 1 -Vf 1 J i 4 10 cents per week - ' . , s-'ijrti rf.i' ' ' 1 iV' I . V u Bawiwiiiiiwiiiir i i'1 RESCUERS CONTINUE SEARCH IN SHAFT WRECKED BY EXPLO , Ilillcresl .Alberta, June 23. Govern ment mine experts who continue to day the search for the dead in mine No. 20, Hillcrest collieries,-which was wrecked by an explosion, entombing 195 miners last Friday, said it was probable the many victims still in the mine were buried beneath tons of rock more than a thousand feet from the mouth of the pit, and that some of the bodies never would be recovered. The majority of the bodies thus'far recovered were biirned beyond recog nition and b..t little effort was made to identify them. As quickly as cof fins were available the victims were buried. The generally accepted theory is that the disaster was due to an explosi :i of gas which had accumulated in the iow r levels. The coroner's inquest hai been adjourned until early next month. Recovery by rescuers of fifty bodies lying in ine of the tunnel i of mine Nn. 20 of the IIillcrel Colliery Company today brought up to Ifil the total of recovered dead ; t the mine which was wrecked by an e xplosion Friday. Eighty grave-diggers worked all day in the little mountainside cemetery just out side of the village and b;. night is is expected the greater part of the for mer male population of the mining colony will be resting there. Take Plenty of Time to Eat. There is a saying that "rapid eating slow suicide." If you have formed the habit of eating too rapidly you are most likely suffering from indigestion or constipation, which will result eventu ally in serious Illness unless corrected. Digestion begins in the rno'ith. Food should oe thoroughly masticated and insalivated. Then when you have a fulines9 of the stomach or f.:el dull and stupid after eating take one of Cham berlain's Tablets. Many severe cases of stomach trouble and constipation have been cured by the use of these tablets. They are easy to take and most agreeable in oToct. Sold by all dealers. DAVIS' CARRIAt jK PAINTS are colors gronnd in touy h, clastic Coach Varnisli and o.u- coat will make your failed automobile or carriage look like new. They are easy to apply and dry with a strong, hiyrh , elo.ss-clinchirii; Enam el finish. Made for wear and tear, i For Sale Bv NEW BERN BUILDING & SUPPLY GO. The Hygeia Cafe and Confectionery 133 MIDDLE ST. Exclusive Agents for tha famous Velvet Ice Cream The Smooth kind. Served at Fountain, or sold in any quantity Fruits- Cigars-Candies Phone 773 I j I fill f.! V ' ' ' un-W " ' ' THE : MflH WHQ SHAVES HIMSELF WOOD-LANE TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY I hereby announce my candidacy for the Legislature, and respectfully ask all democrats of Craven County to give me their support. The primary is called for Saturday Jure 27th 1914, from sunrite until sundown, and I would appreciate the work of my friends at the polls on that day. Very Respectfully, G. A. WHITFORD. MORTGAGE SALE, REAL ESTATE By virtue of a power contained in a mortgage deed recorded in the Register of Deeds Office of Craven county, in Book 193, Page '5, the un dersigned will on the Hth d,r. of .fi:ly, lal-4, at the Court Hou'se door in -New Bern, N. C, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the- highest didder fr cash, all the following described real estate, in Craven county, in Cove City, described in a deed fr"m thei.aul and! mprovement Co., of N. C, to Ma v.r Dixon, rcorried in said Register of Deeds Office in Book 151, rage -! m). Saving and excepting a one four.!' undivided interest conveyed to Levi Patrick, by deed recorded in s iid Reg ister of Deeds Orbce, in Book U.6, Pago 450. Said land adjoins J. E. Daughert y land and land of E. H. Heath and c tains after excepting the part -)hi i Levi Patrick, seven and one h ill t-cre. Time of le 12 o'clock, M. R. E. OAVhNPORT, Mort-;a -e, June 15, 1'.'I4. The finest Tub Butter in New Bern only 35c lb. Hackburn OCCUPATION IS SELLINGS UBipURE DRUGS. THERE ARE UNITED 29,704- ill EHAS fcoSi: on ftQfi jrt. MAI Jr5- ! mil mmrmmm ltB"- llr If Each of Our 90,000,000 People Have A Full Set of Teeth That Would Mean A Total of 2,880,000,000 If Jhe Lady Dentists extract an average of ore per day, it would take them 3,564,356 days to pull them all. Of course one likes to wait on the lt.dies, but if your tooth is aching hard Toothache Wax, Will Give Instant Rcliel! Bradham Drug Company . pep si i - eallhful hvisdralini!-- Refrcsii? know che desirability t4 usinfl only; the best shaving accessories. If cheap, adulterated preparations nre 7 ' used, there is hound to be trouble.' ' We. have evrvth:ii for . the man (v who shaves, and a!! Mat' a Wt jni delights to have on h;r toilet ' 1 i tl ; ' and whatever we sell is made o purest matcria's. DRUG CO. STEAMER L B. SHAW Balto. & Norfolk to New Bern SCHEDULE Baltimore 1st l.Stfir Lve. " Norfo:k following days DOCKS lialto. Mi.ler.VVhart FootCarolineSt. Norfolk Jones & Co. Water 3rv New Bern J. B. Blades H0VEST SERVICE TO YOU iMrati' that ( erwli.'Jt j ot: ask for w on it' ou send liit' cliiltin-n forit Ko chance fo-- suhstil ii tion here. If we !i ''n't what you vv.mt ,ve v 11 get. ii fur you And in ac- 'u'datici.' wi;h cue policy oi r ice v e oficr advertised g.iods known to ou throi;oii , iOod lloii-ckecpiiii;" and wiher Iniine niaaraes. i H.C.ARMSTRONG t'ISIl MARK1 1' Summer Uh iias arriv 'ihe Star I' ;h tie fair service. t la-.; fish, (rain anil pel quick: i 1 ran obt.ii'j '''IS Middle ;r d.il tv. Uaim Call them. A. V. V.'A Phone 747. iO.N IN THESE VJSJ STATESvX,S: DENTI5T5 I U-rffEMALES IQJC A PULi- opra " ' t v ' . v. ,.-v h; v S r - ft: I. ft rv ' ,i i' M' i U'W'i . . V , 1 li ) v

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