10 .-K5OT-U CURRITUCK SHERIFF GETS ROY . WILLIAMS, WANTED FOR : - FOR MURDER. ' ' NORFOLK, Vs., July 18. Hand : cuffed and held between two men, Roy Williams, alias Leroy Haines, colored, i arrested Wednesday afternoon for the ". Currituck, N". C, authorities where he ; is said to be, wanted on the sharge of . . killing a young white man named An derson Waterfieid, on Knotts Island, nearly two years ago, was taken to Cur ; rituck Court House yesterday afternnoon : in an automobile by sheriff Robert Lee ' Griggs of Currituck county and his aoo, Thomas G. Griggs. ' Anxious to get the prisoner to Cur rituck county as soon as possible Sheriff Griggs and his son arrived in Norfolk ' at 3 30 o'clock yesterday afternoon after an automobile run' of 73 miles over mud, clay and badly tor up roads in . North Carolina and Virginia, Sheriff Griggs left Powells point about 9 30 o'clock yesterday morning and went to Poplar Branch where he was joined by his son. The two left Poplar Branch at 11 o'clock. They ran into rainstorms and encountered very bad roads. A heavy squall broke when they were near Moyock, causing considerable delay. Sheriff Griggs said yesterday after noon' that he did not remember the full particulars of the murder. He said , 'Waterfieid, another man and Haines, as be - was known in North Carolina, went hunting on Knotts Island, when the gun carried by Haines was explo ded, the full charge of shot entering "Waterfield's left side. Waterfieid died almost instantly. A preliminary investigation was made by six men summoned as a coroner's jury and Waterfieid was released. After some time had elapsed, the mem bers of the jury decided that they were a little hurried in their investigation and a warrant O MARKC was secured charging TELL Utn SftY, NO SIR-E-E NAMES MIGHT COME UP BEFORE ''PLUCKING BOARD." WASHINGTON, July 18. Repre sentative Henslev of Missouri, the man who fights the hardest for a small navv. fought lust as hard today to expose the names of naval officers who are too fond of grogg, while the navy's "rummies" were just as vigorously defended by Representative Britten, "who comes from the beer garden dis trict of Chicago. The row occurred in an executive session of a sub-committee of he Navy Affairs Committee ap pointed to report on the Beakes bill to reinstate Capt. Gibbons, V. S. N., who was "plucked'' by the "Pricking Board" along with fourteen other vig orous, office rs a few weeks ago. It deceit "(1 in the hearing, at which Admira1 i niht of the " Plucking Board' 'was the i rincipul witness, that there"! "was not a blot on Capt. Gibbon's rec ord, and t' r.t officers w hose official rec ords are "spotted" with cases of drunk enness wore passed by the board and are still in the navy. Whereupon Repre sentative Hensley demanded that their nar'"- be told and their records be un folded to the world. Representative Britten jumped to his feet and pro tested i against what he termed would b "gratuitous disgrace." He Saved the day for the navy's drinking men, us a vote on the Hensiey propo sition resulted in its defeat. Admiral Knight said the retirement of Capt. Gibbons was a distinct loss to the navy, and that the efficiency of the navy had been marred by the ' plucking of the other captains on the : list, but that the law had to be com- - plied with and somebody had to be plucked. When the Admiral was "asked why the board selected Capt, Gibbons to be retired, he replied , ."Because he had only three years at sea in the last thirteen." B G IIHUDEEILIE BILL AT ATHENS THIS WEEK LiS LJ III t iV,; PRETTY GIRLS AND FUNNY 'ii!COMMEDIANS - GALORE' fi i -ii-J sTh following article relative . to , i v Oliver's Grand Jubilee Company which rf 'Visito be seeif at the Atheps theatre' all n ;ttni Weak, was taken from the Greenville, ' i,S. C daily paper , ' . r "In the Oliver's Grand Jubilee -com '.; pany' the Majestic theatre has brought - the music loving and the dance loving ' ' public -an' Opportunity td hear and f see the best . 1 at a price that Is a -mere ' ' i 'j&tile i ' cbmparicon to . the ; Worth .' of the evenings. ! . It would be worth - ' in my humble opinion, to visit .... , . . ,5 t?,.-,.t,t or tomoncy t noon or night, just to see Elma La Ches.. ter,"the girl on per toes.- Not to sug gest, of course,- that here are '"a great many , excellent musical features Bind various 'other;; kind of diversions and special events introduced during the hour between-the opening chorus and the final faugh cf the afterpiece.,." But to go back to the girl on nrr toes, " it cav be said in- t;ruth that one would to go a long time and see a great many .dancers, before finding another just such. She is the best seen in this city in many moons. 3 ; - t .. Elma La Chester, the danseuse, is the very imagery of - poetry- and the soul of motion. Charming in face and figure, she is like some exquisite exhal ation from the passing spirit of spring in all its delicate loveliness. The offering last night was in the form of a minstrel.but is different from anything of its kind ever seen at the Majestic. The show opens with the usual minstrel setting. The special scenery is a noticeable feature to the semi-circled group of real performers. Exquisite gowns worn by the women affords a pleasing contrast On each end of the semi-circle are two black-face comedians and they are the "limit", affording opportunity f,or..enough non- sense to give the onlookers a pain in the side. There was music in that part of the show also-don t forget that. In fact there was music and merriment all through the evening and good' harmony. . IF car RS ARE EXPt EO six Negroes Have Nabbed. Already Been DETECTIVES DO GOOD WORK. kPfctb Thefts From Cars Have Been; Go ing On For Some lime. Hp, ItW was authoritivelya- stated last nifght by both the police and the Norfolk Southern Railroad detectives, that sev eral more arrests in connection with those of the six young negroes rounded upjThursday night will soon follow, W. VV. Morrison, Chief Special Ag ent of the Norfolk Southern in reply to a Journal reporters' question about the cases being, said, "We asked for the continuance in order to properly check up all the cars that have been robbed here in the last two weeks, and also to arest several others deeply implicated in the robberies". Mr. Morrison says there will very probably! be several additional arrests made between now and Tuesday af ternoon, the time set for the' (trial of Albert Pearsall, William Henry Jones, Alvin Hargett, James Ed. Dudley Ed. Carman and Edgar Williams who he and special agent Pettns with Chief Lupton and Captain Bryan locked ip in the county jail late Thursday night. All Classes of Freight Stolen. "Pretty nearly every kind of goods usually shipped by freight has been stolen," is the way the railroad decre tive put it wben asked what was taken f omtheircars. It is said that the goods taken by thenegroesnow under arrest consisted principally of eatables and soft drinks, such as Coca Cola, Pepsi- Cola, etc., though in some cases some of them got clothing, shirts, shoes, dry goods and notions in right valuable amounts. Loud in Praise of Local Police Department. Mr. Morrison gives the credit for this and other catches at New Bern to Chief Lupton and the local police de partment. He says, " Without the assistance-of Chief Lupton and his efficient police department we would be unable to get such good results from our efforts to keepp the New Bern yards clean of theives," and, "we are highly indebted to them for the pro tection they give our property at all ti,qies." It could not be learned last night who are the next to be arrested, but 1 6 it is hinted that some bigger fish, closer to the bottom of the sea of trouble will be brought to the surface after ; the "smaller fry" is cleaned off, : ' ; ' Chief ; Morrison and detective Pet- ters signify their intentions to stay 'af, X New Bern until . . everv oerson impli- ca'ted In the car robberies are arrest- fed and, tried. The. say, "w will re main here until every man. woman and child wH6 took any part In the car rob beries of the past few weeks are brought before the Mayor (or whatever dispo- sition'tfle evidence in the cases warrant His Honor in making." ' , ' f . at Cyras was a -valiant man, , 1 A fellow of decision. , , . , f And Deeded not their mocking words, Tbslr tighter and derision. C Twice did his bravest efforts fall, ' ' - And ret bis mind was stable. Be wasn't the man to break bis heart '' : Because he broke-his cable. - - t f"e more, mr rlint boysr be erlea. '. 1 .: :? tfmee you now the fable ,T i it tJKr muttered be, " -f i It ' cable.'' . MOR ARRESTS RUBB fwT ATHENIA LODGE No. 8, K of P. Meets every Tuesday 8 p. m.; over Gas Co's office, Middle St., J.' R. White head C. C, J. H. Smith, K of R and Visiting brothers are assured of cheva lier's welcome. CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY Meets second and fourth Wednesday nights at 7j30' o'. clock in each month at Knights of Har mony hall,, corner Broad and" Hancock streets, J. K. Willis, President; R. J. Disosway, Secretary; George Moulton, Financial Secretary. RATES.TO THE 'SEASHORE -ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South ROUND TRIP RATES From New Bern, N. C. To Washington, D. C $ 15.00 To Baltimore, Md 1 Pn To W Vn,lr flfy To Boston, 7 ? Tickets on sale every day until S.pt tember'30th, via Goldsboro, Norfolk, and Steamer, with final return limit October 31st, 1914. . . To Wrightsville Beach, N. C.$4.25 Tickets on sale every day until Sep tember 30th, with final return limit October 31st, 1914. To Wilmington, N. C. $2.85 Tickets on sale for all trains each Saturday and for all forenoon trains each Sunday until September 13th, 1914 mited returning to midnight of the day next following date of sale. To Wilmington, N. C. $1.25 Tickets will be sold for all forenoon trains of each Sunday only, until Sept ember 13, 1914, inclusive, limited re turning to midnight of date of sale. For SUMMER EXCURSION RA TES to many Mountains, , Lake and Pleasure Resorts, and for any oth r in formation, reservations, etc., call on T. H. BENNETT, Ticket Agent, or address W. J. CRAIG, Pass. Traf. Man. Wilmington, N. C. T. C. WHITE, Gen. Pass. Agt.. Winston. N. C. Stops Neuralgia Kills Pain. Sman's Liniment gives instant relief for Neuralgia or Sciatictf.VIt goes straight to the painful partSoothes the Nerves and Stops the Pain, It is also good for Rheumatism, Sore Throat Chest Pains and Sprains. You don't need to rub it penetrates. Mr. J. R, Swinger, Louisville, Ky., writes: ' "I suffered with quite a severe Neuralgic Headache for four months without any relief. I used Sloan's Liniment for two or three nights and I haven't suffered with my head since." Get a bottle to day. Keep in the house all'the time for pains and all hurts. 25c; 50c, and $1.00, at your Druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for all Sores. DIVIDEND NOTICE Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad Company Office of Treasurer. Goldsboro, N. C, July 8, 1914. The Board of Directors of the At lantic & North. Carolina Railroad Osmpany has declared a dividend of one and one-half per cent on jthe capi tal stock of said company payable at the office of the Treasurer at Goldsboro, N. C, on and after July 13th, 1914. Books for transfer of Stock will close this day at 12 o'clock M., and reopen at 12 o'clock M., July 14th, 1914. T. W. Slocumb, Treasurer.- ' r-10-5ti. TOBACCO TWINE ? - v. y v-, .i, 1 Order Ybiir Supply Now; Mowers-Rakes-Cultivators : ' a f.H6rseMUleCovChidcen-Hog PQULTRYWARE Phone 104. New, t:a9 N. C 2 '-..' ' TO - ' ' ' -' V" NORFOLK J - " i VIRGINIA BEACH . " MOREHEAD CIT V" ' -' . -' BEAUFORT. :- Round trip ' Summer Tourist, Week End, and Sunday Eicursion fares Season 114. ''-. NORFOLK,. T Week-end 14,75. Sunday Ticket $2.80. ' ' Week-end Ticket . on sale Saturday trains June 5th to Septem ber 12th Inclusive. Limited to fol lowing; Tuesday.. No atop OTers al lowed. - ; ' '-.'f',. Sunday Tickets on sale Midnight train - Saturday . night - limited to leave Norfolk 9 :M P. M. Sunday night following. ' No stop over, no baggage, nor sleeping car accomo dations allowed." - ; ' - VIRGINIA BEACH. ' ! Add 40c on Norfolk rate, earns limitations as to Norfolk. ' : ; V MOREHEAD CITY. Season ticket . $1.0; Week End $1.50; Sunday Ticket fl.M. Season Tickets sold daily May 15th to Sep tember 30th, 1914. Limited Octo ber 31st, 1914. Stop overs all points, usual baggage allowance. ' - - Week End Tickets on sale for all Saturday and for Sunday morning train May 30th to and Including September 13th. Limited to Tues day following date of sale. No stop overs, usual baggage allowance. , , Sunday Ticket on sale each Sun day, May 31st to and . including September 1 3th. Limited return same date. No stop overs or bag gage allowed, BEAUFORT. Add 20c to rates to Morehead city, same ' limitations as to Morehead City " WEEK END INCLUDING HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS. Board and lodging, Saturday sup per to and including Monday break fast, and transportation. Rate $6.00 Tickets sold each Saturday, June 20th, to and including August 29th 1914. Limited to return Tuesday following date of sale. No stop ov ers allowed. Usual baggage allow ance. Extension of tickets. Week end and Sunday tickets to More head and Beaufort can be extended en application to agent and pay ment of difference in rate. For further information apply to T. H. Bennett Ticket Agent, Phone 737 or E. D. Kyle, T. M.t H.S.Leard G. P. A., Norfolk, V. POTTER i ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS Survey, Maps, Plans, Esti-r mates: Municipal Im provements; Reclamation andDevelopment of Wet, Overflowed Land. etc. OFFICE: Coca-Cola B'ld'g New Bern, N. C. R. H. EAGLE CIVIL ENGINEER. : ; Rooms 408-9 Elks Tempk . -V New Bern, N.C, ".ra Surveys and . plans c for land drainage and munici pal improvements a spec ialty. , General surveys, maps, plans, specifications estimates., , - - ft if. 1 DON'T DELAY, - ' ' . Those who are continually planning to be- iv'iv gin saving some day,; when it is convient, sel- Vr' dom save anything at any tjjpne--Tho6el-rJn'the ; " ' Mother" hand,' who make lattice ot saving" il , small sums regularlv wU) ccQmulate a substan : f tirlfund. - - ' '- ' 4 '. Deposit $1.00 or more with ; this strong, - safe bank and make additions to your account : vA ffi- V' at regular iptervals.' 3 ' ' 1 r ; - - 4 Jf;- ' 1 i Vnri - will alnrava K n aai i rtA - nf i nmmnf j i ',-.' corteous treatment at vour savings will draw 4 pounded auarterlv. , ' li. S. N. Chadwick, Tailor. SUITS MADE. TO ORDER- - We do Cleaning, Pressing and Alterations at Reasonable prices. WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Phone 474 47 MIddlelSt. II WHEN WERE YOUR EYES TESTED. LAST. ? ; . . Your ability to read finev type and see clearly atadis . tance is no proof that you do not require glasses. Frequently that clear vision is obtained by' "a severe strain on -the muscles of the eyes resulting in a disagreeable headache. v t Conserve your good vision while you have it so you mayv never Know me sorrow oi waning signt. , ; ... - V-.y- : , fs;,- , - S. K. EATON, OPTOMETRIST East Carolina Teachers Training School A State school to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. Every energy is directed if to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to I teach. Fall Term begins September 22nd, 1914. 1 , ; For catalogue and other information address I ' ROBT. H. WRIGHT, President, ' 4 - - - Greenville, N. C. Oh What Fun To Dave A Run On a Gocycle . 1 ii "' u.'w" $ 1 I l , j i' '-.i ' New Bern Journal 1 JV " ; ; : . ' I hereby aree, to subscribe to The 1 Daily Journal ' . - for six months to be delivered to r . and to pay the carrier Data. The Peoples Bank and v f ner cent interest, com- w ; ' ' ul 4 1 1 ( -sulli l ) I m ) I S.W. ' - - u Bpys and Girls an--" . . ' 1 ' ft, ,i " ,-'"-' 'J other large ship- 1 ment of Gocycles has arriTed, get ' . busy cut out cou-N, pon; below,' .have some reliable per- i son to sign it, bring it to The Daily TamiI . f A f lUUiuai n u w a w you can get a ' Got cycle Free. i ; , 13 cents i -r r ' i ..t;V t hi