' -r- ' s mi - ... r ii ' ' i i ma .. , ( , , - J t r 4 'I x r i: . ;crn sv. if ; J ADUUl fjl H. L Wootert, . of Jacksonville, C.i was a visitor to thefts tester fMrs. Fred Scott, and sister iss May ' Rider, Heft yesterday morning f A? Moret - head City ; yhere; hey4UapVd Tthe week-end. Mr" and 'jMrs. George N. fves;- .left ,9wn S. C, passed through the-city yes ,j , yesterday morning ior- vuui w. kvcibi " s Miss igitdwai-del' of George- terday ...morning' enrodW1 kome t..from Morehead City where she has been at t tending a house party. , . ' Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Roberts, and Mis- un.-tM.'Eyi Martin $nd Louise Bell left yesxeroay rooming lor pc i.uuyyi. where they will mnd several SSytf.i,-' Miss' Isa Wetherington, left yester day morning foe Clarks to spend a short trae-viaiting reiauvea. -. , -t . p Mias Gertrude ,Hart returned home, to LaGrange yesterday-morning after spending some time in the city visiting ;' i . Mrs. George Daily,-; '.'Mrs. R. L. Gray and: children, , left yesterday morning for, their home in Rockv Mount afterspending several days in the city .: visiting relatives and friends. t j Mrs. W. B. Sanford, returned home to Beaufort yesterday after spending a short time in the city visiting relatives. Mrs. W. T. Wilson and daughter feunice, returned home to Rural Halli N. yesterday after a short visit to the city. , . If Mrs. M. T. Lockheartand daughter, Miss Myrtle, left yesterday .morning for a few days visit to Morehead City. Miss Rachel Tew and Tom Casey, of poldsboro, passed through New Bern yesterday morning enrpute; to Atlantic for a few days visit to mends. , J Miss Minnie Gautierleft yesterday morning for Washington!? Di, C.V to Spend several . months- with' her sister Mrs. Dan Wiggs. William Dunn, Jr.,f left yesterday jnormng fora sttoTj pftsssipnavisrt tq JBeaufort. C. D. Lancaster, left yesterday morii- ing for a business Visit to Oriental. Mn and Mrs: H." H. Mc all left last evening for Moeehead City to spend the iweek-ena. p MisS ruth. Brinson; of BaircL Creek; was a -visiiur iu ut unj'jrarenwjr. ) fe.-.-.-... . . '7 jvi Mrs. William G Jordan, of Stats I'Ville, N. C, arrived in the city last Tevening fbr a-visit of some time to rela tives. t ' ' l;t , " ' 1 i-Mrt. Lt H. Culter, Jr., and children ' left yesterday afternoon for Morehead City where 'they will sjtend several Mrs. Almon Hart. of Tarboro, arrived lm tthe city 1ast .evening frofh;.Virginia Beach,, to spend- several day visiting relaSves.v K ' ' , fv-;Mra-C F.? Ellison, and children left , ' Itst evening tpr Moreheadrt-jty. to 'spend 'n 'j. several days., 11 . , Miss Leonora Greenabaum left-last ' " evening for Morehead Ciy .werqt vshg ' f iwlllspenJ the'jWee'k-end witkber irptjher' : ' v 4i rand sistei: ? 4 Vf 'i r . ' ' V.. , ; - ..Bffrf,CfOrtAjDuM spfenAng1 the "i wek-erid1 wttn 'her 'parents a fieias. y'r .w- Miss MargarfW- yesterdajj s !' .MissJEthel Barefoot; ' ' ( ... ivi iss uuiiiei Dareiuui ui. upooi of. Wilson, pass ''' nootf enroute to Tuscai'pra.'toispifdc )fev- 1 day wUh, friends. J f?.;!", Mr. ftni'Mra-jA. M, Popand Mis) , ' -Carrie i,oifaatf leTt;la:. olght for Nor " fc4k,ashipJtoPi.d anothernortht ern cities for t : t (several, weeks tT Elinor Martin, of Smlthfield T ' a Aiiinlig LienJs Jiear I - r-Bern.-1.: 1 1. BOY SCOUTS, RETURN ( FROM 1 of -thV Boy 'Scout f6rt v he t' snn,, t ,i a boy , i ; ! i : .n,. ,s "' . ... . I am to tell fear ef somChlig evil about to happen, hot flashes, weariness, sallow complexion liv iwi4 umn, wr m yonBrnr ivvihiv' Mit r INVlTEYOUTO SEND TODAY FOR MY FREETEN DAYS' TREATMENT ahfl learn low these ailments oaii be easily and surely conquered at borne without ine aangera ana expense ox an operation. , wnen you ar cured, ana aDle to enjoy life- again, you can pass the good word alone; to same other sufferer. My- home- treat nent Is for vouna or old. - To Mothers of Dauahtera. I will exnlaln hoar tn nuiwim erreen sickness (chlorosis), Irregularities, headaches, and lassitude In young; women and restore them' to plumpness and health. - Tell me U you are worried about your. mr. .nemmwr, n costs you norning to give my- nome treatment a ten days . and does not Interfere -with dally work. If health la umrth ubinn . than accept my renerous offer and write for the free treatment, including; my lUastrated booklet, "Woman's Own Mediear Adviser." 1 wUl send all In plain wrappers poet paid. To save time, you can cut out this offer, mark your feeling-, and return- to me. 8end today,- as you may not see this offer again. . Address, ,.,,, ": MRS MS SUMMERS,, f.r MQNTJtfC Y REPORT OF ' MEAT a, AND MILK INSPECTOR. New Ber'nV N. C, July 7 19l4. T thevonorable!. Mayor : and Board of, Aldermen, of the City t( New Bern, New Bern,'N:'G:, " "- k 6entlern'en-- '- ' .-.! f.;haye,,the honor of submitting my report for the month of June as follows "v We.-will lirst take the condition of the dairies for this, month, -l have'made inspection of the dairies and thiitk that they are doing as well as could be expected. All seem to be trying tor -keep "their dairies and dairy barns in good condition as possible. I . wish to state that the new dairy which will be knpwn as the White House Dairy, I think will be one of the nicest in the State.' This dairy will be owned and operated by Mr. Maine, who is an experienced man in. the business. I don't know at what time he will open his place but I think It will be in a few days now as it is.almost completed and I see no reason why the White House Dairy will not be entitled to a perfest score. ! . I -am very sorry that I am not able to obtain the tuberculine to finish the tests, just as Soon as the State furnishes me with this I will finish the tests. . . The monthly score for the dairies is as follows? 1 Wetherington ..... 70 Whitehurst i 74 Pigfoot-. 74 Bray.... 93 Pate & Dixon. 70 Barker . . 75 Sinimons. Gordgn.-- Arioldw-L-. Hatter...: Blalock. Ellis..-. ...65 ...60 ..80 175 ...85 ...60 Heath :.. CastetwJ ...62 65 Jones 75 Neuse Diary.-.--..,...;...'.;.'... . 80 Parker..,..'........ -Jj. ,.! .'65 ' . Statiley has been closed on accou'nt of a case of typhoid Jevfer irt the fimily and ef ore they wilt be 'allowed to" sell any more miiK tne piacetwiu De tnoroug' hly disinfected and Wilfi'npt be allowed to open until I am insltructed by the attending physician thajt it will be safe. Meat Markets I jmn"toaiSa6d $ut"756 poudjibaity and if the Honorable Mayor or Di:meac-. J-st f v , A.t! .Cfstet;'s....:......li...'..r..'..506 Ait A'lexbavisQ....ljAl..L......L:.i.lid At Coastrfeineas; ,t,..-.,.-.....20Q i Xhi fitnA nf till vmi T havA rri Vwri I spoi so quicjely and iteePs me pretty biieiryiniiifMm arid leftiiif that it ifr fhvfe:falbrfii etery pne that should get a bad' piece of!; meat blarrfes me ;fqr allowing it to be, sold and it is impossible ior 'jne , to'be -able" tbikeep not be in but one place at the time. I try . to inspect all meat as many times (jfurfngfitnefdfaTyi I; tali during tsumrtefjBeawoiii t The score for the meat markets ja as Hawkms.- I tniX i riA.'.'iSiiTi'f t .7? Casti-.tifiii. r.onvuie. Cherry.!. fcS?.4'vSddav. Fo'ontalna.' M t ve-rnde'inspectloit-of. Keloui-j tains in tne city, and una .tbeinju loi-i low Duffy. Athens Caia. IcSorley. ' nix'JPrug Store. D.?v;8 Drug Co Dui' Col. Gardner .i..i,.'l-ej-i'v.i"ii. i." .... . ., ..85 : S . g fj;& 65 I I I 1 1 I .1 I .IW foil.. Hi4 J CY ;C2E C."rER! a Woman.' .vrA-!-, r know woman'a Jrlsls. i. , . . J know tier nead of sympathy ana hetp; ' If y6, -my eisteft Are -unhappy biicauae of ill health: i if ' yoi4 el urlt fpr househol duties, social ' pleasures, or daily employment,1' write and tell, me duet how you suffer, and ask (or tny, trm tun daw', trial tf a Kvm& lM9tm.nt an i furl to yourjneeds. ' Men cannot understand women' suffering, i. What-, wo -womett know front perlence. we know better than any man. ' I want you how to cure yourself at home at eosi or aDout u centa a weeK. . --is ' i t ; - If you suffer from women's peculiar ailments causing pain In the head, back, or bowels, feel ing of weight and dragging-down sensation, falling op displacement of pelvic organs, causing kidney and -bladder -weakness or. constipation and pile painful or, Irregular periods, catarrhal conditions and discharges, extreme' nervousness, oeprettea ; spirits, melancholy, desire , to cry. creeping feeling along the spine, palpitation; with dark circle under-the eye, pain in Am MVS nwu fivingp vV 1 4' 1 'j BX, H- SOUTH BEJID, Na Bowdens:'..'. Oleoup.J....-: r- Soloman :. Bradham Brd. . . ... j. :r 1.. ... 92 st.. ..i...-. m Bradham Pol.St. Putting in new founts? Central Pharmacy Jf, ' The report on the two Ice Gn&m manufacturers is as follows iSr . Bradham Drug Co Br Good Royals J& I have made inspection eveTry Res taurant in the city aM.devery dining I find thzt the hotels are in very good condition, the nWnthly score for the R. R. LuncJhJSToom 80 Busy BeepT. - - 55 Athens Jgtfe.-- - 70 BennetwfTt... - 70 WesbSjK,-.... ., 62 LamMru:..... 65 CaJpLw :::..:.......... 60 ORiton j. ....60 Iwanningjwi-!;... 7 1 Jones . . 65 Wright-.....;..;,;..... 78 Edwards.!....,.. .......L... 70 Wilabe. 62 Webster. : 58 Davis. ,. 63 Watson .J". 62 Dudley : ......61 Johnson : 71 l am going to make inspection twice a week to the restaurants from now on and some of the above low marks I shall have to have before the Mayor if they are not in much better condition at my next inspection which will be the last of this week. Fish Market. I am keeping this market in as good condition as I can. I have found very few bad fish this month, in fact, none to amount to anything. I inspect the fish docks every day when I can and hardly ever miss more than one day at a time, as this is a very important in spection; The condition of- the city horses for the last month or two has been bad as I have had one in my hospital every day for the Jast two or three months almost. It seems that the Trash Pile must be full of nails for some one of them nearly all the time has a nail puncture. ' As'city veternarian and humane offi cer, I have fulfilled to the best of my lanv member ot the Board ot Aldermen :wll offer any suggestions pertaining to iflris office I will gladly receive them.' ' 1 Respectfully submitted, i E. G. HARGETT, D.V.M City Vetrinarian and Huma- jne Officer." ;?'" !P ASBlIRYfe BEACII : Read Ad 6n Pago three about the Beach on Bogue Banks. BASEBALL YESTERDAY Married Men Defeated The Single ; . 'v i ' Men. ThetoasebalJ gSme yesterday after- noon Dec ween . tne . inarrieu ivicu auu the Single Men was an excellent game, which resulted in a victory for the for mer team by the score of five to two. The game was called at the end of the 'first half of the ninth inning on account r..4pBlpqe(i''. .:filcapseJ- some . Htl mssatisfactfon on the part of the Single Men as they had scored five runs in their; half. " When the Married Men ame up for their half of the inning they were unable to see the ball well enough to play to any advantage and the game was cafleA . Manager A.' F. Patterson of the single Men's team surrendered the franchise of his team and a 'meeting of te directora-will be held Monday night to' 'ielec'rr'i'fflVnageVor -iM'tfim: Married Men,-1 ;t A1f.w, 4 Married He $ingle Men 10 il.tw TSO DROVB'S TA8TTI,HrSclim TONIC cnrlrM t!.- ira thcwbnlcsy(l!maDn'WUlon' ; 1 lortify yon to w";ibbt' I. i st i.e hot rjountr. t I '7 ''', I; www Ml )'tl t 'I'll Is the plice corned ooe'comie all p Open seven day sjil and ifigHts to th week the place for that de-$ Bradham's Ices? pus Draanam s Cream, The Crea of all Ice Vv r . i wf have rf' t'm I I I I T the time nQLwTancl alllS first, fountaint 1- A IVfrlo dnrlpr it ou nave- n I ieu puraencious shakes you have treat, for misted a they are made of pure Jersey milk. We also Carry everything good to eat. Cigars and Candy a Specialty. The pi ace for white people only. Yours to serve. R. . LUNCH ROOM C. E Taylor, Prop. Reward We offer a reward of one hundred dollars for the apprehension and con viction of the person who killed Tony Rogers, our night watchman, while on duty Sunday morning between 12 and 1 o'clock. THE PINE LUMBER COMPANY. 7-7-30d CITY ORDINANCE it ordained by the Board of Al Be dermen of the City of New Bern: That Chapter 13 of the ordinances of the city of New Bern be amended by striking out Section 3 thereof and, in lieu thereof, inserting the following: Sec. 3. "Any person, firm or cor poration who shall keep open any store or shop on Sunday for the purpose of buying, selling and trans acting business except in cases of nec essity, snau upon conviction, pay a fine of ten dollars for each and every offense. "But drug stores and apothecary shops may be kept open at all times for the sale of drugs and medicines, toilet articles and soaps, and such other merchandise as may be neces sary in case of sickness or accident; provided this ordinance shall not ap ply to the sale of milk or ice at any time nor to the delivery of ice cream prior to 10:45 o'clock a. m. i "Provided further, that it shall be a violation of this ordinance to sell Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, or other soft drinks by . whatever name called, or ice' cream, cigars, cigarettes or t bacco except by hotels and bona fide restaurants in their places of busi ness and in the ordinaty conduct of their business." ' ' F. T. PATTERSON, ! City Clerk He .5 t , i 1 3 I At ' v., 4 '- trr-u L r I ti. . ii.' - - ; TBI :t ;;:M 1 t?'8iA,.!:fiBl 1 -iiWXiixt'aji A'J - mm. . rrr-x .:, sai iiis ;; c'vv-- . i:.;:v.y'- :7rt v'vH 'Vitf vf'.'Tr 7 . ';' ! "'; '. 7, Y77y7.:i;:75!'7'7'r-"v7v7r ' ) J '.vi'."'?..'''... v'-: si? f W We;1 e V at W W Follow The wis ahi Oiium ii Credtis.g Vll IIsMlllf i iitor. tie I vi sW-bM im r rw n - n I BS .. THESE WARM DAYS -TO Coolest Spot BRADHAM'S The Big Drug Store 011 the conn, r Where Quality and Service Count. PI. or, I I i S5ocCUPATION IS SELUng'I JRipURE DRUGS jflil THERE ARE IN THESE CJWZlmC pjSUNITED STATES y 15367 DEALERS IN CrGARS DOESNT INDULGE: i in -i But Few H. Any Of the Ladies dealing in this line can recommend their goods from a personal knowledge of their quality We Know from Personal Test That Our Brands of Cigars Are Equal to Any And Superior to Many Bradham Drug Company :;'.i:.ij imulatisiff I invigoi 1 aD'ilVO)it. HQiHMAa Soda rcuntaina or I'i'ycit'swij m,TJ " mm0-X,m1AHlH . JU.J "r !. . .- " , , i . , .m 4 -. S r W 3 III 1 W W- tf ' Crowds THE - In Town 111 . o. ! t '!. ;ittji , ti'i Hb ia' jbu-leii ad hhnuh lM "I .

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