5, V 1 V I RIGICTLLE BEACH RiiSORX i ' - i. WEK END Atsin SUMMtR EXCURSION THE STANDARDRAH PURITY OF DRUGS AND ACCURACY IN DISPENSING SPELLS RESULTS FOR TOE DOCTOR. I Send Your I To I CENTRAL is PHONE 91 I G0H GRIFFITH MID lllttfl :STS; It : 1 Mm-W r '" "" -- p - ? M i ' ' . - ; :imE'Mnr$BT2m&: $;&-.i..i&&&'-, -X 8-:-. l-p TrllSpKlm y A A V lM t W : Yv witmnfk down sale is j Bear in mind that in noiia,0f ,Qtot)r io contrary, tather than ; : I i Describing Such Merchandise B. - X- .' II URDT P 'URLLr L UJ n lit HIUI K" 1 J T 1 U !',-"! . ii - nun i iiiii irr n 11 ii i iiinn . : ii i " R 'x' :i U X:J f All 30. Ml 25; v yl ;AU t15. ' f . fHl , 2f ',: v, r it S, ' f - sr - RATHING BOATUG "15H1N6 DANCING torn atlantig:coa5t line: - ROAD OF THE SOUTfl V Si jj 38. I i Prescriptions ) The i PHARMACY1! . i ii ii 1 1 . wwiiiii There are neither "iob ion" or TFir are neitner ioo ion or sewuua r-- - characte Suits - - ' Suits Suits . -j , - rj XXZ 1 oil mlAh made at ftnil ICUlCUUvi t r it - - u tt4 i.wU ,.V ' n i '.i i ; -X, u w.iu .- . L TL I C ' E UllL U aOw.iwoL I . L - ... . ... ... ' ' ; v Trouble Between Gaijnty Commls . ; i - i t . loners , ana.pcoov; " - ? v . Trustee. L - ? 'BEAUFORT, .Julys 18. Just about I the. time peaqe.;and1liJ,ief werp jbeine established j; in.,,jbe, ,munifcipaJy,Jfahiiy here,, aaq .tne, cuy auierBj mu ,""' . . 1 - .1 l I.. .11 IT. .nno anil tiaA mj nffirpru ; which ..had .been helcLat b,ay Jorj two r,three( jnijpnth becaMse.i jquorum . at j the alderman could -pot'. Ve had, there, appearsVi4 breecn between; toe uoargu w .vmu'iij ' . . - ...:... 1 ' r Uonunissioners, ana ruaiccgj'.vi,;:"' Beaufor. Graded school.distrjct;,( If Bm,thf' thps two bodies have, had joint fcontroi9f i the .block oiij whict .1. ' - a. U A.mA . Mta tmr A jiumherot earsu j fwo of ,thw thp house on one .aidf ppt the t.prpperty, anrl a uhnrt white a?& the schdoU'df- trict iyoted.$2pjo60 ,worthj of 4 bonds aAi-u whiVh to erer! a i new . school building,, 4,n4 .jtheitrusteM cver 4-k : artlnn rf tfiA now Jnnil- 1 tuiUriinir-, on the , other., .side ihe'lot that they supposed belonbed 1 to" them.1 ' But ' noew the Board of1 I County Commissioners.' come' inanrf l: lMm."'M Hilt' nOWC WB ,DUanil County Commissioners comes in and dprlarp ttiat the whole Drooertv". be longs, to the;county-and-that, the: the school trustees . have no right to -aay part of the groungds. Xounty Attor ney Davis and Judge U. H. Uuion, representing, the, board . .declare that Carteret , county, is the . sole ownef, of th tShus- lji v. iaui -j - -- - tees" have advised that body to ?ro- ceed as the title is good. On'-the I . t nther hand the commissioners . ae- dare that if w.ork -is statred without an agreement being reache tnat tBey will secure an .injunction against Ue school officials.. It is unaerstoqapai the commissioners profess to "Fiav?Tfo objection to the building, being erett ed on the grounds, but' that they pro- . n hp. consulted and - an amica ble settlement ' be made, v, It T is hoped that the matter will De .arrangeaai an early date so that worn may ,e gun on the new school building. inere is a uvciy the De,mocVats of Cikeret county at this time. There wert&WSd. candidates for the office of Sheriff aA torltjeg t rwH. rufoi'tntsouiity.n' mention which met her tribune. "Two of the candidates were trom tne. ksv i, rif-iJhi.-cobntv.-a section" .Kat .. . J-;Ko.t( rnralnted- ift -'the QU9 UCTcr wwM - t , . - ( coumy ui-ra. . i then anidoes no that toey lUiU " . . . ' anal ' - ?v 4 'fi t ; . ....,,. the Mark Dcn fe ; .'. r?,ii4'..( '.: - - -mm- r i -;rr. . ...l....UM,a MMn "TTWTI T T W'Mi J1J '4 v r-l XXl MENS FANCrMITS;r::; (.n!,P".Urr..'. saved the county to the DcuA.iaL..: ll alnncr and that they are now ent;tled to represiflUtion, DUt ine iwo entitled to representation, but the two candidates from that section were. ae- feated, -and" the delegates from down k wMtniit '.Now -they declare that unle one -'of the ' nominees u i,r.rf.'ri.n(1"a1nwR one of 'the 1 eastern candidates -o take his place that" they' will' put up1 a ticket tnai can be' voted Ty" citizens of all olit ical parties,' ;ad thus; effect the-ide-f eat :ati the 'regarar': Democratictrtick-; et. - Tft'theeting of the uemocranc uoiii-i initteev'wa5 Tield- yesterdayrfthd aP: polniea a'f sU-mnintee-' to " taM Li. i.1 V"tfnrter 'a'dvise ment'. 'ahd LUG wiuwviw" , o.'tin'TieoDle of the east are thoropghly arrous'ed and areetrmW: edsto: beecogniz.W'is feellevfed that unless a compromise-caB oc wj feqted "'that the " entire Deihotrat tic'ket will be defeated at' the election this Fall.". The eastern eole'haVe i large' and'' representative foflowmg aD over the country. ,f' ' ''rr"' J f MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED YES I cKUA I ' .11 License were Issued yesteatih office ofv the DRegister of Deeds', fbt iarr(age.of Mi ' ' '"",-' T er of ueeas', tor i .1.1 MinMUqiTA t Wm insned yesterday, at the office of the Register of Deeds for the marriage "of 31 ss race G... Ott both of New Bern TTn.mit Wh"ithnrst returned Morehead City 'yesterday mofningaf- ter a business visit to tne city. : -' - ? ' -U allil. ('Kendall; lviisses vjioiiiiic iv. ---- left yesterday morhih'g W .VVrightsville. n . l Jn i-rtoi4 the, week- - end. , . . a Ml Be acn wnen; tucy : ' f.i -C v V t . i, .SomelhiBaewjta i Cut Glass liowis. Yoiir rtable" glassware" Ber- i vice is not; complete without the beautiful Bowls, S 8 inches m diameter. . ,Just the -right size and J t-U frtr . KirripQ . naad. ice cream, preserves, sliced touts dainty coia summer uco i etc. J Only $1150 Each. J. O: BAXTER .TEWELTER V t U 1 I IIL liuuui. wi, wiJl!Me,an.other. PW i It v U , ejected : that, something i rkttmwill '-take'-Dlace at this ..irtrori with all the infinite pains, me uuiiaMvin.,- . r : 5 - JlS tomorrow's opportunities-,.-! ,. 1 isssn Wii' . r v- ..rf -r- ' rt - ' " ' --;M" i - Vw '; ii - i ruii.'k t r: tm ,f , ... i ttfj 3 :WU'CniV,W;Sirile'uitsl:4.-Off-- -' -- (M . fi irr.-Y :----r -.-r -y -vr ... . lamirW r ; ( ' w v-' ? forV all l1 .;;-,The; Family r Wfl oro nfforlnd fnri f Big-DEPARTJVIENTjJStoi-e:S wr UXJfJf Jf Jf , , . . . erday. at tne i )eedsJfor thelft ' '-',tT.' g i.A i.t J r Neilson to U-' J ,i- -iril - n HTfM if n ii r t. 'I brought Mrs. Jones with me today . i 'ltA Kit Ratisfiwl Customer " VShe A;'1 'wants to try, your i: ' finwMit-a i uvif ww .vr.-,. r V happened more than once with us. We'll try to rjjiw j :- iiveus a CHANPE. You'll find us r square -:-v-j-r . ; PHONE - "'-r' Z tuanp cf your ; abcolute satLriction - i - 51- 1 tfi'ia TCif M the Weelt; " ' , , m - - - . '.r .t.v j tjm , r' J Vs'1" ': B nr in : ? nrmr ' I u II ii meat.: I've told vmi dive me and th meat isM That has , r b 1 h Ann -. 7-" - 239 with which f 3 ) 11 ' i - - i : f , H i ! ' 1 - 4 ; . , M II t , ' I iJ ri.s " ! Wr,; t x- f 1 1 i !