J every day in the year ji Monday at 4ST-6llU3XL IINESS OFFICE jPHONE, .." NO. 8. ' :CHANICAL, - DEPART- ILNt 'PHONE, NO. SO Z. J. LAND PRINTING JCOM-PANY. ll K. Land.: ' II I. Crumpler. .Manager " Etor SUBSCRIPTION . RATES. . Oae year " u ' frt.nn Eji months. u 2.00 Ttree Months. 1.00 One Month , , , ' " .40 Unccda Clccult Tempt tb. apgetitt, .""pfeaae the" taste an'" nourish the body. Crisp, clean and fresh ; 5 cents in the moisture- proof package. ' The Journal carries complete press report furnished by the International Neva Service in addition to covering very section ot Eastern North Caro lina by special correspondents. TUESDAY JULY 21 1914 The law breaking element of New Bern seems to break loose every Sat urday night and the police have their hands full on these occassions. During tbj the past three weeks there has been one murder and a score or more of ne'ar murders on Saturday nights. We would suggest that in order to properly han- ' die the situation that the police force - be doubled on these occasions. We are immensely enjoying the war now on between the Raleigh News and Observer and the esteemed Charlotte over the cor;eci way to .spell New Bern. The Raleigh paper says that it is "New Bern" and the . and cites much proof of their assertion. The Charlotte paper has as its conten tion that it "knows how" and that it should be "Newbern". So far the News and Observer has it on the Observer and we are waiting for another hot one from the Mecklenburg daily. In the meantime we shall continue to spell the name correctlv New Bern. DcrctD!ce3 Round, ' thin, tender ' with a delightful flavor , appropriate for luncheon, - te a . an d' dinner, mo cents. L FOUNTAIN FOR DOGS. . s And now Detective Burns wants to sue a man who has "cussed" him out. Well, getting hold of a few idle simileons by the conrt route is sometimes pretty easy and as Burns' clie.itelle has dimin ished considerably during the past few months, we expect he needs a little of the filthy lucre. Madame Caillaux, the French woman who took a pot shot at a defenseless Parisian editor and ended his career, ; was placed on trial yesterday. We wish the woman no harm but in order that other editors may be safeguarded, we hope that she is at le'ast given such a trijjnf! that never again will she enter some sanctum armed with artillery. ZuZu Prince of appetizers. Makes daily trips from Ginger-Snap Land to waiting mouths every where. Say Zu Zu to the grocer man, 5 cents. . w' . Wilmington Star.) - Realizing theV need that-exists for a public fountain for dogs, cats and birds atreome central point in the city, Mrs. . L. D. O'Neil suggests that it would be a splendid idea for the children of Wil - mington to raise a fund for this purpose, ; She suggests that each one give at least 'a penny and more if possible, : By this .means the money could, soon be secured, if enough would contribute. ;v 1 . y '. ' I ,. . Such an act would be a fine tribute by the children to the dumb animals. ?. In - her observation "Mrs. O'Neil finds that ; the dogs and birds have been sadly' neg lected and she believes that the children j could erect no finer monument than such a convenience. . It would also be the means of teaching the children kind ness and consideration for the unfortunate. DISCOVERS SWARM OF BEES UN DER BODYOF BUGGY Buy biscuit baked by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Always look for that name (Greenville Reflector.) - ' ' Mr, Bill Manning, who lives jrfbout four miles from town came in th morn- ing and drove to Allen's stables, on 4th street, to put up his horse. He had bn'y been a few minutes out of the. buggy, which was left standing in front of the stable, when a lot of bees were seen fly ing around- underneath the vehicle. An examination showed a swarm of bees under the body of the buggy. Doubt less they had swarmed there before Mf Manning left home, took the trip to town with him, and got busy after the buggy stopped. When the swarm was discovered a box was placed under the buggy to catch the bees and take them back home. The Political Situation. (From The Durham Herald.) Certainly the Democratic outlook in this State is. bright and it will con tinue so until the Republican party makes up its mind that it wants to do something more than round up the Federal offices. The Tax Matter. committee, "and in retiring from what he considers a ''freeze out'! he has given out a very blunt' statement which in dicates a wfuTtion'to be greatly deplored throughout the State. : v " "v - At his. home in New Bern on Satur day, night,' Mr Thomas gave out a signed address to the Democratic vo ters in the Third. -He" positively de clined to enter the contest with' his opponent, Hon. Geo.-; . Hood,': of Goldsboro,' and in doing so he expressed not' only, strong disapproval of the dis trict committee's course in the matter but bitterly arraigned the committee along lin?s 'that have serious -import. He refuses to pay $1,000 for the mere privilege of running foe the- nomination and declares that the entrance fee an excessive and unreasonable amount. He declares! that the committee- topk unfair advantage of him in fixing the day of the primary on a date that would prevent. him from canvassing the dis trict, and he asserts that in several par ticulars the committee has been unfair to him and made it impossible for htm toj enter Tne campaign witn any, nope 01 fair treat ment or justice.'- ' -.. In this instance,- The Star takes no side in the controversy which is hard enough for the Democrats in the Third to settle themselves, but we cannot restrain expression of profound regret that such an unfortunate "Situation could be possible in' the' -Democratic organization We: will say; however, without regard' to who is right "or who is. wrong, Air. 1 nomas is. eminently correct in his view that ''it is Undoubt edly the strongest argument .for. the legalized primary in 'Norths-Carolina;" which he declares is .""necessary Tor the safety and continued- success of the Democratic party in the State, rt We have been looking 'forward with dread to just such conditions as ex ists in Democratic .ranks in the Third, and we have long ago fully realized that the party was taking all sorts of chances in its lack of organic methods of making nominations and its confused plan of organization along party lines. ! The situation in the Third and Tenth I districts is sufficient warning for the J DemocraticParty to set its house inorder It will be too late some day to even begin The State Democratic Executive Committee declared that there had been 410 nomination made for Congressman in the Third District. That being the case, there is now no nominee and it begins' to look as though the District Executive Committee will again have the; pleas : re A gathering and naming George E. Hood. This again takes the naming of a man to represent the people of the Third District out of their hands and their votes or wishes are nought. T ANOTHER BIG DOCKET 'BLUE ONCAY" AGAIN FINDS MAN Y MOURNERS BE- . FORE "HIZONNER" ' I The usual large Monday docket was disposed .of by Mayor Bangert at police todrt yesterday afternoon. . There were three State cases on the docket, but one of the witnesses was not able to attend wourt and only two of the cases were disposed of, these being against Iseral Blango and Joe Moorev both cplored, charged with an assault with a deadly weapon. , - , ' ::: -"'. ; - " Blango-pleaded guilty to cutting Joe Moore last Saturday night, hear the Water and Light plant, but claimed self -defense. v He stated that he had some words with Moore and the tatter !rew a pistol and shot at him, the bul let striking the brim of his hat, then Llangd stated that he cut his assailant with his pocket knife and run into a 1 ear by store, another shot being fired v Kile he was making his flight. : . . -I.Ioort 1 denied that fie shot at Blango J all the evidence against him, ex- t the defendant in tne a Dove men (From the Durham Herald.) We do not look for much improve ment in our system of taxation even if the constitutional amendments are adopted. It is real estate that is not paying its proportionate part of the taxes but you will have a hard time ing the first week. Moore was held selecting a ILegislature or any kind of a under a twenty-five dollar bond. Mack Manning, a colored boy thir teen years old, was sentenced to pay a fine of five dollars or serve ten days on the county roads for being disorderly. Joseph Sellus, colored, taxed with the cost for being disorderly in the city commission with sufficient nerve to tackle the matter. The State's Corn Crop. (From the Raleigh Times.) It is but telling the truth to say that limits. Judgment was suspended upon there are in the State this season some the payment of. the cost in the case of as fine crops of cotton as have ever against Mamie Mills, colored, charged been produced. The poorest cotton is in with disorderly "conduct. The case against Peter Fisher" colored, for block ing a street crossings-was continued un til this afternoon. '7, 7 The judgment): against Raymaned Anderson, colored' for disorderly con duct was a fine of five dollars', cost and to refund two dollars that he was al leged to have taken from a colored woman's home. ' ' . . Mamis Miller claimed that "Ander son picked up her pocket book off the the Piedmont section, where the drought was severe and the crop late, and some of the smallest plants ever noticed so late in the season mark a good many of the fields. GETTING GAY IN POLITICS. (Greensboro Everything.) The grim bid philosopher of the Wil mington Star puts it down this way and it Weighs about rieht "Getting floor where she dropped it and would too gay in politics as well as in society not return the money. The amonut is what ' SDoils '1 evervthinir; Peonle the pocket book contained was five in society can get along nicely without dollars and ten cents, but Anderson's, imagining they are in Paris, and they mother paid the woman three dollars can enjoy a fair brand of politics without after the matter had eben explained to trying to keep up with South Carolina, her, and agreed to pay the remaining Georgia or Kansas, not to say New two dollars yesterday morning but fail ed to do it. Peter Raftellis, manager of the Athens Cafe, was taxed with the cost for al lowing boxes to remain on the side walk in front of his , place. Ernest Ieyoup, aSyrian, was taxed with the cost for putting a dead animal in his' gar bage can on the street. ' HALF MILLION DOLLARS! I will sell you the property on Queen street Nos. 44-40-48-48 1-2 and also Jerkins Alley Nos. 2-4-6-8-10-12-14 ana io joining near u nion aepot. ew but 80 many int Ai. oau, 11., ivr mu vr vn un . i progress I will also move all or any of the . nlifnH; building and pay'.jroa caah one thou York, where first -one boss and then another is bent on putting each other out of business." Of course, t here ift North. Carolina we have a few tango artists who do the stunt as though no one were looking at them; we have a few ladies' who wore' the slit skirt and the X-ray skirt; we have a few old lobsters and a few old lobsterettes but for the most part --few of us are gay. In our politics we have Aus Watts and he stands pat and we have a few ultra progressives who call a meeting with red ink and swear' a thousand likely souls were"present when it was a scant one hundred; we have lots of things only so- sand dollars for them, 'You organise a company asy three good men with money, aad ia tea yean you can walk! away with 1-2 million doUara. .The place suit. - There art three industries either one adopted by you. would make d case, was given b"y colored man ; . w :; ; - --ji-.l -2Lvl.ii ..J ir a j (Signed) Isaac H. Smith, "w "';h" y. fi-. L. 5 4. Hn at t.2 On W. Kern Barn "the Vahoft Lot went iat'atrV' STf'.?. 77- "' 7... ,. riefore the yhots were 'fired. 70 . as placed fndr A justified f two hundrei fiftyldoliars, 3 was unable to give was placed y'jlTorWe keeping untill mber term of Craven County Court which will be held dur- ift ti feel it. ona. tired, worried or detMe0t it is a snra sign yon need MOTTS hVL.'U; f ILLS. They renew the normal vigor and r-'- Et worth living. Be snre and si tor i i tcrvcnae i a J br arwtiu C1UAV9 KFG. CO. rnwh, OwM. Ohb so much business;" such a splendid lot of , old ti(ne jfure go(W citizens in North Carolina, jchafc. these fewwho get a little g ya)noup4 v hut very little. t f - f X.X- ''r'y i THE MUDDLE IN THE THlRDDIS- J i Wilmintrton &ar.V-:;' ".i-f ' Rather than proving-: a njeinir' xf bringing about ' harnlony ' among Nie Democrats of the Third .Congressional District, the ballot primary called lor August 1 for the purpose of nominat ing a candidate for Congress . Beems to have incresaed the muddle. The Hon. Charles R. Thomas, has declin ed to be a candidate under w-, terms and rules laid down by the district TO HISJCfmLIFE NEW YORK :? MAN'S FEATURES WILL ' NEVER BE . 't MADE PUBLIC. NEW YORK," Jul.-1 Condemn ed to concealing his features during the remainder of his, life," a resident of New York has. how become a. strik ingly tragic competitor of ; the ; mys terious "Man , in the' Iroh Mask" made famous by" Dumas. VThe fact that his face will . never ",be looked upon again Js du6. to ''.an ' accident which happened to the man, who was a chemistj two ,years ago. s .While at work on-i. an experiment which 'in volved the- tfee of explosives : the in gredients ijjlew-.: tjp;;in a', crucible Awhile he . was holding .a - carboy;-.of" nitric acid. He 'stumbled and fell, .breaking the carboy and splashing" vthe 'corrod ing liquid., overv his; face..-and ? body; t or many s months.he -was' not ex pected to Uvei-andfwhen he ; finally emerged ' from the ; hospital - he went home . wearing :' a - mask to coVer his disfigured figures. . After, some weeks he obtained a situation as a gardener but his appearance excited so much comment that he , was discharged, During all this time, since his release from . the hospital, his wife ' obeyed his ordfers not to raise his mask. One day, ' however, her curiosity became too strong and she raised the' cloth to look at iter husbands What she saw will never be known, but she ran screaming from the . house "'and . has never since lived with him. Eventual ly he returned to "the . hospital in the hope1 that, through -skip-grafttng he might be relieved ';' After months ; of torture, . however' during which he endured : many '-. operations, .--he "has been -condemned to spen. the..restt;of his days wearing a ' mask over , his facei. All the skin 'used , in ' grafting has. been: t'akfen rom Tusi own body amj until -very recently the iurgeons hor i that ., the v unfortunate , man rf ' f enic avwitha face 8ur- ; "t-: Ij esen' -'e to obviate the' i .. su. of c ring it.. As a result cbn '.'cat ; however, - the. surgeo ho-" agrc that the maa-must: nevei nis "tures again.; mi mc op-, er ns 1 i failed to rescue the man i-- ;be a pariah while the'sur i' viiu u.-anue in the hope of re liev gf hn.F from e -tie physical suf- feri , thowedictl 3 .gone forth. tat for he rest of 1- J life he must never alljc ' his features to be looked upon. The1 reason for t' remarkable edit, in ti'l likelihood, v,..i nver be kno'n, unrl aii much mvsterv -co.K-orninil his lis., I f.lkJ - : fa r 7: j - : f It: w r r We take every precaution in compounding r ; prescriptions so they will "vat. Jli actfordaiice wlth youi1 doctor's wishes - . Pure j fresh drugs are used pmy?! assuring ef ficiency Bring, your ; prescriptions"7 to us and they will be right and so will the price. ' t WODD-LAfJE DRUG COOPArJr a gocd business chanco .came your way, in the shape of su piece pf prbpertyor a share in a thriving business, it would be very nice to write out a check for the amount. : . If sickness- orfire invaded your home, it would be nice to have money , in he bank, 'no matter what might happen-, because it is a'safe guard agoiinst possible old age"or sickness and poverty. New Bern Banking & Trust Co. DUALITY In buying a Fountain Syringe or Hot Water Bottle you want to be ; sure and get a guaranteed article, I have a line : of these goods made' by the Tec .Tin Rubber, Co under my own. brand which I personally guarantee and the house also guarantees for one year irom aate of your purchase arid they are reasonable in price and beautiful goods Price-'Truet brand Fountain Syringe $1.00, Riverside $1,25 Nurse $1,50 Nurse ' Combination Fountain ' Syringe and Hot Water. Bottle : $2,00. I . have also the kantleek line higher price, but guaranteed Jor two years. It 5 I 3 y ' to see these goods. , Phone 38, and we will i send for your selections, anything in this line, in eluding Hot BottleTjTce Caps, Fever Thermom--'ter, Rubber sheetins Nipples,' atomizer, and etc. . t F.S. Diiffy Fiinraiacy "Corner MiJlitsr-J Couth Front St. , 7m r 1 r a 1-1 ' 1. 1 iJ.; - him to the day of his death as, that which has grown up about tliat of the "Man with the iron Mask." -; WANTED To buy at once, a Tour ing Car in first class condition. Ad dress P. 0. r.x 257, New Tim n. T1 ( i facial appearance is likely to surround pd. uihJ en, t ty t" e.iJ t' -'1 is Z I' wilt sell you build five hous i houses on one f at an t" ir , ' (' ; .1. : ' I j. L 1 1 2 'J-it, n 6t, New I 'i hoi . four Glli'-'.Si V-'t'.'I'I

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