c Jw ) -tPWi H mi .in.. m. V BAtHING T'VA'fk BOATING ISHlNG EL 17- DANCING Phone i28 Establl-hcd 1ES7 ; ) 167 Pollock St, ' mm ; And :-..1icj In VhicIrlle Lives WEEK END AND . SUMMER EXCURSION FARES" 7i ATLANTICC0A5T LINE, ; S THE STANDARSlROAD OF THE SOUTH? r; : - ... PURITY OF DRUGS . AND ill . ft,' .All ACCURACY IN DISPENSING SPELLS RESULTS FOR TUB DOCTOR. I in fa Send Your Prescriptions To The CENTRAL PHARMACY PHONE 91 COR GRIFFITH AND QUEEN 5TS. 5 it 1D38BSB3.& I I S3 - v ' - v- e . '.. . '. v.. : ;ii-:S::l::iiiS;i:; i -V. IWJ- t THPRAJfCIS JOSEPH, emperor of Austria-Hungary, is deeply shocked by DH tragic death of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and bis consort The royal couple were assassinated by a Bosnian youth. Emperor Francis - Joseph, sow far advanced in years, is not expected to lire long. Charles Francis Joseph now heir to the throne, is taking an active part in govern mental affairs," relieving the -'emperor of most of his duties. . The illustration hows Emperor Francis Joseph and the imperial palace at Vienna. v "I ' . 1 ... 1 I 3 HAS NBAS A BE When the man of the house says this you can be sure he expects something Substantial coming his way directly. We've had lots of our women customers tell us that our roasts, steaks, chops or whatever it might be just pleased the men right down to the gravy. And the prices pleased them too. How about pleasing your husband A .CASTET PHONE -x 239 Just Received . Ccr cf Sns!i end Eccrs 'Also another " Car of that famous ' 'GASKI , V ROOFING". ,We can furnish your Newvels, Porch Post, Stair . Ballusters. Porch Callu crs, 4 Paints, Varnish; 1 'Staihs7J Lead and "Clh, Ilmost anything injthe 1 1 1 J i . " J ! T A '"j. Latest - Action Photos 6;v-r y -, ; i;i Operations In, Mexico i 5 aft If!11 h P.. " -.J .i'"i'iTrs-".'Z. THE STAR THEATRE v" , IS BEi:;C RELICOELEO THE ACTUAL WORK WAS BEGUN YESTERDAY NO VAUDEiy . - . ' VILLE BILL " '. ' i The Star . Amusement .i: Company, owners and operators of the well known and popular Star theatre,- have award ed to Rhodes and Underwood the con tract', lor. making the improvements to their theatre on Broad street. The plans for this work were drawn by B.. H. Stephens, a well known archi tect ot Wilmington, and the actual work was . begun yesterday moraine and will be rushed to completion as quickly as possible. , An addition of seventy feet is to be made to the building and both the first and second stories are to be converted into one large auditorium. . The lower floor will seat four hundred and twenty persons , while one hundred and sixty can be seated in the gallery. It has been rumored - that when the theatre is again .opened to the public that vaudeville is to be on the bill. However' this is an error. The man agement stated yeasterday -that only high class pictures and an up-to date mus ical program is to be featured and that both of these, will be of the very high est order. , , ' after -an inspection in which they failed,' to come up. to the' required standardly.; was disbanded and a division was or' ' ' ganized at Belhaven. In order to come up to the required standard, each divis- -ion of, the-; State Militia must have -reached a big degree of efficiency, the merrtbera must be adept in drilling and . must attend the regular drills, ; ; " .s " It was on account of a lack of these ' that the company at Plymouth was ; disbanded. - One of the features which r appeals to the naval militia is the ajihuftl -. cruise in.which the members participate -on one of the United States battleships," One of these cruises to the Bermuda i' Islands has just been concluded . and ' it not only proved of real worth to the ' njen , but was throrughly enjoyed. - Themen were instructed in the method! .'. of warfare on the big boat and this will be of assistance to them if they 1 are . ever placed in active service. y Granulated Rice something New 4 at Hackburn's. : nOHEIEAD 1111 0 CITY SOON BOAS nun in Little Village by The Sea Forfilntf Ahead. - IS' A PROGRESSIVE TOWN .Young J P Men - v There .Anxious To .Don Uncle -" ' 1 Sy Wa Tdlform , r There- are at present four divisions of North Carolina Nayal-Militia--New Bern, Vy&shington, Belhaven and Eliz abeth City, but there Is a probability that another town willl soon put a com pany in service. - 1 his is Morehead City A Humber of the -young men of that place are anxious to brganize a division and in fact have alraedy made prepar ations to do. this and have, sent in aT request to Commander C. D. Bradham sking that they be taken into the State Militia. However,-whether this will be done is a matter of speculation; Co.mmander Bradham' stated ' yesterday that the division had communicated with him but he had made no, reply. Some few weeks . ago. the- division at-. Plymouth, Excursions To F.Iore- heed City Popular LARGEST CROWD OF THE SEA son parried down -Last Sunday. Sunday excursions on board of the NorfolkSobthern Railway Company's motor car from New Bern to Morehead -City r are growing more popular each week' and rthe largest crowd of the sea- I son was carried down last Sunday af ternoon. The car left New Bern at 2 30 o' clock and but little more than an hour was required in making the run to the Atlantic Hotel where tie alighted and boarded boats for the beaches. Late in the afternoon the ; surf bathing is fine and each one .of the . pleasure seekers greatly enjoyed this. ' Returning to the Altantic Hotel they enjoyed a palatable sea" food supper and were later regaled with an especial ly arranged musical concert by the Worth Orchestra. The car left More head City at 9 30 and a quick run was made back - to New v Bern. Another excursion on the motof car will be oper- . ated next Suiday. ? ,;:. Convict Caunht Alter ' Extended Search HENRY NUNN, COLORED, DIDN'T LIKE LENOIR CHAIN ; ' r GANG. " f Several months ago Henry Nunnfla negro who is as ebon hued as the pro verbial ace of spades, broke into the -express office at Kinston and after ran sacking the building, departed with con- , siderable. .of its contents. Nunn - was . arrested, tried and convicted and as a - parting shot was sentenced- to serve four years on the Lenoir county roads. - 3ASTOR1A For Infants and Children. , liia KI:.J Yea E:v3 Absys Ecjgfct ' '3ears tha . Signature of 9' f Follow The Crowds -THESE WARM DAYS v' -TOTJIE- Coofest Spot In Tovtf Pfcoios eopyriih tt, '.by '.-At "p ;r ARKTNd Jtlma nsj I Mexico most of the t JV on Just how rapid v. ;: -.: ; torwss at Mexico CJty. - -advances southward during the 1 la shown the advacr cf . the lower photo shows "two f 3or rebels by means ,q; J ""'w.rj.'. L: . , . I t foTCS i - a r9t : ; ., advc . cn. .f-a f. " ! c.;:.. ' i-"'9i:b ".si""' It ' nv '- "oi (if if . -3 ' ' Cf ' ' "' i, i Th2 T'j Dn.' Ctcr cn 1 ' i a. -. mj - j " .' " (A