' A . i r rr'"r-''' ,"'-"i 6 Aneolfo toMay.: Pictures: "IBs last Call," a two reerVitagraph feature, "Shakeville's T0mft a Pathe Weekly.; Same lime and Prices , .' f ... OTE KMOW ABOUT J. A. Street returned yesterday af ternoon from .a business visit through the central part of the State. j. L. F Swain of Beaufort, passed throu ; gh the city yesterday morning enroute i home from a business visit to Jackson ville. ' S. F. Freeman, of Washington. N. C, returned home yesterday morning after a short visit to the city. ' S. M. Brinson spent yesterday at Dover in a meeting with the public school committee. Miss Julia Allen passed through the city yesterday afternoon enroute home to Goldsboro from a visit t friends in Norfolk. Lieutenant James P. Lumley left yesterday morning for a business visit to Goldsboro. Mrs. R. C. Jackson and children, of Plymouth, N. C, arrived in thefcity last evening to visit Mrs. E. R. Jackson. Mrs. M. P. Kirkman, of Reelsboro, returned home yesterday after spend ing a few days in the city visiting Mrs. . L. Smith. Miss Beulah Holden left yesterday afternoon for Wild'wood where she will spend several days visiting friends. Mrs. H. E. Royall and children re turned last envening fromKinston where they have been v isiting friends and real-tives. H. W. Thornton left yesterday morn ing for Swansboro in the interest of the National Biscuit Company. Rev. R. VV. Thiot is spending a short time with his family at Morehead. City. Mrs. W. P. Haskins spent yesterday at Cove City with relatives. Miss Irene Etheridge, of Elizabeth City, returned home yesterday after spending some time in the city visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. VV. F. Dowdy. Miss Bettie Tolson, of Croatan spent yesterday in New Bern. Mrs. Z. V. Parker and children left yesterday morning for Morehead City to spend a week. Mrs. F. S. Ernul left yesterday morn ing for Jones county to visit her father J. R. Kinsey. Mrs. Jack Pearce, of Pollocksville, spent yesterday with friends in New Bern. Mrs. Almond Hart and children have returned home to Tarboro after spend ing two weeks in the city. FMSOUTtt SPECTION TOUR SHOWS PROSPERITY General Superintendant Visits A. & A. and Carthage Branch PRAISE FOR N. PEACHES i Crops in Section Visited In Fine Con dition Railroad Officials Sees Bright Outlook Mrs. C. D. Kidder and Miss Lou Mitchell Nixon left yesterday morning for Beaufort to spend a short time. Mrs. N. P. Kirkman, of Reelsboro, was a visitor to the city yesterday. Mrs. J. P. Barfoot, of Fayettevillle arrived in the city yesterday from Wrightsville Beach where she has been visiting and is the guest of her daughter Mrs. Jesse Claypoole. ed great interest was the health school which Dr. Henderson, of Boston, is getting in shape, three miles from Samar- cand, for the benefit of the boys of the North. It is believed that outdoor farm work in this beautiful climate un der proper instruction will build up weak constitutions. Mr. Tyson, of Carthage, come in for a great 'ompliinent from this ex perienced railroader. Mr. Stack said "If railroads had the organization that the Tyson Buggy Company has the railroads would be perfect." The cotton crop he said was enor-1 mous and that improvements would be made at a number cJ staiious to faciliale the handling of shipments. Bright Future for Section. "The country impresses me as hav ing a very bright future. It has al ready shown what it is capable of doing and is therefore betyond the ex perimental stage. It is now only a question of getting people to develop it." "Yes," interjected Mr. Leard, "its the garden spot of North Carolina." "We are putting in machinery to repair cars which will materially add to the output in this regard. The force will be increased by about forty men, which will make the pay Toll about S6.000 a month larger." Mr. Stack was over the line between here and Washington 'He spoKe,.enthusiast ically about Green ville and Farmville. .He was impressed with the great tobacco warehouses and the cotton mills. "".reen ille is full of young men with enterprise," he said,. "There is lots of life there. The town but t"'e narrati.e hi llii1- city yestei lay alternoon iiy W. F. Garner and hii h is a'.,:-. oLitei . tr c in eery detail, caps ti e ( lima... According to the story luul Iiy Mr. Garner, Larl Rooks, son '.I A. i . Kooks, agent for the Norfolk .-oulher n Kail way Company at i lav cloc k, while going to his father's arm near Lake Ellis a few days ago, ran across a six foot long rattlesnake lying in the road. The sudden appearance ol the young man so frighiened the snake that it fell into a nearbv ( anal which was filled RALEIGH, July 31. Mr. J. D. Stack, general superintendent of the Norfolk Southern Railroad, who is on a tour of inspection of the road was in the city yesterday. He had returned from an inspection of the A. & A. road and the Carthage branch, and he was in tensely optomistic as to the future of that section. He was accompainied on the trip by his wife and Mr. H. S. Leard, gen eral passenger agent of the Norfolk Southern. He was especially pleased with thp Ellerbee section and predicted a-right- future for it. Crops he said, were opk'-. 1 ; Recenty nig unusuauy wen ago mat mucn ,i:w. land was being cleared. whichll tb' cultivated next yeaf- and whicJyfves.. promise of increased prosperi$her'S' and therefore more business for tfre rail road. - ' ' ' He was delighted with the "peach business in the section visited, whic h . .. u: 1 :.i .I..,- .u is on x uig scale, eucu bdiu mac ine vi l. i .-m t v crop was splendid. 1 he peach orchards r i .i i n , , , . h . K Bern and then to .Norfolk He has in- are in the section from Candor to . , . , t . , I spec ted the enure svslem except the Pinehurst. There are 26,000 trees at i r: n... , I VI HTlllrtl IIIUIIIII. j Pinehurst, 18,1)00 in the t. lark orchard and 12,000 on the Beun I is bound to grow.' sin .. i In a v ; a noose head, r... i,;,. Mght bark or. la.vl. ! ,r four man dr g .-Mile t placed i mi ;, !. -c Wox Sn muioii"it vera! t hey s scenic 1 in get head agai i-t i!n- ride lllcr,. ,1,-.... .:.i ;s (. alm.it 1 hr-i foiii t lis of W hile t hesc w ere beiu least a tca-Monful of ; t he rept ill - uiou t h. 1 'i t hen placed Nai k in tin held ii n i 1 a n,:nhasi with water. There it made efforts to strike the., ,()ilil,., ,,, ,.:,, intruder and at the same lime endeav - : . , . -iii i ln Icngt !i ! In- nake i ored to keep its head above the water. Seeing that he had an oppporlunity 1 im'nos '" ilv -"ilcr-ni". to catch the reptile Mr. Rooks sectired the l.irye.-. i.u tiers cv, a piece of stout cord and w ith t heaid of a section. SUCCESSFUL MEN Mrs. John Watson, Jr,, and children are visiting their parents on Polhjck street. MRS. MARY HEATH DIES AT JASPER. W. B. R. Lane of Core City- was a business visitor to the city yesterday. T. D. Warren, returned yesterday morning .from a business visit to Ral . ,eigh. News was received in this city last j night of the death yesterday at Jasper i of Mrs. Mary Heath at the age of 84 i years. Rev. W. M. Huggins, of Fort i Barnwell will conduct the funeral ser vice this afternoon and the interment will be made in the family buring ground at Jasper. Edwin Hill spent yesterday at Dover attending to business matters. Mr. Stack is a believer in co-operation anil will wrirk with tlu nonnl. for place. The fruit is beautiful in color u-a. i . c.u i , . . . n r the development of t her resourscs along the Norfolk Southern. He is a man of pleasing personality and will no doubt make many friends for the road. and rich in flavor. Four to five cars of this fruit are being shipped from Can dor and Pinehurst daily. The Van I.ind ley orchard is shipping about two cars a day and the shipments will increase next week. Peaches Equal to Any. Mr. Stack, a Westerner, and who is familiar with fine quality of fruit , PURCHASES THE CITY TRANS produced by California," said the peaches" FER COMPANY.. were as fine in every respect as he had Rev. W. B. Everett le t yesterday afternoon for Saints Delight where he is conducting a revival meeting. BE POSITIVE in everything riht ami you will con in-. ! i;ra wash ' illatih'i olicy is sure to hrin iuiUn-e ii endeav'or. YYe attribute our suctv- a Maul fact that We arc Positive. 4 Per Cent Compounded Every Three Mont) Savings ! Citizens Savings Bank and Trust ( NEW BERN, N. C. W. C. Credle left yesterday after noon for Oriental where he will spend several days fishing. ever seen anywhere. At Samarcand, he said, that he saw one hundred acres in tobacco which was in good " condition. The other crops were also cloing well. An enterprise in which he express- ? 1 Buyers to Share1 In Profits 'V ..! r. -.jf n.tT i"; -'T.W' s Effective: from August 1, 1914 to August 1, 1915 and guaranteed against any reduction during that time: A. H. Davis, of Cove City, has bought the City Transfer Company, and Wa lace A. Smith who was owner and man ager of the business will leave next week for Flo ida. The business will be conducted in the future on the same plans as when Mr. Smith had it in charge. Champion Snake Story From Near Havelock RATTLER SIX FEET LONG TAK EN INTO CAPTIVITY BY EARL ROOKS. There have been a number of snake stories heard in New Bern this summer Touring Car Riihaboiit -Town Car - $490 440 - 690 . F. O. B. Detroit, all cart fully equipped x ;. . , . (In the United States of America only) Further, we will be able to obtain the maximum efflcien cy I in our factory production, and the minimum cost in our pur- chaslr. and sales departments if we can reach an output of 300.0C 3 cars between the above dates. '' ' " '' . : And should we reach this production, we agree to pay as the " - buyer's share from $40 to $60 per car (on-or about August 1, 1915) to every retail btyer who purchases a new Ford Car be : tween Aug. U 1914.and Au. 1 , H15. sharing plan, see the nearest Ford Branch or Dealer - 'J: NEW BERN CITY LEAGUE Next Game Saturday Single Men vs. Ghent Asso. MytkpURE DRUGR : THERE ARE IN THESE CJs&b V T STATES 541,115 DRAYMEN HACK MEN TEAM5TER5 ; 540209 j, sirfm& 906 E MALES V CAN.SHE 6CT D0 (f STANDING OF CLUBS VV L P C Single Men 10 4 714 Railroaders 10 4 714 Married Men 7 7 500 Ghent Asso.. 2 14 125 We Wouldn't Think Of Asking Any Of You Ladie To Haul Our G6ods From The S But We Don't Hesitat' To Ask You To Come H For Anything You May Need In Our 1 Bradham Drug Compai JS.. ' Ford: Mctar Ccripciiy- "V. : J J "1 ij t . . , .'in.-ir' - 4 thai . -a te4! r, w. -Ax: kJMh: 7iJI ? ;r't i - mm m v. i ... i : i: X tfc- ui. T"--.V ft, .' . -:Z:i'Ci -m r I -9M ' A 4 " -V"v- ..- From Office-Boy to President wc air want success To win, wefcmust be quick, keen, alert, direct HPSl-Cokt .-t;Y..v .: 1 ! I r skr . a x ajwst up mc EsicicK, ' ana aoos XUQ T stimulanttfor a strong steady gait bu - will r find it atf Soda ravv ; M. uuuuiui.1 m u tui iiiiii-iiT-fi .1 Jf3' i 4, sciniwnm 4 J l ib . fc.. . ft I n ..(tlwl,, 911 A- :1 1 1