' - BACK FROM CAMP. ;, . . - . . - : (Charlotte Observer.) , fc The Hornets Nest Rifles of Com v vrtli (Carolina Regi- nient returned yesterday from Camp r. . . u where it has uienn, mui eucau -; been encamped for the, past: 10 days, . , . . j -v... jt vMtrdav alter Moreneau v-ny j - noon at 6 30 and Charlotte was reach j .ui. .Knrtlv atter 8 o'clock. - CU IIIIB iliui ui5 j . The trip was a very pleasant one, and j.... : nn nno nf unusual interest. ine vy " " r D Cnharfsnn: of this City, who is adjutant to ColonelJ. T. Gardner of Shelby, colonel in command - n :, statixt vesterday that in his opinion this encampment was the . .. A.. ,n, has ever had. Desi mat. ." - The drills were better executed and a . ..ti.;a.l!r interest was display- IHUI C Cil,'""" ' - ed by the men than previously and there was a tightening up in all departments and along all lines. REV. EUCLID McWHORTER GOES alAITTPt1VC TO TUB MUliniw"" NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE TW virtue of the power conferred deed of mortgage ex- ......- . . . . ecuted" to the undersigned oy ma P1 nd Harriette Pool, his wue, aa ifith dav of November, 1908, rl roistered in the office of the Reg- nf Deeds of Craven County, N. C, i Hon If 173. Daee 4S9, on account on lit - r m w default in the payment ol the maeDie .n.a therebv secured, 1 win on m..- day, the 27th day of July. m. at tne hour of 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door of said county, in the city f NpW Rem. sell to the highest bidder. for cash, at public auction, the follow . j ror- nr narcel of land ing LCSCI lUV-u 1. ...... ' situated . and being in said county No. Eieht. and described and defined vas follows: A certain ... j.... ;n th Citv of New Bern lOl BllUttltu . . . i f riuun Street. on the souiu .ue v Green s nortn- LISTEN, MABEL. it . . - - Here's A Female Whose iraue . Rat Catching. nf the campaign against nUM"" " . rats now being waged in New Orleans, .... - i . v. tsxc-xxt the Philadelphia tress nas uu ir AC tho crrpatest rai-taiv.""'s tablishments in the country is conduct j i... . wnman in New York. ea uy a ywuns c. JVitpr of a famous modeler successor Of the Pied Piper of Hamlin and upon his deatn leu neii i rnntinues tO COnQUCI wn...o" u:. ' nf a rrew which visits his own cuccess the business which he taught her. She directs the operations of a crew which visits tne piers oi i. . i: pvnv Hav in the year, ana 1 1 It. 1 1 V pwi ,o j J is already to clear pnvaic ui- . .r.-.j tlx. -ratnres. She her- iniesLcu wiui self is ready at any time to catch rats . f 1 without gloves and some oi nci m..- stant companions are rats m eree whom she has tamea tanu iiuB..i to eat out of her hand. It is true that u : nK, nffim rat-catcher o-.ner RIIV YOUR SWEEPING POWDER AT HOME ANTI- DUST Manufactured Bv TARRO CHEMICAL COMPANY Also cheap Barn and Roof Paint It's fine (or brickwork and len cing It's a Wood Preserver. Tarro Chemical Company PI one 45 1, NEW BERN, N. C, YOURD IN 1 N G RO Ice ni B I 11 ttlSWPiliSkl.l beginning at Gatsey v.rec.. I sex in the world. But what woman has Bev. Euclid McWhorter, wh has east corner ano 7''--. done woman can do and tnat noary . r. .v, iat several with Queen street to rcuu.c 1 T . , u as skirts now loses been recuperaunS i. - 1 p . Rattle-g iine 8ou- JOKC 1 "".." " week, from an operation for append cus westward 2S its point. d gallstone, left yesterday Jorj --c t0 the beginning, Moumteins, where ne w. - - 25 front on Queen iVlUUHUllllO, . 4.1. A,.n,.t returning to New Bern llllUtlt W "uft'" ' " , . the first of September, and resume his work as pastor of Centenary Methodist church. Rev. McWhorter was accom panied by his wife and children, wno will remain with him until the first of September. fourbabiesTnTT m onths Mrs. Ross Gave Birth to Second Pair of Twins Yesterday. . . p- r Dneenl nr n Mali a well known mer hA lnt heme l0 ieci tvm. c i v . tne lot dciuk " , w. hroul,t street. It being lurtner aeacnwu icnant 01 vmwiuiu..u, . - i .i : eirf tnnrrcaffors 1 ni i.namucnatu b mw. - WILClciift s o o a o - the land reside. tu:. oav. 1av of Tune. 1V14. 1 1119 n" . " A H. Baneert. Mortgagee. Bv R. A Nunn, Attorney. stnmach Troubles ViHUOca . c.j, lahita. lack of out door DCUCIuai ' , exercise, insufficient mastication of food constipation, a torpid liver, worry 1 I . . n.,orn5 T If! (7 IUirLlIWlllK k'. ana anxicLy, v ..--o, 1 - ... 'i.J .rmir acre food or drinK not suucu i . Pnrrert vour habits ana occupation. ...... - j-- and take Chamberlain's Tablets and you will soori be well again. For sale by all dealers. n np nnie to iuuui y as 1" , customers. After receiving them ne . u:m( taWen sick and says t" WdB II 1 ll,T,v... ... one small bottle 01 v.'"""- Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy was wonn more to him than tne cost 01 nis cu- . 1 . Ffti, tire stock oi these meuiciuc . sale by all dealers. HALF MILLION DOLLARS! Made from pure dis tilled filtered water New Bern Ice Co. 19-21-23 Griffith St. Phone 23. FURNITURE Should be of Artistic and Pleasing Design- . . Ul.lc . friiir cdod taslf. ul' (6 :u i ,miii' r ( wiiaun. .w. ... not have a 'uv the nios, costly in order to have o.rrert Call and talk Hie matter oe. ,.... VLur'AVV nnrlFliMKD OA K, an- a m, ,v.K t he Ml)MUiN, nmiiuuii.. . , most pleasing finishes . J. S. Miller Furniture Co. The Home Furnishers Xew Bcrna J LllL. SOUTH NORWALK, Conn., July i 4 l-t- r Kali ertrl hv local doctors that Mrs. Michael Ross of this place holds the nativity record of the State, having given birth to four children inside of one year. Mrs. Ross, fifty-one, became Hontle the mother of twin boys to-day and "COUntTy UenUK months aeo she presented her CT&.CX -COm- husband with twin girls. cCr YY0 HOTn HOCrC Mr. Ross is fifty years old. The 2UG tne QOZSI 1 nuur. couple have ten children, all alive and well. The couple nave dcch ...a..--twenty-five years, but the oldest child is only sixteen. Green Pepper at Hackburn's MORTGAGE SALE, r. t in the nowers of sale con tained in that certain mortgage deed executed by Thomas McDaniel and 1 Mattie McDaniel, his wife toj. u. nann, bearing date of NovemDer m j .,norl in the oublic records in auu office of Register of Deeds for Craven county, North Carolina in dou. 184 Folio 311, the unoersigneu . 1 i p11 to the highest oner ior io - .... & iter bidder for cash at tne coun u. I will sell you the property on Queen street Nos. 44-46-4S-48 l-i anu T...:. Aiia Kn 2-4-6-8-10-12-14 and 16 joining near Union depot, New Bern, N. C, for cash or on time. 1 will also move all or any of the k.,:u;nr,, anH nav vou cash one thou sand dollars for them. You organize a 'company say three good men with money, and in ten years you can walk .:v million dollars. The awdy wit," - - place suits. There are tnree inausu .c either one adopted by you would make you this money. fCLJanern Isaac H. Smith, Mo. ' '-2 Queen st. New Bern Timely Suggestions tti 1 a 1 n - orlvanrflce vv e can . " "iuaPiRP T.IFR. Accident n 1 Dito r:iafi Live Stock, etc. and will thank you tor your dusiucss. iiioo u-.-several good homes and desir able building lots for sale. W. G. BOYD STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of State. Certificate of Dissolution. To all to Whom these Presents May Come-Greeting- . . bidder .or casn at u.c Whereas it appears to my satisfac- in said Craven county, on tioY by duly Authenticated record of 29th day of August 1914, at the hour Ihe pri ee. for the voluntary dis- of 12 o'clock M.. the following desenb olution thereof by the unanimous con- ed property, to-wit It of S the stockholders, deposited All that certain lot or parce ol tad in mv office, that the Comfort Supply ,ying and being s.tuae .. .. . Comoany. a corporation of this State, ship , Craven county, 2T?UJ office is situated at and in that portion of sai , ownp. xr . street, in tne known and designate town of Comfort, County of Jones, as plotted and recoraeu ... Stlte of North CaroUn. (Thomas D. records in office of Register of Deeds Worrn beintt the agent therein and for said Craven coumy .u S&TSLS PO hom 112-Folios 144 and 145. and bearing U .rved. hScompiied with (75 1-2) the requirments of Chapter t i.ev-. one-nai! - , H r ions entitled "Corporanora. p.c-. Deing - - . . ot lvoa, enuueu t 1 rnmnanv to the said . r n v m . . iniw urn. 107 . auu aw- Trf S Srdin.. do h.b, No. UJ-F.11. 5. to wbh tenc. - - . . I ' J v -" . ... .-r- i- tlia .aiH corrjoratton old - . . t..i.. A1a in mv on the 2nd aay 01 ju.y, w. office a duly executed and attested Con sent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the . 11- -t j .hanf wViu-h said Con- StOCKIlOIUClB invi -v, sent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my office as provided by law. I Ttimonv Whereof, I have here JOE MORICCA JAMES BRESSI Modern Shoe Manem AMERICAN ELECTRIC SHOE REPAlKllNvi All work called for and delivered . . Work guaranteed. INo pay u ..i.(o.Mm. f;ive us a trial. 0tHw"-.w J , HI Middle St. v..'ra Rilinnn and Costivel . ,iji, Rreath. Sour O.IK Stomach. Furred Tongue and Indiges- . . r-i I AMrToH uon, mwu . . V.1WU Up . I . r. v. . n.. t !f Pills today and OI ui. rviug 1 empty the stomach and Doweis o. menting, gassy foods and wasre. . v,nM movement eives a satisneu, .ui,f,,i fool! no makes vou leel nne. Uiaatu 0 - Effective, yet mild. Don't gripe. 25c, at your Druggist. Bucklen's Arnica saive .u. ProLPRUNIER i At Howard Styron 11 UNION STREET Violin and Wind Instruments RATES ON APPLICATION XL .T- There is m ore Cartarh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last lew years was supposed to be incuraim . For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease and preen ed local remedies, and by const a.uly failing tc cure with local .re. mem. pronounced it incurable. Scunce has ratarrh to lie a constitutional disease, and thereiore i......... stitutional treatment. nan s v . ....... Cure, manufartnred by V. J. l-heney & Company, Toledo, Ohio, is the only Constitutional cure on the market. : .i.tcrnallv. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hn mired dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. C1IKNKV & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by DrufcfiUs, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation NOT1CK OF SIMMONS. Supciioi Courl, September t Tin, 191-1 n :i -olina, t racn ( .emu -, , .11 her -. I'.-.er H.,rl;er I. ,:el'. eel, in. ale've 'inie.1 nil! taKe n. in . tmi.it an act i' n t milled as above has been c. mi ineuecd i:i Hie Si.H-nc,r C.u.r. of Crawn 1 ou.,. , N- :"ih ' ar,li ua, bv the pl.nn'ill a....;:-: '-.e l'fen dant I.. a;--'.,.- c on ' the Kro.,i,.ls..t f,,rni--a.,-- i ami r-.-h.! tei y. And the -.aid leleml.i ... futlier take notice'!:.,! he i- my .ml -o.pi.car at the Term of the s, j . n,., iVi,n o3 said Count:. . '- I'-' : "! '" Monday in September. I'M 7th dav of Scp;emh--r, I'M!,..; M...-.o--it house of CiaMii c, ty N.-iM. ' an.lina and answer or demur t. -lie complaint in said anion, or the p.. iniill i l plytothe.o.::-! f. r the r.liel demanded in said complaint. YV. IS. l laiiiKi, C. S. C. This 10th day of July, I'M I. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR 1 A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR. A 1 iliSiFi sale j : m f tiArAKv made. This 25th day ol jury, i.- J. L. HAHN, Mortgagee. ORDINANCE. Alderman Ellis moved the adoption of the following ordinance- : otnnl hv the Board of Alder- i,- ritv nf New Bern- Section . r . 1 J a r nl That chapter 4 oi ine uruauvn, THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture and Mechanic Art-a. al Colleee offers 1 11C Jlaic tiiuuB" - w , i strong courses in Agriculture, Horti- , u...a y-vm-' irT-o ici nu . i jrx.ii. v - m i : . : I IV II I rry. . vciciuto7 ' J .... 1 rn naor. r-iccLiicai, - ... -I enrl nvpilll?: Ill COt- wr...fa-iinnir. and in Agricultu- IC U tUOIiu'v "OF I ral taching. Four year courses. Two and one year Courses in ftgrn.u.i. ClIIU ill muui.'.'v r I of 61 men; 738 students; 25 Dunoings, to set my hand and affixed my official be amended by adding at the exceUent ;nd equipment laboratories seal at Raleigh, this iaa aay oi Jul endothereothe following- for each department. Onjuiyym A. D., 1914. I Sec 40. All railroad companies County Superintendents conduct en- T. BRYAN , trocV or tracks across aminat ons at eacn county Secretary of State. QUARTERLY MEETING MS-, - end of thereof the following -v. ts: a rarW or tracks across inainiu.u.u6 any street in the city shall between ... !t t nA nn each side of such track or tracks either pave me wiu... i 1. itiAtiAnn in of such street or lay piu. vehicles to seat. For catalogue write it n. OWEN. Registrar, Wma Unleliih. N. C. I New Bern DUtrlct,. . I to permit vehicles to ,. E. Underwood, P. E. H"w"d --sive N. C. THIRO round. I cross without difficulty or essive RTSH-FISH" FISH Whoever violate um T nwr at Ausburv. July 4-5. . I .i. L- . Amrir shall be main Ocrakoke at Porstmouth, July 7.8 violation thereof shaU consti- -m- - C.,Mmrf Ad. lUlV Us W . j i.ff.na. . Oriental, ar Pamlico, July 18-19. DaWson, seconded the K w WALST0N, Beaufort, July 12, 13. - , I Uon and Mpon vote 0f the Board the - w Mldue t Snow HiU, at Tabernacle, July 25-26. F.T.Patt Iioiung. " , . i .,.-. . - . i i-.jS2i All Irinds. receiv- demeanor, ana upon wU. - . u 1 of, rf.aU be fined ten dollar.; and each Hflll V. OUICk delivery Phone 747 1 7-24-5tL F. T. Patterson, Qtf aerkl Jonee Ct., at Shady Grove, Auff. 8, v. i Atlantic at Atlantic, Aug. Seven Springs at Woodington, Aug. "15,16. , w i'J UGrange, Aug. 22-23. - Mt. Olive Circuit, Aug. 29-30. Mt OUveand.Faieon,at?aison. Aug. . ;V3M. 3t't-'.-SS;N.-'--'-''v',..v ..vi: 4 'A -r .1 . v. . .t. .nn.l.lnn and con- . CdoCIrclt.TDanierSepV.Ma Aug. 14, dSySunday Jnorning Utwee. U and , u.;SlphSaltei'V hVU LnMBER COMPANY. 111 SAVE- YOU GLQTHES ( You Havi: Them- Cl" Repaired B SOU L1PIJAH Mii.k 9 t 7 S. Front St. OPPOSITE GASTON ' HOTEL One nice home in Ghent on Spencer Ave. Two nice homes in Riverside, National Avenue. . Nine nice homes inside city limits, in dif ferent parts of town, some very desirable locations. Four nice homes in Bridgeton I also have some vacant lots in Bridgeton New Bern, Ghent and Riverside. I can sell you property for cash or on easy terms. Don't fail to see me before you buy. I can save you money, and don't forget to see me beforlVou buy that farm. I have what you want I handle everything in real estate. Come to see me. If you don't buy I will , -wt iirnir be glad to see you any waj. E W. THE " cm UU7" MAN , Daaiels' Cdlding Opposite Gaston Hotel New Bern, N. C t x i V t fcor.ea.lt ward, ol all , am. , , M J. A. Jonoe ts-i i

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