' , ''" V V'' 1 i r- r t I 1,1 i V 1 r J.-1 j Li a ;JMiirt i ' i" . Safe t A , the Big Store To- Day Shirts rednced to u (4 t( it (( $1 15 - 1 38 1 65 1 88 2 98 3 50 olors Fast and Guaranteed Not r, -'. -, to Fade en's Suits Half Price its are now only $5 00 iits are now only 7 50 iits are now only 10 00 its are now only 12 50 1 Blue Suits I 1-4 Off i " lppenheimer and Hart Scliaffner & Msrx Suits Go in this Sale Wlm & mm IU1 L W H M I VI A New Bern North Carolina J AVERTED WAR. r of Hungary Hurries ome. . July 31. Count Ka- e Hungarian indepen ing for Kuproe today p La Savoie, issued a ing that had his party n Austria "the situa have become so deli r war." Count Karo- hoping that war would . seems that our coun- no more from Servia ion. The crisis means s should he at home jc Hungarian patriots '., rally to the flay, ing in any way to iction of the- Austro trnment in declaring feel assured that had in power he political not ha ve become so 1 for war as its solution patriots, and will rally Teleflrams ines Sttat. jed to postoffice box in Antonio, a box to signing herself "Mrs. nnea" had ordered her from Atlanta a few his was the fjrst time 'iad be Ul)W to'j&Jtd ' who rerVsentid hipv ' ' 'Z'-' conclusively to the theory tflat Mrs. I fines, Mrs. M. M. Hard man and Margaret Mims were one and the same person. Mrs. Innes in Port'and refuses to discuss this angle of the myst ery She has said that she was in Atlanta with Innes and that she went to San An tonio with him, but she has not ad mitted or denied that she was the woman who ordered mail for herself and Victor Innes forwarded from At lanta to Box 1278 in San Antonio, where Eloise sent the telegram. Ad mission of this would virtually estab lish her Identity as the mysterious "Margaret Mims" and "Mary Hard man", the so-called aunt of Innes, the detectives assert. Detective W F. Harper has elimi nated Professor LaVoux, the clair voyant and fortune-teller who was in Atlanta in May, from all connec tion with the disappearance mystery, He was thought by Mrs. J. W. Nelms, mother o the sisters, to be Innes himself, but LaVoux's photograph was shown to J.- W. Kreuger, a Federal emplbyieewho worked at one time with Innes, and Kreuger declared that it was not the picture of Innes.' i " Attorney Reuben Arnold, who?has been advising .. Mrs. Nelms ; in the search for her girls, will leave within a , few days on his -vacation, .which he will spend in New York Stote. - erel this afternoon; Col. Kennedy and party caught 1 10 mackerel and foun ders, Col. H. Montague 49 mackerel, The sport is immensely good mm mm ; in mm -cuss . , r"Send . this gH brfek; to her chili. . f dren. She ha .been way !f'flht1leni The murder, for whfch'James Plew M EMBERS OF NORTH CAROLINA COAST ARTILLERY AWARDED CERTIFICATfiri y. , RALEIGH, July 31.-4ArrjJtant Gen- e ral Laurence Young of thii Jorth Caro 1 ina National Guard has received from the War department instructions ty.isw 3ue certificates of proficiency tcf eigh teen officers of the North Carolina: (toast Artillery Corps as a result of examina tions recently concluded. The lf$4 fol lows . Major E. D. Kuykendall, Greens boro; Captains W. R. Cox, Charlotte; Charles L. Shaver, Salisbury; L. M- Dodamede, Hendersonville; K., V. Ladd, Hendersonville; W. D. Morrow, Raieigh; F. L. Page, Greensboro; First Lieutenants Roy B. Case, Greensboro; M. F. Hatcher, Salisbury; H. C. Mil lar, Charlotte; W. L. Doss, Salisbury; Second Lieutenants Grady L. Bain, Greensboro; C. E. Bradshaw, Char lotte; W. A. Garren, Hendersonville; P. W. Hardie, Greensboro; J. B, Lynch, Wilmington; D. E. MurphySal isbury; Willshire Griffith, Hendersonville. was executed, was dope. June 22jpi& Plew confessed. itsl-WWVke fiel was. found guilty in. the firsit -degree, but appealed to the $upreme Court; which granted her a hew trial have been financed by Mrs. William J. .Blicfaens- CAYANAUGH . SUieiDEW LOW TEMPERATURE PREVAILS IN THIS SECTION. WHITE LIGKIIT MARSHALS EOT No overcoats have been in evidence in NewBern for the past two days but that is no j reason why they have not been needed. The temperature took a 6udden drop Wednesday night a"no si ui. c mai iime, tne lemperature Has been low enough,' especially at 'night, to cause some inconvenience. This condition is by no means local but pre vails all over this and adjoining States. FOR RENT No. 5 New street, a de sirable, residence, furnace heated, elec tric lights and gas, good location. Ap ply to Mrs. Jno. Duhn, JPhone ,232, 100 Broad street. : ' Id. 3&& Naw-PamrnouBi in JJupl County That he Drawer v KJNSTON. N. C July3t,A report from,. Beulaville-today say the- belief is- now paramount there that Lawrence -Cavenaugh, whose body wa found in ' a s mill pond a few weeks ago, f was a . suicide. When Cavenaugh" cap was found floating on the waters. f the pond, leading to the recovery Sof the corpse, the neighborhood was rife wh;h suspicions of murder. ' The' dead Vouth ,i had been in an altercation with' other'.' young men at Pink Hill a few" days --. before, and news, canie to the solicitor here whieh almost precipitated the prosecution of several, including sons of one or two of Duplfh county's most prominent families, It' is learned now that relatives of Cavenaugh, recall that he was downcast because his parents had refused their sanction of his mar riage;tO.,a girl "in the neighborhood. Cavenaugh contributed to the family's upkeep,-and the withdrawal of hi3 sup port was protested, the report states. E. P. Kyle, Traffic Manager of the Norfolk Southern Railway Company, was a visitor to New Bern yesterday. OLD CHARLIE MILLS BEHIND BARS BECAUSE OFFICERS GOT v "DROP ON HIM:" AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD AND KITCH EN FURNITURE- i; WINCHESTER, Va July 31. Old Ghatfio Mills, .'pn'ebf 'the. most notor- i6us,oo)n9hlner;8 wfip. .ever "biled" cirnfnvvest- Virginia ana maae wnite lifteCfwad captured' late last night near His home pi) Camp Creek, Mercer county, fnd is now in the county jail at Princeton. " For years United" States marshals and deputies have been after Mills. They found his stills in the wijfds of Mercer only a few months ago aTnd destroyed them, but the old maij al ways made his escape. He declared that he would die with his boots on and that no man would ever get the 'drap on him". But they did get the "drap on him", and it took United States Deputy Revenue Officers J. H. Mitchell and Henry Lemon to make old Mills throw up his hands. For the past several days Deputy Mitchell and Lemon scoured the hills to land Mills. Their pursuit proved fruitful last night when they encounter ed the moonshiner.,, They introduced themselves with four guns pointed at old Mills' head. He reached for his gun when he saw the officers but it was too late. They fastened his feet and arms, put him on a horse and the trio , rode through the hills all night to Princeton jail, where they locked up old Mills, the man who had for years violated. Uncle Sam's laws and who declared that ho man could take him alive. Mills will be taken from the Prince ton jail this week to Blucficld, ' where he will be given a preliminary hearing before United States commissioner. 3F,TEJ3L,TO W SPECIAL OFFER: Because we have no agent now in New Bern, we offer for the present at a special discount of 20 per ct. on any orders received from New Bern 2-Cycle Self Sparking (n8o co nil, j battery) Engine 30 1-2 H. P. 2-Cycle "Special", (with coand 50 battery) engines 4-16 H. P. 4-cycle heauy ditty engites 12-150 H. P. 4 cycle Diesel engines, 50-109 H.P Fulton Manufaciuring Company ERIE PA. CLOSING OUT AT REDUCED 1 PRICES J 2 Quart Ice Cream Freezers - - 3 Quart Ice Cream Freezers - - 4 Quart Ice Cream Freezers - -' 6 Quart Ice'Qeam Freezers $1.75 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 Gaskill Hardware and Mill Supply Co. 73-75-77 Middle Street - - - Phone'147" MRS. WAKEFIELD AGAIN ENDS BATTLE FOR LIFE SECOND TRIAL FOR HUSBAND'S MURDER CLOSES WITH LAWYER'S PLEA. will sell at public auction, at cor ner of Middle and South Front streets, today, Saturday morning, af. ' eleven o'clock, a fine lot of household and kitch en furniture, belonging to family who have left New Bern. You have an opportunity for bargains. S. R. STREET, Auc ioneer. 8-1-lti. ! NEW HAVEN, Conn., July 31. Areuments were finished today' in the second trial of Mrs. Bessie Wakefield for the murder of her husband. Judge Reed will charge tomorrow and give the case to the jury. State-Attorney Ailing, in his sum- mine up. charged Mrs. Wakefield with being chiefly responsible for the crime. Her attorney ''" appealed to the sympa thy of the jury very strongly. Mrs. Wakefield sat through their arguments weebine and at references to her child ren could not control herself r , . Attorneys Devine closed with this plea '.'.' ;;-.-; BASEBALL AT GHENT PARK THIS AFTERNOON. There yrll be an interesting game of dasebaU at Ghent Park this afternoon between the Ghent team and the Sin gle men. .' The came will be called at five o'clcck and a large crowd of fans"' is expected to attend. , - Judge 0. H. Guion left yesterday afternoon for a short Visit to Morehead City.' .t'-'r MOREHEAD FISHING TIME ' at Beauforf i 'uh hla family The will return horfiei him this morning . . ttANflC.ltOTEL; MOREHEAtX' CiT July i.i-Atlantic Hotel fish tauicu f re uyiUK uue lucs.' nun. c. 1.. Travis pmd two sons' caught 132 mack-t .-,Ar.' f-f-.v:..-. J- - v-i pTravisand two eons caught 132 mack-t ( FOR IMMEDIAtE ' ftALRLTai r. feV a bargai in fatty ve acre rfarsl five roues lrom: fieftdersoii afbc hundred fruit trs,line room; use, ; Fo ifrtW KiVSjLfliiw room; use, of jar :.kriSticar V" -BaFre ajj, .PaW&l'C iii CF.NTR AT PHARMACY 19 IS RELIABLE There's no two rways about that. ; Our J: Drugs produce RESULTS. El Stop at the CENTRAL FOUNTAIN. 7, V ; tl Sanitary and on the Happy U 55 wr?s Viii B PHONE 91 . : -:S " tie " 0pticcl Service ; ! Vfcere? - f Scientific methods are the baaia our Optical jSuccesa The t'tlnmt of leaeee thorough e- i ifs:s.JitIfijss-.Sclenti:ic Fitting of tt 9 f !assea--thee are 1 the r'thte "it. t ir-y"i',"iiirance,i; . ?;f cl. t ne-.t.- . Consult r- 'ai .i(ti'.sgJad";.- We 4 i.:.e4. .i wtjie you v m v?.- i', AT-.:? . - X . ' lDr..;d. BAXTER'S 3 m V-OPtpMtTRIST; m; , ' v f " " Made the Bradham Way arid served the very dain " tiest style. Bradham's Soda fountain is the place to go for these hot Summer days The best : is , always .to be found at our soda fountain. . ..All ; orders for ice. cream x delivered promptly, ' v r ', " 7i V J t s, 'hiytf. :y!yf:'- y.;fsi y:Z'. -fo:J'!i;;5(rv;x;,ii!:v' rU'';-''t:. iiiii". '' " ' ?yyy-':V"- ; The Sanitary; Scdo. FovA' 7; Two; Stores tvith buta-Ct.b Htz t ;- .it. f "t t f - Y