IALi trout chits'-"" Ir tics, Capes ad Cape Cccis FbeSfcirts, Blesses ; aid Dresses & Italian collars, long tunics. gathered, plaited, yoked and circular, Hundreds and hundreds of the latest Fall styles, are shown in the JSTAIfflARD FASHION B00I ' I.. . ..... fc With each copy you e any Standard Patfrn FREE ( , mm mm a m mn n a rrfklff VM TXHVD U LLLU J ill . lilL 1 Ai iUUl vv ViMi IF I DIYTPIV Dept.; Store Elks Temple. Dome grown vegetaHes t of alLZkind fc.Tisdale 79 "Broaq Why. .You Should Buy xr : rvf tt ' i our oroteiics xji ,y. . IWinisfiwe rarrvbestfioodslon your Inierest, as 'follow or L IHUSC Wiiu uc.u.-. highest Quality, We cater to the best trade) aa well as to tnose in moo rate clrcnmstances, i This is a high Class Store f Amnrtw1v - .' I J -"-'w J - For Prompt Service PHONE 172 . 53 Pollock St. D. C. Armstrong SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Premier Carrier Of The - South. I.OW ROUND TRIP SUMMER TOURIST TICKETS NOW ON SALE - i TO ; , t"THE LAND OF THE SKY" ' ASHEVILLE, WA YNESVILLE, TOX 'AWAY, HENDERSONVILLE," , ( -1 BREVARD, HOT SPRINGS AND ALL OTHER WESTERN NOR- TH CAROLINA POINTS. ' '.pend " your ' vacation ' in the . cool ' mountains of Western North Carolina. - Week End and Sunday Excursions round, trip tickets on sale to Morehead City, Beaufort, WnghtsviUe, Warning--' ton, and various other summer resorts.' For illustrated book lets, complete detailed information, ask your agent.or Bommunicate with, . .. ; ' a F. YORK, ... ' ,, - Traveling Passenger' Agent, - f , Raleigh, N. C. , , Children Cry. FOR FLETCHER S - CASTORIA " Don't you think you should pay me something on what you owe me? Hack burn Y' " " i ' : Cood Reason For His Enthusiasm. "When a man has suffered for several days with colic, diarrhoea or other form of bowel complaint and is then cured nind and well by one or two- doses of CI mberlain's ColicCholera and Diar t ' ' a Remedy, as is often the 1 case, it s i -t natural that lie should be enthus ' i l't pra'"e of the remedy, snl ''it1 'i ihp re cf a s'-v' r- biiLtbt : l.ILL man 1 " j t ) i ' i - WELL- KNOWN - GREEK; HOTEL MAN TALKS INTERESTINGLY -1! J r-i That Gree .reece will not take part in the present Eupropean struggle unless Tur key jumps in and. attempts to aid the. Germans, is" the Opinion of John Bam balis,' a Greek subject who is 'owner of the Busy Bee Cafe of this city and '.of a large botel in Norfolk, Va., and who in spending a few days in New Bern, ;, Mr. Bambalis has been paying, close atten tion to the developments in his conutry. especially so since she; purchased the Mississippi and the Idaho two of the largest battleships in the ; United States Navy and his views are believed to be accurate. Greece ; however is keeping a watchful eye on Turkey says Mr. Bambalis especially has such been the. case' since Germany turned, rover several ships to them atetr the opening Of the war. - No move will be made until the Turks start 'something then, Mr. Bambalis says, there is every jeason. to believe (hat Greece will "take a hand in the game... T. . (t '..J, :-n ? T- i v ;-''' -NORTH CAROLINA," es ' " CRAVEN COUNTY, -SUPERIOR COURT, SEPTEMBER term. i9i4. ; The National Bank of " New ' Berne V8- , - - - ' ,"WtE. Lukeos " ' '"- Publication of Summons, and Warrant of Attachment. v - To Wm. xE. Lukens, ; Defendant Take notice that suinmons and war rants of attachment have been issued herein.' to the Counties of Carteret; Jones and Wake, and that the object of this action is to recover, of you 316, 000.00 with interest thereon from 12th Aav of March." 1913. and that war rants of attachment herein r were duly issued on the 21st day ot May, and the Uth day of July, 19J.4, and duly levied Carteret' county, North .Carolina, levied on Mav 22nd. 1914. and on July lltV 1914: and 'on July '25th,; .1914, I respectively un iuq.. tuuvwiug wuue therejn to.wit ,tj fntv 20 i 70S for 62.720 acres. 2. Grant No. 387 to David Allison "ITZ!: dated September 7, 1795, for 12,800 acres. datedMarch27, 1796,for5,760actes. 4. Grant No. 399 to David Allison 5. Grant No. 400 to David .Allison, I of 170H A Attn nrroa. 6. Grant No. 387 to David Allison, dated Nov. 10, 179S , fof 8,960 acrea. The "original records in the office of the Secretary of State and the records in the' office of the Register of Deeds are: hereby "referred to for. particular descriptions. And in Onslow county, North Carolina, :on the 22nd day of May. and the 13th; day of Julyi 1914, respectfully, on the following describ ed land v situate in Onslow county, to- wit . I. Grant "No.. 740 to David Allison, dated July 16, 1795, for 5,632 acres! 2. Grant No. 741 to Davis Allison, dated July 16, 1795, for 4460 acres. : Reference is hereby had to the re cord in the office of the Secretary of State, and the records ra the office of the Register of Deeds of Onslow county. North Carolina for more particular de scriptions. ' And that you are required to appear before the Honorable Judge of the Superior Court' of the county of Craven, at the court house in New Bern, said county, and in State of North Carolina, at a term of said court to be begun and held onrtfae 1st Monday, it being the 7th day of September; A. D. 1914, and answer or demur to the com' plaint, which' has been filed in said court and, also answer and make your return to the warrants of attachments and levies of the same. This 28th day of July, A. D, 1914. . , . W,. a. JIJlWKtK...:. ' ' j Clerk of Superior Court. ST ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA SAMPSON GROVE CO . Boardman Fla " ': HAS FOR SALE 12,000 PECAN Trees : . . " FOR SALE : . ' Paper shell and Fancy rarieties Schley Stuart, Saccess, Dehnas' Vaa Deman Curtis ' AD Budded I yearsold" - .' Address ' ' 1 '. 'v . : 'J. VIRGIL WALKER , 3 79 POLLOCK ST. fnvlgoratlnj; io the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard -nrral gtrmibfuln tonic: GROVE'S TASrEL S3 chill TOlMiC.d. ,-n out iaianannche. ft'e bioort, buit'.itifn uvu Pure ' There is no better or purer . ' -v .;-;:;;;rjJCe CREAM d: made, nor can there be, than delicious ' - BRADHAMS ICB CRBAM. In its making only the ' -t " - FAMOUS CUTTaOnE , CERATJ ls'used -; f , , ,j - " 1 , .. Made In a 6anitaiy manner bradHams , WHOLESALE PHONE 35 ; Read Our Advertisements , r - i. ..-A-i-r "i i ."i-r ? . i Having more summer SHOES on hand than we want to carry over the winter. - We have cut prices on our entire Stock , so as to mQve them quickly' and make room for the fall goods which will begin to come In soon; We don't cut prices often but when we do you know whatbar gains we offer so come and see us. v , ,-. - v.t ; (- ' 7 - : Safe" Started Vcdhcsday, J. G. DELAMAR, Mgr. " 1 , Phone 422 . V C 114 Middle St.- - Car Lots Mowers?Rakes-Cultivatdrs Horsa Mule Cov. ChickenHe-' POULTRY "ARE 1 If in a sanitary factory. . and RETAIL - 'V. - r FACTOR Y1300 to icas and Less . - NOl-OLK I To Ealtimore, Washington, D. C. I ...Norfolk and Vlr!nla,. Beachr Tuesday, Aug. I8th. . -.The following is the low round trip rates -.- : Stations . Balti. Norfolk Wash. Bayboro, $11.50 J6TS0 $550 Beaufort",' .u 11.50 ; "6.50, 9.50 f Farmville 10.00 ' - 5.00 ' 8.00 f ayetteville X 10.5p 6.50 8.50 Greenville ..-lO.ob. 5.00 i . 8.00 Goldsboro , i- 11.00 - 6.00 . ' 9.00 Kinstott - 11.00 ' 6.00 !h00 LaG'range .11.00 6.00 9.00 Morehead City -10.30 ' 6.00 8.30 New BernLi-i-,11.00 -v 6.00 9.00 Orientel 11.50 -r 6.00 ; 9.50 Plymouth lO.OJ' ' 5.00- :i!" 8.00 Wendell vi 10.00 - 6.00 ''. 8.00, Washington 10,00 -S' 5!00' i 8.00 Wilson 10.00 -J 5.00'" 8.00 Zebfilon " 10.00 6.00 1 8.00 -jj Tickets will be on sale for all trains August 18th, bear final limit returning September 2nd. "v.- - Grand' Steamer"' trip to: Washington and Baltimore 'O-' A J J- Low fares from all stations..' Convenient schedules. t i, " f AAsk ticket, agents 'fori time -tables and fares. ' ' t- -v J. F: MITCHELL. T. P.-a- J5 lt.Jii -'tt Raleigfi, J.-C; E. V: KYLE, H. S. LEARD, Traffif'Mgr. . Gen,- Pas?!Ag. 2 1 i v U 1 Norfolk; Va! - v.i . i i'Z CASTORIA: ' For Infants anj Chilen, .. WJthi Yea Ksvatecyst;! Bean thsr" Iterator of -3. zr - fir : . East Carolina Teachers Trdinino &fcobf - .J 5 A State school to ttain teachers for the public5 schools of North Carolina. - Every energy is directed to this pne purpose. . Tuition free to all who agree to teach, - fall Term begins September 22nd, 1914. -: T , - For catalogue and other information address " ROBT. If. WRIGHT, President; r Craven Coimly Farm r ile'Sdiool ft rmirtlir rnwW H IIA C ;? i Al f'S v fk Ooens Sent. 15th. and "ArV 5 ' 0-" - 1,14 kAV M4 iv K grade and offers excellent training in Agricul-fij gg tural, domestic economy, English, Science and r- Music- Faculty consists of four College gradu m. ates and graduate Music Teacher. 2L? rt : ; J. E. . TURLINGTON, Superintendent . vanceooro, u. - i t.i kv-i j Qh VIM Fan' To J . : z " - On a Gceycle I,T:. IT era Jcurml I I e.'.I yo i die property on Queens tV! 7os. 4r-4j-48-48 1-2 and a'o JciLins Alley No. 2-4-6-8-10-12-14 -' aaJ IS o'iiiii.g Ccr UiiSoa dtpot, llmr . Eern, N. C, for cash- cr on time.' . I wiJ a!so niove aU or any of the-:' bul!u!.'.bs and 'pay "yog cash" one tLu-" sand dollars for' them, , You organize -a, company say three good men with. money, and in ten years you caa Ik . away with 1-2 million dollars. The- p place suits. There "are three industries 1 either one adopted by you would make you this money. ., '. ! - t (Signed) Isaac H. Smith. , 1 ; to. Ht .-2 Queen st New er i' THE : NORTH"? CAROLINA " State, - Normal ; ancU r Inriustral : College1: 1 . . V. Maintained by the State fof the Women.: . of North Carolina. Five regular Courses- leading to degrees. Special Courses fof teacherb. Fre? uitipa''Tto'. those who-' agree to bcome teachers )n the State. Fall Session begins September i6th 1914. For catalogue and: othec In-r e formation,. address ' -?,-,( J f ." '. JULIUS I. FOUSf, President, '.C' rT 1 , t ; Green sbororN. C ' - :llJ,;EfiE CIVIL ENGINEER Rooms 408-9 Elks Tempb , New: Bern, N. C.3 r Surrey fandn-j; land drainage anl munici-" pal improvements a spec ialty. General surveys " maps, plans, specifications . estimates. ,! '. ; , . -Z- V ureenvuie, im.u. hfttfJria'wit th otetitU a ; rft:' Dave A ; Run - ? Coys and Girls an- " other large ship- . ment of ;Gocycles has crrived, get " bysy, cut out cou rcn fcclovr, have :3 rtl'r.LIs per- ccntot!nit,brln'j v It to lbs. CciJy: Jcurnl wh ere : you can ict a Go cycla Trzz. , . I.I

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