AUQUST30, 1914 - v.- FIVE CENTS PZF COPY vT:felipl-:k3S3S.- the afternoon and the Bombardment s a.;'renewed, four shells 'falling atoiit "50, lie rupees (about 82,500,000) for the . use of the troops in the field. 'y '.. Clel confident the action we take wilkm&ef with a most entliusiastfc't'e- conimons and by public' opinion . "here generally." " faet has caused Masrhall Nelms detectives to launch a searching stigation pf Innes' past life through h they hope to discover that children are riot his own. innes irding to the authorities, has itted that he is ujjable to find marriage certificate, thoagty . he s o have it somewhere among ersonal effects. bore up strongly under his ar$jkt, and though .he jcharacterizes U as4in outrage, seemed . to be very cltgrf wl ' optjynistic.. when he was pl&d aboard th(train for San An toflo, undetvtheyharge of Deputy Siwiff : Nebnjv -yMil- Innes, how evi. is said ''tVty'jpn the verge of col-la!-, and the. authorities declare that ife' gets a'rtS Morse they will be 'SWrX'' A brilliant exploit!.. ,. ; Tv ' ft - i ., yjpww'MtW' lNortnv ?ca :rJT.SW.5 C0iftelled to tafce'her from the train aA place het', lit ' a hospital. Innes -haslbesn very bitter in his denencia- tioas qi tne ma.ner,kiii ("- his Rvife has been 'treated since their art4t 'at Eugene. ' Bitter at Wife's TteatmenHj . i hn in ception in India and 1 Delieve it win Dei; a '"f " approved by your lordships, the house kl, "But for my wife. I have an affi(fev)t from, a doctor saying sue is very ill, yet when Ve got "on the train 'at Euirerie she was not allowed to hav a woman attendant. An officer wAsi with her all the time, and there ,'wasiot a second in which 'she was al jfdwsd any privacy. ' A.''f cours. Mis. Innes is convinced tha I am innocent. But the shock oi all this, added to her already weak- DIFF!!IINTS'EN.Mech; Worse. Charging her - -ftrf f Uridinuluous. She a ' . - " ' bshieyer doae .anytt ing Dut goop io mere isf-no there. ws in crime Tiir iiuiif ninr lilt lllllld uHDl V SEVEH KILLED irr DISTfllBUTING 'Wtmiii;'??aisffiiL mf" REBELS ATTEMPT TO RESCUE ONE ,. COMRADE PLACED UNDER AR- ! REST BY RURAL GUARDS. SHOULD BF, V TVERY HOME IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA MAN AND CHILD GIVR craisfrsyere destiyed in that "ilfair. AnBoni o to atand t i it for the murtfer'.. f esl -rhrist with a crii nake any-- state I -did the detec- on - an , ,nyetayQn; -wrouvi wm 6f. ;.dVli- whal ! srfd and ak MEXICO CITY, Aug. J9. Rural i guards were attempting, to arrest a 1 constitutionalist tonight when comrades came to- his tescue and shots were ex changed. The trouble became more ce- ' riouB when the rural guards withdrew to the fifth ward police station. The shooting was renewed and contin led for half an hour during which it is reported seven persons were killed. The city is now quiet save for scat tering shots in the neighborhood of the police station. The infantry and cavalry are patroling the streets. The city is now absolutely quiet, being patrolled by the fourth battilion. All the rural guards have been test ed and disarmed. The military is in control. Street car traffic ha? been resumed. VERA CRUZ, Aug. 29. That the break between the police and the con stitutionalists in the capital has reached the' point of open conflict in which a few persons Were killed was the infor mation reaching here today. ; It tas reported that after the re opening of the saloons the worst ele ments -of thi new forces in the cap ital became unruly and abusive. Tfje police who had been retained from th; old regime, fired into the crowd of con- Jtitutionalists. The latter, however, ;ained,the upper hand, all the pi (tfrthtfyBrirish.-cjritw'.who wefS jn the j ji ..-r.' . r i-.I : . lehftig-wn-ent, mamrAiofe.wnoiiif amyed ((iitii rfwrtth t tins and YWl1 " 7' r " ' v . "' f'TVf ' don't wan ' to and T- tnaicate, plainly Jhat , , Ar i Marsnaii m-i ano..naii ;-av gcqrc.-m i 3W?w r" .""T' tiitilflg what I said and aK- ihjti -Tying.-' &r- iney, iirnr.. MHnff lonna on rne rancn.t...:.-.A f wnue' CTlCTc ipi-jr i?SaivA:-mifeIa fW,WWjWai id N'Wtcli .key. r ,f - -V l?:ill?8VW RhiM thej,,' the insery-''suritoun'ding the "meat lrMfllSitT'A:: R:l!ti6a'Na:i;fhis' ttCk;willxrjna;' whith W Texas authorities J'.mi. vwR J4y; i&:jiraM' .iire&tn ' was purchased in that .State ':i$v$V 'V'"1 shippedtol the "house' of' mystery -'';fatUJ) An- I .-. .- h?! tiff UfitJJIlla Ire ; ;rcj iffi-'id-fi&n that t the Times " W2WSNAV8 :??r: s faMM Koeoigs'burg.'rthei itrongiy i'UH'CJSE ;'t,1o:-;jf4VCrinaha. in i'-l...':f.M jV" ' Hjoocd y w. Aoust 1 23yS Tho lefenderi ' idef the heavy fire ftom the" Gernian. "v ' . 'rXf.IANft SHARKS dl.OOM'' . 5 ...t1i'AiiI,x:'':-v1(4' fWKi,-,i!jni'iiSVJ -- paUed by terrific. ioies the Bnoi of tW -aiieriptr . v-; -V France. Belgian frontier; England today ing in tr BUR.C'ALLEN.ftondi,.nd later to Oregfth, as.fur- dispatch to. iher coinpCcated Thursday by f the PkoiiijWnl Innes and iriem- pert oi'jisij'iamiiy concerning its pur- Will Mn IT.ntalta TTp M .i WW . Not Esplftlta Ue ; Qne Jrf ilhrteis chlldrea declares1 that !theigrinder wa1, purchased in. Carson f'Jiitv'of artHlelrf hifcoiossetl' the' Vist'jla rsWg'V.iM-ta threa days of prolonged C3t seVe'ra Vears asio. while Lines J.,:tb resl&the ; lie purshased his' V-".CVk.:-:i:LONDONA.;' 9.rTheCprn::lntrK-the;arm -which ,re theV"pertyi f :): 7 ; -- l : i has? emphatically refused 'to ' . ;'f . "vy hc ;ftll of all .of the; Naniar , forts,' sayi, . ryeasfeia .i.wws ,3sr What do you know about the war? ' " vV ' Do-yo i believe that ll,0fm "00 -r-ir will have' , any chance against 175" mHiion? What information nave you of . the exact situation and conditions :l' in Europe? THE JOURNAL here- ' with presents an offer that will be eager- , - i lyt grasped by every reader, as it is 'i-' $ . designed to-prepare you to answer all f :';'' of the foregoing questions as yo'i follow the.daily reports. It consists of an off-" cialY map in five colors covering every point of the great war of European nations. This map was originally made in Europe by the expensive Wax process and is as clear and smooth a,ajpt. "el en-s t gravein j The colors are distt&tiuVe iajflt? " 11 rivers and mountain frajpges . are" . '? clearly outlined. . The type large. and distinct, and every cirafsfflaJ townt' of importance is Dlainlvftli'dicated.'' Cheaply drawn maps canrijjf; 'possible give the. details shown on this au thentic-map. It is suffkieh'flsf 'large to-include all the war area and be sides itcoiitains a wealth of the latest information pertaining to the big war centers THE JOURNAL has succeeded in get ting a limited edition of these handy guides 'of the great war of nations they Wjll passed out to reader 1'Sftil further notice at the bare cost oi txpense of distribution. V. HARK! A MYSTERY )attlng Disappoarance of Gaan ; : . Ued Rootlflg; FR'T ' Saivver i Jtkvinir'tWn Hwe .npues, fniepeipA wep arid ;;,hfiw'.w-"HaiMa9:- Innes Uv.--w :U l,'i..' 'nmimtlmr- of .'.MHi EloweNeltnr -..a(ar".ister. Miss Stance arrive-tSUv'rrn-'- en CPfte to San bipf6rr' TW: 8tarl south ikhikt it yeirg . of . tomofr row. 'v " , ; i "Innesr entered;' Sai;: Aptonio-' wiV 6nly W,rtronks"l. 's. Alarslww Nelmwho is ao'nipaj0Bg the partj;'. "He ibasacd-'o 'bfc&'nmi . only, if whan hksr-4eft, bat ; we- Icnov '.la had tltec- and a case;' ' Two', tra'nfo, v ha o far lieen . wiabhf ' to, find, but hiW the detectives are on the trail I. of thesV-truhki ' aij'd ithey will . be v lo cated were disarmed and quiet was renMAs -.tffe 'cannon ;-tar and the 'a&an: arop irom tnejret3terial Heet yoa. wHl want to known where all of these myements 4takjvplace and this ofB-. Clai -map wifl've . you exactly the Lijftirniation you) are looking for, aar evecjfthing .s. fally covered, , fromthe Kciclc.of Gfaltar to tfie Ural Moun- 4 .taSinkl,;' ' ' " . . . ' ' . '- ' vicational chart dtt attached t W- ap.ihiir'oper .ancj These T' show. fcjr-- ritijcu luwns, naval ireu, , jijf ; ifaif lr&und pla alt: of the J?reat jrts of theJisSropean rulers, tables shoVSng the sineth.of the armii l "expect .Itfy theory, .is that my.sisters bodieawere mutilated with acid1 by Innes and his wife and shipped) -away, in these trunks.. , Wt- have found. acd stain . on tne nara- Innes home in san troopsvlJensteih h wood floors of the Ir itbe.Ruwians;!, Antonio" ' T" "thd.Crigwn losses-; are- " ' 1 - lWTt;M(tjMiu;;yH every. euort .. ,t,o aerermjne , f y ,. snaililorden buifiji'ana ttte enemy is what he tht with hem and why Jit s, lit-Ml-retret., .' v ' ' ' f ' -h&i&llfvthe platW-fc is to itU'Srv ALITIN READINESS Warehouse To Open Sep- '' t-omhur 1. . . it : bJt when he amved"trie5jte8 (Jay. ' morning he fotfttftaio, seven of the rolls of rooting jEe iifrfssing. As a resiit oi tne discovery,; f tne. ponce were ilOtified, and some (Slie during outwoKp prem(seswB;iw: j-f(jerf9covered -by colored nan "hyM"JPi0f WW.1? ?? fron . , ift aijSieJilttce notififedthe offi :ers and they went after the goods. Da-wson is nowi:onfined in the conuty iaH, and will' prc(JabLy bfe given a-pre Ii mi nary hearlgtofnorrow afternoon, dthers areexrfecied to be arrested in oOnriection?!ilfjtn;th'e affair.' t t t BUSINESS HOUSES OI SPLAY WARNINGS OF tl. S. NEUTR ALITY itherasdisfricts of Lublin " J f " shock off a cloak of gloom and to6!c Vart land in the Eastern. Galicia' on the road :' Hlispatches reporting tht the German extended for 2G.0 ,nvles. At first the , -.nau reacnea jrjueniiir,:ieaa tiian niuu- r nguiiiiK- iwa.wwv yi vv-:. vi.-fc w ...... . - w .i:r .-. ..;.:" Vi-.. i - . - i l" L..y :! ; ty miles irom ranwere 'onset : : PJ 1 attaCK ana counter ajuayn, our;. gara- 4" Batches -from Copenhagen dsaying that ir . ?.-the jGermans, realiarnfithei-rer la- f 4 bodies' of tteip';troopj 'Irom te viesf ' to' hand fight wftfrthe Eleventh Hun- ; ironv TO ine pasterp pari - iu iiowj. ganan reserves, uu ci iuiuio a FRENCH TAND BRTTISH Ij i? t , anij nearly annihilated the enemy 4??tTROQP5TORCEbf BACKNEW TYPE t)F SEIGE . ' :-s, vV idNt)'Wiu'V4-iAiph GUNS TO' BE ' USED. V ;' a'dmiited that thc:'i ... .)'.;i''CN)ON, At g. 29. A dispatch to Z rtroops. were, f orceij back" Jh"'i'fkday.r; e'tvnily News front Rotterdam, says isdejclareiit ."tVrl. "a"-... ... ".i rferualf-f 60,000 intiabitants pf ;Ma- stro'ng'v fui t..'.e'd qoaZ. .1..3'r licie' '"tli'iy Hneshiy 200 are left in the "town.'Re- : can hi . J ,' cfc :ihf'f "'' 'HMsjRiifiis'sBif .nUuiy. itere 'killed by the bom : lsfaif.-.t'i-f4cev'itii:i'tht-- ... .'(V'fainenand practically';-all -of.r'thej y.), lnj'an the,;.Kuss)ai?si;jswcep.iirf' nll-p4T.;.;res' ,W-t5Y,Q-T' :''ivf Tt,,;i i ,f-fcVe:jtEem..ii jheA, VitheVpo'Jon:.:The helvy i-i'fthe alucJiMi.k' f:' ' rcem'S irnMt'y in" jiro-; ji.a new 'pattern';. for' '? iv-AVrCQC, .. "'"'7ifa1so:b4'itsat-Maliri . . . . . . . i ... i. h 4hat thfiv' comprised ftiqWfag The New Bern obacco market willbe generalgagements, the first in fKl -v. " blast. Ai B. Bai notbeen proven: ; . . ; ;i ; -. thj teri- thoU8i :;.;;lok vstrp.n had f siar ' ', ! t ; r-' ' a ft 'ir'tifica;".'1"'-;, . f f ...'.,- r ,,'.'.'" ;4lie" Germans have ordered all able- 'Hed Eelfiafis ta Liege and Tonsfres f ia .tUt fv'kinlty to proceed, at once Krm4nyt; to assist .-In atvestlng. i w of this oider is liteiy to swell 'the. number", 0l5el"gian tefugeiss '-h V nd. ' . ;vv i -:::ent ' . U7 "IGi' FIGHT. i v.'DON', . :.fT' Aatjver? : .:-j f Vnt cf .1. outers Si-i- is the ol ' i .1.,." statement hich shas Baines, who , lias leased thirisand dollar wareho-se ;,; i ne Keys, .in tne opinion ae Tecentiy erected by j T- Dillin, an inter tectives . who r hayeeen ihyestigating vje w witl'a jVnaV;' reporter last .night case,Vraay prove aluable in the r, .heaVade a .through : for . evidence relating to. .Innes' .r. rt.f.inT irJwv t t t t t '- - ' ' t NEW YORK, Av$ 2 To t, carry out. f real : nt , Wflson's t request . for neutrality In speech and thought, some downtown business houses the hunt pa fife;, though; fatt:itfet"iB,s in learning tbe'-luiva ,tel-sgorco;.6.fa; jfan ..wi'M'drtAi, nhMwi He 'ofe;Nelnttaterfc'.. on Evldenc Kept Secret. y ; : friket.Tue9da.yhat has been pro sTh authorities Insist-On nuuntam d 4. packed. ; ; , ,ng .serrecy regarding ; what ever dts- R c , feotu for the Liggert covenes of, evidence -might (have been, My'xronjpaayJii:: FloWer. buyer made.dunng the two days .search of :f tne Eiort Leaf Toticco Company. n!?ar,?.-Un f'ar already in eyTnd- Mr;.Baines Sheriff Wt . Elkins,, and;,they have theJ he - letter. from also refused to say jrhat poruon -oi Im Ia A'nwican, and Winstead the , ey,d; unearthed will, be 3ed Xobac.; fa all stating , that ln-iAf?' ? X'0&' : ?:theywHi.:be;rePrenterft-l he opening .. s jt; the v earcr;of ttera tV6m W number of smaller the j Deputy SheruT , was tw,' ,,ve isobeen'received stat unearthing numberof thing ma . Innes will be required, explain, and , , , y, , y, . ' . ' some of the Jewelry reported to have ' ' ' , 1 t 1 1 t t 1i have posted the following in. t conspicuous places: NOTICE been found is said to have been! iden tified 1 by, Marshall, . Nelms .as having been worn by his sisters. 0X One of, the peculiar 1 thing '.;tna-t de. veloped throegh Innes' first appear ance in puhjic with his wife and their two children.'l aid -to", be twins;'; is that neither,, them ear.'.thcp' slight- t resemblance-', to .either . Inne - or jnnesii.rjrinej' skin it,' almost i and his -;',airy though;, closely, cd, is curli; al most to ,thc point -tic. -.',- - very fair, ! f: y vt . f-u-w,'; 1 fl.v 'f' fiwnsjEyeiytbing) 1 "V Senator Simmons has got t en throug an order putting deputy maralwlls. o i ,'saWy instead Aof ' fe -iThis Vve them 4 cKBnc'' tb'.fiBie op- U-.ej' grocery,' l)illi . if rijr aUlnd men.'arej deputs-vUwprtiiU g jest , as xrauch oCtuBmirf h,i flpi - ' 'good pne, bebjjvl ,.ssjngv,i the Offict eVharisSjacil- a-.i I p 1 1 ti-.p'Lord's pro. '"s s.ii 1 . "Lea. isystem was.r it was als SOmrt'iir lur . ' i hi r-Inx Contpliance with , the expressed jand pub lished desire' of our President that we en deavor ' to 1 maiaain neutrality . toward the existing situation .. in Europe, even in ourdai ly intercourse, we- ad vice persons calling at tA of flee that we will naitialscuss this aublect ''wW them. v i-wa 'rejoice-that we a,re Americans and that we enjoy the blessings of liberty and peace. : t-t 't t-t 't 't t i - ACCEPTS A POSITION , AT.' 1 NORFOLK, VA. .IVftfJ Q. Hv Bunch,( who for some timejhlfS '.ieefteinpioir'sd by the Norfolk Sbetfcetft railroad atgtljit freight warehoilsejh&s 'xepiie4 aj pj?ition with the sae com ."anrt-Qti Norfolk, Vca., under E. W, SWarren a former New Bernian. . . Mr. Bunch will leave today to 'take VP bis new work the first of Septemver. , t nW as well- Meisjjaii'flects '.diiV. , ., ijffcilth of inform.twn ch'as hasMcjS'.'r efb're been ahjsj a map a$Jt!V aracter. All "yt( need to do to g$ttbne "j these wonderfWa'ps is sector ing ten centiHd- JH- FOURNAL Ff ICE, or ifc will-be. sent by . matl . efefier in town ot outoftown for twelve - 'ents in coin, stamps or money fifK1' The distribution 'begins; todayilujAdff-". 'tfeW-'V; readers should loose no time in. tAlung" K-.v jfcj)'-'. advantage of this greaf offrr. ' ''VJ'.v'" 1 i')' ' 44' v ' .- CENTENARV METHODIST-' . Preaching at II a. m. and 8 p. m., by the Junior Pastor. All. the member. are urged to attend. Let those who have been obsenting themselves from the church and the worship of God attend the morning service. At this hour the ch' rch members' duty to God and man will Be disc ssed. . Sunday school at .4 p. m. All the members and the public is invited. Riverside Methodist. Sunday school at 9 30 o'clock. Let all the members attend. All the mem- .ers of t'e Men's class are asked ta rome. Prayer Service Friday evening 1 o'clock. The public is invited tnese sei vices. at ta ROBBERY AT STONEWALL. Store of S. W. Ferebee Enterel an! Ratl8acked.' , " . BAYBORO, Aug. 29. Some one en tered the store of Mr. S. W. Fetebeeat . ': Stonewall on last Sunday night and stole , , .y f j i lot. of cigars, what change there was in -: ik;'i rh&rinoney 'draw, between eight and- ? J;iy ' nine dollars. This is the sixth time - :hat the stores in Stonewall have beeis i ciU .:' V entered since last-Christmas and eachfc tjfli ' time the loss has been small. , Mr Fk&B&&$i'$ ebee scdred the thief away as he .went-$3$, ' into the store about 9 o'clock p. tn., to " ' l'-' jet! la. sack of flour. ;; But he mistook , r " the" 5poise of the get-a-way - for soyne . ; ' one,'lpassinjfroyn the treet,.'a, littlslaer ' -hUfmtoS -was calleQiWnlAAffjict " ' tha'tihU:aiiJdQbi::iMwoneiOMsrA tAe.rldt,i; Jiasto. .ut-it.V-'fllc-whjch'iiJk..Ji. iJtr:Vrr 1..'' hiaiBfrfna;'ih.,-' v ' Aen J n .,411 :TK.etn41Gaded:stJ!i;.,' ibt-"i "ti-''li--fed riht near where -'V...''.';' . 4ethief 6petatto. jT')R . uV;.l'iVn.'! Mr. and ' Mrs. AV. C. Thomas have , ' ' returned from Rocky Mount where-; ' h;y have been visiting , friends anl .'. relatives. - -'et showinjrt' V. ,".v.. f 'I 1 IIS "TTTv ' , O -"H.- " . A

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