to:.:o f.::::ivfi5f.ay If f 9. C ! i , " " v . - .. - . - J- , .;,V, f;.. i A- :U-rtf. ' W ail TT Ma t' i 4 v 1 ?iiiT:i6.kpM-ot:tAe City by r reguldr carriers v lis - - , 4' HAVE IXSTtARTBAAT ONCB V w terns m 40 XenIs Special Coupon Subscription Offer One Month Only j To The New Bern Daily Journal, V 1 1 New Dcrn, N, C. v Gentlemen , " ' ; 4' I r n r -1 a c::!::?ricrto Tha Daily Jcurralbut I am interested In the war V T i t.T c.rjrt v ftr? c r3 htrsirlth. cnclc- f 1 cents to nav J. : s:!r tlcn to TI.2 r "7 Un1 - 7 fcqttf j yov. to n let to mcnth yea rry.cstlaa It to ' cis c't;"ll: rejula;1 J Yc::ra Truly, - V i '.t ii IB ? l! GREAT STDRL! fiifl FLOOD AN EVENT OF MOMENT TO EVr , ERY CITIZEN OP EAST--. ERN NORTH CAROLINA. '.. Tffmorrow ' is the1 first1 anniversary of the molt destructive storm and flood which haa visited Eastern North Caroli na; A storm which caused an actual loss of approximately five million dol lars and one from ;which this section has not entirely recovered. One year ago tomorrow the citizens of New Bern and other towns in a radius of seventy five miles, on the Atlantic coast, awoke to' find that during the night the wind had banjeed up the waters of Albemarle and Pamlico . sounds and ' that they were rushing inland. In this-' city the water came up Neuse river-at an esti mated rate of fifteen miles an hour and at 8 o'clock it was fifteen feet above the high water mark. At Oriental, 'where the altitude is slightly lower than in New Bern, houses were washed from ther foundations and the entire -place practically inundated. At Washing ton, where the damage was probably greater than at any other . point, the water was up in the principal streets of the city and the loss was unusually. heavy. At Ocfacoke, where the ocean and sound meet, the storm and flood played . havoc and practically every dwelling on the island was either dam aged or washed from its foundation. All communication with the outside world, was. cut off for twenty-four hours and the extent of the damage was riot known until the following day. On the 4th of September a lone telegraph wire out of New Bern was secured and thr st ry of the catastroph e told to the world. It will interest news paper men to know tl at on that day approximately one hundred thousand words of "press" were sent out on and on the following day about twenty five thousand. The anniver- asry of this occasion brings to the mind of every citizen of this section and the day is one which will long be remem bered. PRINTER A SUCIDE. Wilson Man, Despondent Orer 111 - net Jumps OS Bridge. WILSON, Sept. 1. Despondent be cause of his physical condition, having been told by his physician that he had contracted tuberculosis, and must seek S higher altitude, J. W. Glenn, employed as foreman of a local job printing es tablishment, committed suicide some time Saturday night by jumping into Toisnot Creek from the Atlantic Coast Line railway bridge. The body was discovered Sunday and with it a note telling of his despondency. Mr. Glenn was a young man of good character, and habits. He came here from Wil liamston and the body was sent there for burial. IN MEMORY. For Infants ac3 Children. IpiillBs Kind Ycu Hay Ml - A wsfcs-8fliij?ht s ALCOiJOk a f EU CENT. siini(afl.",5 tic r:;-.;!iuli-tfcg lite S uwgji s i Fjomeies Di&sliordCfeetM- mss and ResLContiL-ceiUw- Oniuiu-Mcrt'iine norWinad. ' ' fkiy&ip tea 3TfJfc , Suaasto t'lanft A norfprt Rpmedv for ConsftH- tlon,SourStDiaach.DlarrtoeJ WorrasjCmrvTWismjewnsn nesswvlLoss of Sum Bears tt Signature of EMDiNr lll -I llB'lii- ' racSiroil- Signature tt :. LB A . ft VP In Use For Over Thirty Years SSEThTEbSI" Exact Copy of Wrapper. tJwM m MMTAur mwr, ttwm . mm Mother Of Eighteen Children. 'I am the mother of eighteen children and have the praise of doing more work than any young woman in my town," writes Mrs. C. J. Martin; Boone Mill, Va. "I suffered for five years with stomach trouble and could not eat as much as a biscuit without suffering. I have taken three bottles of Chamber lain's Tablets and am now a well wom an and weigh 168 pounds. I can eat anything I want to, and as much as I want and feel better than I have at any time in ten years. I refer to any one in Boone Mill or vicinity and they will vouch for what I say." ChamLerlains' Tabllets are for sale by all Dealers. GET A WAR MAP. We don't claim the distinction of having placed Europe on the map but we've got the map with Europe on it and its there in large letters. Get a war map at the Journal office and keep up with the news. Only ten cents in the city or mailed to any address for 12 cents in coin, stamps, check or money order. The supply is limited. Get yours now. Adv. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Oak Ridge Institute SixtythirJ Year (Contributed.) On the Morning of August 25th, death called to her reward Mrs. Caro Una Whitford.. She possessed certain characteristics not always found in one of her age. At home her disposition was sweet and lovable, her temperament gentle and obliging, and her unselfish spirit at home, and among her many friends made her a center of magnetic power, and influence rarely ever seen among women. She was a devoted companion a loving mother, a lasting and' true friend, loved by all who knew her, a consistence' and loyal member of the Methodist Church. She loved her Lord and found great joy in his services. 'Tothe beraved ones I extend my deepest sympathy, and point them to him who doeth all things well. There is no night in Heaven; J-- In that blest world above. There:! is no grief there, for life is one ' glad day. r And tears are of those former things, And all has passed away. - , Written by a friend who'knew, and loved her for twenty years and closely associated with her during these years bf friendship; te&iKZfZ: ! NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ? V NO&TH CAROLINA CRAVEN COUNTY. " Havinn- ualified-as administrator of heyestatsuof i B. W Sariandt, de- cfasedyr.thitia tonify.-sJK persons haviiig. claims- egainsr- said .estate to j present them to the: uridersigaedj r or,, his Attorney, duly verified. or before the - day of-"August-llS,-or this notice will be pleaded in bar of reco very;' ; Alt persons1 indebted to saidI tate will please mike Immediate settle This" 22nd day xf Aiigtist: 19I- D. E. HENDERSON", Attorney, C - r Eroad & Middle streets, New c. '. v':1---r:.' '" rL.,NDT, Administrator. ..i.i .ii.. . .mum Tppwi' tu "" 1 - f liii If if if If Hit i' 1 . III I W..W.wmi NEW 3MM ALUMNI BUILDING 9 SIX buildtnga, 350 acre in campus, athletic fields, anfarm. Steam beii shower baths, gymnasium. Over 200 boarding students annually forth past thirty years. Prepares for College, for Business, for Life. Student study under teachers, at night, in study hall Fall season opens September 16th. Terms reasonable. Write for illustrated catalogue. Address OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE :: oak ridge. SEND US YOUR NEXT ORDERS FOR mm Pr i-,. ' .. . y .i . ' t' nt" Large stmen? bf -Ladies Ckat Suits in the new est patterns' ant Styles. You cannot afford to 'miss seeinl this great" assortment of ready to wear t gar; ' in Jlbt while : the stock is comtetewKpls to show you. c , ELKS temple ;