iWill appear at t the? ATHENS today in a complete change of program, presenting a sidei splitting farce comedy, entitled, " In The Wrong Flat 'V This act wttlW v; please everybody, young and, old grave and gay Come prepared to laugh away dull care, iryou don'tltwill bd your fault, lhe picture part of the program consists,. Of "The Adventures of . Kathryn", in '.two parts. .This is one of the most thrilling and ecltmg moving pictures ever thrown upon a screen, men we nave " lhe :,-.r aneep Runners an excellent western arama. MAtlNBE 4:0C t p. m. Daily. .rNlQHT 8.00 ana 9:1$ :;:'.V: I! ESthB YOUj "VTJv win1 , ssfl ALX01IT Judge O. ti. Guion and J., A'. Guwff left yesterday afternoon for fewjays business visit 'to Beaufort. 1 i, Jf Master William Rawls, cCBaybow; -spent yesterday in New Bern' ' with Ms ? , aunt MrsJ. H. Broughton. ' ' ; J. A Street 'returned yesterday irom . a "business visit to Kaleigh. - t 'W. H. Styron left i yesterday f or 'business visit to 'Morehead City. W. .N. ViOwan,,af Woatan, was a 'business -visitor , to fhe'tslty yesterday .Edwin Hill returned yesterday af? 'ternoon from .a business Visit to Vance- ;boro. ' .J John W. Huff, was a business visitor .to Vanceboro yesterday. '.Misses Fannie, Helen and Ruth Wade of Kinston arrived in the city yester day (to visit at the home ofMr. and Mrs. H. E. Royall. Thomas Haywood.vof Croatani was .a -visitor to the city yesterday. Z. V. RawUij of Bayboro, spent' yes terday in New Bern attending to busi ness matters. j (. H. Cutler, left yesterday Sribrning I ox a snort visit to naieign. S. :E. Freeman,, pf Washington, ,N 'C, passed through New Bern yester- . , . - . n ti t ...ii., 1 ..-'vt... cay enroure to roiiocKsvme. ., . ; Mrs. J. M. Newsom, of Oriental, passed -through the. city yesterday morning enroute - to . Richmond, Va., to visit relatives. ;s r Miss Litlie Gilikin,- has returned , home to Morehead 'City after Visiting in the city for some time.' . Mrs. M. M. Marks and Miss Esther Marks, - returned yesterdays vmorning . from- New -York and Atlantic1) City, i wtiere they have been spending som time. Mrs.. A. R. Winston and son have returned home to Fraoklinton,: N. C, after spending some time in the city visiting at the home of Mr. apd Mrs. !X., H. Cutler , , , Mrs . Bayard - Wooten, . spent yes terday with friends at Morehead . City. . - Miea - Belva Bennett, has returned home to Edwards, N. C., after visiting i friends, in the city for some time' ' z Mrs. C. .A. Saobury-and babr,-ieft' ' yesterday', morning for Norfolk Va., to spend a few days visiting friends. ? .Mrs. R. W. Jones; and children, left yesterday morning for Norfolk, Va., where- they . will spend a few days . visiting relatives. . K n , -: Dancing at Ghent Park Tonights Music by Band, n t V ,v , ' ' " Dancing at Gnent Park Tonight Music by Band. ' The Central Phsrnacy.".. Fresh line ot everything. . Quick prescription ; work. Phone 91 when in a hurry. C. :: : . . ia'a Liyer. r El COPLON AND SON DEMON STRATE THEIR PRO. GRESStVE SPIRIT The- addition which S. Coplon and Son have recently made to their large department 'store on .Middle street has beet):, completed and - during the past fewdays a number of changes'-have beei, tnajlt in the location of several departments ' - 1 Formerly the miltenery department has been located in the front of the build ing on the second floor. Under the new, arrangement this has been moved to the rear of the establishment on the same floor ad the ladies and child ren ready-to-wear and corset depart ment" -are . now located in the front of the building. ; The furnishings on the floor through out, are of mahogany and very hand some. .arge i mirrored alcove cases line the wails and there are tables for each, individual display. In the cen tre of the" floor is found the cashier's stand and the wrapping department. In the millinery department, which is now being put in readiness for the opening ot the tall and winter sea son, mahogany furnishings are also found and the conveniences for the patrons are, very extensive. N The store's millinery buyer 'iu now on the northern market but will return within a few days and " the opening will probably be held about September 15. LIQUOR NABBED. Eighteen . Gallons Seized By The :J: ' Sheriff , , ,Six packages , containing eighteen gallons of whiskey wer confiscated yes-, terday by Sheriff R. JB. Lane from the Southern . Express Company's office in this city. Although it is 'thought by officials that the entire eighteen gal lons was ordered, for the same person, each package was addressed to differ-. nt persons. ? As yet no arrests have been made but it is, thought that the parties will be located and taken into custoday be fore the September term of Superior UOUrt convenes . ' POOR SNAKE. He Bife. Pasquotank Died. Citizen and . ELIZABETH CITY, Sept. 3. Mat. hias Dudley, of Barco, N. C, was bit ten by a flat head Viper snake, between the thumb aid fore finger. The wound llltfl lint fflVpfl Mm trnilMA Ha waa' picking up potatoes for bogs and pick ed up the snake. Dpdley says he pois oned the snake. :. .MARINE NEWS. 4 The - gas freight boat Centennial left " yesterday ' for , -Vandemere with, a 'cargo ot merchandise. t The gas freight boat Daisy; left yes terday for Oriental with a ' cargo of mercnanai8e. ; -v. " The gas freight boat Nina G. Wallace arrived . in port yesterday morning from- Arapahoe with a cargo of watermelons.- 1 ' l . ,. , , - v The gas freight boat H. L. N., left yesterday for Vanceboro with a cargo of merchandise - . i The gas , freight boat Constitution arrived in port yestercay from Adams y-y ..." L ' . . . .,. ...t, ... v. treeK ior : a cargo oi mercnanaise. v J The 'gas freight boat Alfonso, left yesterday morning for Beaufort with a cargo of merchandise. , v , , '1 .. 4 i f Everytl:i:v Clean, Moral and Refiniedj 3N E--'j BEECH iilflAY a mm m picnic MEMBERS WENT TO GLENBUR. NlE ON BOARD STEAM ER HOWARD. BEECH GROVE Sept, 3. A very pleasant day was enjoyed, Sept. 2 by the Beech Grove Sunday school and its friends. , . i The Steamer Howard ran up to Bach elor Creek bridge and about 9 a. m., our school, a part of Spring Garden School, and a number of friends ran down to New Bern, where we stopped to take on a few more triends, also ice, lemons and cream. We tljen steamed up to Glenburnie Park and going out to that beautiful cool, shady retreat. Dinner was spread. About SO hungry children and more than that of us older "child ren seemed hungty too, and all seemed to enjoy the bountiful repast and Glen burnie Park was pronounced by many good judges to be an ideal place for landing and picnicking. Dinner being over the Howard again steamed down the romantic Ne-jse, this time a few miles below the city to catch the water breeze and lot the young folks see the expanse of t! e river and when we had gone as far as it was thought safe to get back home by sun set, we "fetched a compass" as Paul might have said, and returning.land ed our New Bern friends at the v. Ii.-irt . thence proceeded toward our little- c: which looked so very small after c-ejr , the expanse of water below Nevy Be: :'. By sunset we were all safely landci.. and most of us home, tired and gla-.! that our community and especially our children had enjoyed a pleas:.;c day together: We hope some of our friends wi o have not here-to-fore will join us ne::. Sunday at Beech Grove and all en'r Bible study there. SERIOUS ACCIDENT NARROWLY AVERTED. What came near being a serious accident, occured yesterday mofning when a horse driven by Hefen J. Huff, Jr., fell to the pavement while making the turn from Middle to South Font street. The horse's feet slipped from underhim, and before getting on his feet again he became tangled up in the harness, and by this breaking is probably all that saved the animal from sustaining serious n'uries. Hose Wagon Team Labor Day Race by . Be sure and come to see the Hose Wagon Races on Labor Day, as theJ four champion teams of the State will participate and from past record this will be one of the most interesting races ever held in New Bern . V The races will be held on East Front street and we will have music by two bands. .-.:( v . t Be sure and come out as the small admission' fee charged by the firemen will be used in defraying expenses in curred in the races. ;;. . . Races called at 2 30. PRAYER SERVICE AT RIVER SIDE THIS EVENING. , At 8 o'clock there will be a prayer service at the Methodists meeting place in Riverside." . The service will be con ducted by Rev. W. A. Cade. All the people lrr,this section are invited to attmd and worship the Lord. ' Come 'one Come all. " " '' r Fresh; Saratoga chips. " Hacburn - ,m nc Six, Big Days andylSights " Ansnlces New Bern Fire Denarrment , The Premier Carnival Organization Tpw'ing the South. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con ferred by a certain deed of trust exe cuted by Webster Blount and Frances Blount, his wife, dated the 15th day of July, 1909, and registered in the offi ,ce of the. Register of Deeds of Craven : county, IsT, C, in Book' No. 176, page ; 365, on account of default in the pay- ; iiivih vi I'll- uwi iiiciUJT !rcM , cured, I will on Monday, the 5th day of October, 1914, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, at the south dodrxoLthe court t house of Cfaven county, i.he city of New Beitn, N. C, seJ to the nighest bidder for dtah at public auction, the following described property, towit All that certain lot or parcel of land beginning at a point on the east side 'of Lawson street in the city of New 1 Bern, N. C, 124 feet and 2 inches south (0f Crooked street and running thence eastwardly 100 feet witji the line of lot No. 25 in the plan of Jottes' Sub-division to the line of lot No. 28 in said sub-division, "thenc southwardly with the line of said lot No. 28, forty-five feet and 9 inchdp tothe line o lot No. 29 in said sub-iHvJsion, thence west- wardly with the lijfe of said lot No. 29, one hundred feeto said Lawson street, thence ndrthi-ardly with the line cf said Lawsori-ititet fejrty-five feet and nine inches to tne place of the begin ning; being the lot known as No. 27 in the plan of said .syib-division which is registered in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Craven county, in book No. 126, Page 501, and being the same piOj iTty conveyed by Eleanor S. Ives and her hus'jiind Geo. N. Ives to Fran ces Blount.by cled dar d Dec. 20, 1906, and regisj"rdin paiti office in Book 162, Page S. This31,st flavcf A'-pustf 1914. K.f A. N'JNN. Trustee. ment goes right to the painfyl part it penetrates without rubbing it stops the Rhetimatic Pains around the joints and pives relief and comfort. Don't suffer! Get a bottle to-day! It is a family r.ided- icinL' for all pains, hurts,, bruise", cuts. sore throafi neuralgia and chest pains Prevents infestidn. Mr. Chas. H. Went, worth, California, writes "It did won dersifor my Rheumatism, pain is gone as soon as 1 apply it. I recommended it tl my frieofflj as the best Ljniment I ever used. 5 Guarantied 25 c. at your Durggist. . U. S, TO STATE STAND ON, WAR SHIPMENTS REPORTS COUNTRY IS MAKING MUNITIONS FOR ALLIES RAISES ISSUE IN HOUSE. WASHINGTON, Sept. 3. Chair man Flood - of the House Committee on iTorejjja. Affairs was authorized to day by his, committee to discuss with Secretary Bfyan thepdvisability of the State Djepartment announcing to the public the rights of ..American manu-facturer?-of, munitions of war in rela tion to belligerent European nations. ; The authzation was the result of a discussion of a resolution by Repre sentative Bartholdt of Missouri, based on rumorsa "thousand armored motor cars are being made for Great Britain at an Ardmorof Pa., factory, to be ship ped via Canada, and that several American manufacturers of guns and ammunition are hard at work filling European ""orders through Canada. Representative' Bartholdt, who is the leading peace advocate of the House j Is ..also leading German-American, and his protest was backed up by tele-1 grams from German-Americans saying ' the shipments' complained of are aid-1 ing;' the. British-French-Rulrffn allies as against- the German-Austrian lorces. mm k-E ' -'.C&Z. O ADMISSION CIIARGEtT. T , , mmpvRE DRUGS ,P3l gSsT ' THERE ARE IN THESE KJJt yUNITED STATES j--gggfi x. therounouP "THERQUNOUP Round Up AT OUR SODA FOUNTAIN For Delicious Refreshment The Purest of Fruit Syrups v AND Ice Creams That daunt Your Dreams In Hot Weather Bradham Drug Company m Founders of They have generally been poor boys like Gould. He started by saving a part of his earnings, thus bein able to GRASP THE OPPORTUNITY when it came. The wisdom of this plan cannot be questioned. It always brings success. The officers of this Bank are always glad to have you call and iv you any advice about your Citizens Savings Bank XNttW 11 E KIN, IN.U. 65 Pollock St. Tba Can Make No Mistake 151 BY COMING HERE Sil jjj When in need of clothing, KV Notions. f?i I I OUR LINE IS 9 ' AND Prices as low? Sam Lipman hi 11 Corner South Front and Middle 10 Big Attractions. ; 3 Riding Devices i&piece mBanam,mmmmmm ' s" JAY COULD Ciuld was :..irn nn a farm In New To).t of very poor pv "nts, and was put t work early in il'r in a small country store. He afterwards secured a place ais assistant to a map-maker. After learn lng the business, he made a map of Dela ws't Co., r nl A'.'iniy, ami disposed o them for $5,000, wLicli ermbied him tl9 start in the tanning business. In I860, he started in the leather bust ness in New York City. This proved auo cessful. He ms.O , money fast a:;d began, to invest in it . ads. His knowledge conditions, a;.il keen Judgment made him so successful that in 1S80, he controlled 10,000 miles . f railroad. He was the founder of (he Famous Gould Fortu.:r that today contr.-'i 18,09 miles of railroad ana owns more than. billion dollars In stocks and bonds. The rule of his early life, to which kf) attributed his success was that of savlajB at least one half of his earnings no masjl ter how great the sacrifice. Great Fortunes financial affairs. and Trust Company Dry Goods, Shoes and gjf COMPLETE as the lowest. Strept. ' , -'.ii---'-.: ,v-,,: