I v -Lv-, 47 ...?f.jTvt"H p- rtn !-rrwi- imtjfUi ii ...:ia ' TWO MEN TAKEN iNTAiCUSTP J PY YESTERDAY BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES.? Vffe 'is: i r..- arly yesterday ftiorjrung" Sheriff Line ,ved a phone 'message' from' O.; H. v ? Wetherington ;;'at iTuarora ? Btaeing 'C ;'tha; two suspicious looking character t i .:$3- passed there early In the day, headed . , fin the direction of New Bern.; A short fttimeJater he received a second phone ji'mewage iJnjDBgdrA '.same parties, i;. rWiV one coming iron W. M. , Regig- ; iter, who Vesides about a mule this side ' ;of Tuecarora.'f,'Mr "Register stated Jthat '; he was driving t(long;a path which run ' parallel iwith '-the allroad, ; wtien 1e ' "V :av. -two 1 colored men ittmg on the 7 itoad. As soon as they saw Mr. Regis- ! Jter thermen ,got in the ditch and re ' knained there until he had passed. . ' - '- Mrf Register immediately J phpned . . ;the Sheriff telling him df the action of i '.the 'two men, and he phoned Deputy v Sheriff Brice 'Bratcher at -parkl and rtold. him to be on the lookout and ar- , rest them when '"they;1 passed through ''that;place,'.'Sf; 'v;,f,n'':-''frt',iv''.'f ., 4 The first t wo colored . men that ar rived at Clarks (going east were arrest ed, but the officer soon, learned that he had the wrong men and releasee them. A little later one colored man came along .and he was taken into custody, and when asked ' his name, he gave it as Righard Jones.v A short time after Jones was arrested Sheriff Lane accompanied by. Deputies Sheriffs Smith, Bayliss and Pittman. Arrested - a man amn,'. who gave his name as White White, had gone around Clarks and was on his way to New Bern, the prisoner was placed in charge of Pittman, and Sheriff Lane and DeputyljBayliss took the freight train back to New Bern, while Smith went down the railroad track. The man learning that he was pursued by the officers left the-, rail road and went across the swamp to the county road, where he was later arrested by Deputies Smith and Pitt1- ir.i l. '. The men were brought to New Bern and placed in the county jail where they' will be held for some time as susr ' picious characters. . TWAS RED BUGS. Virginia Dare Eaten upBy The -Critter. ;. (From E. City Independent.) Dr. Richard Dillard.&ofjjEdentori, thinks he has solved the mystery of the fate of Virginias Dare, the first white child bom in America and, the lost colony of Roanoke.' .After a1! tramp thru trje Woods around Fort Raleigh an Roanoke: Island. Dr.' Dillard says he would venture jthe 'guess that the lost i colonists were the - victims " of Red Bugsand not Red Men. COLORED GRADED SCHOOL. The colored graded school will open Friday Sept. 11 for cbndirioned and new' du oils. . Regular class work will begin Mon day, Sept. 14th. i - .,, , v J.' T- BARBER, Principal 9jt-10ti.. . ' . , ; PAMLICO VICTORIOUS. Score Defeate i Morehead City By T ' ol i to 0 , ' , PAMLICO,' SeiSL' 3.--Jhft Pamlico team defeated :ihe Morehead ' City learn yeseruay vy juiv score oi o 10 v, in one of the best games of baseball play ed id this part cf Jthe "country this sea son. ' i The game was close and excit ing from thebeguining, (.There were ohly six errors made ''during the - game , which were equally divided. Bly, pitch ed good ball (of . the borne team-,, trik- ing out tea 4 men. While the twilling done by Piner for the-Morehead City was equally as good. ' .. w . 1 "i Battery for Pamlico Wise and Bly, for Morehead City Brock and Finer. A BASEBALL J GAME YESTERDAY . , . ( - . AFTERNOON:. , r ' yi 1 y j ; - -r . , . . The Red Sox were 'Victorious over x' t , the Ghent, Jr., team by ,the score "of " : 18 to J in an interesting game of baste , . 1 ball played at Ghenp Park yesterday Bfternoon. ;i " . ' j 3 - Ball Pugh and Cherry i comprised h 'v. the batteries for the Red Sox, while v' the pitching and catching for the Ghent 11 jr.," team was, done by Nelson and Gilli- . Idn. ' i ' -!'-' : Danclrtg at Ghent Park Ton Ifiht i. Music by Band.' 1 f poTTEn t'sairiir I LET US OVERHAUL' YOUR CA I Expert. Mechanics W do the 'Work. Careful and' Efficient service.; Wfc are a. ;.yjur Call at all Hours, PEOPLES GARAGE 91 ; ' 'r ' ULLY ? & PERtS t Proprietors! ?J.-rhone:i85'u. .. W z ;'N- m-f, t I'r-y- J Diarrhoea Qslckly Cured. t'-v'V was taken with diarrhoea and Mr. Yorks, the merchant, here persuadSa me to try bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Dierrhoea Remedy. , Af ter taking one dose of it I was cured. It also cured others that I gave it to," writes ; M. E.' Gebhart, ! Oriole, i Pa. That it not at all unusual. An ordinary attack of diarrehoa can almost invar iablybe cured by one or two doses of this remedy. For sale by all Dealers. , f k Children Or7 FOR FLETCHER'S Dlzxy? Billlous? Constipated, j Dr., King's New . Life Pflls wfll curt you, cause bealty ffowl Bile and rids your Stomach and Bowels of waste and fermenting Jbody rsoh?.r jTbeyare a Tonic to yourstomach ' and : Livef and tone the general 'system.;? First, dose will cure you of that depressed, dizzy, billious and constipated condition., 25c. all Druggists. viVl?- ' j-, Po-Do-Las Banishes Pinples Bad Blood, Pimples, Headaches, Bil liousness, Torpid Liver, Constipation, etc,.vcomes from indigestion. Take Pbr Do-Lax, the pleasant' and absolutely sure Laxative, and you wou't suffer from a deranged Stomach or other troubles. It wiB tone up the Liver and putrify tie blood. Ust it regularly and you wTfl -stay well, have clear complexion and Steady nerves. Get a 50c. bottl to-elay. Money back if not satisfied All Druggists. ' :' I have opened the McCarthy Mar ket here I will always carry a tflne line of meats and poultiies at reasonable prices. Phone 790 and receive prompt '.service. J. M. PERRY, 217 Pollock Street. The National Bank OF NEW BERNE, N. C. IS THE 5f OLDEST and STRONGEST AND r ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN THIS SECTION See our new elec tric Coffee Mill. Granulates or pui- verizes coffee to ! your order. All cof fee ground when sold. Hackuurn. First of Season Celery and Lettuce. L C. TISDALE 79 BROAD ST. UBAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA the FISHERMAN'S PARADISE ! Spanish Mackerel. Blue Fish, Trout. Plenty of boats Charges Moderate. CO?.:i ORTABLE HOTELS AND COTTAGES Extremely low Season Week End Sunday EXCURSION FARES, via NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Ask tic'-.et agents for time tables and fares or write W. E. PORCH Beaufort, N. C. H. S. LEARD, G. P. A., Norfolk, Va. J. F. MITCHELL, T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. MORTGAGE SALE Stop That First Fall Cough. Check your fa'l cough or cold at once don't wait it may lead to serious lung trouble, weaken your vitality and devel op a chronic lung ailment. Get a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Honey today; it t is pure and harmless us it freely for that fall coLgh or cold. If baby or child ren are sick give it to th m, it will re lieve quickly and permanetly. It soothes the irritated throat, lungs and air pass ages. Loosens Phlegm, is antiseptic and fortifies the system against colds. It surely prevents cold germs from getting a hold. Guaranteed. Only 25c, at your Drugftist. fVhy You SJiould Buy Your Groceries Of Us. Because we carry best goods for those who demand highest quality. We cater to the bes t trade i as well as to those in Mod erate cirenmstances, This is a high class Store for everybody " For Prompt Service By virtue of a power contained in 9 deed of trust duly recorded in the orSeie of the Register of Deeds, oi Crarrtm county, in book 176, page 57, securing: one certain promissory note for th payment of (500 and interest to Nanaife B Mc Lawhorn, said note and salic dted of trust having been duly assijgfV cd to A. G. Lynn and the under sipimsS with all rights, powers and privilege therein contained, the undersigned irBB on Monday the 7th day of Sept., 1914: offer for sale, at public auction, at thee hour of 12 o'clock M. at the court houasr door in New Bern,. N. C, and Tt.iEJ ac for cash to the highest bidder at sariS. sale, all the following described rem. estate in the town of Vanceboro N. C. known as th Jackson hotel ami' stot property, beginning at the comer' erf' the. Masonic I odge lot on Waehiew road, thence down said road to a Taaip post in front of Jackson store, the up Grernville road to the publi sefcoo house lot, thence with this lot t tbm lane between the Greenville roaid mA and Washington road, thence with savSt ! lane to the beginning,. containing 2 atrtm. more or le3 I This sale is (A. G. Lynn, McL whom. RALPH E. DAVENi Assignee tf. Trusts.;. made at therequesfsrf atsinee of Nanaf . Fresh Oat Flakes, PH0NE 172 Grits gnd Corn Flakes. Hackburn. 53 Pollock St. H. X. Armstroitg Children Crfr FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Capital, Surplus and profits Total Resources $200,000.00 900,000.00 4 Percent Interestpaid on Savings and Time Deposits. For llfiry Talks pi Modern Business demands a strenuous lift. The marts of trade are teeming with brilliant meti and women working at top speed, and doing ausi accomplishing. v These men and women find' " PEPSI-Cola A safe, reliable energizer. It stimulates their mincfo bodies clears their brains, quickens their step. It helps wonderfully in the days long steady grind. You will find Pepsi-Cola at Soda Fountains or Carbonated in y -M Bottles, anywhere of the Most Pleasing Designs! Fumed Oak, Golden Oak and Mahogany Limberts" Arts and Grafts 1 -i Furniture See. 1 si New Bern and Morehead City 1 , V WHATS THE USB. 'I- . of worrying. Life Is1 too, short. Qne,of the greatest problems thdt confronts the thousands of housewives to i day'is."iWhat shall we , have "forv'r s . dinner tomorrpw' In New Bern V , that matter Is easily solved. Just ; ; ask central to rgive you 239 and j;; the trouble Is over: tor we have - everything that, a First Glass Meat Market should carry 1 ; 1 ) h I t i 9 I One nice home in Ghent on Spencer Ave. Two nice homes in Riverside, National Avenue. Nine nice homes inside city limits, in dif ferent parts of town, some very desirable locations. Four nice homes in Bridgeton Falko have some vacant lots in Bridgeton JSfe J3ern, Ghent and Riverside. I can seii 'yiiu property f pr cash or on easy terms. Don't fail to see me before you buy. lean save you money, and don't forget to see me before you buy that farm. I have hat you want. I handle everything in real estate. : Come to see me. If you don't buy I will ;be glad to see you any way. i THE . ,J SURVEYORS Curvcy, 1.173 Plans, Esti mates; riunicifal Im- rr3 ::::i3;Drlnce end T --. cnt cf Wet, .::-vOvc:3-.. ' 1 1 "3. etc. -:";':.: ':' . V ' : ..(T. ' . -W JL kr - .. . w JL.