, 3 V c J ... " 'm Yr f ' 4 ico CHEEHUE L1E0 III 5II00T 1(11 AFFRAY j m. reuss uses winchester - rifle with Deadly - . effect. : ; . GREENVILLE, Sept. ' 6. Yester-j,ay;- afternoon, about- four" thirty o'- - .clock a shooting affray took- place t in front of the bakery of Mr. J. EvWil- v Iiams between Third and Fourth streets ', when his baker, M. J.-M; Reuss shot, down Mr. Otis H. Smith with a Win chester rifle.'the ball entering the body . about an inch below the heart and lod ' ging at some point' that the physicians -: are unable to locate as "yet, and though the wpund is of a serious nature it is thought by the j attending physicians - that Mr. Smith has ajair chanoe for fecovery. ' ' 1 - When visited at the county jail by a reporter this morning and asked the , cause of the shooting Mr. Reus said ' that yesterday morning t Mr. 'Smith ' brought a bottle of whiskey to the bakery and asked for it to be left there ' for him. ' In a short while he began to bring his friends in to treat them, : and Mr. Reuss having his work to do and being annoyed by the constant . -visits of Mr. Smith and his friends asked Mr. Smith to take the bottle out as the' callers interf erred, with his work. . Mr. Smith became offended at the remark and cursed Mr. Reuss quite severely, and when leaving - the door told him he would get him. Knowing" the reputation I Mr. Smith had as a dangerous man, Mr. Ruess 'said he went to his room and got his rifle, and on his return he met an offi cer; and asked him for protection against Mr. Smith, and then returned to. the bakery to his duties. He then decided to take the rifle lrfto Mr. Wil . liama store, and as he stepped from the bakery door he spied. Mr. Smith ao proaching with something in his hand and crying out "I'll get you." And it was then he shot to protect himself. :h Immediately after the shot was fired Mr, Ruess walked to the office of the "sheriff and surrendered' telling the of: jicers what he had done. Owing to Mr. Smith's . condition we are' unable to get a statement -from -him., , XlR WERE ENGAGtb'tjSeETblff' EACH TOOK ANOTHER MATE 1? THEN OLD LOVE RETURNED CAUSED PIC IN BEAUFOR JIM PARKER BECOMES ' MEN ; TALLY DERANGED AND - ' ; GOES ON WARPATH she would not dia- ' MILWAUKEE, Wis. " Sept' ' 8.- Formerly a belle in Baton Rouge, La. ... of - which city her father is Mayor. -Mrs, Anna May Giffin Chennault has been found, at Berlin, Wis. With her was her- husband's i brother. Claire- L, - Chennault, recently of the faculty of -" the " University , 'of Louisana. They were working on a farm. t They were arraigned Judge ivF.-.A; Ceiger In the Federal Court, today and on hit -order they will be sent back to "Baton Rouge, where" Chennault ill -i face a charge. -of v.olat.on of the Man t White Slave " law. .' Mrs. Chennault is only, seventeen years old, Jt is said. Clarie Chennault .Kis in his twenties. They had known each other, from J childhood, and. .bt came bethrothed Then the girl had k change of heart 6r thought she had, 'for she told Chennault she was in love 'with another-He demanded the name oi tus nvau inis -close. ' i ,v Chennault ".seeins . to ? have i1 found ' ' cwut consolation, lot he .t soon mar- v. tied and with hia wife went to Okla homa, where he became a professor in the State University. Zfteth'xft ? Not(to'ng ago he returned to Baton. Kouge with is - wife .and their baby He was soon to learn who; was his successful rival in "his od loyeV-aJiaift ; for at a ceremony which called for the attendance of all the fashionable folk tf . Baton Rouge, the Mayor's , daughter became the Dnde oi Chennault s youttg- !. er brother.1 . ' . - But the bride , seema . to have re- gretted the choice' she' had' made7 be- . tween the brothers, for a week after : her marriage she dissappeared. f So did Claire Chennault, leaving his wife and child. They first fled to Chicago They had so little money they looked about- for employment to tide them over the period until a contract that Chennault had made as a high school teacher in .Portland, Ore., at f 1,800 a : year should become effective in the . FalL , An advertisement informed them that a married couple was wanted on a Green Lake County, Wis., farm. They were employed. : ; V;;. v ; j It was a strange ; transition the young professor pitching '. hay and doing other hard labor till hi J hands - LlLiered and his body' ached f the foimer smlay i'A up at'dawn milk i 3 covs, f (' T f)'i;i and working a cl.ii'-n. Aa I u.i'ti came the dla-! ,--:-y cf t' V v ' ' !S ! f 'r JimParker, colored, of Beaufort county,1, xwas ; carried " to '.. ; Goldsboro yesterday, where he will be placed in the State Hospital for the colored insane. , "y , For several ' months Parker has been mentally deranged, but only for the last few days has he "been violent, and during these few days, his violence has been of 'such a nature that the people - of the- neighborhood in which he.tlived, were very much in fear of violence from his hands. In fact he did inflict painful injuries on J. , M. Davis, superintendent, of .the county home of Beaufort county, when he caught him in his arms and squeezed him with a grip.hich seemed to the victim almost equal ' to that of an iron clamp, and at the same time sinking his teeth into the flesh about his -shoulders and neck. 'Although Mr.' Davis did not sustain any injuries that are thought to result in anything serious. . After being chased for several hours by officers and citizens, Parker was finally- captured yesterday after-noon about two o'clock. Although being a man of small statue and not being more than about twenty years of age, he -gave five stout' men a lively t'me before they succeeded :n get ting him handcuffed and tied. De puty bheritt L. k. Kicks and two colored men had 'the man in charge when they arrived at the Union Sta tion yesterday. He was taken from the baggage car tied hand and feet, and in such a manner that his feet and head could be pulled together when he became violent. WISHED SHE ; COULD DIE And Be Free From Her TronLIet, - bat Finds Better Way. , Columbia, Tenn. "Man a time, says Mc. Jessie Sharp, of this place. "I wished I would die and be relieved of my Suffering, from womanly troubles'. 1 could not get up, without pulling at something to help me. and stayed in bed most of the time. I could not do my housework. , . , . , The least amount of work fired me out My head would swim, and I would tremble wr an hour or more. Finally. 1 took Cardul, the woman's tonic, and I UNUSUAL CASE. Removal Of Logging Engine Causes Trouble The removal of a logging' engine from the timber holdings of the Bu-ell-Crocker Lumber Company, near Chinquepin, to Wilmington after a restraining order had been served on the Company to prevent the removal of any of the Company's assests pend jnglttejiiLtPome of an effqftto have a receiver appointed lor ittl promises a possibility of developments; in the way of contempt of court proceedings against those responsible for. the lo comotive's removal. ' The engine is said to be worth be tween $8,000 and $9,000. It4 was car ried to Wilmington on a barge.. It is now being guarded by deputy sheriffs pending service of a restraining or der on a' man named Baker, ' who is said to have disposed of the; engine to- the Buell-Crocker Company eome time ago,' and to have taken it hack Thursday. ' : , .JONES JAILED. - , Negro Alleged To Have Stolen '''?'' : ' Galvanized Roofing. , myl Cardul goes to an the weak spots and helps to make them strong. It acts with nature not against her. It is for the tired, nervous, irritable women, who feel as if everything were wrong, and need something to quiet their nerves and strengthen the worn-out system. If you are a woman, suffering from any of the numerous symptoms of womanly trouble, take CarduL It will help you. At all druggists. Dizzy? Billlous? Constipated. Dr. King's New Life Pills will cure you, cause a healty flow of Bile and rids your Stomach and Bowels of waste and fermenting body poisons. They are a Tonic to your stomach and Liver and tone the general system. First dose will cure you of that depressed, dizzy, billious and constipated condition. 25c. all Druggists. Sec our new elec trie Coffee Mill Granulates or pul verizes coffee to your order. All cof fee ground when sold. Hackuurn. First of Season Celery and Lettuce. T t C. TISDAIE 79 BROAD ST. Stop That First Fall Cough. Check your fa'l cough or cold at once don't wait it may lead to serious lung trouble, weaken your vitality and devel op a chronic lung ailment. Get a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Honey today; it U pure and harmless us it freely for that fall cough or ecld. If baby orchilriV ren are sick give it to th m, it will re lieve quickly and permanetly. It soothes the irritated throat, lungs and air pass ages. Loosens Phlegm, is antiseptic and fortifies the system against colds. It surely prevents cold germs from getting a hold. Guaranteed. Only 25c, at your Druggist. rresh Oat Flakes, Grits gnd Corn Flakes. Hackburn. UBAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA the FISHERMAN'S PARADISE Spanish Mackerel, Blue Fish, Trout. Plenty of boats Charges Moderate. COMFORTABLE HOTELS AND COTTAGES Extremely low Season Week End Sunday EXCURSION FARES, via NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Ask ticket agents for time tables and fares or write W. E. PORCH Beaufort, N. C. H. S. LEARD, G. P. A., Norfolk, Va. J.F. MITCHELL, T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. Ahy You Should Buy Your Groceries Of Us. Because we carry best goods for those who demand highest quality. We cater to the best trade as well as to those in Mod erate cirenmstances, This is a high class Store for everybody For Prompt Service MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of a power contained in a deed of trust duly recorded in the office? of the Register of 'Deeds, of Craven county, in book 176, page 57, securing: one certain promissory note for therr payment of $500 and interest to Nanni. B. Mc Lawhorn, said note and salCU ded of trust having been duly assigfw ed to n. G. Lynn and the undersigned with all rights, powers and privilegee i therein contained, the undersigned will! on Monday the 7th day of Sept., 1914. . offer for sale, at public auction, at the-; hour of 12 o'clock M. at the court house door in New Bern, N. C, and will sel for cash to the highest bidder at said J sale, all the following described rea estate in the town of Vanceboro, N. C known as th.' Jackson hotel and storr property, beginning at the corner of7 the Masonic I odge lot on Washiw?tcSV road, thence down said road to a lamp post in front of Jackson store, the1 up Greenville road to the public sckooti house lot, thence with this lot to th lane between the Greenville road antE? and Washington road, thence with sai lane to the begi nning, containing 2 acresa more or less. This sale is made at the request A. G. Lynn, assignee of Nannie McL whom. RALPH E. DAVENF1 Ke. Assignee cfl Truste. PHONE 172 3 Pollock St. H. C. Armstrong Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A S T O R A Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. "I was taken with diarrhoea and Mr. Yorks, the merchant, here persuaded me to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Dierrhoea Remedy. Af ter taking one dose of it I was cured. It also cured others that I gave it to," writes M. E. Gebhart, Oriole, Pa. That it not at all unusual. An ordinary attack of diarrehoa can almost invar iably be cured by one or two doses of thh remedy. For sale bv all Dealers. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Premier Carrier Of The South LOW ROUND TRIP SUMME1 TOURIST TICKETS NOW ON SALI ; TO """fHE LAND OF THE SKY" ' ASHEVILLE, WAYNESVILLE, TOX AWAY, HENDERSONVILLE, BREVARD, HOT SPRINGS AND ALL OTHER WESTERN NOR TH CAROLINA POINTS Spend your vacation in the cooi mountains of Western North Carolina. ' Week End and Sunday Excursions round trip tickets on sale to Morehead City, Beaufort, Wrightsville, Wilming ton, and various' other summer resorts. For illustrated booklets, complete detailed information, ask your agent.or communicate with. O. F. YORK, Traveling Passenger Agent. J Raleigh, N. C 1 1 V Modern Business demands a strenuous lifo. The marts of trade are teeming with brilliant mes and women working at top speed, and doing an$ accompUshing. These men and women find1 4 pic PSI-Cola -A' safe, reliable energizer. It stimulates their minds an; bodies clears their brains, quickens their step. It helps wonderfully in the days long steady gtia You will fina Pepsi-Cola at Soda Fountains or Carbonated in X i pottles, anywhere i. V J 1 . & s rx m J-Chief of. Police C; Lupton received J'l am eiegiyih'from villi Saturday staling tna ney;had Itliah an Sonny Jones, colored, who stole seven foliar of galvanised yjroofing fronvlv nan-by the nam of Odum whp had iheontrcfc& Three rolls of the; roofing was found in an out house on ; the, premises of James;: Dawson, colored; and he was bound over to Superior Court, charged with stealing, bnt he will probably be released after the hearing of Jones, . Captain Bryan .went to Greenville Mother Of Eighteen Children. the mother of eighteen children have the praise of doing more work any young .woman in nay, town," writes Mrs. C J. Martin, Boone Mill, Va.''I. suffered ;for 5five years with stomach trouble and could not eat as joiuchv asaijiscuit without suffering; I have taken three bottles of Chamber- n'al.Tableu'and arn now a :. well wom an apd. weigh 468 pounda-'.I jean; eat Anything I want toy and a much as I want and f ee.1 better than I have at any time in ten years. ..I. refer to any one in Boone Mill or vicinity and they will vouch for what I say." Chamberlains' Tabllets are for1 sale byall.DealerQ ; m ill w-viA 1 1 1 1 ii a i um nA 1 1 mx 1 1 it: - OF NEW BERNE, N. C. - IS THB s w OLDEST and STRONGEST $ ' ' V- AND Capital, Surplus and profits Total Resources THIS SEGTIDN lr r ' 1 . 200,C0O.OO - IEIF0MA1 One nice home in Ghent on Spencer Ave, Two nice homes in Riverside, National 'Avenue. alpine nice homes inside city limits, in dif ferent -parts of town, some very desirable locions. t Four nice homes in Bridgeton 1 also have some vacant lots in Bridgeton New Bern, Ghent and Riverside. I can sell rypu property for cash or on easy terms. - Dpn't fail to see me before you buy. I can sayg you inoneyi aiidr don't forget to see me fore youfhuy that tarm. I have what you twaht. I; handle everything in real estate. Gome; to see me. If you don't buy I wil) glad to see you any way. i t i 9 f f Bu rn- ""'V.-.T fiillEflo Kr-:-:'-'.' 4--.. MANv on c I! If II 11 M H I) I? n I v in 4 Tcrccnt Ir.t:r::t prid cn C:i::3 end Time

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