, n " .. ' : -. J . .. ' . . . A- i ' T- ' VOL. LXII. Nu 151 NEW BEIN. K C;; FRIDAY, OCTOBER f2 1914 FIVE CENTS PERTCOPY rm?: liii -'li L Y mm w 4 4; 3 I i-, fcficaL'cns Kovv Afe Thai The End Is Recr and. That Ihc AIUcs jViU Be Victorious---Fonr Tremendous Bat lies In Progress last Night In The Eastern Theatre 61 the War. The :IIour For Decisive Action, On the Fart of the Germans Has Arrived sM It They Fail to Accept If They Will De Deleated. Pan, Cct. --Aij ofhtial ccmmi riica tion issred - at nidright is as follows 'lliere is wjHniir special to report ex w c'ept in; -the regions of koje vl sleni 'J' action Fas . happily l. tvijnedfcr us and in Argonnef.ere ;e - Have madc-soire. progress. The .gen r ( situation is very satisfactory.,- . - . " -.-V , - - . f I- "' -f '' " . ' ' i - ' J ' BATTLE OF THE AI&NE 1 CLAIMED AS 1FENCH VICTORY, .. - i , . x ' . - Tha tattle of tlc ?'i-n is alrradyjto protect 'the line of communication ciaimed" as tt' e'tsive- French Victory , at Cracow. Meanwhile there are about Sin nffiriiLi .ivri xtn tVc o the war a million and a half Rvs lans in Galicia Oifict refrains from annoum iig " as thvr th-Witirt- CerwAB kije nas compietea tne investment 01 gr. 4SMM'M Alli,-wiH: tirtTnow whose-1all ta ,som expected The V:-:tw - " agtinst the, point - of . General j Vcn' - Kl jck's .v edge'shaped iine of fortified . positions fcased on .Noyon. "j r " - POUR F C R AO I ION ' . - , vthas Entered .upon a-slower and; more iJeliberaieistagerConsisteBt with grave THE ALLIES BVSBANDINGS r V ALL THEIR STRENGTH Aaft;::lT.,.'..f"-i-P and made nubile . ft : Hour tor ction ob rne part 01 me enemy:- - ; i -. r iwv aiu r tvvra uil. A - r-''iiW..1k.:;,i!-i.- j.i.:.j;h' -i- '- - -"? arfwey ai ..::;fjj- from a ; reliable --,,f save-them from 'disaster, r .Gradually source; that . Germany will make no jftoB;-wh(Cto'jtotrie. front?furtKef efforts to induce taly to alter f ?SIilli?g Z:!Znl of Ameri- . 1 Whereas. The rea4i!a ion of our tt. Patiotic ambition for North Carolina, ' f'm ll?e as a whole, depends upon the-achieve- $;'han!, . ment of the same ideal in the local ::i'W'Uy:: 'tne line the Allies ,are;l'us ' ;:;"rVti7 ' banding their effective fighting strength V -y (ior the firil effort wtich shall -decide ! ' - whether the .right or the left wings of 'n&sf0 invaders' be able toiwi draw: to a PS?vlSv ibattle;: has ;hpwVreadhed its-twentieth . . . day. ' The casualties are so great tnat I ' even the French" officials have.refrajned from esti tiatinir them. "With . grea I it-ft armies both exhausted- the adyantage . 'ff navy. WiVjW" that; arm vwhiclv- i$ ibje, tof The dfsaster is said, to have occured v"EU ' '.i throw fresh trbopls wta the" field Bfa-iii a'terrtflie gale; that; is sweeping the ' - " ' crucial moment.' ' ' V" . 7. ' I North a"and. DeninarL-ifhe wind at -'i'-iM: -a velocity "of 110 3IIE ALLIES" HAVI.?H!5 MAN. FRESH TROOPS The Allies have fresh troobs lo abuhd ; H x- .fcsyenjee. " Aside trom, trie reserves ywmcn r-'Ms -,:Z 'y&T& 6w preparing' to take the.fr. f)lace :Yr',-X ':i;.-i3;iaf j;he '-first; line ;of ghters.thefeare V ' - seventy" thousand J Indian .irobpsNnaw ' -; "on French soil ready for any' tray; ' There i v .; "V ' T-;'r' those'' who.:ventre" the 'prelection '1 i;': "fhat, the end of the present bank' will ''".': 't'coiiie on next Sunday, or Monday with ;V "; a complete success for the AllieS.V'l,,'- r ouR TP' tous n v.: its 3 LAST NIGHT cross the "hijemen -river between Drus slceniri and Grodno.- Another German :mi. army, is engaged witl .'fifty, thousand 'i, Russians in the foresf of Augustowo. TJie great Russian eontral army under ) command of Grand Duke Nicholas,,;' ., made, up of a million men has been mobolized in Russian Poland to move " against the main German army. This ' force today was reported as being in contact with -..tt.e German advance giard whi h had been pushed forward ln . wo cokmn8- The northern column - :: .nEiMS CITIZENS . Paris, Oci 1-More than 500 tr.em-4 ' bers' of the civil population- of Rheims were lllled , during the .bombardment of thVcity by the Germans, according to omciai . ngures compiled Dy tne .her position of neutrality. - '"Iijs stated thathe chief reason ither peace proposals ar to be made to the warring powers wlthjn a verjt short time. : Whether these are tQ come from -the United States or Italy it is impossible to learn. ; . GERMAN WARSHIP IS. l.. M WRECKED .IN GALE : ; Copenhagen; "Oct. 1--Rep'orts ' cur rent here1 for ,24 hours that a' German warship has been wrecked in the North Sea has' been confirmed, Uanlsn news- papers say by the finding of many bod- ies on the shore south of Esjberg. All miles .an hbu.r.' ;.'.'r."' yrpptri tm lfAr.TnRTFS ; ' - r- " WORK DAY AND NIGHT Geneva Oct 1k-Two armored Zef pelins. are. under .construe ion at- the big Zeppelin factory at Frtedrichahafen under a guard of & regiment pf Bavarian troops : and . of . a gunboat on ', Lake Constance". 'i-t: .r-J .'f ' MiSSlONARX i SOCIETY MEETS ;' - ' . THIS AFTERNOON ' : . T -The monthly business meeting' of the Woman's Missionary Society of Cen-. lenary , Methocjist:'Church - wilU. be heM in the, church' parlor Friday after- p'- u at 4 o'i ' ck. r - --'-'-' ' , lie M DAMAGE DONE BY in UU Or American Pra Amob. CALLS UPON PEOPLE OF STATE . TO DO COMMUNITY SERVICE WORK Raleigh, Oct. 1 The fo'lowing pro amatUon Is issued by Governor Craig ; Whereas, The people of North Caro- recUnt years have made a re- - record o:- industrial, educa- and moral proeress. Todav moved as never before. witha yet larger schievement. They, believe "hat which they have done is but an earnest of he things they yet shall do," and they press on with the determination that in everv- . : . . .1 ' . ! - ' uung mat maices lor greatness ln a XT... . .. . . Biaie, nonii juarouna snail take a tore. the, township, the school district, the little -neighborhood ground - around church "or schoolhause; and for progress in each, there must be, first, a know ledge of conditions; second, united work of all the people. at tasks of immediate improvement randi jhird, the organiza tion of the people for persistent prosecu tion of all (he larger processes of com munity betterment. ... Therefore, I, 'Locke Craig, Governor of North Carolina," in response to wide spread sentiment among our people as expressed ' by"' many organizations and societies, . do . hereby set apart the. 3rd, 4th, and 5th days of December, one thousand nine- hundred and four teen, to be known and observed through-' ut the State of - North "Carolina as" "Commimity Service Day," and I ap point them as- days wherein every mani woman-and child in the -Commonwealth, shall lend, a, heart,-hand, and brain to the service and development of- North Carolina and of its every community and -county and as days wherein-the people shall" itieet, confer, and ."work together., foe advancement along, the three-fold lines of investigation, united labor for the immediate improvement of the ' community ,:and wise planning" for its future,- -t ' ? T ' k. -.I call on the, leader of. thoughtrand progress in every-r-community to: as sist in organizing and planning for these "Community Service Das."v -: I call on the Farmers'.' Union, - the Cliambef of - Commerce, the ; women's cliib, otr teachers-and ministers, the -s of the State, our lawyers, plivM- ! on r:fte. ' 1 '!;i:?x,.milU(f fc Baged Uecieasiisily SHELLS IN HALINES. EMPLOYES OF tH NORFOLK -SOUTHERN SHOPS QUIT WORK Resenting the dismissal of several of the men employed ln the local shops of the Norfolk Southern railway company, one hundred or mor&of the employes yesterday went on strike.' These m.en were employed in the boil er making, machine, carpentering and blacksmith departments and only a few men, non-unionists, were left to do the work. This action came as the culmination of a disagreement resulting from the fact that the company on Tuesday and Wednesday gave the men in the shops a .holiday and then when several of the employes were sent for to come to work they demanded pay for time and 1 a halt and this was refused. I hey then stated that they would not work without such compensation and were summarily dismissed. Following this other employes walked out and at a meeting of the union held Wednesday night the steps taken yesterday were agreed upon. ' . .Just what the Culmination of the strike will be is not known. Several of the union harvs are expected in the city this morning and th: settlement will be left up to them. TIMELY WARNING Crooks, Following Up Wild West The police of New Bern have been Warned; that a 'jng.- of professional snatchuhieyes, 'picJ?-pockcts and house breakers , may hayfe followed the big J0I Ranch Wild. West show from Nor-folk'-;fiewf Berij J householders are warned to, keep their doors locked while the big" show is in' town. Miller Bros. & Arlington, the owners of the big show, will-- co-operate with the local police in protecting the public from such crooks while here. ; TO GIVE A BANOlET TONIGHT ' ' w FROM 8 TO 10 V " S' -W , O'CLOCK : , i - v ' .Wesleyan adnV-fclble class Centenary Methodist churcfe'will give a banquet to the memberfand. friends tonight from 8 to ,10 o'Jefock A program and refreshments ajid'-dood time, . Don't stop to dress ufljco'iie from shops and loirs as you aW Etch member, cat GREENAMYER WANT TO CO TO PITTSBURG WILMINGTON MAN ANXIOUS TO FACE HIS ACCUSERS IN PA. Wilmington, Oct. 1 It was reported today that Mr. K. ( .reenaniyer, who was arrested a few davs ai,'o on tele graphic instructions from Pittili:rg charging that he Is wanted there for larceny and embezzlement, is an io-s to leave tonight for I'litshtirg to face any charges that mav be brought against hljn. Mr. (ireenamver Is un der SI 0,0(10 bond for his appearance before Justice Harris Monday at no.di, by which time it was expected that the papers from Pittsburg would be here It Is understood that a motion is to be lodged before Justice Harris this afternoon to permit Mr. Green amyer to go to Pittsburg tonight and svrrcnt!tr t e a tV-i i - iVrc rather than remain here until the ar- ill-...! if a i '.(. 1 , e v no li ex-.ee' e ! Saturday. If the motion is made It will verv llkelv be granted bv the Justice, provided he ilves $10,000 bond for apptarnace before Justice Harris one week from next Monday This would give Mr. Crecnamver time to go to Pittsburg and return to W ll nlngton. It wa) learned today that a Pitts burg detective spent last Friday and Saturday in Wilmington and when he returned stated that he would have the necessary papers fixed up and sent here to be served. The tele gram to arrest Mr. Greenamyer on Tuesday came as a surprise to those who had knowledge of the detect ive's presence here last week and of his intention Of sending papers before any move was made here. Mr. Greena;nyer has stated from the first that he would willingly go to Pittsburg to face the charges. He does not care to wait for extradi tion papers, it Is said. Sheriff Cowan yesterday afternoon received the following wire from Mr. John H. Dunn, first assistant district attorney, of Pittsburg "Detective F. H. Schmitt leaves to day via Harrisburg. Will likely ar rive Wilmington Saturday." The charge of larceny and embez zlement against Mr. Greenamyer is said to be in connection with a note for about $5,000 which has been dis cussed pro and con ln advertisements ln the local papers for the past few days, ln connection with the franchise elec tion. ELEVEN CARLOADS OF TOBACCO SHIPPED NORTH Eleven carloads of tobacco left New Bern yesterday bound to northern mark ets, where it will be manufactured for the consumer. Two carloads of this was shipped from the local market, while the remaining nine came from points between New Bern and Golds boro. The Famous Peanut Roaster Case Again MAYOR BANGERT RENDERS DE CISION IN KNOTTY QUESTION. Mayor Bangert yesterday rendered his decision ln the case against Simon Joseph, who was charged with allowing his peanut roaster to rerraln in front of a portion of the wall to the Star -i . i . I i .' n i .. . ,i ,. ..... ..lHALF Mayor reserved his decision ,ln order to make -investigations. After taking in consideration every tdetai! of the case, the Mayor rinderid a verdict of nqt guilty. t ... A deed given by T, A. Green to Lu cindy Stanley conveyed one half 6f the wall to the Stanley woman, for the consideration cf a named sum of money. Tl is made the wall a party- wall and the p&rt 'that -Was -being -used ly the defendant is the- property o Lm.ii dy Stanleyi" the owner of ' the. . property that he rents. ;"?;:"'h(::lA'ir f. .. SPECIAL SALE OP COTTON GOODS STORES ALL OVER THE COUN TRY TO SELL FABRICS NEXT WEEK Washington, I). C, Oct. 1 As a means of enlarging the market for cot ton, ladles prominent In official society ln Washington have organized a move ment lor a nation-wide sale of cotton goods during the week beginning Mon dav. October 5. Ielegrams have been sent to drv goods stores and depart ment stores all over the United States urging them to put on special sales of cotton goods and all kinds of articles made of cotton during that week. I he movement is arousing a great deal of Interest in the dry goods trade and Indications are that it will be en tirely successful and will result in the Immediate marketing of large quanti ties cf cotton goods and in stimulat- lng large permanent demand In connection vlth the ri: rent, the lariles have arranged for a national cot ton show ln the Red room .if the W'il- lard hotel ln W ashing' on, in October 7 and 8. At this show there will be displayed gowns trade cntli.-lv of cot ton goods, de.-lgned by Ml-.-; Genevieve Clark, daughter oi the speaker. Miss Lucy Burleson, daughter of the post master general, Miss Gallic Hoke smith daughter of Senator Hoke Smith of Georgia, Miss Sallte W illiams, daughter of Senator Williams of Mississippi, Miss Mabel, Stone, daughter of Senator Stone of Missouri, Miss Nancy John son, daughter of Representative John son of Kentucky, Miss Margaret Mo- Chord, daughter of Interstate Com merce Commissioner McChord, Mrs. Josephus Daniels, wife of the Secretary of the Navy, and Mrs. Duncan U. Fletcher, wife of Senator Fletcher of Florida. The purpose of the display is to de monstrate the practicability of making artistic gowns for evening wear and for all other occasions in winter as well as ln summer, entirely from cotton goods. Photographs of these model gowns are to be made for reproduction in the leading fashion magazines of the United States. The Southern Railway company, which has undertaken to supply cot ton stalks and thousands of cotton bolls for the decoration of the room, will also install an exhibit furnished by the American Cotton Manufacturers As sociation, showing samples of all of the thousands of kinds of goods made from cotton. There will also be exhibits of a large variety of manufactured articles in the making of which cotton is used. The cotton bolls used ln decorating the room will be donated by Messrs. H. G. Hastings and Company of Atlanta. The list of patronesses of the show in cludes Mr. W. G. McAdoo, daughter of the president and wife of the secretary of the treasury, Mrs. Thomas R. Mar shall, wife of the vice-president, Mrs. Champ ("lark, wife of the speaker, Mrs. Josephus Daniels, Mrs. Burleson, wife of the past master general, Mrs. Wilson, wife of the secretary tf labor, Mrs. Houstin, wife of the secretary of agri culture, Mrs. Lane, wife of the secretary of l he interior, Mrs. Kedfiehl, wife of the Secretary of commerce, Mrs. James - j R. Mann, wife of the mimMtv leader in j the ho-.ise of representatives, Mrs. Wil ,' linm Barrett Ridgley, Mrs. Joseph j l',lk, Mrs. John B. Henderson, Mrs. Duncan U. Fletcher, Mrs. William Gummlngs Slory, president-general of the Daughters of the American revolu- lon, Mrs. Percy Y. Pennybacker, pres- dent lubs, of the federation of women's and others1.. PINT OF LIQUOR PUTS TOWN IN DARK. Elizabeth City Independent Half , the town in darkenss last Saturday night because of a failure of the electric light, plant ' to - operate, the troub'e seems-ta have been caused by a half pint of liquor. - A f reman at the electric light plant imbibded, too freely of the cheap liquor, reglccted his work and let the. water ;n one 'ol - his' boilers go down. The boiler tubes b-rnt out and part, of the 'l-iihR-iijles'. tdca. y :f;v;f,,;:ii' ..tf-UK.,.'.,,