PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY JOURNAL, NEW BERN, N; C. the tickets and they are on ' sale at Bradhams and Wood-Lane Drug Com pany., , sv. . EjHOQESLj; sL-Z) Ejw 13 Qt- .... , ' : ' fjri v;: if;.;.;..t- , . .'V v ..' -v. . . :..;,:, r . . '.A "- ' .j:.'. :v, ' Cloudy and probably rain is the weather forecast for New Bern and vicinity today. Moderate variable winds. E. L. Chuich, who las been con fined to his home for the last several days with an attack of LaGrippe, has improved sufficiently as to be able to return to his work. Frank Thompson, of Raleigh, the architect for the- publio school building, has inspected the building and will accept it as soon as a few minor jobs, which he has itemized, are completed. Prof. Craven stated yes terday that no effort would be made to get in tho building before the op ening of spring term, Jan. the fourth. Some parts of the interior of the build ing will be painted and the desks are to be installed, and this will con sume quite a little time, and he stat ed that he thought it best not to try to get in the building before the first of the year. onMetcalf street from South .front to Broad streets. There are quite a number of families on this section of ' Metcalf street who have ; been unable to have the gas in. theif homes on account of no main, being on their street, and his extention will doubt less be a 'source of much convenience to them. ) John W. Keys, of Raleigh, ' Train Master of the Norfolk Southern Rail road, has returned home after spend ing a short time in New Bern attend ing to business matters. s Methc:Jist t Ladies . Bazaar.1 . All unsold t.rdcles remaining in the hands of the ladies, including fancy needle work will be offered for sale at: 10 to 12 o'clock at a, reduction today. Virgil O. Strickler will lecture to-night at the ' Christian, Science Church. It will be an excellent op portunity for all to hear so fin o a Speaker on the- subject of Christian Science , ' Some Changes in the beat of the "policemen have been made recently. The officer at the depot will take the beat in Smith Town, and the Smith Town offioer be moved to Five Points, and his beat will be to McCarthy's -store and from there to the Trent .river bridge. The admission fee to be charged at the Athens . theatre Friday and Saturday, matinee and evening, 'for presentation of "Neptune's Daugh ter" will be as follows: Matinee, children 15 cents, adults 25 cents; evening, balcony 20 cents, first floor 25 cents, Thia picture was shown in northern theatres 'at prices ranging as high as one dollar ljf 1 The next installment ol "The Million Dollar Mystery," which is being shown serially at the Athens theatre, will be seen today instead of Friday, as has been the custom heretofore. This change has been made for this week on account of the feature picture, "Neptune s Daugh ter," which will be at the Athens Friday and Saturday of this week, "The Million Dollar Mystery" will continue to be run in the Journal daily until the story has caught up with the picture Arrangements are being made for the annual convention of the The Carolina Glee Club, which is Pepsi Cola Bottlers which will be composed of thirty young .men from held in New Bern next month. Bot- the University of North Carolina, will tiers of this delicious and invigorating give a musical entertainment in the beverage from all parts of the coun- school auditorium Friday .evening, De try will be in attendance at this cember the eleventh for the benefit of meeting and it is expected to prove the scho'ol magazine. This will be to be one of the most, beneficial ever the first time the Carolina G'ee Club held. ' jhas renitied a program in New, Bern in several years-and will be a 'Miss Mabel Knouse, an expert milliner of Baltimore, Md., who has been with Miss Nita Williams during the fall season has returned home. 'This was Miss Knouse's second sea son with Miss Williams, and during her stay in New Bern she has made many friends who regret that the season does not demand her services .longer. Captain E. C. Allison has been in charge of, the passenger train run ning between New Bern and Oriental, since Captain T. J. Mariner left for Charlotte, N. C, to attend the Shrin- ers Conclave. A special feature of the Episocpal bazaar will bo a baby ishoWj begin ning at four o'clock,, on Wednesday, the 16th, at Parish House. There will be- a prize 'offered for the best all round girl baby between the ages of one month and eighteen: months Also a prize for the best all round boy baby .between one month and eighteen months. Come and bring the babies to be admired. Entrance fee for babies is ,25 cents. Lillian, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Mason, of Atlan tic, underwent a very successful op-, eration at Fairview Sanatorium yes- TT ' .... . . , , . fifty cents each, by the High School Her condition is reported as being , J , . . T very favorable. rare treat to the New Bern lovers of good music. The program will be composed of quartettes, sextettes, Solos, chorouses and instrumental music. Tickets are now on sale at boys and girls. POSTMISTRESS AT CAMERON FIRED Mrs. Estelle Cameron Los es Position She Held , For Years Annette Kellermann. who is seen I in Neptune's Daughter," the famous marine moving picture drama, to be shown at the Athens theatre to morrow is not only the most cele brated swimmer in the world but is said to possess the most perfect fig ure. Her measurements are almost identical with those of the Venus de Milo. Those who wish to. obtain the exact details may get them at the Athens theatre. At Police Court yesterday after noon, Anthony Green and Martha Jones, both colored, were arraigned on a warrant charging them with not paying dog tax, both of them pleaded guilty and were taxed with the cost in the case and the dog tax. Sam Foster, Mack Hudson and Phillip Howard, all colored, were dismissed on a similar charge. On account of the increased busi ness in the freignt department last week the local office " of the Nor folk Southern Railway Company was short on cars, but during the past few days the local officials have se cured a number and are not having any trouble handling the heavy traf The interior of J. G. Dunn and Company's department store, which is one of the largest and most up-to-date business houses in New Bern is being very appropriately decoiated for the Chiistmas holiday's. The window decoration is very attractive, and displays . many artic les that could be very wisely selected as Christmas gifts. The show today at the Athens J will be for the benefit of the Peoples Concert Band . This band is one of orgamzanons in , . , i the best musical at nine o'clock in the morning was! lib Patronage by the people of twenty five minutes late yesterday 1 w rn' which was due to waiting for oonnee-j Deputy Sheriff J. W. Huff arrived, in the city last night from Jackson Mrs. Nannie E. Kenneldy died with the MrS at her home at PollocksvMe Tues- Nue1' Kaedy, who died there day night about eight, thirty o'clock. ddenly on the previous night. The While the cause of her death, is not . .. . T"8 " ,u 10 me oia lamiiy purying ground near positively known, it js supposed to have been an attack of heart trouble, as she was in appearantly good health, she having spent the day in New Bern -shopping.' . Her four children went out in the ...early .'evening to a .neighborhood gathering and. when they1 returned they found her laying on the floor in front of the fire, 'dead, "with one foot badly burried.V ,The funeral services had hot : been ar ranged at the time the message was -received by the Journal.') i'iy A message . reached '.. New Bern yesterday stating that the gas freight boat Lallie, that makesfregula? runs between Swansbord and New' Bern, "went down -while 'docked at Swans boro Tuesday! nigitJfThe'liaUie is owned by the Swansboro Land and Lumber Company ahdwas in . charge of Captain R. Jones.. ' The boat had just been loaded'. with" .tweltftyvtons of cotton 'seed which were i to have been brought to New- Bern' yester-t day. Just what, caused the boat to sink is not known, but" it is thought that she will be will be floated with jii a f.-w tin vs. ' Maple Cypress for interment. A coop containing twelve, nice hens was stolen' last night from 'the front of Mr. J. -iH, Hardy's store on South Front street.; The thief, who is believed tpbe a negro, slipped tip in front of the establishment and stole the fowl while the family were sitting just inside, of the door. Xhe affair, was reported tot the police, but ' no arrests were made. ' . v'i''.-.fS'; ; . For the i benefit of the School Magazine, Friday , night ; December. 11th. . The parolina Glee Club will give a concert at - the school audi torium, an evening of music with thirty of s the boys form our State University. ' The musio i loving peo ple of New Bern should .fell lucky in . havingS this Glee Club visit ; our eity,- they , are. considered ; ' the i best in the South and compare with the Glee- Clubs ;, of the Larger ' Colleges andjcombining the; Mandolin Club with the Glee Club those' who hear them wiU not only be entertained with singing but also with pinnn, , ' r ' o'.-i T- - Washington, .Dec. 9.--Mrs. Estelle Cameron for the past eight or ten years postmistress at Rockingham, will be re moved from office as soon as her suc cessor oan be selected.' Mrs. CameronS' dismissal ' from the service was brought about because she was neg leoting her duties, according to a re port made to the postoffice depart ment by an inspector who was de tailed to investigate a number of informal complaints made against hero The informal complaints of late be came so numerous that the postoffice department decided to make an in vestigation. The report of the in spector substantiated the rumors which have been coming in, for some time. There are three-candidates for Mrs. Cameron's job. They are W Thomas, J. T. West and W. L, Steele Representative Page said to day that he hoped to be able to select i a new postmaster witnin tne next ten days. He will go over the recommendaiions oi au inree ot tne candidates and se lect a man whom he thinks will give the best 'services to all concerned. Senator Simmons and Overman and Representatives Page, Webb, Pou, Goodwin, Small, Stedman, Kitchin Dough ton and Gudger were delight ed with President Wilson's annual message to Congress, which was read to a joint session of both; bouses tuesday. In fact the Democrats and many Republicans believe it was ne of the greatest documents ever pre sented to Congress. , CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY EXCUR . SION FARES. " 1 . Vto ' " Norfolk: southern rail, road. "i Convenient Schedules. Pullman Sleeping and Parlor Car Service. ; l Tickets oh sale Dee. 16th-25th, in clusive, also January 1st. Final, re turn Limit Jan 6th, 1915. " 1 ' Ask nearest N. j S." R. R . ticket agent for complete information, H. 8. Leard, G. P. A, NEW BERN COTTON MARKET. (By G. W. Tayloi1 and Sons)' Middling ...........:. 6' l-2c Strict Middling L. ,.. 6 3-4o Good Middling ....r. .7o if; Receipts 'yesterday 40 bales.. ' i COME LET US SHOW ' ' "Christmas Gills" That are just what you want. . We are fully pre pared to supplyyou with just what you want for XMAS Our beautiful ' holiday stock is full pf quality, variety, beauty and good taste, display ed in scores of.the .nic est gifts imaginable, for1 oldand young. " With The Best of Everything this new holiday season, brings, we invite your "patronage, because, you can not AFFORD to pass us by.- . Gets ihe Watch,?" . m . rt.: t .v , i -wmw -f .?' J . . ..i- Mr te.. t . ; n m m i . i i m. . ..i , -i ,i , , r t i m mum . arm w m . : 'k h : 7-7 ' 7 r.; WMV iJ .-.... ,, . tA v uimacca, ... .. ATI H. Black C& v- You Have Heard of m mm. ;;;arJ: Great ;Me&is- ' (I y j vv j.ejx&j ... . .x-.nj.i3 m Ladies Suite . v - . " Regular $18.00 Values They have all the style of' their real worth. We have them in both long and short , coat models and in practically all colors, including Black Navy, Green J Plum and . Brown. Lad&s Suite Regular $25.00 Values $01 -Broadcloth, ; Gabardines, Poplins and other favorite materials are represented in this col lection. There is a variety of trimmings' and a charming array of the very best styles. , . ?3 Presses Regular $7.50 and $10. values and serges' all the leading shades. in Satin $5.00 Presses : Regular -' $25.00 .values,, in , Velvet and Satin" and combinations, the very j newest styles. &18;75 Who Free t 1 "Reed" Overgaiter ::':Mli)ins.:;.'. . The New f Ankle- : r high" Skirts give, fashion new fields to , conquer " and - : fashion: is equal , 1 to the occasion-p" her: ;; daintiest ; touches are to be, , i seen in the' new' ; Reed shoes. r . r , - ' - - j v Especially pleas-.'; . ing' are the Reed. : ' Cloth Top Patent atiH ' Hull vnmnA t n button . boots. Splendid styles made on the . . . latest New - York lasts with Spanish heeto.-.", iimZZi;-':- ' ' : .-; ; ' ' BUSTER BROWN SHOES , For Boys and Girls. Patent, and Dull Calf , t Shoes button and Iaee styles for the boys and -girls, f They range in prices from $1.50 to $$ f, a pair. j ' m mmmmmss vol ' ' ' f Tv v Vv - .---:hi,'f The m -Mix- v?w:pr'f::m ' " Hew Georgette Cti!oTn Real LWiiui a, values ; You actually save twice as mudh as. the price you . pay because . ihey are positively $3 Georgette Sailors , l ' - 1 -.Made of fine quality black Velvet. The i season's smartest style and priced 'only : ;This is one of the .most' phenomenal millinery offerings we have . evet presented. You'd best shop early 2w " $3 and Si OSTR1CET BRANDS $1.00 A complete, sample line-" of Ostrich Bands -from a prominent New: York' Manufacturer. There are bands with long' Fibre others with two lips, and several other styles. Shown in t black, pink,, white, light blue, and other want ed, shades. Real $3 and $4 values at $1. ' - Second Floor ' 1 - , 1 a &ts' turn v. 4i L I m 3 ! 1 I 9 f 1 I f