'Srr. ir"-r i 7 ' 1 . . A. 1 ' "4 :- 1 1 :'v7'.v.tt. Civ . ;i: ,v,v ti C An excellent comedy dramaj in 4 acts I This Company, is sustaining their reputation, and presenting spine ci ine Desr acts ever seen at T.ne Atnens, to pacKea nouses, win sianamg room oniy at a prenuum. l'ictyrc prc slits cf five zra for today cori- TTo P-fn P-tll ?- by Kalem, featuring Alice Joyce and reels v as ' follows I Lfe L Ul b . - ; Tom Moore in a powerful 2 part drama j P - - "V " - V A Pathe n-fo n!It Potc' You get all the late war Inlfc fif lonlniicv' Another excel k L,l 1 J " w v ; comedy ; Uullj llCl JVnews in mog pictures ; UI dalUUSj ; lent comedy Matinee daily at 3. Night 7:30 and 9. Prices, Matinee 5 and 10c. Night 5, 10 and 15c. a -..vi oday ne mens '4, t ;V.. B. Armstrong ..left, yesterday fdt few days visit t Baybito.1 V - George B.Watfrs left yesterday" morning for a business visit to Have-J r W, E. Patterson - left yesterday . morning for a business' visit to New York. ,;rv'' ? . ,1 B. S. Langley, of Mackelroy, Xa passed through ' Nw r: Bern yester day enroute home from ' .Oriental wiere he has been, ependingthe holi- j Ned - Dolemar relumed yesterday from. Oriental ..whore The ; spent the -hohdaya. . . .-'ft - C E. Love lett yesterday morn ing' for a business visit' to Cove City! 8,." FereTwe "returneiTlionieb '-' ,. Stotewn yesterdiy . after l ai short . ia?t ty TiJ Horn-' w 'i ? ?i.r ; B. O. Jones .left, yesterday for. a business visit to Morehead City, - H.lwH.W38on left-yesterday, for al busineaa visit to Trenton.- . C,i Ifct ' Ives returned yeBterda y morning from : a Vbdsinesp '!, visit to Baltimore, Md. S k J.' 8. Miller left yesterday morn ing for a business visit to Morehead city., rr.; - " 'E. H-vleadows,- Jr.; has returned irom a Dusjnesa via t to Baltimore, Hi;. Taylor left yesterday'' morn ing . for . a business visit to 8tone- waU V v A. E. fiieloff left yesterday for a buBtnesa visit to Bavboro and Ori ental. " , . si : 1 1 - C. 'BL Harrison,' of Charlotte, TST. C was" a' visitor to 'New Bern yes terday. . - v N .a , ' Ei. " M. Kendrick, of Goldsboro, ., " " apent yesterday inNew Bern. United v States Assistant District . Attorney E. M, Oreen left yester-1 day morning ror , Wilmington to" at-- tend to business for the govern : . ment. "' ' t . s i v; , - ' s i W. W. Pierce, of "Goldsboro, . was i a visitor to New Bern yesterday. . L. lu- LearyK of Morehead City, was a visitor to . New Bern yester - day. ' v ( v- w . ' .. -, W. J." Morton has returned home to Greenville, : N. C," after fa" short visit to New Bern. Mrs. F.' W. Marine 59f". Jackson ville, N. C, returned, home- yester day after a leaf days visit to New "Bern, " - - - ' i - ' Miss Pearl Waters returned home yesterday from Kins ton 1 where she spent several days visiting friends Miss Kain Poolo, Piano and Vocal instructor at Meridith'pollege at Raleigh, has returned home after spending a few days in the city vis iting at the. home of Mr. -and Mrs. J. B. Blades. J f V.rl " ' - - " Mr. and Mrs, xW, B. tle-pasa, xf J uemvme, ia., passoa through Mew Born yentorday enroute home from Orient..! v, Lore they rrstit the holi days wiia f-I, .Jj j.J roltives. , " Ilanr , r-'i l,"ar 1 a f.f i - i iiuulil'yl'il.c.ll . : - ACTS. AS HOST Entertains r Friend t At - A 'One. ovthe most, delightful social affairs engaged in by the '.'young set" during hjs very happy. Yule tide was the- Progressive Salamungundi Party given x ; Mr.; Maribalt Speight at theVelegaat Jiome of his parents on JohtasdiT street on Wednesday .even ing. The lovely hall, and connecting rooms" Vere beautifully dorated in bright "tierried ' holly , "sm'ilax" and mistletpead luxuriant, potted ferns and' palms making a most "attractive seene as. the .fairy-like young people with1' happy 'faces .filled , the - entire lower jloor;; - -', Aftef1 sl .seiffes of' Progressions .: Of the.vgatte vxlelioious ice er earn - and cakes: were served jthe4 merry . party, Mri; Spjjigjjtt'a guests, were the- fol lowing lads and lassies.' Mr. Parkbill Jarvis (WikMisa Helen- Temple of Ohio, Mr. Euclid McWhorter with Miss Catherine Leifferta, Mr. C&arlie MeSorley. with Miss 'Rose Brooks Carta way, Mr'' Robert Thornton' with Miss Margaret ; Haley of Washings ton and Miss Lizette Perry,, Mr. Fred Cohen" with Miss May Bax ter, Mr. Charles Hollister with Miss Martha Munger, Mr.' Reginald Ful f ord "of Washington with Miss Ber . ta Ha'wk,Mr Charles Ives with Miss. Dolly, Hyman, Mr. John Bon ner with Miss Charlotte Davis, Mr. Robert Nixofl'with Miss Snow Hen dren, of Winston-Salem and Miss Beth Perebe Mr. Walker Guion with Miss . Eh'zabeth Catoo, Mr, Thomas Lee Taylor with Miss Lila TayloXriMr. Robert Hawk with Miss Agnes Foy and Miss Margaret. Hol lister, and Mr. Primrose with Miss Catherine, Leifferts. v Little Misses Lydia Speight, Mary rBradham and Margaret t Thornton, daintily attir ed ij white, received the guests at the door and ushered them-in." A Special attrsefions at the Athens all this week BOGUS MONEY PLANT FOUND 1 IN PRISON. v Jefferson City. . Mo.. Dec. 30. The raiding of a dice game at the peni tentiary today in which a number of bogus silver '. coins- were taken from convicts, led to the discovery of a counterfeiting .plant in the prison. The coins are all of the half dollar denomination and are made of babbit metal, evidently stolen from the sup ply house. ..." - AFTER BANDITS. Texas Posse Looking For" Train 11 ' " " Robbers. San' Antonio", ; Dec. 30. -A bandit hunt by a. posse" of Texas rangers -is an. exciting event near here , today. The rangers are tracking iwo masked men who robbed the passengers in two 'sleepers of a Southern Pacific westbound train today. HERE'S A BRAND NEW VARIETY , . tr JOB.' . . - Fort Smith, Ark., Deo. 30. An office- to bekpov. nas the Municipal Economist-: h&s , been created by the city-Board. rf Commissioners of Fort Sniitk' -. The Municipal Economist's dutinsv. oonslr.t in ; devising ways and meanr-to ro luce municipal expenses and increas municipal revenue. U iyrT.ivrrJ; to v ' "..'..12. to L: V. I :r tj ziy. was a 1 yc - 1 -1 ti f.T C AIilERICAU BANK iaminisiration umci? vrC Qathering, -;- ;Washington,:VDeo,30.Adminisi tration ofnoials werevDroceedinsr to day with plans for- a conference here, j yrvuviy .rarty next; spring, among treasury officials and American bank ers and the : finance" ministers and leading bankers of Latin-American nations on commercial problems fac ing the Western Hemisphere; because of the European war. Several accept ances of the United States eovern- Lraenrs invitation to all Central and South-American countries to partici pats! ui the- gathering have already 'been.reooveMid. , The plan For the1 conference origi-. nated with- Secrelaryt-MeAdoo and was inspired- by- the 'experiences ! he. ad : with Sir " George Paish of the English treasury as a result of which problems which had.pilszled English and American- bap kefs were smooth ed, out in a shoriJtime. President Wilson ' and Secretary " Bryan also Ifove .bee actively interested in put- t. ' .. . . . ' wng tne pian tor the conference into execution?- Trade between the United States and South America now is compara tively insignificant, which is attrib uted to the fact that American bank ers do' virtually no business direct with ' those countries, foreign ex change there being carried on through London. South and Central American buyers have obtained long term credits in Europe, but owing to the war, English capital is being utilized at home. It is pointed out that as a result the" "opportunity Is presented for iinancihg projects in the southern countries with the mil lien's of American dollars now lying idle. It is believed that the outcome of the conference will be that many connections will-be established be tween American banking houses ,nd those in the leading South American nations, while more branches of American banks will ' be established there. TWO OTHER SHIPS ARE DETAINED The British Seize Cargoes . Owned By American Concerns Washington, T. C. , Dec. 30. The detention jot twp. 'more copper ships by Great Britian was reported today to Senator Walsh of Montana by the American .Smelting Company, consignors of the cargoes. - The Swedish ship sailing Decem ber 6th from New York was detained by the British off New Castle, Eng land, on December 28th. The Nor wegian steamer Foerland which left New York on -November 27th,. was taken- in charge by England's mari time patrol on December 28th off Leighr-.1 - y "' fAftt'E'-RS We are going to 4 allow LIBERAL DISCOUNTS ' on all CCII PURCHASES of any kind of FARM I: ItLP IIOTS; bought from us during the month cf DEGMCEIl, Hay -Now jThe Flows, Disc Harrows; Stalk Cht":rs, Peanut Hullers, Our stock is complete- Our Implemerits are .Guaran- tesd . - k ,i GOVERNOR OF WAS SPEAKS Hodges Is "Dead Again" ' Prohibition of A Nat- ' 1 ' fffy ' 1 Toniika. Kan.. Dec. 30 State's rights Is one of the lamest arguments that could be offered in opposition to national prohibition according to Gov erBorHodge8 of Kansas, who. spoke before the national convention ot the Itktercotlegiate Prohibition Associa te here today . . 5 "The proposition that national pro Jiibition i contrary to the letter and spirit of our government sounds like the slavery argument years ago," he siid. "Human rights and the welfare of humanity must be given prefer ertce in settling all moral questions." ' jUOvernor noages poiniea out iimt the only objection offered to prohibi tion is that it does not prohibit and tliat this argument is advanced by thV liquor "interests. 'Nd intelligentr person defends the $aoon oii moral grounds," he con tinued. "A 'saloon license is the most 'e&tfstve ftyehue a state can col lejti:' 'Whiskey is a political liability a, parasite on business." FALLING HAIR MEANS DANDRUFF IS ACTIVE Save Your Hair! Get a 25 Cent 4 Bottle of Danderine Right Now Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hai-i' mute evidence of .i neglected gcaipi of dandruff that awful scruff. t'THere' is nothing so ' dest ructive to the Hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life eventually producing a levensh ness and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine tonight now any time will surely save your hair. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton'i Danderine from any drug store o toilet counter, and after the first ap olicatfon vour hah" will take on that life, lustre and luxuriance which is so beautiful. It will become wavy and fluffy and have the appearance of abund a nee; and incomparable gloss and soft ness. but what will please you will be after just a few week's use, when you will actually see a lot of fine, downy hair- new haii- growing all over the scalp. Mrs. Jack Allen and children, of Havelock. passed through New Bern last nierht enroute home from Aurora where they have been visiting re latives. Miss Ida Oettinger, of Kinston, re turned 'home last evening after at tending a house party in New Bern Misses Florence and Julia Wether- ington, of Fuscarora, returned home last evening aftr a short visit to friends in New. Bern. 1 and Save Profit Cutters, Hay Presses, Corn etc 'I' '" - " v-v,,,,,1, AND LIVE LONGER AT FOUNTAINS AND IN. BOTTLES Axrn t TVi7 OUR financially during 1915 is dependent upon good bank ing service. Co-operation of a prompt, progressive and" accommodating institution such as the Peoples Bank will prove a valuable asset to your business. We cordially invite you to favor this strong bank with your patronage in any of its departments. Our officers will be pleased to talk over your banking needs with you. 1 -jnSnSttsi iltlfflfliTITi ffnriiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiMM TBI lis 91 I i k 5:; 1 Pennsylvania Anthracite (white Ash.) Lump Coal for Grates. Pocahontas 'Steam Coal. HOLLISTER c COX Phone 34 Yard Foot of Craven St. I, yy I ITS . J INT HE; A HE; & . ; SQUIRRELS feather nuts in Fall when there ! ARE nuts, and. put them away and save them . -for the Winter.' YOU must save your money when you are MAKING MONEY and have .- money. A Winter may come to you sooner than you think. . Your money will P grow in the' bank, too. We'll pay 4 interest on the-. money you deposit with us and compound the interest every three months. ; " - - ' 1C t rixrrjPR mm 2? i I i ii! CWMY DONT 30METH1NCJ ?( : iy JD U' njittdi, ll.b. 1. U for. 1 ' New Bernr N. Cl

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