:y front f -r .the old style, '-iiia3j con syrups in bottles , iu? only 2. to .2 1-2 ounces is very largely wanted, because most of t!i hi are composed prineipully , of ii'ar and water Yet you haveto yyay the same price as if itwas all . medicine. Stop waBting this money. Toil can make a better cough irtedi cine at home at one-fifth the cost. Merely go to The Eradham Drug Co. nd ask for 2 ounces (COo worth) " -of EehiSfmantt's Concentrated Expec torant. Mix this with one- pint of .granulated sugar and one-half pint of 'boiling water, which makes a full pint - (16 ounces.) This new, simple, pleas ' -nt remedy is guaranteed to relieve the worst cough or cold. Also exoel : lent for Bronchial Asthma. Bronchitis. 'croup, hoarseness and whooping cough One bottfe will make enough home- i niaJe couih medicine to- probably ' Hast the whole family the entire winier. T Children- like R.i is so , pit Bant to take and it positively-eon- - tains so", chloroform, opium, ; mor-4 phine or other narcotics as do most v cough mixtures. Keep it on'hand in i case of . emergency and , stop each cough, before it gets' a firmthold. The ' above " druggist " has been ? au- :ihrtrir.A fn vAfnrTl t.htk mnViAv in avuv 'j ingle 'case where it doea not give perfect satisfaction or ia not found - : the .best remedy ever used.,, -Abso- ilutely no. risk 'is run in buying, this remedy under this positive guarantee; '"" -"-.."V , "f ,.i I, - i "i r, f J i ; " A NOTICE-r f ' - - , The fifty ' second anniversary of ;: "Emancipation T Proclamation will ' be : --; celebrated at ,Rue Chapel A., M. E. 5? Church : under -The auspices of Lin- -i coin v associations by -T the - lovers of .V freedom, liberty and peace," .Friday Jan. - 1st, 1915,- at 12,. o'clock M ? ' Program! will be' eamedout by ' WWHV Vllu ' UUDL mimMAWl 11 Ul mi. JM. uun .-ex-priests and officers, are especially .- -expected to filKtheir" reserved seats. r PROF. M. W CHAPMAN, ,1 - j -'" t : . President. ) Supt.-J.-Q. COLLINS, i " ' r ' Secretary. -1 :U-31-2ti;- -'. " ,-- --.v,." j, A - , 1 V- iu J. B.. Dawson . and; daughter Miss ;hrough New ; Bern last evening "en is route to Pine Gove where Mr. Daw-t:-6n will spend, several' days hunting - and fishing. " " &t'kkicon C. .tta Tt : Supply J .? '. 1! !!ans Coal. ' .. i: Fairmount, V. , Va. Dec. 30.- The Consolidated , Coal " Company of West Virginia, is to supply the Italian government with three million tons of coal to be delivered within the next two years. - .- -. . . It was announced - today- that ar rangements have been made for fi nancing the deal through -the" Fed eral reserve system. . ' "- r . A DARK CLOUD Newspaper Man At Rocky Mout , - See Thinis ' - f - Tuesday's issue of the Rocky Mount Telegram haa the following itemof interest: . - . " C -: Within a few minutes, before and after . twelve-thirty today there was an unusual phenomena of the weather hereabouts -when a cloud, as if of a summer Btorm kept Sway the noonday light and it was jsecessary for about flVe minutes l. to', bring - the electric lights into -play in the' banks and business houses The clouds n sembled those of a hurricane, was the informa tion8 of those j who have, seen such things, but hereabouts it was taken as a threatening heavy downpour of rain and many rushed to shelter. There was no great downpour, however. " Over the " " telegraph' - wire Into this" office, the matter quickly became one "of comment "and the phenomena seems to have been -pretty general for this section right at . .that time, the darkness having been observed at Eal eigEr' Wilson,. FayetteviUe and New Born: That the darkness forecasted a summer shower seemed to be the ac cepted belief of thousand who appear to take this as a matter of course, since we have undergone within the past week most every kind and form of weather condition, "except that of a fairing tfp and sunshine, .- .'v Notice" is hereby fciven .thatCtr-' tifiaate No. 2CG7 for; one -.'share of the capital stock, of .the Atlantic , and - North Carolina 1 Railroad Com-J pany standing ; in -the; name';'! he late Kate L. Can-away has been lost j and- cannot be found and that appli cation will be made for the issuance of a new certificate in place df the lost One.T ""7!: -y- ? December 15, 1914. ' " - JAMES A.- BRYAN,- Adminis- - " trator. 12-24-30days. "V - w ' ... , . a V I -t tit 'A ' i. - V . Perfumes,' Toilet Waters, Fine Extracts, Sachet Pow ders, Face Powders, and all kinds of Toilet Requisites, single or m sets---every aay prices at r - J. ' 7 V BRADHAM'Sr . ; TO MY FRIENDS, PATRONS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY! . '. Having associated myself 'with the Citizens 8avJngs Bank and Trust Co of this city, as Manager of their in surance , Department ', beg to an nounoe thai in future may be foond at that Banking Institution n her will be pleased to meet, 'serve you and "Talk Facta" at all tiniest Thanking each and everyoo for past favors, and earnestly soliciting the continuance of all present, a well as new business. . ... .Very truly youn. W. G. BOYT . - NOTICE The one week term of Craven Superior Court; -which was to have convened 'Monday, January 4, has been called- e'ff on account of the serious illlness of Judge Get). W. Con nor, and the jurors and witnesses that have beerT summoned to appear at this term, are hereby notified that they need not appear until further notice. ' t ' , : 1 R. B.' LANE, Sheriff Craven Co. 12-30-14. x . ' " , , . v , ' BIDS WANTEDS Bids will be received for 10 days on a car load of vitrified paving brick, f . o. b New Bern, N. C. F.- T. PATTERSON, City Clerk. PURE FARM FOODS. Vegetables, Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Chickens, Guineas, Coun try Sausages, . Hams, Fresh e&is every day in the year. Send for booklet. "Delicacies From White crest Farm," all products pack ed on . the farm . and delivered fresh. ' WHITECREST FARM. R. F. D. No. 1 New Bern, N. C. 12-22-tif. FOR SALE Coal stove in perfect order, will heat room 12x14, can be seen at S. B. Parker & Co. ; ; 12-29-6U.' k US rn Le Journals Gash Books A Complete Line of Blank Books Filing Cabinets, Office Supplies Phone for Our Salesman To Call M. E' Whitehurst & Company Phone 228 67 Pollock St. v ... . i :i i t - 19i5fciHRIS3PMAS SAVINGS CLUBS -Open Monday December 28th, 1914 You Can Join Now I? u: OFFlCERSi T. A. UZZELL, President CLYDE EBY, Vice-President W. H. HENDERSON, Cashier -. W. G. BOYD, Mgr. Ins. Department T. A. UZZELL CLYDE EBY W. ft. R. GUI0IN A. T. DILL ' V . DIRECTORSi WM. DUNN JNO. ABERLY WM, DUNN, JR. CHASrG9rLON tTblBRAOrlAM J. S. MILLER JOSEPH iGASKILL E. H, MEADOWS JR. J, W. STEWART El Bdt i ;f or' Your He Money ; t',;V(ter,l$15 Ctrisbcs Savings Club commences December 28tto, 1914 rBUT YOU CAN JOIN AT ANY TIME AN IDEAL WAY TO ACCUMULATE A NEAT SUM OF CHRISTMAS t MONEY WITHOUT MUCH EFFORT. OUR CARDS THIS YEAB ARE AS FOLLOWS "l-CENT CARDS commencing at lc And increasing lo each week foriifty weeks amounts to.', $12.75 ' f2-CENT CARDS oommenovng at 2o and increasing 2o eaeh week for fifty weeks amounts to. $25.50 5-CENT CARDS commencing at 5o and increasing 5 each week for fifty weeks amounts to. ." $63.75 ll(K-CENT CARDS commencing at 10c' and increasing 10e each- week .for fifty weeks amounts to $127.50 ; ' - Or you ean reverse the above and start at ,50c and decrease le each week; $1.00 and decrease 2o each week; or $2.50 ani decrease 5c each week; or $5 and decrease 10e each week, v - , ri , in ADDITION TO THE ABOVE WE HAVE CARDS THAT RUN AS FOLLOWS i 6g : 25 CENTS straight each week amounts to. ; V'.'i:$l2.50 -. $2,00jptraiht each week mount to. ..sTod.OO 50 CENTS straight each week amounts to. . . . r 123.00 ', 2.5fstraighf e'aoh week Amounts to. ; .$125.00 $1.00 straight each week amounts to ; Vvt . iiv. . : $50.00 f i - 9&M straight each week amounts to .... $250.00" We have run these CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUBS successfully for two years and all who have participated say It is a GOOD THING. IF YOU JOIN YOU, TOO,! WILL HAVE THE SAME OPINION OF IT. V.:v: h C:z Cr.2 to J::i 4 Per cent ca Yonr savics every three months I. . r W : w : ; aV r ft: