, . . r fort rast for New 1 vicinity today is fair and villi fresh' northwest winds. .. lu.irrlarfe which came as a sur o to many of the friends of the ontraeting parties took place yes- took place yes- rday afternoon at three o'clock, . then Mrs. Mary C. Dixon became V.m bride of E. M. Dunn. The i-cremony making them husband and wife was performed at the home of, -J. S. Basnight on Pollock street by .Rev. J, E. Reynolds, pastor of the Christian church of this city, there being present only a few relatives and intimate friends. After ; the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. ? Dunn Soft for , their future home in , the .Broad Creek section of Craven oun- . A warrant was sworn out before Justice of the Peace 8.R.8treet yes lerday making Milton Smfth,' col ored ot . Pine Grove the. defendant. The charges, which 'were : preferred "by his wife Jedia Smith, were for .assault,' and battery. The woman came to New Bern ' yesterday for the purpose of having her husband arrested, and in explaining how he liad beat her, she ' showed sears on her; head which were 'caused by Mows wielded by Smith. , - - ; Ht. It. M. Von Miller, pastor of the Baptist church at Jacksonville, N, C? passed through New Bern yesterday enroute to . Oriental to srive a'' lecture oa . his experiences n Europe during the first few months' of the war which is now in progress in that , country. Rev. Von Miller iwaa in . Europe at the outbrcal: of ithe war- and ' Underwent many, ex periences, before he returned to the United States. . He was imprisoned ; ;as a spy 'several times, and on one occasion it required an .effort of the . State Department to obtain his re lease. Rev. Von Miller delivered a lecture, in New Bern recently, and related in a very interesting manner lis experiences while in the war strick en country. " 'w ' '"'-'7 "!" If 1 V ' "' I' ' i- '- "jf't, i . "!' ' " ri - ' 1 In epeaklnjf, yesterday s of the new auto buss, recently purchased by the Oastoa Hotel, R. A.' Cherry, the proprietor, stated i that if . he could not get another he would not lake twice the amount paid for it. lie also stated that it cost less than .forty per, cent to operate the. auto- Jbuss than it did the one drawn by a pair of horses,: and would accom- ' Tnonate iwic t,ne- nnmhr-r nr nnss- . engers , ' v .- . . . "Miss Charlotte Howard has been swarded the gold watch for guessing .the number of gems contained in a Jar which for the past month his been located in the window of J. 0. Bax ter's jewelry etor.. There were 1078 stones in the receptacle and Miss , Howard guessed this .number.' The guesses varied from 75" to 80,000. ' ' In addition to sending out two very pretty calendars for the now year, the New Bern Banking and Trust Company have presented their patrons with a very useful perpetual pencil which will be a constant re minder 'of .the donors. - . ; . That New Bernlane are anxious t o save ' up their money for next 'hristmas is evidenced by the fact at during the past three days nine ndred ? persons " have joined the ari8tmas Savings Club which is toeing conducted ; by the Citizens Savings Bank and Turst Company. The Pine Lumber Company and the Broaddus and Ives Lumber com pany are installing a large 'water meter to be used at their plants on Griffith . street. - , - 7 There will be an apron party and wther amusements at the Ernul school house Friday night, Jan.; 8th, for the benefit of the .Macedonia: church. Everybody is invited to eome. ' . , Bom TO' Mr. and Mrs. B.F. , Ilagood, a son. ' Mother and : child are resting well. : - . .. 'Rev. " J. E. Underwood, of Golds lioro, arrived iih New Bern yester day and conducted quarterly meetings in the Methodist church at Bridgeton Jast night. Tonight L at seven-thirty i'clock Rev. Underwood will conduct quarterly meeting ? at Centenary i liurch, and ' at eleven bclock, will ; rea-h at . the Watch Night service 1 ' it will be held there. . - rhe ia boat General George i, is undergoing extensive re- at Meadows Marin,e Railway. e License have been is ister of Deeds S. II. Fow ; L'owing couples: W. B. 1 7'h;9 Etta Rioe, both . ; IT,. M.i Durs m-i -- ; ' on iff 'New JU-m. hi,)' i.-i (ii ', .-,i'd of four of New Ltiu'n l.tnt . ,cis and they always please. "My Lady Raffles" a three reel feature picture, will also be seen at the Star today. . : Born To Mr. -and , Mrs, Suter, Jr., a daughter. " John Xh ,d di toniirht and in ot,iebration of this event the Tryon Cotillion Club will give a favor dance in Stanley Hall, ' beginning at '"9:00 o'clock. A large number of invitations have ' been sent out and the event win probably be, one of the 'most auspicious of the season. f , i 'I' .j''"V' : " -!. "T " ' . Sheriff R. B. Lane , has received instructions from Judge George W. Conner, of Wilson, to notify all the jurors that have been summoned for the January term of Craved Superior Court , which . ras to have convened Monday January the fourth, that this session will not be held as he is now in the Johns Hopkins' Hospital seriously ill, and "will hot be able to convene court as early as.- Monday. There were several important crimi nal cases on the docket for this term, including the case against Jesse Creel, white, who is charged with the mur der of Gannon Fulford on the night before Chirstmas. . BASEBALL TALK - IS IN THE AIR Organization ' of . Eastern Carolina, League Is Probable , Wilmington, vi . Dec; 30.--Baseball matters, are now claiming the atten tion. Of Wilmington men, and the result is expeeted to ba, professional ball lor this, city and the surround ing Eastern North Carolina towns next sUmmer. . i I'-. - , v ' 7 " " Mr. John Blomme,, who is - now handling the affairs of the. Wilming ton Athletic 'Association, which con trols the athletici. field at Sunset Park, is in communication with per sons, in New Bern, r Rocky Mount, Fayetteville, Goldsboro, Wilson and Kinston with regard to the move ment. -He says that his interviews rv ivU Muoiwoa tuou VI.., ff uuuiigwu i ,;n k i when it is formed. . ' t , .The association, expects also to have a big league - team here next spring to train. , -' - The- Pittsburgh Feds are anxious to . -make Wilmington their training camp,, but. the association will await the decision of the Washington Ameri cans before closing the deal with the outlaws. , In the event the Senators da not come .to Wilmington and the Pitts burgh feds make this their camp it is planned that a' series of games shall be played by Otto Knabe's Baltimore 1 Federals and the Pittsburgher here. , i j A i n'-r A reply is expected from Clarke Grif- cli r ,,t . . v ... . fith.'of the American Leaguers, with - in the next few days.'. IE. VISITOR WANTED ; : HIS ROOM VM.I 4 Also Desired That-' Hotel Have Some One to Meet I ' tHim At Depot Some ; visitors who come "to North Carolina evidently - have the idea that this is a strictly rural . section; that the pcpple go to' bed 'with the chicken and that the' general spirit which was evident in ante bellum days still prevails. This was fitting- , , j . , j . ' . ,i ly evidenced a few days ago when the t M iw.i . ceived a letter from a gentleman in New York, informing ' him that he intended coming to New . Bern and would abide at his hostelery while within the confines of the city. The prospective guest requested that his room be kept warm on the night of his, arrival and that some one be sent to the station to meet him and assist with his baggage. ';The New Yorker arrived on time and there was some one to meet him, in fact there was a whole corps of porters assist-' ed by an automobile buss and , he found' his room nice and warm 'when he reached the hotel. The visitor had an engagement with a young lady that night and before going Out he informed the clerk' that he' would not be in until late and that if they wished to close the hotel he could do so but he urged that the key' 'to the front door be left under the mat. The management -of the bouse seem ingly took the matter seriously and the Now Yorker evidently thought t'u, it so inndi trouble was taken for l.;s IfiioSt ulone. . Matter of Holding Up Large Contract Not Fully -. Settled . - Wilmington, N. . C, Dec' 30; Judge George Roundtree heard here today the contentions in law. of at torneys for Southport citizens and the Southport aldermen in injuhc tive . proceedings against the alder men with relation to a contract for $43,000, .. which, it is alleged, the aldermeif were on the point of enter ing into the same being opposed by citizens,. -.T. ? The arguments were heard, where upon Judge Rountree Ideferred '' his decision for 10 days,, and called for brief. - ' " . ' ' . -' Robert Ruark, Esq., ,of this city, represents Capt. J. J. Adkins and other Southport citizens, and Cran mer and Davis and Jos; W. Ruark, Esq., of Southport, represent the al dermen and other citizen. - v - ' V The contract," the signing of which was held up by a temporary restrain ing order issued' by Judge Oliver H. Allen on the 12th instant, was for 143,000, ,iot a , water and sewerage system for Southport.'' ' -j ' The contention of the complainants is that the aldermen had not Beciir ed disinterested advice and were on the point of putting - Southport in debt for ; the : amount of the-4 notes without, having secured such advice, thereby making possible a grave er ror. There is no - disposition, it is stated, to oppose a water and 'sewer age system. Southporis apparently unanimous on that point., The' divis ion of sentiment c6mes on the ques tion of how to secure the plant. - ' The contract, the signing of whjcn was heldup by the order, was with the McCrary Construction Company of Atlanta, 0 a." '" Southport citizens id ;towtf XnTs morning to attend the hearing before Judge Rountree in the Court HdSiBe were Mayor Prioe Turpfoss, Maj. C. Gutherie, Col T. M. Thompson, W T Piner, A. J. Robbina, Capt; J. J. Adkins, R. M. Wescott,' Eugene Guthrie and the above named at- torneysU t ' t NORTH CAROLINA, CRAVEN a TTXTH1V " . Pursuant to the powey.ef al Cfn executed the 12 th dayf ApriUl&fc? by W. M. Edwards to C. N. Baning- ton, the same l eing recorded inula office trf .the-.BcTristeri pf Deeds for Craven eounty, In Book 185, Page 363 to which reference is hereby i made, default having been made in the bond secured by said mortgage deed, and pursuant to the power of sale contained in tu certain other or tgage ' deeds ' exneuted " on ' the "20th day of Sept.; 1 2, and on the 25th day of Jnly, 191 8 by the said W. M. Zdwards to W. R. Barnngton, the "? u' ;" ' ! f the Register of Deeds for Craven . . : ,OK . . . . ! county in Book 185j Pag 443 and . B.' rf '.fcs"fc , . i Book 365", reference to which mortgage deeds . are hereby made, the said mortgage deed having been assign ed according to law and . for" value to the said C. N- Barrington by W. R Barnngton, mortgagee, default hav ing been made in the bonds secured by aaid mortgage deeds, I win sell for cash to the highest biddet at pub lie auction; at the Court House door in Craven county, 'North Carolina, on Saturday, the 9th day of January, 1915, at 12 o'cloek M., the following described tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in the City of New Bent, Craven oountyNorth Carolina; and described as follows: . Being ' Lot No. 105 as designated , . , . f ... .. - , I ment in that portion of the city of rl ' . . - . . -. New Bern known as Reizensteiaville, laid off into lots and streets in said plat which is recorded "in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county, Book 105, Page 56 and" 57. Beginning on the east tide of Carroll street at the southwest corner of lot 107,' then with Carroll street at the southwest corner of lot .103, then with the line of lot 103 east te the southeast : corner of the same, thence south and parellel to Carroll street to the corner of lot 107, thenee with the line of lot 107 parellel te Elm. St.. to Carroll street, the begin- ning.deeded to said Edwards by Chas. and Sarah Reiierstein, July 15th, 1ECS and recorded in Beek 139 Paje 103, to whioh ref er. . r j; - ' This 5th day. ef Decessker, 1914. . . ' C. N. Barriixton. ; Mortgagee a i AsaJjaee ef Mertg se.' GET luuii t.;iur,i - '.D...LuTt pape: Chicago, Deo. 30. Librarians of the nation were advised to urge their patrons to subserve ('iroctly for news papers instead cf dopenr'liig; v"-u LLriry copies f r 1 . r - i ' ',-e's by r . 1 P. !.. , ' "yn,l.(f ' -i(f i' 'i r." --y . i v1 1 Discovering His Duplicity ' She Takes Dose of , .'. Poison ' ' New i"ork, Dec. 30. Out ' of the attempt of Mrs. Ida Rogers to end the lives of herself and two babies yesterday by poison in her home in the Bronx, has come a complicated series of --developments that reveal that two households, in both of which Lorlys Elton Rogers, which ' is the name -of -Mrs. Rogers' husband, fig ures as the head. ' "- It was in the two-story frame house, No. 224 West 167th street that Mrs. Ida Rogers -committed her desper ate act yesterday. Until October 1st of. this year, there was a luxurious Apartment in Madrid at "No.. 552 Riverside drive ' where Lorlys Elton Roeers. also a lawyer and. like' the Bronx Rogers with an office at No. 38 Park Row, lived with Mrs. S. Rogers who jg childless and 'older by a few years than the woman now hovering- near :, death in .Lebanon hospital. The baby girl 1 poisoned by the woman is dead. - MAN WHO FOUGHT ON" THE , MERRIMAC DEAD, - Grass, Valley, Cal., Dec 30. -An drew Peterson, 80, one of the last, if not the last survivor of the battle be tween the 'Monitor and Merrimae, died here last night.. - -: , , As aFinnish soldier of fortune.Peter- son enlisted in the Confederate Navy in 1862 and was assigned to the Mer rimae. ' . ,!-' '",., - 3. P. MORGAN'S BED IS VAL UED AT $100. ; New ork,.Deoi30.-The late J. Pierpont Morgan .had furniture and art -works valued af $1,296,562 in his three, homes and slept upon ir sfmple $100 bed, according to the r Teport of i State Appraiser SamueJ Marks, filed today. ' ' : - , , RE-OPENING SKATING : RINK. Owjng to the holiday rush," the Ghent Park Rink was j closed tern, porarily for a few days. ' f"' ' t' On : New Year's night (Friday) the rink will be open for the balance of - the season Monday r Tuesday and Friday nights. , 1' t No charge will be made for ladies skates, adv.' u - - ' v .". Frank's Counsel-- (Continued from Pa&e 1) : ...... . . - eeedings being based on the ' sole question of whether a prisoner is be ing illegally detained and should 'be released.. - 7 ' ' " f' Attorney Leonard Haas, of counsel for Frank,' said today; that,' as no evidence was heard by Judge New man when he denied the writ, a re versal of; his decision would send the case back to him for a hearing of evi dence as to the alleged prevalence of mob spirit in the courtroom during the trial 6f Frank and on his absence from the courtroom when the verdict was announced the points at issue? The hearing before the Supreme Court, Mr. Haas said, would have the same effect as if the State simply had filed a demurrer to the petition for habeas corpus and this demurrer were up for decision. -.,. - ' " :: '' ' Should Judge Newman, after hear ing evidence both from the State and from- Frank,-again deny - the writ, Frank still would have the right of another' appeal to the United States Supreme Courts A reversal of Judge Newman on this second hearing, would free 4 Frank the same as if Judge Newman should grant the writ. The Czar's Continued from Tae 1) hands of Ccrvia " epparently hzs . been followed by .re newed activity by Monte riero, whose trocs have carried the f.;Mr ' -trian soil in and are nc. t vijerous c n-nt. ' ' The VI 1 C..;- ! 4 - . ' Tin h-V5 Vfi i! -iO 1 ' C It a ill ." Strawiirrry Moii.vsh Oj .stor Cockti.il ....:......:.,. . Chicken Sandwiches '. Have your Midclav luneli wif:H US. -: . - STEAMING HOT CHOCOLATE. ' Simply delicious? So good that words fail to tell how good it ret. is,- . .. ' ; ..,. 1 Yes, tt is '' ' .. '. . and we don't know of another place in town that serves it as goo,l. but at our store every thing'must be of the best, else our store woul.l be no better than other stores. ..... - V "Served with whipped cream and crisp crackers. . ' J .- " , -., - v lluyler'e always fresh.. "Uncle Sam" charges but 10. an ounce to carry it anywhere? A 1 to 5-pound box goes by express anywLt in United States for 25c. - . . i Br, 4 si 1 4 the d.iily jc::::: r' " " This is the week t jin .oiir "-rj,;: f;!'-,.; ; 1915 Christmas Savings Qub.: -t. t - ' , -Over 3t$ the first day. , -;-: v . " i - - ....- ' 2 " . ' . V' 1( i " " '." - -; : Don't neglect, . ; .THE CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO. : err""" R ; i ---- , .- - 1 ' "SKI l; : ; rr.n vl.:i 55M-.. I! 'N SENSATIONAL divo: J'. Absolute separation from all dirt iv granted our coal daily "by Judge Sieve. When we sem 1 VoiT eoal you. get nothing but coal no. dirt, dust, slate or any foreign .substance. The r e sult shows, in the fire. '. Our White Ash eoal burns with p clear, steady, hot flame f I comhustion is perfect. delivering. at $7 a ten."." Ne any? Write, telephone or cJA. COAL&V.TO YAr.a r: - ' : 1 I r

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