a PASE SIX - THE CHAPEL HILL NEWS LEADER Helpful Ideas m CHOOSE "RIGHT-SIZE" RUG i smaller. iThe correct margin of Proportion is vital when buying i floor for a small room should be a rug for any room. H too small, ■ six to eight inches. In a large room, the rug will look like a postage ; the margin may be as much as a stamp; make your room appear: foot wide. ' /V V Building An Improving Your BUILDING MATERIAL Phone 9-5693 9 Doors — Windows Wood - Steel ■ Alum, • Screen Doors • Screens—Tension Wire - Alum. - Galv. 9 Plywood — Masonite 0 Asbestos Board • Asbestos Siding 9 Asphalt Shingles 0 Bath Tile 0 Cabinet Hardware • Moulding & Trim (Fir) 0 Do'or Jams (Fir) 0 Shelving Bd. (Fir) 0 Closet Round (Fir) 0 Paint Rubber Base Varnish Stains Enamels Metal Masonry .0 Cement. -- Mortar Mix • Bldg. Blocks — Brick • Drain Tile • Step Stones Red - Green - Blue • Whil'a ' the colors would not be so vivid.' of furnishing herself as she gets | the visitor will con,, ' Real Sncwpiece the time in coming months, ihe ; entering the vard , A real showpiece in the bed- draperies she plans to make t’er-: driveway, which is I room is an 1840 cottage dresser- self. And there is still a great . ered with yellow “ ! complete with marble top, collar deal ot planting to be done in. have no plans to erf I boxes, and candle holder.s. The front. ; eru.shed rock or I front, or guest bedroom, is done There is. however, one di.stinc-| future. y chartreuse, and is as yet in- jjye chapel Hill feature to the ''it’s Chapel HiH, i completely furnished. Handy fea- re.sidencc and it's the first thing like it that way’’C ' tures of the bath are the Mr. and ; Mrs. duplicate cabinets over the ■ saytir wash stand and a large linen clos et. This room is finished in pink and brown. For storage there s a I 20 by 20-foot area in the attic which can be entered by a Holly- mod staircase that folds dowm at th' flip of a wrist. The home is far from complete yet, Mrs. Lamont says, but s plans to do the rest of the work PICKARD BUILDERS SUPPLY CO. Main St. CARRBORO, N. C. Exp'art Workmanship All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates H. B. Hackney Contractor Phone 9-7941 Carrboro JOHN J. LAMONT'S NEW HOME—Set amidst the tewering pines on Laurel Hill Road, the newly-com pleted John Larhont nome has an exterior of functional simplicity. One of the most striking fsatures of the inside is the kitchen, divided from the living room fay the wide brick fireplace. The motif throughout the insic'i is early American, tastefully displayed in the above photo of part of the kitchen. f ur-T (NeW'S Leader Photo) No 'Scientific Look' In Kitchen Keep Cool 61 IN SUMMER and WARMER !N WiNlf >' : m Let U( , lat dla Westheii^tl Your Homii ate GIBSON INisuv/.iiON & WEATHERSTRIPj^^^ 812 Wilkerson Ave. Phone D'jthijispi CO] tvtttttttttttttt* ► V ^YrwrwTTrvYY If You Need Additi Fire Insurance Protecti«c New John Lamont Home Is A Combination Of Modern Lines And Colonial Interior IRON FIREMAN Y/ontcxnw. burner snaps right back into shape! venetion blinds of new slats and plostic taps A home that is planned and, formula, but thev’ve tagged the ing room I omplete to the most infinite de-1 color "mousy moucha.’-It’s aiv The bricks give the appearance Igree just as its owners desmed it i eye-easing light chocolate brown, of being old, but are actuallv quite comfortable new residence that seems to fit quite well the, new. The secret of their appear- :mMr ami Mrs. John J. Lamont on I simple lines of the 85-foot long ance lies in the fact that they , 11 oa . , house. When asked what style the were secured from brick masonry . Set amidst the towering pmehouse is Mr. Lamont jokingly re- classes in a Durham vocational I .rees ji^t a s^nes throw from , plied_"It’s not so much a period school. Each brick had been used ;many times in student training Entering the front door, the Vi.s- classes atrd they were generally the Meeting of the Waters, the re- j as it is a question mark.’ lently - completed six-room home is a combination of modern sim-,r- . u- tt*- - ,■ -..i ,3 j j u j olicity on the outside and early! f h ,2’ T® f American motif Uiroughout the in-' room. Its finished ^ ith mortar. They, were laid 1.1 in western ponderosa pine panel-, Hie chimney flush—this is-with- .erior. The Lamonts embodied '.heir ideas of many years of pian- ing—as are the adjacent den and! out having the mortar pointed- ning into their home, grid mbvVdl ^ appearance wa.s iito it only the wmek before last. i honey-colored fini.sh. Rubbed down further carried out.. The final planning began while I ^ Mrs. Lamont was in the cast of 1 keeping ‘TIorn in the West” at Boone last i American furiiish- Intimate But Lived In Bend tbem, abuse them push them around with a vacuum Gleaner... Flexalum slats keep their shape. They’re spring- tempered for strength and durability. Their baked-on finish won’t chip, crack, peel or rust. And—New Fleialum plastic tape tvipes clean with a damp cloth—won’t shrink or stretch. 120 suafast color combinations. Free estimates! Easy twms! -ummer. Paln,staklngly they built cardboard models of the. home and placed in sketches of some furni- lure and cut-out models of other j ings of the fooms. Along the back side of the liv- ; The most up-to-date utilities are j installed in the kitchen, but it also i has an intimate lived-in atmo.s- ; phere. "I don’t like the scientific ing room is a solid row of case-11 1 ■ i-.i - ment windows which can be crank nieces, changing and re-arranging I ed out to bring in the southern mont. The sink is surrounded bv I pine-paneled cabinets and shelves. 'he whole set-up until it suiteid. winds. The wliole house gets a. i, . , them. They used’many ideas from | comfortable breeze from the long; ^* as a ai wi rown in- Ihc old farm house they lived ia! Porch on the back side behind the! ormica op. leies an au 0- 5eyeral years ago in Eastern Pena-: built-in garage. Baseboard heating I matic disposal unit in the sink. WILLIAMS' UPHOLSTERING CALL 9-8661 FOR FREE ESTIMATES ON UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING VENETIAN BLINDS - ALUMINUM AWr4!NGS • All Work Guaranteed • sylvania. | vents are lined under the windows i refrigerator is adjacent In the fall they had blueprints' on both sides of the living room, i adjoining utility area drawn and let the contract to the i The automatic oil heater is in the' ‘A,® Charles C. Haynes Jr. Construe-; basement, where a general utility tion Co, of Durham. Throughout' and tool room is also set up. able washing machine. The problem of hard-to-get-al the construction Mrs. Lamont con-1 The den is lined with built-in ^ cabinets has been solved in the 601 WEST FRANKLIN ST. 'fT'l -! tinned to put her own ideas and i shelves for records and books, i Hamont kitchen: in the floor cab- her own labor into the job. She! When they get a television set it' upper shelf is only half and Mr. Lamont mixed the outside' will become their TV room, she ' depth of the cabinet, so that paint for the house right in the | says. ’ | the housewife can easily reach living room of theiF Glen Lennox; Perhaps the siiowplace from the i stored ail the way back apartment. j standpoint of its uniqueness is the | ou the lower level. »> Secret Formula | kitchen. Literally, but not figur- Jhey wonT even reveal their; atively, it’s a part of the living ' room. The wide natural finish I brick chimney provides the only I wall between the utility room, : kitchen - dining area, and the liv- All of the interior paint is in Williamsburg colonial colors. Each shade was mixed under Mrs. La ment’s supervision and smoked by dipping burnt umber in it, so that Remember! Comfortable Retirement Is Yours For The Saving! No matter what your income bracket . , . you have more when you retire by adding regularly to a profit-earning Savings Account here. The magic of compound earnings, at a rate that is better than average for investment opportunities of equal safety, rhakes your saved dollars grow rapidly. V ■■■ By starting early, you can have a lifetime of regular savings PLUS these semi-annual dividends to provide extra retirement cash. The amount saved need not be any larger than you can afford . . . it's the regularity that counts. So come in today . . . open an account. . . have a comfortable retirement. Orange County Bldg. & Loan Ass'n Phone 9-8761 // for BUILDING Here Comes Fitch' J! Just think how many times you have seen the above three words, "Here Comas Fitch," staring at you from the front bumper of a red Fitch truck . . , ^nd you will realize how many building jobs are being supplied with Fitch's lumber and building materials. Which all adds up to . . . • Quality Building Materials • Prices That Are Right • Guaranteed Satisfaction Fitch Lumber Co. Phone 9453 Carrboro Replacing your present oil burner with a new Iron Fireman Vortex can reduce your oil bills as much as 30%! The Vortex's whirling bowl shaped flame blankets all the fur nace’s inside heating surfaces, sends heat directly into your home — not up the chimney. Com* in today—se* the Iron Fireman Vortex oil burner. Ask for free beat ing survey. No obligntion. JOHN FOUSHEE can SAVE YOU MONEY Bennett and Blocksidge ► ► ► ► ► ► ► X ► ► ► ► If your house is only half covered by insurance, half of your house is in danger. Everything has so in creased in v:due you probably are under-insured. Better check now! CALL OR WRITE John Foushee Agency^ 108 S Columbia St. Phone 9-14«l • ^ cl Representing Phone 6161 105 E. Franklin St. ► ► ► ► ► ; ] ns sir t( Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty Compaii|i2 ;di Chicago 40, liig Division of Kemper Insurance AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ssr' ?5 95 95 94 951 94 94 93 N I I ric Let Us Build A HOME TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS ■ ,'Y-' wesi I'ou re certainly interested in getting the most for your in.- ment in a home ... be it of contemporary, modern, southef*! colonial or Cape Cod design . . . Haynes Construction Company nas a building reputation of particular service for particulai| people. Here Are Some Recently Construe Chapel Hill Homes That Were Built By Haynes Fitzgerald S. Hudson Greenwood Drive 0. Gordon Perry Roosevelt Drive Robert V. Cox Old Mill Road John J. Lamont Laurel Hill Road. Chas. C. HayneS; Jr., Construction Co./1 CONTRACTORS AND ENGINEERS RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL BUILDERS' West Durham Station Durharr!,N.- - Phones 8-9916 and 8-6562