! ^■,1 ' i'*' [ 'L U PAGE EIGHT THE CHAPEL HILL NEWS LEADER GOES UNDEFEATED Bobby Payne, number three on the University tennis team, was the only regular team mem ber to go undefeated this season. Two New Committees Named For Merchants Association 'TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ► [FREE / FUMOL [ MOTH PROTECTION ^ SAVES CIOTHES—SAVES MONEY! ^ (uJj it Awt/ kitli 'Cm/! 3 CHAPEL HILL CLEANERS PHONE 9-2466 404 W. Franklin St. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. SEAT; COVERS I CUSTOM-MADE FOR YOUR CAR DALE'S Auto Trim Shop (Back of Herald-Sun Office) 116 W. ROSEMARY ST. OUR RESOLES WILL TAKE PLENTY OF HARD WEAR! Men's ^ Half Soles Men's Full Soles Se Uii For Quick Service 4.50 COLLEGE Shu - Fixery PHONE 9-2971 E. Franklin St. Merchants Association President Herbert W. V'entworth today an nounced the 'ppointment of two new committ( ‘s for the coming year. They were for the University’s orientation week next September and for the continuing study of the setting up of a local chamber of commerce. Chairman of the orientation week committee is Monk Jenninf ; and members are H. S. McGin-Charlie Stancell, and Roland Giduz. The chamber of commerce committee is compos ed of Gene Strowd, chairman, and Y. Z. Cannon, E. G. Danziger, Or ville CampbeP, and Bill Sloan. Mew members of the Association, according to Executive Secretary Mrs. Jane Smoak, are Elmer Pen- dergraft’s Atlantic Service Station, Carolina Motors, The Chapel Hill News Leader, attorney John T. Manning, The Ranch House, and Stevens-Shepherd, Inc. The Association will move its offices into the building formerly occupied by the Colonial House on West Rosemary Street on June 1, a week from tomorrow. Mrs. Smoak said an open house would be held in the new quarters as soon as they get settled there. Several officials of the Associa tion attended last week’s annual convention of the N. C. Merchants Association in Raleigh. Mrs. Smoak was on a panel which discussed ‘What’s My Problem” at the Mon day afternoon meeting of the con vention. Harry Snook, managing editor of ‘‘The Retailer,” the state Association’s magazine, reported Tuesday on the recent activities of the magazine. Also at the con vention were R. B. Todd, state di rector, and Mr. Wentworth. Lion-Of-The Year Award Will Be Presented On Thursday The Lion-of-the-Year award will I be given at this Thursday’s meet- I ing of the Carrboro Lions Club, in I the Carrboro Baptist Church. Recipient of this honor is chos en by vote of all members of the club, and the three runners-up in the voting are given service awards. Last year’s winner was Club Sec retary Lloyd M. Senter. Dr. Fred W. Isaacs of Durham, unopposed candidate for Governor of Lions District 31.-C, will be the speaker for the meeting and will present the awards. The governor’s election will be held at the State eou8^.Br TseKNieowR Filmed in Ceylon! EUZABEIHWyiOJl mmMDmm jmRjmM LAST Tlf.iES TODAY! CAROLINA kf Starring RONNY GRAHAM ' EARTHA KITT ROBERT CLARY ALICE GHOSTLEY Directed by . HARRY HORNER Co-Producer BERMAN SWARHZ M EDWARD 1. ALPERSON produclion PRICES THIS ATTRACTION: Adults—50c Children—9c # # TUE. - WED. - THURS. CAROLINA THEATRE Lions Convention in Raleigh June 11-13. Fifty club members who have perfect attendance records from last September through April will receive attendance pins at Thurs day’s meeting. These 50 men in clude every Lion who was a mem ber of the club when the state wide contest-hegai\,in September At present there are- 58 club mem bers. Last year the club missed win ning the districti attendance award by one-tenth of a percentage point It had a record of 99.2 attendance, and Siler City had a 99.3 record This year they’ll win the award, they believe, since they don’t see how any other club can beat a rec ord of 100 per cent attendance! League To Hear Dr. L. Morgan Dr. Lucy S. Morgan of the School of Public Health faculty will speak at tomorrow’s luhcheon meeting of the Junior Service League at the Ranch House. Officers for the coming year will be elected and a summary of Lea gue activities for the past year given at the meeting. Dr. Morgan’s topic will be “Freedom And Dem ocracy At Work In- Community Ac tion.” Hostesses for the meeting will be Mrs. Bernard Boyd, Mrs. Fred eric Cleaveland, and Mrs. Miles Fitch. Mrs. J. R. Skretting, chairman of the League project to set up a library in the Negro Community Center, is seeking help for this project. Volunteers are needed to set up the library right away and donations of books and furniture are also needed. The League will sponsor a 4 o’clock Story Hour one day each week during June and July. MANY RECORDS Jimmy Thomas was one of the most outstanding swimmers in the history of the University, and holds many records. WCHL PROGRAM SCHEDULE Tuesday, May 25 6:00 6:15 6:30 7:00 7:15 7:30 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:15 12:15 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:15 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:15 5:30 6:00 6:15 6:45 7:00 7:15 Hymns For the Day ’Morning I’olks News; Easy Does It Carolina News Easy Does It News; Easy Does It What’s Going On Easy Does It Carolina News Easy Does It News; Personals Home Stretch News; Mid-Music Mid-Morning Music News; Frankie Carle This is the Hour News; What’s Going On Scott Jarrett Your Star Time News; Dig These Dig These News; Dig These Dig These News; Personals Rhythm Rendezvous Music For You News; Music For You Evensong News; Evensong Evensong; Sportsmen Evensong News; What’s Going On Evensong Evensong News; Evensong Listening Tip , 12:15 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:15 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:15 5:30 6:00 6:15 7:00 7:15 News; What’s Going On Scott Jarrett Here’s To Vets News; Dig These Dig These News; Dig These Dig These News; Personals Rhythm Rendezvous Music For You News; Music For You Evensong News; Evensong Evensong; Sportsman Evensong News; What’s Going On Evensong News; Evensong Listening Tip Thursday, May 27 Wednesday, May 26 6:00 6:15 6:30 7:00 7:15 7:30 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 10-00 10:30 11:00 11:15 It Hymns For the Day ’Morning Folks News; Easy Does It Carolina News Easy Does It News; Easy Does What’s Going On Easy Does It Carolina News Easy Does It News; Personals Home Stretch News: Mid-Music Mid-Morning Music News: Frankm Carle This is' the Hour 6:00 Hymns For the Day 6:15 .’Morning Folks 6:30 News; Easy Does It 7:00 Carolina News 7:15 Easy Does It 7:30 News; Easy Does It 8:00 What’s Going On 8:15 Easy Does It 8:30 Carolina News 8:45 Easy Does It 9:00 News; Personals 9.T5 Home Stretch 10:00 News; Mid-Music 10:30 Mid-Morning Music 11:00 News; Frankie Carle 11:15 This is the Hour 12:15 News; What’s Going On 12:30 Scott Jarrett 12:45 Serenade in Blue 1:00 News; Dig These 1:30 Dig These 2:00 News: Dig These 2:30 Dig These 3:00 News: Personals 3:15 Rhythm Rendezvous 3:30 Music For You 4:00 News; Music For Yau 4:30 Evensong 5:00News; Evensong .5-15 F.vensong; Sportsman 5:30 Evensone 6-00 News: What’s Going On 6:15 Evensong 7:00 News: Evensong 7:15 Listening Tip Personal Mention (Phone 8-1281 For Contributions To This Column) E. M. Best, former president of Springfield College, Springfield, Mass., was here on a visit to the Raymond Kaighns last week. Mr. Best and Mr. Kaighn have been associated in YMCA activities in past years. The Gordon Perrys have moved from Durham into their new home on Roosevelt Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Crutch er have moved to Annapolis, Md, for the summer. Mr. Crutcher will continue research for his doctor ate dissertation on the Federal District of Mexico at the Library of Congress in Washington. They will live this summer at 183 Giou- chester Street in Annapolis. Mrs. Sidney Chipman is recover ing from an operation at Memorial Hospital. Don Becker, 1936 graduate oi the University and a member of the staff of the U. S. News and World Report in Washington, was here this weekend on a visit to the Walter Spearmans. Dean and Mrs. N. N. Luxon spent the weekend in Asheville, j Mrs. Hugo Giduz has ^one to i Rochester, Minn., for several weeks of treatment at the Mayo Clinic there. She is staying at the Kahler Hotel. The Bill Carrs will move to Mi ami on June 11, where Mr. Carr plans to go into the insurance and real estate business. He is gradu Miss Katherine Jente has been awarded the Sigma Alpha Iota Honor Certificate in music, given annually to the senior member of the honorary music sorority with the highest scholastic average. The University music department announced this among its annual awards this week. Miss Margaret E. Gutierrez received a key for her participation in the activities of the women’s glee club. Mrs. Jean Koch, who has been visiting in Chapel Hill, has re turned to her home in South Mi ami, Fla. She saw her latest grand child, son of William J. Koch, who is soon to get his doctorate. Mrs. Koch can count eight grandchild ren in all, some of whom bear the favor of her husband, the great Proff. The Rev. Charles Hubbard went to Pilot Mountain yesterday to preach the baccalaureate sermon for Pilot Mountain- High School. Johnny Alcott is getting over the measles. Miss Virginia Long spent yes terday in Rockingham. Miss Catherine Russell has re turned from Princeton, N. J. fer with Dean and J-uxon about tiuju 7 ^ “P ««r will be of contempj,, containing iWe J same street later ip E- W Ha». ‘I. losophy, will also bull ’’ 'or Satisfaction GtijJ Reg. Gas HiWaySeiiha ~ ■ ce On the Curve, Ci» th etii e ma Last Times V ^ ' api ,r’s BETH CLAYTON SESSOMS A daughter, Beth Clayton, was orn to Mr. and Mrs. Faison Sessoms of Silver Spring, Md., re- ating from this University next cently. The Sessomses have two I other children, Lynn, 3, and Fai- Mrs. John H. Hinson is recuper- months. Summer School Prospects Good University Summer School Director Guy Phillips reports that applications and inquir ies for the summer term are up 10 percent over last sum mer. “Much of this is proba bly due to our stepped-up scholarship offerings,” he ex plained. “This year we a,re awarding a total of 102 scho larships and fellowships, most of which have been filled.” The first summer school term will run from June 10 to July 17; the second, from July 19 to August 25. In addition to regular classes students will be able to attend School Week, June 21-23, the Junior College workshop (date to be announc ed), and the Leadership Con ference of the Classroom Teachers Association, June 11- U. Baseball Team Feted With Steak Supper Several local businessmen stag ed a steak supper in honor of the high school baseball team at the Ranch House on Thursday night. Twenty-four players were pres ent for the occasion. Sponsors were the Town and Campus, The Bank of Chapel Hill, Sloan’s Drugstore, and Fowler’s Gulf Service Station. Justice Haswell was master of ceremonies and Superintendent of Schools C. W. Davis and High School Princiual Wesley Noble were special guests. University Baseball Coach Wal ter Rabb talked to the boys on the fundamentals of baseball and how to grow into a good player. Team Co-Captain Billy Thomp son, a graduating senior, expres- / CLEANERS Phone 9-2741 310 W. Franklin St. sed his thanks to the school for the team, and Coach Bill Grice responded. ating at her home from minor in juries suffered in an automobile accident here this past weekend. Mrs. Howard L. Weeks and her daughter, Mrs. Musella Wagner, have just returned from a trip to Miami. Miss Avery Sylvester, former student here, was married last Saturday to Donovan Graven of New York at the Methodist church in Richlands, N. C. Mrs. Joe Morrison of White- head Circle and children h,ave gone to New York for a visit to relatives. Joe will join them at the end of the month. Mrs. Claire Easty has been nam ed program director for the next | college year at radio station' WUNC, manned and operated by University students. Mrs. Mary Maultsby of the Book Exchange has her first grandchild, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Maults by. iThe mother ;,s the former Anne Umstead. The other grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John W. Umstead. New Homes on Mt. Bolus G. Milton Small, Raleigh archi tect, was here this week to con- DARRYLF.ZANUCl^®' MATE HER k, TOHEBk By Ben Amet Willta Technicolor de: GENE TIERNEY • CORNER-" JEANNE CRAIN E CHAPEL HILL L/Wil WEDNESDAY sttriinj ■“i Sno“SBfSAW wrecwnrUliy FREMINGEII • r«RYc.4by WILUAM PERIBERG THURSDAY and FRIDAY NOW AT POPULAR PRICES! Deluxe Cgda-mali FRIGIDAIRI bh Model CTD-84 «333 THE STORY OF A LOVE THAT MADE WONDERFUL MUSIC f JAMES STEWART JUNEALLYSOlf GpN MILLER STORY’’ CHARLES DRAKE ♦ GEORGE TOBIAS ♦ HENRY UQRGAM t —.... ° W (twM Muic HWCS miBWB-UMIIS «tMCTl(Btt»aaiE HHffA’BBI PMUCK-M 8.4 Cu. Ft. Storage Space Separate Food Freezer Self-defrosting Refrigerator Roll-to-You Shelf Full-Width Hydrator Full-length Pantry-Door One-at-a-time Egg Server Butter and Cheese Compartmenfs Right or left-opening Door 5 Year Protection Plan Your choice of Duiux or Lifetime PorceloiR exterior finish in White, Sherv/ood GreeriOf„^ Stratford Yellow .. . with matching interior® BENNETT & BLOCKSlOl