"1 j L if r ilJ i- 5 if (> f.t PAGE TWO CHAPEL HILL NEWS LEADER MONDAY,: NOVEM6«r,,j| Open House Of Oakview Garden Club Will Feature Christmas Decorations On next Wednesday from 2 to 10 p.m., the Oakview Garden Club will hold Open House at the home of Mrs. Alfred F. Linde, 9 Roger- }*: son Drive, which will be decorated by Pace of Glen Lennox to dem onstrate the Christmas unils fea tured in the December issue of “House Beautiful.” Mr. Raymond Staples of Pace has been chosen as one of the 100 , decorators in the entire country to carry these unusually striking de cors in gold, silver and white, which bring a new note to the whole field of Christmas orna ments. Cover sheet and feature, article richly illustrated in this issue portray the use of these units, which may be either singly or in combination. There are scrolls, “S” curves, bamboo rings, finicals of tissue with gold rope Announcing .... The,Addition of Two New Lines of Women's Fall Shoes JOLENE & DEB TOWNERS many smart new styles to select from 5.95 to 8.95 BERMAN'S DEPARTMENT STORE 119 E. Franklin St. thad 'sure to address Secretary of State T^'ad Eure will address a dinner session of thb University chapter of Delta Sigma Pi,' professional business fraternity, Wednesday evening. The speaker will discuss important legislation concerning business. The meeting will be held in the Pines Restaurant at 6. p. m. Vwr eld emm mn it fie down payneitt on Kodak’s famous color teani NEW DE SOTO—Here's the all-ne.w 1955-model De Soto, to be shown for the first time this WedrFss- day, Thursday, and Friday at Poe Motor Company. The four-door model is lower, longer, roomier, and has the most powerful engine built by De Soto—the 200 horsepower Fireflite hemispherical combus tion V-8, Completely new are such features as the full wrap-around windshield, low-silhouette, and "flite control" gear selector mounted on the dash board. and tassels, folding tissue trees, and star’s of various sizes. All are i big in scale and can be folded away for storage. | From the standpoint of garden and craft enthusiasts, these vivid \ decors are doubly interesting as ' i they encourage conservation of our beautiful native evergreens, yet to the creative mind suggest ways of supplementing their use. Decora tions for doorways, arches, fire place, buffet, picture window and tables will be suggested to visi tors through this open house. The public is cordially invited. Assistant hostesses for this oc casion are Mi’s. E. M. Adams, Mrs. H. D. Cranford, Mrs. W. R. Cher ry, Mrs. F. W. Ellis, Mrs. J. D. Golden, Mrs. J. J. Mellinger, Mrs. L. C. Neville, Mrs. W. D. Poe, Mrs. G. W. Prilliman, and Mrs. H. E. Thompson. TIME TO TALK TU RKEY! SO CALL 9-9143 AND ORDER YOURS NOW! Order Your Imprinted Christmas Cards Today and Save December Headaches The Intimate Bookshop 205 E. Franklin St. Open Evenings Kodak Pony Camera/Model B t • to fiOj/ The Kodak Pony 135 Camera TAKES ^uperb color r,:. « has fine f/4.5 lens, 1/200 flash shutter, and overaq' sure settings are marked in red. The Kodasllde MeritVm tor SHOWS your slides brilliantly. Camera only Sector, $23.95. Prices include federal TaXi ' FOISTER'S CAMERA STORE 161 EAST FRANKLIN ST. phonj ! Lockhart Turkey Farms STATE FAIR PRIZE TURKEYS -- i ELMER PENDERGRAFT wishes to thonk all of you WHO ATTENDED THE ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION of His Atlantic Service Station ON W. FRANKLIN ST. AT THE CHAPEL HILLCARRBORO LINE Your patronage was a pleasure and we look forward to Serving you in the future. WEEKLY PRIZES OF $5-1 st Prize ^3-2nd Prize ^2-3rd Prize In Our Annual Football Contest! HAVE FUNl Enter our big football contest today; you may win one of the three cash prizes! Nothing to buy ... no obligation of any kind! Match your guesses with the experts . . . just mark your choice for the winners, not the scores! Make your selections on the official entry blank and deposit at firms listed below. Enter today and each week I ! DEPOSIT ENTRY BLANKS AT THE FOLLOWING SPONSORING FIRMS: Western Auto Store Carolina Sport Shop W. Ffanldi/i St. Phone 9-5259 151 E. Franklin St. Phone 7851 Wentworth & Sloan Lloyd's Electric E. Franklin St. Phone 9-3331 Main St., Carr boro Phone 9-3862 Stevens-Shepherd Bennett & Blocksidge 147 E. Franklin St. Phone 9-3451 105 E. Franklin St. Phone 6161 College Shu-Fixery 173 E. Franklin St. Phone 9-2971 Lloyd-Ray Co. Sutton's Drug Store 159 E, Franklin St. Phone 5531 Foister's Camera Store Main St., Carrboro Phone 3971 161 E. Franklin St. Phone 3176 Morgan's Esso Station Carrboro Phone 5026 Rules Of The Contest • ANYONE CAN ENTER EXCEPT employees of this newspaper and their relatives or employees of sponsoring firms or their families. • THREE CASH PRIZES are given every week • Judges are sporlswriters and editors of this pa per; all decisions are final. • Deadline for submitting entries is Friday noon Winners will be announced the following week • Enter as many times as you wish. Completed en tries must be deposited at any of the participat ing firms. Do not send to this paper. No purchas es are necessary.