PAGE FOUR CHAPEL HILL NEWS LEADER v: ^seMmSSi 'Mif» t I ,A ■■ m .1, 'w PONIES AT PICNIC—Favorite recreation for the children at Saturday afternoon's annual employees picnic for Carrboro Mills was the pony ride. Above, Don Smith of Carrboro leads while Don Neigh bors rides. m READY FOR A RINGER—Fletcher Maynor of Carrboro took a good look through his horshoe as the camera shutter snapped, then pitched a ringer. About 500 persons attended the yearly picnic outing held on the mill grounds. IN CHOW LINE—Getting their plates of brunswick stew in one of the serving lines set up at the Carrboro Mills picnic are Mrs. Bertha Clark and her son, Melvin. Carrboro church women prepared and served the meal. per a sudden downpour sent the picnic diners scurrv f A^boje, crowded but content, a part of the group issho*’|J^ I v ' •m ii Sm :fe ' 'MP, mk diiUaNtr lUCrOlHu Af CLEARWATER—Members of the Durham Litesaving Crew, assisted by Sheriff's Deputy EnrI Bush (foreground) tug on the grappling hook rope to haul a sunken raft float out of Clear water Lake yesterday afternoon during their search for some of the personal effects of Mrs. Alva Matt hews Tew, whose body .was found in the Lake last month. Loader Photo -■-'r--.: ^ m Wm% OOP^ SLIPPtD.—They almost had the water-logged raft up on the land when the grappling hook slipped on the rotten wood and sent the pullers on the tew line tumbling on the muddy beach. During their threo-.hour search the lifesaving crew hauled in the raft, a length of rusty old p-ano wire, a bunch of stumps and driftwood, and an old blanket, but nothing that v/ouid shad further light on the myster ious death of the Tew woman. m, , i m , News Leader Photo i m . iwi 1 vjKi-it-'r'iutKo—iossiiig otn grapp.iiig irons in fiwj Clearwater Lake yesterday are members of the DurlwJ Crevy, standing almost at the spot where the bodywasfoiy vyeeki ago. The !ev*d cf -ho lavo .vjs lowered 'b*. fin rosir'i CO fee* of 'Pn.; at th';, ‘ It* ■f. V-'* -.VTv 2+'. T. i I ‘ i _feL.;L STALWARTS FOR CAROLINA—Tom and Jack Maultsby of Chapel Hill, shown above with Caro lina Line Coach Marvin Bass, will be big guns in the forward wall of the Tar Heel football squad this fall when the season opens against Oklahoma here on September 24. News Leader Photo n »F LUCKY BREAK—Bobby Kii k's late-model Buick auto was damaged only slightly on ' h. i mg as it rolled off ftom its parking space in front of the Colonial Stores in the G'e '■ ' morn- Center, bounced through an open spot in the outside parking fane, down the bank ‘V'V‘"t!'- and nosed up into the ditch. The car narrowiy missed hitting other vehicles in the oarl"^^^ l highway. Above, it's shown being hauled in by a local wrecker. I mm 91 _7f IJ * VA^ «» ■I BRUSHING UP ON PASSING-The Chapel Hill High School wZLtT^TZdc^^J^^ ing-and particularly on their pass defense-during practice sessions this week in preparation for Friday nights first home game of the season against Dunn. Above, Duck Ray snaps a buttonhook to Les Hoentzschel as Coach Bob Culton looks on, . ^ Leader Photo i VIEWING 'ATOUSE' MODEL—Looking over a model of the "MOUSE " minimum orbital unnamed satellite of the earth, are Morehead PlanetaHum^M^'”^^'* Proposed (kneeling, foreground). Prof. Norman Mattis of the University English DeDaHment"^^^.!^ 7’ professor of astronomy and Planetarium advisor. Located in the North sci ^ *^3vis. Planetarium, the model of the man-made moon which American scientists heavens in 1957 will be on display during .the run of the Planetarium production through next week. . op of Satellites," at least MISS NORTH CAROLINA—The foui-tli-pl3«J^^jf|J America competition at Atlantic City this of Raleigh, is shown as she posed for !(«**j Beach on the morning after she was crowne on July 16. Mrs. Roland Giduz snapped ‘ ||n,sP husband was posing the beauty queen for th® raphers competition, '