;gpTEMBER 12, 1^55 CHAPEL MILL NEWS LEADER PAGE SEVEN V C .^SSIflED AD TES Lkyilj LiniBro Lhaige bree Lines ^[18 Insertion 20c Per Line jliree I Insertions IJc Per Line iSix Insertions lie Per Line l5 Average Words j[o The Line, tderjyonr ad for two Itinies you may cancel jt ijiiy time and pay [the number of times ir ad ,appeared, line of white space S s line of type. ader will not be (le fjir more than one M-tion. If your ad- i%'wrong notify us Jlbelcorreeted. i advertising copy ac~ IP until 5 p.m., Fri- loifiay's paper, and j^sriay for Thurs- ler.^ll classified can- the same as copy Is above. oyrl Found Came (S-1 ALE CAT, PART 'front paw; answers Lost Friday, Phone 9-7915. Ice PORTRAITS OF L adults call Fran- fford. 9-6134, 73 Max- ibiles For Sale :URY 2-DOOR SEDAN, /j,]f;|heab: good condition; ’9-8396. lone iKER CONVERTI- sifm Lo, hearter and over- 50. IPhone 8-0932. NCH WAGON 1953. radio. Ideal family feet |mechanical condi- ine Molten at 8-0426. Jr,fc rCOUPE, CREAMPUFF ns ^od: topnotch “sec- i|llj ^Phone 9-3161. Automobiles For Sale 5 SEE OUR RE-CONDITIONED USED CARS FOR BIGGEST VALUES AT LOWEST PRICES 1946 Ford, 2-door $195 1950 Chevrolet, 4-door $450 1951 Ford Custom, Tudor, 6 Cyl. $495 1950 Ford Custom, Tudor, 8 Cyl. $495 1952 Vz-Ton International Pick-up Truck $695 1948 2-Ton Ford Truck $200 PRITCHARD-LiTTLE MOTOR COMPANY USED CAR LOT Main St., Carrboro Office and Showroom Franklin St. at Columbia St. 1st CHOICE USED CARS 1955 FORD Customline 2-door, radio & heater, whitewall tires $1995 1953 PONTIAC Chieftain, De, luxe “8”, 4-door, all ac cessories 1495 1953 DODGE Coronet, 4-door, all accessories 1495 1952 DODGE Coronet Club door, fully equipped, . .. 1495 1952 DODGE Coronet four- door 1195 1951 WILLYS Station Wagon, six-cyL, overdrive, radio & heater 795 1951 CHEVROLET 2-door 795 1951 DODGE Coronet four- door 895 1950 DODGE Coronet Club Coupe 695 1950 DODGE Coronet four-door , 695 1952 DODGE Two-Ton Truck, new motor 995 1952 FORD V 8 half-ton pickup truck 795 YATES MOTOR CO. 419 West Franklin Street Phone 9-421 Automobiles For Safe 5 EUR QUICK SALE, 1946 FORD 2-door, radio, healer, only $,'.51. 120 Polk Street, Victory Village. Services Offered 8 ' COMPLETE BICYCLE REPAIRS on all makes and models. Bring TAKE Houses For Safe 30 FOR SALE 232 FLEMiNGTON RD. GLEN LENNOX MacCarthy-Ehrenfield Vows AAade August 30 PLENTY OF HALFS your bike to Brawn’s Auto Sup ply. 312 W. Pi-aiiklin St. Phone 6981. ENGRAVED AND PRINIFD WED- ding invitations, reception cards, mformals. University Printery, beneath Suttons. Phone 9-7701, tNFORMAL PHOTOS: TAKEN IN your own home by appoint ment; wedding photos a special ty; Press Photo Service, Roland Giduz, News Building, Main St. Carrboro. RADIATOR REPAIRS PROMPT service. Reg. gas 28.9c gal. Hi- Way Service Station. Carrboro. Female Help Wanted 91 8444 for wmm 3 Bedrooms—Split Level. , 2 Full baths, ceramic tile. Living room with Norman brick j fireplace. Fully equipped kitchen with stove, refrigerator, washer-dryer, dis posal, and dishwasher. All Gen eral Electric in “turquoise green” with a stainless steel counter top. Truly a “wonder kitchen.” Paved street, all city utilities, lot 100x200. Garage under the house with overhead door. TWO WOMEN TO SELL STAN- i ley Home Products on the fain- j ous Hostess Party Plan — Phone i 9-9628. I If you have a phono your credit is listed in your name, good with us. Employment Wanted 12 A COLORED GIRL DESIRES JOB as maid. Phone 8-2495. Business Opportunities 14 STORE SPACE FOR RENT East Franklin Street entrance, also rear entrance, 25 x 90 feet, tile floor, adaptable to general re tail use. Inquire Town and Campus. Property For Rent 25 NICE OFFICES FOR RENT over Senter’s Drug Store. Rent reasonable, heat and lignts fur nished. Apply at Senter’s Drug Store, Carrboro. Insurance 17 EXCELLENT AUTO LIABILITY and Physical Damage Insurance with saving to 20% with a Capital Stock Compaiiy-Safeco Insurance Company of Ameri ca of the famous General of America group. Assets: 185 million dollars, policyholders surplus 75 million. C. Whid Powell, Smith Bldg. Chapel Hill phone 8478. “Save with Safeco” For Sale AdFs. For Rent 27 READY FOR OCCUPANCY Oc tober 1st, two new five room brick homes. CHAPEL HILL REALTY CO Phone 6-566 A fabulous home within walking distance of school, shopping center, and church. Not a “com petitive model” with construc tion shortcuts but a home in corporating quality materials, excellent workmanship, and a lot of hard work and loving care. Houses For Sale 30 THREE ROOM APARTMENT, furnished or unfurnished, hot water and bath, electric stove, near White Cross, reasonable rates. Contact Bcttie Ward, Route 1. FOR SALE. FOUR THREE BED room homes beautifully decora ted on large landscaped lots, ideally located near bank, school, church. Postoffice, ga rage, grocer, drugstore. Small down payment small monthly payment. Several beautiful wooded lots, R. G. Windsor, over Sloan’s Drugstore. Phone 9-1341 or 8-6263. LEAVING CITY FOR NEW As signment. Will sacrifice my new 2 bedroom brick veneer home in Dogwood Acres. Low down payment and take over small monthly payments. Already fin anced. Phone 9-7661. Houses For Rent 28 18 THREE BEDROOM HOME PRAC- ticatly new, Oil heat," close to town and campus. Phone Gutier rez 5941. FOR SALE $60 WINDOW FAN, 3 - SPEED , reversible. Beautifully styled, perfect condition. $29. John Mc Donald, 9-1541 or 5871. Houses For Sale 30 A CLOSER LOOK TOBACCO STEMS FOR SALE. Delivered by truck load. An drews and Riggsbee Tractor Company. Phone 9-446. SIX ROOM HOUSE REASONABLY priced for quick sale. Call 85666 Oak Avenue, Carrboro. MODERN HOUSE IN CARRBORO. Convenient to schools and shopping. OTHER LISTINGS OF THREE bedroom homes. CHAPEL HILL REALTY HOME AT 1302 MASON FARM ■Road. Shown by appointment. Call 99598. John A. Cates Phone 6-566 or 9-1071 SOFA WITH SLIP COVERS. IN good condition. Call 2961. For The Solution To Your Housing ITE OCCUPANCY (Owner transferred) Have five rooms Lfor^yourself on first floor. Let rental income of three |ndBath on second floor make your payments. Or occupy : house with no structural changes. Large fenced yard, Fee|)locks north of Baptist Chuixh on Stevens Street. |or divided this is a home you should see. And the price ■prise you. At no obligation, take a closer look. GENUINE LEATHER SHOULDER bags and billfolds any color. Bags $9.00 up, billfolds $3,00 up. Names extra. Jack Wall Rt. 3, Box 44 Hillsboro. FOR SALE: 24 FT. x 28 FT. GAR- age apartment. On rear of beau tiful 300 ft. deep hillside lot on Ro.osevelt Avenue, with nice shade trees. Roy Cole. Phone 3711 or 8-5678. NEW 7-ROOM BRICK HOME Plastered walls, modern kitchen, nice landscaped lot. Priced only at ... fOUTH OF MEDICAL CENTER—Corner lot. Smith Ave- pBoms and bath, freshly redecorated, iieM' furnace. |HA commitment for easy financing. Before you spend |r rent this year you should see this home and put your |ls \vLere they will count. We’ll gladly arrange for you ) a closer look. Memorials LARGE STOCK CUT FROM AL- len and Winnsboro Blue Granite. All work guaranteed. Terms if desired. Buy direct from yard and save agents and salesmens commission. Siler City Moun- ment Co., Siler City, N. C. J. C. McTver, owner and manager. TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE IN AT- traetive suburban development. Low down payment. Easy terms. Phone 9-5364 after 5 p.m. $13,500 FOR SALE: GOOD INCOME property designed for low up keep. 2 bedroom house and one bedroom house on one site. In come on one could carry mortg age. Price $12,500. Phone 9-9553. 3-BEDROOM BRICK HOME Large kitchen, utility''room and garage. A real buy at only ... $12,500 CHAPEL HILL REALTY John A. Cates Phone 6-566 or 9-1071 i FOR SALE — USED WASHING machine. Good condition. $30.00. For details, call 9-5543. fL break for the late comer. Immediate occu- liiiew [owner unable to come to Chapel Hill). Within all |!*cces of new shopping area and school. Modern three- > home like new, with a dreamy kitchen boasting dish- j^iid [disposal, 1% tile baths, carport and porch. WTiy fS 'vhen this is available at a surprisingly moderate price. r“ l3ke a look. You won’t be sorry if you do, but ll he^son-y if you don’t. TOBACCO STEMS FOUR-ROOM HOUSE IN CARR- boro for sale. Floor furnace, hot water. Contact Willard Cannada on Durham bypass, across from Wishing Well. SIX ROOM HOUSE ON HILLS- boro Street, nice lot. Thompson and Vincent. Phone 8-433 or 8-0663. FULTON INSURANCE & REALTY CO., INC. Glen Lennox Shopping Center Phone 9436 Bill Hobbs, Realtor several FINE NEW HOMES for sale. Athorne Realty , Chap el Hill 9-2221. COLONIAL HEIGHTS ADVANTAGES In a private ceremony held on .August 30 at Seachange, the sum mer home of the bride’s parents in Murcongus, Maine, Miss Eliza beth Dion (Betta) MacCa:cthy. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald HacCarthy of Cliapel Hill was mar ried to Robert Louis Ehrenfeld, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Ehrenfeld of New York City. Those attending the wedding included only immediate mem bers of the two families, including the bride’s brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Whitmire Jr. of Hendersonville, and her father, w'ho flew from Point Bar- row, Alaska, for the ceremony. The bride, a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College and of the Yale [ Law School, is associated with the ' New York Law office of John Sc'hulman. Mr. Ehrenfeld, who re- j ceived the PhD. degree from Cor nell University, is an officer of | the Holocarbon Produce Corpora-. tioii in Hackensack, New Jersey. I After a wedding trip to Canada, i the couple will live in New York City. There is plenty of halfback tal ent on this season’s Carolina foot ball team. No less than 11 ha.f- backs are listed. FANCY AVERAGE Carolina hallback , Ed Sutton averaged 11.2 yards per carry last season while working in a sub role. As a regular this year, he is ex pected to carry much of Carolina’s offensive load. ANTIQUES 3 DRAWER WALNUT CHEST ★ KNEEHOLE DESK ★ OVAL WALNUT DROP LEAF ★ 4 MATCHING WALNUT CHAIRS MERRIMAC SHOP 117 E. Franklin • Curb and gutter *’ Hard surface streets • City Water • City Sev^age « No City taxes • Large wooded lots, some more than one acre » tz-mile City limits • Some choice lots still available • Approved for FHA and VA fi nancing Phone 8408 oGOLlf^ Flower Shop Opposite Post Office Phone 4851 CAROLINA CONSTRUCTORS & REALTY CO. Powell Bldg. 405 W. Franklin St. COLE-DAWSON REAL ESTATE SALES AND RENTALS Dia 2721 H. O Andre-wn W. Franklin St. Opposite Bus Tarniinal Dial 2721 M. J. Dawson Lots For Sale 31 CHOICE LOTS IN BEST LOCA- tions. Several new listings. Phone 8431. Foushee-Olsen Realty Co. Farms, Sale or Rent 32 COMPARE EVERYTHING FOR COUNTRY LIVING .4t its best. Charming, spacious seven room stone house, pine paneled through out. One one- half baths, approximately 50 acres. Well stocked pond. Perm anent pastures, 7 miles from Chapel Hill on Lake Road. For sale only because owner trans ferred. CALL MAGNUSON 82865 I^ASTE time FRANTICALLY HOUSE-HUNTING? With real estate service in Chapel Hill we can minimize your „ ®ed|save you time in finding the right house for you^— Y ‘ojspace, in location. And our office is conveniently perjss Henderson Street from the Post Office with two ' teiiieet your convenience. r build your OWN? Regardless if it is this fall or rihoose your lot while there is a choice. Town country acreage in several directions. Properties Available now in the heart of town, ror foods or merchandising business. '^■00 space, attractive windowed front, and rear ." business section on West Franklin Street. '*^HATEV ER YOU'RE LOOKING FOR, YOU'LL DO WELL TO LOOK TO For Lawns, Pastures, Flowers, available now. PRICE—$5.50 Per Ton 3.75 In 5 Ton Lots DURHAM-ORANGE FARM CENTER 3527 Hillsboro Rd. Dial 8-6981 Durham, N. C. BENDIX ECONOMAT WASHING machine $40.00. Phone 8-2752. j The Smartest GREETING CARDS CHEVROLET LOOK AT THESE USED CAR BARGAINS In America Are gathered on our rack. Be; sophisticated this year. Get your: greeting cards at THE INTIMATE BOOKSHOP 205 E. Franklin St. Rvice insurance & realty CO. Years of Real Estate Service Henderson Street FOR SALE: ONE 1952M INTER-^ national tractor, one Page log cart, one Continental diesel power unit. All in A-1 condition.' Call 8-1437, R. W. Bone, Carr boro. Articles For Rant 19l LSED REFRIGERATORS FOR rent by the month. Bennett ana Llocksidge. Phone ClSl. — '55 Ford 2-Door R & H, low mileage. $1895 '53 Chevrolet 4-Door Bel Air, Radio and healer. $1395 '49 Oldsmobile 2-Door [Radio and Heater. $595 53 Plymouth 4-Door Extra clean. $1395 '52 Chevrolet 2-Door Fleetline, Powerglide, Radio and healer. $895 '50 Chevrolet Coupe $595 '47 Pontiac $100 '49 Buick 4-Door Super, Dynaflow, R 'k H, one owner. $695 '53 Studebalter Pickup 1/2 ton. $795 '53 Dodge Pickup 1/2 ton. $995 '53 Buick 4-Door Roadmaster, air conditioning, power brakes and steering, R & H, W.W. $1995 SEE OUR SALESMEN: M. B. Merritt, June Merritt, Paul Reeves H A R RI SSJIO N N E R S 501 W. Franklin Phone 9491 John Foushee Sales and Rentals 108 N. Columbia St. Foushee—Olsen Realty Company Realtors IN GLEN LENNOX SECTION—This house has a large living room, three ample bedrooms, an attractive contemporary kitchen, a privately located screened porch, and a big level lot. Good condition, located in easy walking distance of Glenwood school, shopping center, churches, and local bus. Excellent neighborhood. INVESTMENT—High Renta! Return, Valuable Land. Two apart ments, nine big rooms, 2 kitchens, 2 baths, attic storage, 5 entrances. The center of town location keeps these apart ments rented all the time. And the land will be valuable business property. A BEAUTIFUL, MODERN, 14 x 22 FT. KITCHEN with fireplace sets up this practically new, 3 bedroom house. An attached windowed garage can easily be expanded to another bed room as your family grows. A large pretty living room, a screened breezeway, and TWO ACRES of very good land. ON WOODLAND AVENUE — An attractive big contemporary home with three bedrooms and a panelled den, two ceramic tile baths, an extra large living room with fireplace, and a screened porch next to the handy kitchen. The lot is quite large and shaded by hardwoods and is in an excellent neigh borhood. Call us to see it today. EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN A HOUSE you can find in this lovely home. Bedroom and bath for each member of the family, swimming pool, guest cottage, garden, screened porch. Ideally located in-town on an irreplacable big lot. ON EAST FRANKLIN—Thaf lovely residential street. This hand some big well built brick house has six bedrooms upstairs, 21/2 baths, 2 kitchens or one and a utility room, great stor age space in both the basement and the expandable attic; immediate possession with unusually low down payment and convenient financing. ON STEVENS STREET—Three blocks from center of town, nine rooms, two baths, two kitchens (may be used as duplex). SEVERAL ATTRACTIVE SMALL HOUSES—Good buys as in vestments or homes. ON CHASE AVENUE—A SHORT WALK FROM HOSPITAI A solid two bedroom house in a good neighborhood; a real bargain price. ALSO—We have other fine listings in houses of ail sizes and prices. Call us and we'll take you to them any time that is convenient for you. Sarah Olsen Phone 8431 After Hours 6121