A Ct, V-, /r.'i' PAGE FOUR Weekend CHAPEL HILL NEWS LEADER fteview'-Tfie Cemniiiiiftif Monday t L V il ■f .1 I lii- L'.Utl 1' '-'4 ■'( ' ;r>j ir-i' '| - VI- i;4l .1 r'' 'V ml ' if y^s. ?»s i *fi TAKING OVER—Though still only on a part-time basis, Mrs. Jane Whitefield (left) has begun her duties as Executive Secretary of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Merchants Association, working in the office with her assistant in the office Mrs. Celeste Austin. Mrs. Whitefield, who held this post for about a year once previously, will leave Pritchard-Little Motor Company where she is bookkeeper to assume her new duties full-time on October 1. News Leader Photo iili CHHS CHEERLEADERS—Whooping it up for the Chajclel Hill High Wildcats at the football games this fall will be the school's cheerleading squad (le d' to hight) Head Cheerleader Kay Proctor, Virginia Timmons, Julie Demerath, Sharon Sullivan, Donna Balienger, Leah Fitch, Betsy Fitch, Elaini Livas, and Judy Ward, squad mascot. Absent is Ka Smith. News Leader Photo Our Newest Ci ft ' ffcens ■: 4rl- >1 £ I r ■ h ti \ \ |Kr* ■ ■ 'VMWkA ■'ttflooarai-Sfc»|ijJB!S(i;,2^.'Ti|A.!:Vf‘5 ■“ ' NEW SCOUUT LEADER—William S. Stewart (left), new Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 39, re ceives congratulations from Chips Weaver, one of the troop's junior leaders, as Troop Committeemen Dr. J. VJ. Gallagher looks on. Mr. Stewart succeeds Dr." Earle E. Peacock Jr. Photo by Bill Brinkhous 3%' 'i’ff ' . Ki- \‘ i.fr:y' A . i fc-. 1 m "'a - FAREWELL FOR HANSI—Mr. and Mrs. Ed.vard G. Danzlger are shown with Hansi Prachal, pastry cook at Danziger's Restaurant, who is now returning to her home in Vienna on expiration of her visa in tms country. The Danzigers staged a party in her honor at the restaurant on Saturday evening. She hopes to re-enter the U. S. as soon as possible. News Leader Photo il AMIABLE AMY—Shown with her mother is IStnortiJ Teresa Langenderfer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. HarcltlLi4 of 120 South Boundary Street, and our Newest Cifcn d|jl She h-is an older brothe:. Tommy Brian, age three. Mr tiiii is cn the faculty of the University School of BusinessAdiil News leiisl ■4 fcA- i>- i- ''4S;’r;' -1 / \ TAR HEEL GRID TALENT—Shewn at ease between practice Frye, John Bilich, Buddy Payne, Buddy Sasser, and Captain Roland sessions for this Saturday s season opening game with Oklahoma are Perdue. Locale of this stunning tableau is the Town and Campu some of Carolina s top grid stars (left to right): John Jones, Will News Leader Photo Garbage Houses Are Up According to a survey completed cess of being completed, yesterday, all the fraternity and sorority houses had completed the garbage lunises ttiat were to liave been built by ttiis year, with the exception of the Pi Beta Ph Soror ity. 'rheir project is ia the pro- Dr. 0. David Garvin of the Dis trict Health Dept, issued a sanitat ion regulation last fall stating that all fraternity and sorority houses that served meals to their mem bers were to build f^’-tigh houses r“s. O' if . • I in which to keep their garbage cans. Tlicse houses were to have solid floors and drainage systems. \\ hen a survey was made last spring, approximately half the houses had completed the project. Of the 36 fraternities and sor orities in Chapel Hill, 32 serve meals. The four that don’t serve moats are Alpha Kappa Psi, Delta Sigma Delta, Phi Delta Chi' and i Psi Omega. The Alpha Delta Pi Soroi’ity hasn’t built a garbage house yet, sizice it is preparing to move to a new location. Mrs. Eugenia Babylon, former staff member of the University Library has been appointed Direc tor of Public Library Service of ’i'Vashington, Tyrell, and Chowan Counties. ■ . COSTUMING UNDER WAY-Wi,h ,h. c.„„„ r.l., produo,i.„ o, P.0, G,.o„.. „„pEo„,o C.ll," opiy ,hr.. now o..,„™.. Abo.., MU. So..„„. R,.™., w„b ,h. Crolip. P,^ H,ph, o, BO,.. G,..b, ■ teering their services to oreoaro fr,r f®!- the production. It will be pre- ..n,.d p,pb,., Oo,ob„ ,0..5. ,b. P.0, D„.„ AMpbUb..,,. ., ^Bj. Crook .. ,b. ,e.,or. .„r„,io„ o, ,h. Coon.y S-{ EASY ON THE EYES—Bobbie Lee Moretz, a rtfij Carolina, is admir'tsdSy mighty easy on the eysS’ M remind you that C-E-Z light bulbs, which they'll ba!«i door on Wednesday and Thursdays evenings, ac® on the eyes, too. Light Buib SalePloi^^' By Jaycees This President Mcnk ed Carolina Line t Bass who talkeii > Heel football teim^^ the coming sa^son. Club President announced the , William Joyner as co-chairmen^ survey to bemaed. of Boy Scout and the committee were a newiCharto^^ ,^ type of -electric lamps that give a ■ ^^^^V^pparrindon- . I iea-iuip A house-to-house sale of C-E Z eye-ease light bulbs will be con ducted by the Jaycees throughout the community on ’Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The fund-raising project- will be carried out under the leadership of George Coxheaci, with almost the entire membership of the Club participating. Plouseholders were asked by Mr. Cbxhead to expect Jaycees to call on them any time after 7 o’clock both evenings. The C-E-Z bulbs, he said, are a better type of, light that ;,is more restful to the eyes, Mr. Coxhead said. He added that they were not available through commercial channels. Plans for the sale were an nounced at Thursday evening’s meeting of the Jaycees. For the evening’s program Club Vice- Bill Hobbs s County ,ear* would again th • vovlingtropy : the most e has uie u. to be conducte ; during the week