THURSDAY ^ ■ ^‘ |.i .1 I': ' I: :■ J I- , |i ( , ’i I’lic Jiinioi' S('r\ic-(‘ lA'ami;- hn:- )'o\’is('(l I'.nd eiiliirMt'd ifs populai' “('.ii'olina Codlving’'. I'drsl jjublish- (■d ill 1953 with a second iirinting in 1954, tin; book in such poj)-’ demand that the I.eaguc mem bers voti'd to continue il. Instead ol a third printing, how ever, it was ctecidcit to re\’ise the present book. P>y ndaining the i'inorile recipe.s and adtin,g man.v e.M'itin.g neyv otns the C'litor has made ‘’Carolina Cooking" a mu.sL lor ( \'ei’y .-ook, apprentice or complislied alike. ‘’Carolina Cookiiic” will lie sold by ail members of the Chapel Jtill .Iiinior .Service League lor .‘ill.50 per copy and will also be on . .sale at prominent store;; in Cliapel Hill aili.r ne.\l Wedries- da\’, 'I'he book may also be ordered ; dirci’lly try w'riting to I’ost Of- fii’c Bo.\ 374, Chapel Mill. i\lail or-, ders should be accompanied by a : 15(’ addition,d fee lo cover posl- a.gc and handling. i New Section j All ('.veiling new .(cclion wlii.-’hl takes all tile work out of parly | giv’ing will be a boon to all r'.'ad-i CIS. ’’Conu' lo a I’arly” it's calh'd, and (’ome you will and enioy yoLir- sell it it’s an outdoor supper or a ancie.s iiimself an outdoor cook (’hildreri's parly. If your bu.sband even he can allow' himself to be seen using a cook-book for the ’’Outdoor SupiH'i’ I’arty’’ was w'rit- len b,\ a man. Ol’ weic .Mill planning an after noon lea'.' Yoiii planning is done for you from bow many days be- lare Lie event you should begin puri’liasing and mixing filling to tile imimrlanl hint id' eating your iefl-overs so .voiir r('frigeralor will be clear to Indd the plate ol sand- wic lies! I Cor a “Cliildri'ii's Hallowe'en I’arty'’ in addition lo ’’What to .Sei’ve" you'll find "What to de.”— a (lueslion every harried iiai'ly-; .'-■i\ing mother faces, 'j’he answer! is here and the game.s are aiiapta-j hie for any typ(> party. Kven deco-j raling hinis are included. Two | ollu-r parties arc described in' (‘((iial detail, charm and intormali-l tv. lained. Tested Recipes If you’re planning a pre-game lunch or after-game supper this season, don't start until you have . I’cad this section. All the recipes in the book have been tested from the standpoints of availability of in.gredients, taste appeal and eye appeal. .Mrs. Willhiin S. Joyner, chairman of the cookbook was as sisted by the following league members: Mrs. Tod Danziger, Mrs. llolaiid (Hdu/,. Mrs. Mark Hanna, .\lrs. J. M. (iailovvay. The .proceeds from the cotrkbook will enable Ihe Junior Service Lea.gin to carry on many of if,s comimmify service pro.jeds. Since, its. ogani/.ation in 1939 the organi zation has given young women of Chapei Hill opportuniLe.s for com munity service. Well-baby clinics, community education, a day camp ’ for .girls, and sponsorship of the J'lmply Stocking Fund are conlin- i uirig pi’o.jects of the ijcague. The Ixiok afso contains scclions | on pics, c.a.'-si'i'olcs, vcgclables, i UK'als. salads, breads and many | 'dher gaslronomic deliglits. Be-j call,''!' of il's popularity in sucli a football conscious w'orki the sec-! lien '’Football Fanfare” was re-I Garden Club Speaker To Be M rs. Hardison At its first meeting of the new voar on Monday aflernobn the Chapel Hill (Jai’den (,'lub will hear Mr’S. R. L. Ilardi.son speak on ‘‘Building and Maintaining a Lawn in Chapel Hill.” The meeting will be held at 3 p.m. in Hie fn.slitutc of Pharmacy auditorium at the corner of Church and West Ko.sem.iry Streets. Club Pie.sidenf Mr.s. Car! J’cgg said Mrs. Ifardison’.s talk would introduce a series of pro- .gram.s on hoi’ticulture this year. Mrs. Ifarciison is horticulture chair man for Ihe Club. AH person.s in- lere.sted in joining the Club were invited to come to Monday’s meet ing by Mrs. Pegg. ..Mrs. J. W. Um.slead, chairman of tile plant .sale to be staged by the Club on November 4, asked every body interesled in ordei’ing plant •siirubbery in a wholesale order (hroiigh the club to bring their irder to the meeting on Monday. NEW HOPE COMMUNITY NOTEJ By Mrs. Marion Wilson Phone 8-3541 Of Community Club Meeting p Is AnnounceeJ; introeduc'ory Program e[ in- . Agricultural exports have creased ug.’dn this year after .show ing a seven per cent gain in 1954 over 1953. KICK-OFF SALE We"re Going To Clean Up The Squad - Get The Deadwood Off The Team ANYTHING ON THE LOT OVER 30 DAYS MUST GO REGARDLESS OF PRICE 1952 CHEVROLET two-door, heater--We allowed $1,100 ■will kick it off the lot for $ 695 1953 CHEVROLET four-door Bel Air, radio and heater— an excellent family car that deserves loving care Was $1695- Now Only 1295 1951 BUICK Special club coupe—one owner who would n't even allow anybody in it with shoes on . . . we're kicking it off the lot for $300 off our regular price. Will move it fast for . . 795’ 1953 b’TUDEBAKER Pickup Truck, half-ton. We've got $1,000 in this little gem that has overdrive and heater, it will be kicked off the lot, and for just 695 1947 PONTIAC ■ Nothing nice to say about this car, ^x- cspl' that it sells for only '75 1954 FORD Mainline!' 1wo-door. Was $1,500. But now it's down to 1,095 1950 MERCURY four-door deluxe sedan. It was $720. You can't kick for 395 1953 CHEVROLET four-door deluxe, radio, heater, Pow- erglide. We'll throw in the seat covers, too, knock $300 off the price and let it go for 1195 1950 CHEVROLET Club Coupe. It's Squeaky Clean! Heat er, and a personality all its own. Was $780. Now 495 1948 CHEVROLET two-door deluxe, radio and heater, from $375 down to I95 DON'T MISS THE BIG KICKOFF - NOW AT Harris-Conners Chevrolet, West Franklin Street Chapel Hill ;■ ■ OPEN FOR BUSINESS IN OUR NEW LOCATION Next Door To Railroad Station Main Street Carrhoro See Us For A Complete Line of PURINA FEEDS and SUPPLIES We Also Carry a Good Stock of Seed, fertilizer, Faim and Garden Tools, Farm Supplies and Hardware. ■ ■ ■ ■ GROCERIES and DRINKS OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 8 P.M. Carrboro Feed & Seed Store Next To Railroad Station Main Street Carrboro ■ ■ Arts & Crafts Group j Has Scuppernong Fete ! Members of the Painting Work-; .shop of the Community Club’s Arts and Crafts Depa'i’tmont met at Tenney Heritage, fho home of Mrs. ^ J. Bi’ight Kelly last Thursday, to discuss plans for the coming sea son. and to enjoy a "Scuppernong” i arty under the grape ai’bor. Present were Mrs. Kdly’s co-■ “— chairman, .Mrs. Gerald Lawton, i Mrs. lowa Johnson, Mrs. S. B. Mrs. II. 1.. Weeks, Mrs. F. 11 High-j Cameron, Mrs, Roland Woodward, j smith, Mrs. W. F. Pe'ndorgraft. ‘ and Mrs. Alfred Linde. I Last Thursday night we weiT ' glad to welcome back Guyte Cot- len, choir director of . the New Hope Presbyterian Church choir. Choir members gave a party at the Manse for Guyte and his bride I and presented them with a bed- ' spread. Sherbet, cake and candies were served. At last the shipment of steel bar-joisls for the new church has arrived. Folks at New Hope were beginning to worry that the build ing would not be framed-in by the lime bad weatlier arrived, but no’w that the steel joists and wood ceil ing joists are on hand, work will p:’ogre,ss rapidly again. Sixtymne pioneers and couiicil- loi’S of the First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro spent the weekend at Camp New Hope last vv'eek.' Mrs. Betty Sharpe has been at Duke Hospital undergoing an ope ration, but is home recuperating how.' Tne wedding of Helen Mohler and Bob Strayhorn took place on Saturday afternoon at the Hills- I boro Methodist Church. Musical j selections were presented by Mrs, I Betty Sharpe, associate organist at ! the New Hope Presbyterian Church, and Dan Windley III, solo- j ist. Kenneth Strayhorn, Mr.s. Jerry ; ; Strayhorn, Mitchell Lloyd, Jr,, | ; Neal Tapp and Kenneth Brown, ail of New Hope community took part ' in the. ceremonies. ^ e of place is stressed in Bernard Boyd and Mrs. F. Car- beauty $ the first meeting of lisle; Birthday Remembrance, Mrs.' munitV Hill Community Club. Mrs, Alberta Dugan; Year Book, i ate is S changes in the Mrs. G. T. Schwenning; Savings ’ Memberev Bonds, Mrs. W. E. Thompson; i who will Stamps for Veterans’ Hospitals,' present Mrs. Collier Cobb; Representative Follow'V* on Community Council, Mrs. Wal-' receptio ter liartung; Finance, Mrs. S. E ! ber ® Leavitt; Mary Bayley Pratt ’Fund Mrs. A. M. Jordan; Ways A chan announcing the Chapel Due to projected Chapel ot the Cross House, the meetings this y(5ar will be held at the Institute of Pharmacy Build ing on Cfiiu’ch Street. The first general meeting will be Friday, SepteinbtT 30, at 3 p.m. All are urged, however, to come early, in ordef to. exchange greetings and chat witli new members. The program for this meeting ^ will bp hoij • ’ ‘he Pharmacy and ; hostesses to ¥ " Means, Mrs. John Gilbert; Tran.s-Yameron wV'®’ j portation, Mrs. Roland Woodward.' Mrs Alfreri r ! As the Community Club i.s Chap-' Shotts Pir-t w will be introduction of the five [^derated club it has state : F. E, Sheai’i/jj heads of departments, who will natmn-vviae contacts. All mem- dent; Mrs, speak briefly of the work and play ! f la^t meeting Mrs. D. e. S of I'aeir groups. Mrs. D. C. Phil-' wiU be mvited to the Eightn- Dis- Mrs. A. M, jS lips will present the varied pro-; ff’ C-s meeting at .Bon- Leavitt, aLr of the American Home De-^ or luncheon Tuesday, Octo-^ Guy * partmenl, Mrs, Florence Hall, bej 4 .Transpor ation will be pro-i Highsmith will introduce the ;var-i-vnhed loi tnis trip. Phillips, 'SfsatJ the war ious ’workshop leaders of the Arts and Crafts Department, while Mrs, W. Carson Ryan will tell of her plans for the International Rela tions Department. The Literature Department program will be ex plained by Mrs. J. S. Henninger, and Mrs, Walter Holt will describe projects of great interest to be un dertaken by the Health and Wel fare Department. Members will then .sign up for the depaitments in w'hich they wish to be enrolled. Recognize Chai.'-men Chairmen of the follow'ing com mittees will then be recognized: Membership, Mrs. C. C, Shotts; Publicity, Mrs. F. E. -Shearin: Hos pitality, Mrs. S B. Cameron and Mr.s. J, M. Tillfc;,;;' Music. Mrs. A. S. Winsor; Contact, Mrs. R. B. Sharpe and Mrs. Frank W. Hanft; Leg islation and Citizenship, Mis. W. W. Cort; Youth Conservation, Mrs. Opportunity For Newcomers For newcomers to Chapel Hill, membership affords a means of getting acquainted with the good folk of Chapel Hill, and their var ied fields of interest. Its working groups build firm and lasting | friendships. The object ot the i club is to promote in every possi- i ble way the health, happimsss, ! Venetian! Custon Free Estimates Dial 2721 COLE-DAWSoi real ESTATE SALES AND RENU^ W. Franklin St. d Opposit# Bg» Tarmlnil Andrew* SAVE AT COLONIAL STORES If yu want more lime for play fand who doesu'D . let C.’oIonnU help you througb your homework with scores ot labor-saving mixes and lieat-and-eat foods. We've gone all out bv stocking our Grocery shelves and Trozen-I'ood with time savers galore and our Bakerv Department with ro-w alter Or Out Pride ready-to-serve treats. And, the thing of all von 11 laid tliem all priced to save you more! time-savino fo% ^ COLOWIAl siniiEsI Rfid Bird Little Sausages mEMNAS I@ f f e .’Hi;. Sppcinl Price 1 Cherries CS Red Sour Pitied 20-OZ. CANS It Special Price BAKE-RITE lf''ilson''s Shortening Pillsbnry 3-LB. ■TIN Chocotalo, i'cllow, White Special Price! JUICE Del Monte Pineapple 46-OZ. CAN Special IIMI Am NO 303 CANS ' iZ-OZ. PKGS. POE2K CHOPS ( LMl.R CLT i;iI5 F.ND CENTER CUT LOIN 59. - 69 B ala ST 'h-:m)ki! i'okk ECIIM ROAST S'IN.M’IH OVAt i TT sr,K:i:i) LB. nin i-:\n pouk LB. LB. Romstork NO. 2 CAN ;iii':i’’.s i’i!ii)i; noiAK) SaiAD CHIU’S rniiu: COLE SLAW no.NMI.MS.S -..M.r. MI'I.VT STEW BEEF LB. / ender Kconorniral Beef R.hnck (htr Pride Roast NATT H-TENDEK I . ,S. CHOICE LB. nCDCET BAliV BEEF 1.8. GRAPES Fancy Thompson Seedless 2 2ii fancy Nreoiu-LI SIZE TAMS NE'A' CROP! § “■ fancy Canadian RUTABAGAS SLABROOK FARMS FROZEN I'JIIIICY PEAS ’ SOMerdaLE frozen chopped SPINACH SOMERDALE BABY GREEN LBMAS 2 SOMERDALE FROZEN Steawberbies CHEF’S PRIDE COTTAGE CHEESE Morton's F PIES H-Ol I PKC. I lO-Oi 10-01! PfO. Of Morion's Frosen Peach, Apple-. or m 2 \a'lA I ms DOUBLE-BED PERCALE SHEETS Fi'U'.t qiu.lily 180-'om,i Si/r 8r poreale fnittoHg hrnnr) I IO«" ‘> » I . jihrots . . WITH ONLY 1% Gift Bool ($I«0 ^ rtPF') Glen Lennox Shopping Cenier and W. Franklin St. at Graham