: , I I I ’ ■ ■ ‘ I »t- : I I ! :M ;rt^' isiij! li'i Ml ■Mi '¥lr PAOt EIGHT l''(>i'iii:il oponinK sc'i’vices Tor llie new Mi'lhodi.sl ctuii’i'li oryiini/ed rf't'eiiMy in Ilie (ilen Lniinox de- velopmenl, will be held this Sim- day inoi-ning. On Monday evening at 8 o'clock , the 70 chaiMcr ineinbers of the j church will incc'l in th(“ Olcnwoocl , Elementary School for the election of officers, anti upptjini nient of committees anti commis.sit)ns. The ’ Stnulay mor/iinp servictas will be ^ held at I I o'clock, alst) in the ‘ OlenwoO'd Schotil. Al that time the I Rev. \V. I., ClcffP of Durham, Su- perintitndenf of the Durham Dis trict of the Ohurch, will present tlie chartei- membership ceidifi- cales and ileliver the seimitm on the topic. “'I'he (Ihiirches of (foil." All interested students and tt)wns- people were inviteil ft) attend the services by the liev. Kimsey Kiiifi, jjastor of the chui’ch. 'file Rev. .Mr. Kintt was appoint ed pastoi- of the chiirch last sprintt aflei- a survey of the (lien Lenno.x area, conducted uniler the dii'eel- itu] of the tdiui'ch Extension Excu- tive Secretary, the Kev. Tliomas E. tdllins of Itah.M^th, tlisclosed that there wcj'c over 100 Methodist families in the east side suburban Bi'ca alone. The Mev. Mr. King said the new church has grown rapidl.N' in its two monfh.s of existence and that a building site would be purcha.sed .soon. With promised initial fin ancial aid frojn the Conference Church Extension Fund, he said, const I’uct ion of a permanent church building .should begin dui’- ing the coming year. He sti'essed that the church is not liinited to any particulai' area of the cojnmunily for membership but is open to all who wish to shai'(‘ in its program of fellowship atid (.'hi'istian service. “'l'hi.s is basically a family type cburch," he said, “with emphasis On an inti mate famil.v worship atmosphere, family fellowship, and Chidstian education foi’ all ages." It was announced that church scIkmjI for ail ages will be organiz ed a week from this Sunday, Oc tober 2, al 9:45 a.m., to be follow ed by regular church worship ser vice at 11. Nursery facilities will be provitled during the church hour beginning on this date. Other immediate plans for the church include Sunday evening family fellowship sup|)ers, the organiza tion of a woman’s society, di.scus- sion grou|)s, and various other family service i)ro,iects. All persons interested in affiliating with this I CHURCH NEWS News From Route 3 Including Manns Chapel and Lystra Mrs. Harrison Hunt, Correspondent — Phone 9-8238 Women's Study Group The Women’s Study Group of the I'.piscopal Chapel of the Cros.s will begin its series oi eight week ly meetings next Wednesday al 9 a m. in the Episcopal Chapel of the Cross Parish House. The study this year will deal with the Propli- ets of the Old Testament. Next Wednesday’s pi'Ogram will be on Hie historical backgi'Ound of the Prophets. The Sludy Group is open to and welccimes all interested wo men, regardless of church affilia tion. Taking a program is not a membership reC|uirement. United Church Food Sale The Women’s Eellow.ship of the United Church will hold its first i'all food and bake sale tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 at the church hut On Cameron Avenue. There will be a similar sale on the day before each UNC home football game here this fall. Read 'School For Scandal' Sheridan's Re.storation comedy, "The School Eor Scandal’’ will be read al Sunday evening’s meeting of the Community Di'ama Group al 7:45 in the University Library As sembly Room. Harold Wallers will direct the reading. The Community Drama Group, sponsored by the I Community Church, is open to anyone interested in listening to Mrs. .-\llie Mae Blake recently at- Promolion Day at Lystra will be ' I • 1 I v./ »l U-luied ;i reupion of hor classmates , Sunflay. 'VUq Lords Supper will al Gilmore Lodge near Bonlee. I be ob.served immediately after the church Of The Holy Family We are glad to repoi't that little | woi'ship .'^ei-vice. Elizabeth Bui'gess, daughici' of Mr. i j\||., jmd IVtrs. .fames L, Carson and Mrs. Wallei Bui’gc.ss. i.-- much j atlended the Carson reunion last Sunda,^' at the liomt of Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Carson on Route I 'I’bia-e. improved. Slu' w;is sick last week. Mrs, .lames L. Carson and Mrs, Harrison Huni speni Uie day Iasi 'I'hursday witli Mi', and xMi's, 11. D. lliggsbee. jMiss Cara Kigg. bee of Wasliing- Um, D, (’., is visiting her brother and sisteMii-law, Mr. and .Mrs. Raliib Uiiggsbee ol Pilt.sboro. Services for Sunday, September 251 h. 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion: 9:30 a.m. Family Service and Church School: 11:00 a.m. Morning Ser vice; 5:00 p.m. Youth Activities; 7:00 p.m. Evening Prayer. The Woinan’.s Auxiliary will hold its first meeting of the fall at the ehureh on Monday evening, Sep tember 26, al 8:00 p.m. On Wednesclav evening, Septem- l\'e are glad to know that ,Jule og, Uie adults of the Church Mr. and Mrs. Warren Smith and Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and daughter, Janet, attended the Big .lim Thornton County Style program at W'I'VO last Saturday night. Kids In School? Tile .Adult L:i(li('s Class of Lys- tia bad llnir monthly class meet ing at the home of Mrs. Jimmy (iiist,. after vvhieli a social hour was enjoyed by the members pres ent. Tempt Them To Better Reading With Exciting Books Cole .'ui Sunday. Anyone r‘lated to the family is invited to attend. Skeeter of Carrboro visited Mr. ima! period afler worship service li 1 The Intimate Bookshop 1 205 l=. FRANKLIN ST. ' ' i '' . ' .;i Open Till 10 p.m. and .Mrs. Waller Burgess and lami-,"'ill allow more time for cpiestions. ly Sunday. Alembers of tiie Mission Com- We are .sorry to Ituirn that Mrs. [miUcc i>'’e Robei't L. Bunting, Wil- Lillie Ka,\' of Carrboro is sick. We , limn L. Eleming, Roland McClain hope I lull she will be well soon. | roeh, Jr,, John S. Clayton, Foster Tliore will be a ebieken stew Fitz-Simoiis, Douglas G. Hunim, and barbeeiii' supper al the Mann’s William G. Morgan, George D. (’hai)el eommunify house Saturday Peniek, Robert L. Wagner, Tom al'lm-noon at 5:38. Good homemade Rost, .Ir., C. D, 'Van Cleave, and pies and cakes will he served, also. Allen F. Kingman We are glad lo bear that Curtis Brewer, who was se\'erely burned, Agricultural exporls have in- i j is improi’ing al a liospital in Hous- 'creased again tliis year after show- i Ion, Texas. We sincerely hope that ing a sex'en per cent gain in 1954' he will eontinuo (o impro\'e. lover 1953. MAKE /T. CHAPEL HILL NEWS LEADER Thursday Methodist Church In Glen Lennox Plans Opening Services This Sunday Miss Habel To Give 'Europe Report Tonight new Methodist group. Or who de sire fiii'ther information are in vited to call the pastor at 9-6509. Miss Marilyn Habel. who recent ly returned from a year’s sludy abroad in .Swifzei'larid on a Rotary Fellowship and '.vho ha.s now join ed the faculty of Woman’s Col loge at Green.sboro, will speak at the Chapel Hill Bapli.sl Church lhi:s evening at 6:30 on the topic “Report on Europe", illustrated with color slides. Miss Habel studied political .science and hi.story at the Uni versity of Geneva and at the In stitute of International Affaiirs in Geneva, following her graduation from the University in June of last year. While abi'oad she traveled ex- len.=ively in many countries, visit ing and speaking to a number of European Rotary Clubs. One of the highlights of her trip was a visit j belliiKl the Iron Curlai.n, when .she accompanied a military mission to | MARILYN HABEL Wooten-Moulton Photo East Berlin, Potsdam, and to other points of interest in the Russian Sector of Germany. She spent one month as the guest of Rotarians and their fanii- ucs in Sweden, living in Swedish homes and attending special courses at the University of Lund. She also spent a month in Ger many and another in Spain and North Africa. Site visited other countries, including Austria, Italy and England. She is the daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Samuel Til- den Habel. Miss Habel is scheduled to ad dress the Enfield Rotary Club to morrow. the Goldsboro Daughters of the American Revolution on Wednesday and the Chapel Hill Rotary Club on September 29. During October and November .she will be speaking to other or- I planetarium special Show j Football fans coming Iq Chapel I Hill Saturday for tRe Oklah'oma- , Carolina clash may also take “A ! Trip to Satiu-n” at a special post- j I game show. Manager A. F. Jenzanol 'said today that the Moreheadj ' Planetarium had scheduled a I ; special 5 p.m. performance of the! suniufj, «‘^«ation after Plav, >Pit( j ganizations throughout : North Carolina. Eastern gran 'ill For Flowers—For Gifts it's University Florist HOllll ('heek is improving after falling j,,,. ,, Acquainted’’ j and breaking two ribs and bruis- i ing himself. Supper at 6:15 p.m. Mann's Chapel Benefit Supper .A benefit supper will be .staged at the Mann’s Chapel Church this Saturday evening beginning at 6 o’clock and continuing Ihirough 9 p.m. Barbeeue, chicken stew, We are glad that Clarence Lloyd ®“7' Durham is still improving and is 11“'^' community house by the I home from Ihe hospital. He will j ^’'nu’eh. 'Lhe public is invited, have to .stay in bed for t.wo weeks,] ' Jiowever. j The Cole Reunion will be held al Ihe homo of Mr. and Mrs. Hugli ■ Holy Family Mission Plans Are Announced Plans are nearing completion for the five-day Teaching Mission William Sharpe left thi.s week t> be held at the Church of the lo go to school at State College, Holy Family, starting Sunday even- Raleigh. j ing, October 2„ and continuing The disti'ici music workshop of through Thur.sday evening, Octo- the Home Demonstration C!ub. b‘‘'’ 6- will he held Wednesday at 9:301 The Rev, Joseph O’Brien, Chap- a.m. :il Schley Grange Hall, six ’ lui.i lo the Epi.scopnl sludenLs at miles iiorih ol Hillsboi'o on Higlr ! Duke University, will conduct the way 57. All club members are in-' niissioii and will give a serie.s of \it(‘d to attend. [five lectures centered around the The L\’stra Home Demon.slration theme, "The Good News Today." Club met tliis atternoon with Mrs. ' A native of East Livei'pool, Ibio, Hugh Cole. An interesliiig demon-j Mr. O'Brien received hi.s A.B. dc- stration was given on House ' .Si’ce from Georgetown College in Eurnishing. | Keidueky in 1938 and his B.D. Air. and Mrs. Harold Elkins of from the Colgale-Roeiiosler Divin- Bui'linglon and Mr. and Mis, Lewis it.'' Senool in Roehester, New York Oldham of Durham visited Mr. and in 1842. Ml'S, Julian Cheek Iasi Sunday al- service will la.st nol more leriioon. | Hum an hour ami will begin at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright and 80’cloek each evening. 'I'he infor- ‘tbovit The day discoveries. no 7’ sto teat ot the un. There are Tot surs us Knot^»7;7,,.citotnotto«... ‘ ^ ^ ^ this * .rd to tomottow "7?"'' viu 6t>4 TO 10°'^^ u must hav' FA able ctold does .. and they hold. to iace. .•he Church is the greatest I the building of character anI ''uIL'll R is a storehouse of spiritual values. 1 I strong Church, neither ,iil can survive. There are four sound reoso ■■ every person should attend F«bl and support the Church. They are, j own sake. (2) For his children"s sake of his community and „«jl sake of the Church itself, ^hich needs “ ■ and ma^rial support. Plan to go to I kirly and read your Bible daily. I I>a, Book ChairKf I Sunday Deuuronomy j-l J Monday -1 Samuel 1 ■ Tuesday Psalms , W Wednesday,**Mark j Jl' I Thursday.. Mark J Friday H Timothf ; 0 \ Saturday.. Number* Copyright lil55, Keister -ddr Set'’" , , _ Bennett & Blocksidge Frigidjiire Appliances Gulf Solar Heat LONG MEADOW Carolina Fabric Shop Title Besl in Fa.shion Fabrics W. Franklin St, Phone 0936 THESE RELIGIOUS MESSAGES PUBLISHED EACH WEEK IN THE NEWS LEADER ARE SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENT m ree an Long Meadow Farms ‘'You never outgrow the need for milk” W. Franklin St. Phone 9-414 Phone 9-2886 Fowler's Food Store “Where Service Is a Saving” Phone 9416 — - " • • •■ ■ % Dickinson Tree and Landscaping Service rla-**-* ^ Garden Center Durham Road Service ins* Insurance - Property Orange County B & L Ass'n Savings — Home Loans — Since 1920 Sutton's Since 1923 Drug Carrboro Metal Shop Healing, Guttering, Sheet Metal Works Carrboro Phone 8-6241 u • Harnss-Conners Chevrolet, Inc “Your ' Carolina Gulf Service For the life of your CAR go GULF Phone 9-7071 Riggsbee-Hinson Furniture Co. Quality — Furniture — Reasonable Main St., Carrboro Vine Veteriii' "Stop that (Long Meadow Route) Man" for Home Delivery Chapel Hill Funeral Directors Phones 4381 — 4386 —- 8-5576 113 N. Graham St. "Your Best Buy' Rov M. Homewood Phone 9-1591 J. B. Robbins The House of Fashion” West-Wiliia^ Norman M. m t. Saunders Nu-W,ay Cleaners Phone 9-3498 Carrboro Brothe Yates Plumbing 114 S. G«lia»

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