gr Newspaper Service ; Dial 8444 I Office: ‘Street, Carrboro Chapel Hill News Leader Leading With The News in Chapel Hill, Carrborp, Glen Lennox and Surrounding Areas Five Cents The Copy CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1955 $4.50 The Year By Mail IfOPLE In Brief JXPAYERS OF THE TOWN lapel |liH will get a few days ile from the sight of their mu- J tax bills. Scheduled for Sat- f mafting on the official date 1 become current (October 1), L b^g held up a few days W final-tallying. But you can to receive those tell-tale envelopes about the mid- nfd week, assuredly re- llit Collector Mrs. Ruth IISAND-WATT WCHL IS vith its recent testi- n 16-year-old Jes Ole , of Haderslev, Den- 1 reports picking up the a couple of weeks ago lO-lube self-made set t’ing on the medium ' The boy quoted correctly portions of the pro- beAveen 9 a.m. and sbon ifterjon September 21, and acknowledgement which [certainly getting! Chest Date is Set From Nov. 1 To 9 SAFETY AWARD PRESENTATION—The Town of Chapel Hill received an Honor Roil Certifi- j ton Vickers, Sgt. Coy E. Durham, Patrolmen Charles Byrd, Charles Edmonds, Herman Stone, and Gra- cate from the National Safety Council on Monday for having had no traffic fatalities in the town dur- j ham Creel, Campus Policeman Herbert Ellis, Hospital Guard Troy Hackney, Patrolman Gene Cozart, mg 1954. It was the fourth consecutive year of a clean record for Chapel Hill. All of the local law en n tr I ORANGE COUNTY NEGRO, he’d been shooting game I Durham white man, received Ilf the'heaviest fines levied on jlatoriin many a day recently, led by the game protector [shooting three squirrels out isc^he defendant was tried 'apillsboro justice of the land fined over $50, in addi- !>g handed a suspended erm. — Mighty expensive tel meat. forcemsnt officers and town officials were on hand for the occasion. Left to right (seated) are Town Manager Thomas D. Rose, State Higb.vay Department Representative Henry P. Leighton of Chapel Hill, presenting the certificate to Mayor O. K. Cornwell, Chapel Hill Police Chief W. T. Sloan, Carrboro Police Chief J. A. Williams; (center row) Sgt. C. E. King, Captain William D. Blake, Patrolman Howard Pender- graph, Sgt. C. E. Merritt, Hospital Guards Frank C. Maddry and Tom Hilliard, Campus Patrolman Wes- Highway Patrol Sgt. W. A. Baxter; (back row) Highway Patrolman Tom Winborne, Carrboro Patrolman Albert L. Pendergrass, Campus Policeman Gordan Simms, Patrolmen Amos Horne, Skippy Etheridge, David Caldwell, W. F. Hester, Hospital Guard Percy Vickers, Campus Policeman H. A. Gattis, Deputy Sheriff Earl Bush, and Highway Patrolman E. S. Robinson. Missing are Deputy Sheriff W. E. Clark Jr., Patrolman James Council, and Constable John Rogers. They are all sworn law officers who have juris diction in Chape! Hill. News Leader Photo Summerlin Staying In A Swivetl 2nd Gold Rush|/V|rs McConnell Elected Covering Coup In Argentina Being Planned | HN SCOTT TROTTER WAS led to fly in from Hollywood fto contest a civil suit dock- [for trial in Superior Court at loro today in which Pete Mul- jfeeking up to $3,000 in con- Mr. Trotter’s pur- Bevelopment of the Hill lerty here several years CAL AMERICAN RED ker ■ has asked for the nMrs. Mabel Brittain, Secretary of the Chap el' emergency duties- on in Ansonia, Connecti- 'here [she’s been for the past reeks. Her stay there was itoodjto be for an indefinite 3nf ANGE COUNTY YOUNG crats[may be heard from in way|at the State YDC con- lu in (Durham this weekend. I’s talk amongst the clan of Dting^n Orange candidate- being kept secret during pre- >ry politicking—for a high YDC office. Mr. and Mrs. Irl Summerlin haven’t heard from their son, Sam, since the big coup in Ar gentina, but they’re he’s just -mighty -busy, since his byline is appearing daily on AP stories from Buenos Aires where he’s bureau chief. The Chapel Hill Summerlins were told by their Buenos Aires branch never to mention Ar gentine politics in their letters -shortly after Sam and wife and family arrived there April 1. About the most political word the parents here have received was a note from Cynthia (Mrs. Sam Summerlin) back in June at the time of Peron’s first resigna tion attempt. She wrote to the effect that “Sam says that Peron will at tempt to resign today ... I pre dict that thousands of people will gather in the square and stamp their feet and say ‘Peron, Peronl’ and that -he will stay.— Ugh.” —And of course that's just about what happened, al though the “Ugh” part didn’t I reach its fruition till quite a I while more recently. ■ Meantime, Sam’s been getting congratulations from his wire service on sending out many j fine pictures during the recent governmental turnover.” Tax Bills Ready To Mail Some Property Subject To 3 Different Rates The second annual Gold Rush field day event for Boy Scouts of j Mrs. Frances Simmons- McCon- the range District will be held - nell was today elected President here all day a week from this Sat-j of the North Carolina Heart As- urday, October 8. j sociation at the group’s sixth an- District Scout Executive Rip : nual meeting, held in W.jnston- Collins announced today that the Salem. event would again be held at the - The president-elect of the group old iron mines north of town, and : for the past year, she was formally would be run on the -same general elevated at the luncheon meeting order as last year’s event. Scouts ; of the board of the Association will have nine .stations to prog- i today, succeeding Dr. John G. ress through, with various prob- Smith of Rocky Mount. Attorney lems in scouting to work out at John T. Manning of Chapel Hill, each stop. To give a touch of the Past-President of the Durham- Gold Rush days the problems will Ora.nge County Heait Association, be camouflaged, such as “While wyis elected treasurer of the new -[u-ospocting, a miner has fallen ov- executive committee, ed a small cliff and broken a leg. i Mrs. McConnell, a native of Gra- Rescue him and .give first aid.” ham and a graduate of Sweet Briar Toe coniptting scout teams will Col.^cge receiviyd the Master of be judged on their skill in solving ! Public Health Degree from the the problems and given si.mulated : University here. Her father, the gold nuggets according to their late Brig. Gen. James Simmons, Board Makes Tour In Town Meeting as a committee-of- the-whole, the board of aldermen visited several places in Chapel Hill Tuesday afternoon on an in spection tour. On Roosevelt Avenue they con ferred with M. J. Dawson con cerning a right-of-way over hiS' about 95 per cent of its goal Novenilicr i tlirougli 9 has been set as the solicitatioM period for the i9")h Cloniinuni- tv (lliesl campaign in ('.hapel Hill. Tlte Clommunity Coiinc'il, sponsoring group tor the annual joint fund-raising drive, set the dates at a meeting of the Council executive committee on Tuesday evening. At that time Chest Chair man J. A. Branch also announced the appointment of Roy Arm strong, University Director of Ad missions, as campus division chair man for the campaign. Mr. Branch appealed to all townspeople willing to be volun teer workers in the drive to call him at 9-461 during the day or at 9-1381 in the evenings. “W’e face a big job in this year’s Chest drive and hope to reach our drive with in this 10-day period. Volunteers will be warmly welcomed now,” he said. Roy Cole, Chairman of the Evaluation Committee of the Chest, said his* group was still considering budget requests from 14 agencies which have asked to participate in this year’s cam paign. The budget recommenda tions are to be presented at a general membership meeting of the Council early next month, af ter wh'ch the goal for the drive w-'ill be set. Last year there were 10 organizations participating in the $34,700 appeal which reached property for a new sewer line on Strowd Hill. They also looked over Valley Park Road which Mr. Daw son has asked the town to take over as a municipal street. At the Little Red School House they investigated the possibility of the town’s taking over an area deeded as a public paHc, and on North Columbia Street they look ed at the sidewalk by Sloan’s Drugstore, for which paving has been proposed by Mr. Sloan. Also discussed at the executive committee meeting on Tuesday was the use of the Health Fund, which has been accumulated through dues of the approximately 65 local member groups in the CounclL scores. The nuggets will be cashed in at the a.ssay office at the end of the day and prizes and a trophy was Dean of (he Harvard School of Public Health and died last MRS. McConnell attending the Winston-Salem meet ing today are Dr. William L. Flem- awarded for the greatest number ' ® attack. Mrs. Me-: ing, who will preside over a report of nuggets earned. Orange County Tax Supervisor the Speieal Fire District. M WASN'T SOMEBODY DY- “st a wild woman in jail— was creating the stir that 1 folks along North Colum- : for several hours before Yesterday morning, accord- ^the cops. They said they ' up (an intoxicated woman pWcago on West Franklin St. a.m., and she raised cane f jail till her husband picked Tjnlhe morning. Said she p™g|to phone her lawyer, [ Stevenson. Later she actual- but in vain, to contact ffago lawyer—not Adlai. The phone inquiries on the P htjllering all night. EHAjl^T FOLK ALONG ^aflclin Street have learned shapeless blob of what- llitlthat turned up on the r in front of the Electric paterjoffice Monday morning P remains of a regular GI grenade. A trail of green Sam Gattis announced yesterday that his office would mail out 1955 tax bills to county taxpayers beginning on October 1. In this connection he issued an explanatory statement to taxpay ers of Chapel Hill township, some of whose property is now subject to at least three different tax rates levied by Orange County. He explained the system of bill ing on such property and advised the citizens affected to pay all “Due to the limited capacity of our billing equipment it has be come necessary to divide all tax bills so that any one tax bill will cover property subject to a single rate either 62, 77 or 87 cents con sequently, property subject to any one tax rate, through it may be the maximum 87d, wilt be covered with only one tax bill. However, if one lists property some of which is subject to 620 rate while the balance is subject to the 770 or Too Early Senator Knowland dodged a Carolina student's question last night on his presidential aspira tions. Frequently mentioned as a leading contender for the GOP nomination, the California sen ator said he would have to de fer comment until Eisenhower's recovery. ''We are all hoping tor the President's speedy recov ery. And until he returns to the Connell is at present employed in | session of local chapter. Dr. E. P. the Consolidated University Office. ' Hiatt and William Wood, Executive Among others from Chapel Hill ’ Director of the Association. landed about 100 feet up ^~^k where the grenade ^long after the pin was Hh ated university '6m to have a momen- ^''6r)on the officialdom of agencies. Bill Friday is «P his year as State of the Cancer Society, ranees McConnell, who’s South Building office, ^^octed President of the '^ma Heart Association |its president-elect this tax bills they receive in order to Day their accounts fully. I ^eive two or even three bills. In Said Gattis: event, one bill covers all ‘•Property in Chapel Hill. Property subject to the 620 rate Township may now be subject to any or all of three different tax rates levied by Orange County. J20 for County tax, 770 for prop erty within the Special School Dis- perhaps the 870 rate he will re-! White House and makes his plans known, 1 shall withhold comment,'' Knowland declared. At a private dinner at the one covers all property subject to 1 the 770 rate and the other if there, is one covers property subject to [ the 87e rate. j “In order to pay your account | fully it is necessary to pay all | trict and 870 for property within 1 bills.” Carolina Inn, the senator report ed that at noon yesterday White House aides were optimistic about Eisenhower's condition. The President will return "in two or three weeks" to the capitol, according to Knowland. Crippled CHHS Wildcats Face Southern Here Tomorrow Night A crippled Chapel Hill High They were Ross Jervi.s, Charlie School Wildcats squad will face , Ross, Peanut Blake, and Les Hoent- the winless Southern High School | zchel, some of whom may still of Durham County here tomorrow see action tomorrow, evening. Kickoff time is 8 o’clock in Carrboro Lions Park. Thursday 7:30 p.m. Chapel Hill Adult Stamp Club, Graham- Memorial. 7:30 p.m. C.H.H.S. Pep rally, Rec Center. 8 p,m. Interracial Fellowship for the Schools, Episcopal Parish House. 8 p.m. League of Women Voters, University Library Assembly Room. M It also appeared certain that veteran tackle Haywood Pender- From the looks of things at the g^ss and Ruffin Harville, who’s end of yesterday’s practice session there may be only two seniors left for the starting line-up tomorrow night—Co-Captain Gene Smith in the backfield and Richard Gunter been starting at quarterback, would both be on the bench tomor row. Pendergrass is still recover ing from having been kicked in the eye during last Saturday’s I at center. Grey Moody and several: game with Northern High in Dur- I other tackles were tried out at | ham. And Harville has a bad ! guard positions yesterday when : on his side that hasn’t been i four regulars at guai d were ; healing as expected. Co-Captain either on the injured or sick list. In Ivev's Tire' . Save The Typewriter, Please! It's All Dad Knows How To Use! Clyde Campbell, with a broken collarbone, is definitely out for the season. fEEKS hear harland tfarland spoke at the flox Church in Ra- afternoon at the an- 6f the Greek Ortho- ssociation of N.C. He ^ntributions of Ancient 'he Modern World.” The Pete Iveys, newly-settled , (Note: Though Oakwood is in their domicile at 32 Oakwood ! located in the suburban Fire Drive, got a momentary scare j Distact set up by vote of the Tuesday morning when their i people last May, the area has no floor furnace flamed up through the grate. The Glen Lennox Fire Depart ment was called to the scene. “If we win this week it will ceriaialy be a good test of our reserve strength,” said Coach Bob Culton, in summing up the situa tion. Southern, which has scouted Chapel Hill in each of its three games so far, is believed to be I stronger than Northern, though it I has lost all three of its games so I far this season. but a couple of percolator full 1 of water sufficed to dou'* the flames before the volntters ar- , rived. Then when thingi settled down newsman Pete^Director | of the University Nevs Bureau ; —looked around to s^e his type writer sitting out oi the porch — apparently the only thing ; “saved” from the flames. Nine-year-old Terry Lane had the key to the ituation: I had to save the typewriter,” she told her parerts. “Daddy makes his living wVh that and that’s the only thiig he knows how to do.” . fire protection as yet in return for the taxes its residents will be billed with this week. The recently - appointed three - man Fire District Commission is charged with setting up a pro tection plan.) Bus Company Seeking To Discontinue Route I A POX UPON YOU, TOO, SIR! 1 We quote from our fellow jour nalistic endeavor, the Daily Tar Heel of this past Tuesday: ; . . The National Safety Council j awarded the Chapel Hill Police iDept. with a plague yester- I day . . .”—Further down the ' plague became more properly I mentioned as a plaque. Glad we ' are to see we’re not the only : newspaper plagued with such i typographical errors. : ' • ‘ I ^ Carolina Coach Company asked tnc State Utilities Commission in Raleigh yesterday for authority to discontinue bus seivice over a route between Carrboro and Greensboro. The route follows several un- Friday 3 p.m. Community Club, Institute of Pharmacy 8 p. m. Square Dance, Women’s Gym. DIES TODAY Louis L. Thur- Saturday 4:30 p.m. P.E.O. Sisterhood pic nic, 220 Glandon Drive. 5:30 p.m. Supper, Merritts Chap el Church, Farrington Road. 8 p.m. Jewish Festival Succoth, Hillel House. Sunday 7:30 p.m. Boy Scout Court of Honor, Naval Armory. Monday 7:30 p.m. Choral Club Rehears al, Hill Hall. 8 p. m. Aldersgate W.S.C.S., Glenwood School. 8 p.m. Lutheran Women, Mrs. W. H. Peacock. stone, 68, internationally - known psychologist and research profess or and director of the University's Psychometric Laboratory, died at 1:45 this afternoon in Memorial Hospital following an illness of about three weeks. His ailment was an outgrowth of an earlier heart ailment. Surviving are Mrs. Thurstone and three children. WeatherReports r Mostly fair, little change in temperatures today, tonight and tomorrow. Partly cloudy and warm tomorrow. High today 85. Low tonight in mid 60s. High Low Rainfall Monday 69 55 .02 Tuesday 74 48 .00 Wednesday 83 62 .00 Exchangeites Set Napkin Sale The Exchange Club’s annual paper napkin sale will be staged throughout the community begin ning next Tuesday evening and continuing until all houses have been solicited. Wallace Williams is chairman of the annual fund-raising project, which netted the Club about $400 for its various civic endeavors. All exchangeites are asked to re- 0^' IN "ONDINE"—Jane Albans, of Chapel Hill, formerly of New York, takes the part of the charming Ondine in The Carolina Play- makers' production of Giraudoux's fantasy, "Ondine", to be present- numbered roads including Antioch ; . ,, Church Road, Concord Church i headquarters at Road, Spring Church Road and ^°'“"'“l Motors at 6:30 Tuesday , Alamance School Road. i evening. The company explained in its | It application that the run is losing; money for lack of passengers and that public convenience and ed at the Playmakers Theatre October 12 to 16. Photo by Kai Jurgensen I sity do not justify or require neces- regu- was announced at Tuesday evening’s meeting of the Club that Jack Golden had been appointed CubmasttqtTf fbr Cub Scout Pack larly scheduled bus service over j “^21, which the Exchangeites spon-| loutc. . . _ sor. He succeeds Julian Caston. JACK GOLDEN