PAGE THREE OCTOBER 27, 1955 CHAPEL WLL NEWS LEADER; rsonal Mention J444 For Contributions To This Column) [rs. M. A. Strowd of West Cameron Avenue yesterday were her nieces, Mrs. A. L. Bell of Burlington and Mrs. ien of Mebane. [ard L. Jackson returned last night from Chicago, Illinois, has been attending a committee meeting to plan the inference on cam^pus ministry. Jones will return tomorrow from a meeting of the icrn Region of YWCA Teenage Directors being held [ in Atlanta, Georgia. and H. VV. Moacharn and sons, all of Route 3, have re- -eived commendations from County Agent J. B. Snipes bicellcnt jobs they, have done in developing poor farms ire land into productive beef cattle and dairy farms, yaent of UNC Harris J. Purks left Monday night to , at- j meeting of the Association 'of American Universities in York City. Later in tlie week he will attend a UNC alumni in Washington, D. C. or Robert B. House will return tomorrow from New Orleans fehehas been attending the National Conference of Christians Jeffs. j(rs. John Graham and the children spent the weekend with Mer classmate of Dr. Graham’s in Statesville. jlrs.jLouis Graves returned Sunday after a two month’s ab- .gfroni Chapel Hill. The Graves, who have just completed one ,e Brownell tours of Europe, report that they had a fine time that they are mighty glad to be home and to see Chapel so beautiful in its fall dress. 'rank McGuire was in Jackson Wednesday night to address neeting of the Northampton County Alumni. Mr. McGuire [6 earlier in the week at Charlotte. tllman has returned to Patterson School after a holiday at t=: Wellman left yesterday for a few days stay in New a Whitehurst and her sister, Mrs. Vera Summerell, of New will he weekend visitors in town. Mrs. Warrenn Barrett have bought the Magnuson farm on wersity Lake Road and are moving this week. Mrs. Magnuson her daughters will join Dr. Magnuson, who has transferred to ishington recently. ;ner returned Saturday from Kernersville where he had been ting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Linville, for several s. h Farrar (Mrs. Beverly Thurman) is currently appearing in ikhov’s “The Cherry Orchard’’ which opened October 18 on ladway. Officer W. D. Carmichael spent Tuesday in Raleigh. jhose from Chapel Hill who are attending the annual meeting he American Heart Association in New Orleans are; Mrs. Fran- Simmons McConnell, president of the North Carolina Associa- i; Dr. Edwin P. Pliatt, member of the Association’s executive nmittee; William W. Wood, executive director of the state As- iation and Joseph H. Huff, health education consultant. tnn is attending a meeting of the National Association of Ed- tional Broadcasters being held in Chicago. On the trip home, will visit his family in Moline, Illinois. Mrs. Paul Guthrie spent the weekend in the mountains. K. Young of Clinton, Tennessee is visiting here in the home aer daughter,'Mrs. I. T. Littleton. irable Johnson returned yesterday to her home in Atlanta, orgia, after spending a week herj; as guest of Mrs. C. P. Snovv. Mrs. W. K. Taylor of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, were recent sts of Mrs C.harlotte Huse. Mrs. Taylor is an aunt of Mrs. se’s. lomas F. Taylor has gone to Atlanta, Georgia, to get her mo- r, Mr. Brandt, who has been ill recently. ohn A. Parker, head of the department of City and Regional aiming of UNC, will take part in a meeting of the Regional mmittee on City Planning to be held tomorrow in Atlanta, orgia. Richard Holbrook Henderson A son, Richard Holbrook, was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Steele Henderson of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, on October 15. The Hendersons have three other chidren, all girls. Richard is a grandson of Dr. Arch ibald Henderson of Chapel Hill. Phyllis Lynn Reynolds A daughter, Phyllis Lynn, was born to Mr. and Mrs. I.N. Reynolds of the Durham Road on October 19 in Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Rey nolds is the former Dorothy Coth- lane of Timberlake. Mr. Reynolds is a lecturer in the School of Bus- .ness Administration. Deborah Ivey Oakley A daughter, Deborah Ivey, was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Avery Oakley of Carrboro on October 22 ,n Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Oakley is the former Madge Lois Elling ton. Mr. Oakley is employed at the Colonial Press. Gary David Price A son, Gary Davy, was born to Prof, and Mrs. Daniel 0. Price of 223 Vance Street on October 16 in Watts Hospital. They have two other children, Philip, who is six, and Karen, who is three. Prof Price is in the Department of Sociology at the University. Miscellaneous Shower Honors Helen Lewis Miss Helen Lewis, bride-elect, was entertained at a miscellaneous shower on Friday by Mrs. Prker Lewis, Mrs. James Andrews, Mrs. R. L. Lloyd and Miss Lizzie Lewis it the Parker Lewis home near Graham. The home was decorated throughout with fall flowers. In addition to her gifts. Miss Lewis received a corsage of pink carnations from the hostesses. Fol lowing an hour of bridal contests and games, fruit punch, Russian lea, bridal cakes, nuts and mints were served to the 40 guests pres ent. Mrs. Beers To Speak Before Garden Club FI ower Sb op Opposite Post Office Phone 4851 “The Care And Feeding Of Plants” at Monday’s meeting of the Chapel Hill Garden Club at 3 p.m. in the Institute of Pharmacy Building au ditorium. Mrs. Beers will discuss fertiliz er and pruning. Plants to be avail able at the fall plant sale will also be disucssed. The location of the sale on November 4 has been changed from the Recreation Cen ter to the Curb Market on North Calvander Notes Those recovering from recent colds are lyirs. Russell Lloyd, Mrs. Everett Blackwood and Brodie Lloyd. , Mi'S. Henry Hogan visited Sun day With her 86-year-old uncle Fank Baldwin, who lives near Apex. Friends of Mrs. Lizzie Black- wod will be sorry to hear that she has been >11 for the past several days. Mrs. Arthur Uoyd’s father, Carl Edwards, who is still confined to Memorial Hospital, was feeling better at last report. Mrs. Margaret Tatum of Sanford was a guest of Mrs. Floyd Siler on Sunday. Out-of-town visitors to Mrs. Lizzie Blackwood on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Blackwood. Mrs, Regie Collier, Miss Ruth Collier and Mrs. Minnie Collier, all of ■Durham, and Mr. and Mrs. Ern est Myers of Hillsboro. Several from the community visited the State Fair at Raleigh and found it most enjoyable be cause of the wonderful weather ‘ that prevailed. AT SHERWIN-WILLIAMS OPENING-Chapel Hill Mayor O. K. Cornwell cut a pair of Silk ribbons on West Franklin Street. Left to right, persons present for the f ®";7‘’univeVsity Na- pwner of the building; Gordon Perry, Executive Vice-Pres.dent tional Bank; A. J. McGraw of Raleigh, area manager for Boyce, local store manager; Vance Hogan, manager of Fowler s Food Store, and R. M. ' credit manager of the store who is moving here from Rocky Mount. AAUW Hears Robert Hnmber; Presents Check Speaking before the October meeting of the Chapel Hill Branch of AAU'W, Robert Humber of the executive committee of the North Carolina Art Society, reported that the art collection purchased with funds appropriated by the General Assembly consists of originals by old masters with all eight schools being generously represented. He also reported that the State Mus eum has the greatest collection of Rubens in North America. During the meeting Mrs. Earl Wynn, presidont of the local branch, presented a check from the Carrie Heath Schwenning Scholarship fund ^ to Miss Bryan Bowman, who is working toward the M.A. degree in Zoology. This scholarship is awarded annually News From Route 3 including Manns Chapel and Lystra Mrs. Harrison Hunt, Correspondent — Phone 9-8238 Mrs. Dale Beers will speak on to a woman graduate student at UNC. Special guests of the evening were members of the North Car olina Aft Society and the Chapel Hill Art Guild. MEETING TONIGHT The Orange County Agricultural and Industrial Development Com mission is scheduled to hold its second meeting tonight at 7;301 Schealey o’clock in the courthouse. slu- Dental Hygienist's Entertained At Tea Honoring dental hygiene dents and hygienists who have re cently passed the State Board ex amination, the North Carolina Den tal Hygienists Asociation enter tained at a tea on Sunday in the Pine Room of Carolina Inii. Those who poured tea during the afternoon were Miss Alberta Beat of Chapel Hill, Miss Margaret of Gastonia aitd Miss Shirley Hunter of Winston-Salem. Cl9l* THE WHOLE FAMILY IS INVITED TO SEE OUR COMPLETELY REFINISHED AND REMODELED MODERN STORE AND TO SHARi IN THI MANY FREE PRIZES Which are to he given to the folks visiting our store this week. Whether they make purchases or not makes no difference, everyone has an equal change to win. COME IN AND REGISTER BEFORE NOON SATURDAY, OCT. 29th. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE PRESENT AT DRAWING TO WIN. . ..a rnnHArn store front and the completely new display We are very proud of our ^^any ^ew and desirable items of count^ers and fixtures ins^ f stationery, gifts, greeting cards “e"u:;L'lo, ;?f:srre m fnd browse around and see our many new things ... and register for the FREE gifts. 4 LEDBETTER-PLCKARD 157 E. Franklin St. Chapel Hill Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dollar and Mr. and Mrs. Algie Fowler recent ly visited Mr. Dollar’s sister, Mrs. Hettie Marshall of Graham. They, also, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bil!l McAdams and family of Graham. Mrs. McAdams is a niece of Mr. Dollar’s. We are glad to learn that James Woodson (Pete) Thrift of Route Three is getting along well at Memorial Hospital. He was involv ed in ah accident last week on the Pittsboro Highway near Chapel Hill. Miss Mary Lockhart of Kinston, visited the Misses Nelle and Mabel Cheek last weekend. Mr. and Mrs*. Wadp Womblie, Faye and Jane, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Sparrow of Graham last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Parrish, Lecia and Polly, visited Mr. Parrish’s parents in Danville, Virginia, last weekend. Correction: The officers and teachers of the Children’s Depart ment did not have their regular monthly meeting last Tuesday as reported in last week’s column, because several of the officers and teachers were sick with colds. Mr. and Mrs. David Cash and children, Betsy, Phyllis, and Cathy, have moved to the “Aunt Cora” Williams home. They have been living at the county line in the Pearson home. Visitors at Lystra last Sunday in cluded Miss Mary Lockhart of Kinston, Mrs. Jessie Mae Romeyn of Durham, Mr. and Mps. Stanford Hudson Hudson of the Mt. Gilead community. Miss Carolyn Cuneo of Greensboro, Carey Tripp of the Merritt’s Chapel Community, Mrs. Wilson, mother of Marshall Wilson, of Georgi; Mrs. Iris Ripley of Dur ham, Edwin Cheek of Wingate College, Miss Geneverette Oldham, of Richmond, Virginia, and Betsy and Dickie Etheridge, grandchil dren of Jim Hackney, of Wood- lief. We are glad to have all these visitors and we were so happy to see Ceby Williams back with us again. We hope he will be able to be with us every Sunday. A great number of our commun ity attended the State Fair last week. The Yates Association held its annual meetings this week at the Yates Church in Durham on Tues day nd at Cedar Fork Church on Wednesday. Several of the Lystra members attended. Miss Jean Ann Mann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 3'emas Mann of Liberty, formerly of Chapel Hill, Route Three, will be married in the late fall to Bobby Burns Til ley, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Martin Tilley of Greensboro. Miss t.lann attended Chapel Hill High School and the University and ORDER NOW! Personalized Christmas GREETING CARDS Come in now, . .Select from our Urgest and mo's! complete collection. . . LEDBETTER-PICKARD 157 E. Franklin St. Phone 411 ©EYMOUR TROY OESIGISIS graduated at Harbargers Business College in Raleigh. She is employ ed at the Business Equipment Cor poration in Greensboro. There will be a Hallowe’en Car nival at the school gymnasium at Pittsboro School tomorrow night. All parents of Pittsboro School children are sked to contribute items to the country store event to be sold or they are asked to bake for the baks sale. Every do nation will be appreciated and the proceeds of the carnival will go for playground or school equip ment. Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Hunter were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. William New Evans in Washing ton, D. C., this past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harris Hunt and Janet visited Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Smith, “Cheeta-,” and Betsy Ann of Hillsboro last Surt'day. They also visited with Mrs. Smith’s mother, Mrs. Riggsbeee. Mrs. Iris Ripley of Durham vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ceby Williams and relatives last Sunday. Mrs. John’ Rich and children of Durham were visitors of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Williams last'Sunday. Mrs. Jessie Byrd Romeyn, nurse at the Veterans Hospital in Bur- ham, spent last weekend with Mrs. Mayme Cole and Miss Vivian Col6. Mrs. Romeyn is Mrs. Cole’s Sister, Miss Carolyn Cuneo, a student at W.C. in Greensboro, and .Miss Geneverette Oldham, a nurse in Richmond, were weekend visitors of the F. T. Oldhams. Edwin Cheek, teacher at Wingate College, spent last weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Cheek Sr. We were very sorroy to hear of the death of Kemp Hackney of Route One, Pittsboro. He was biu*- ied at Cedar Grove last Tuesday. Mr. Hackney had been in declining health for several years and was taken seriously ill last Friday; He was at Memorial Ho.spital when he died on Sunday night. W £ Q I- FLIGHT WEDGE PUMP The shoe that looks like it’s in flight and makes you want to he. It’s all softness, lightness, flexibility, beauty apd ease. So slip into a pair fpf a aeasaa full of happy days. We have your sfee, pretty sure. FOt TH05£ ACCWSTOM66 TO fAYtNiO MORE I 1 0 3 ■i 1 0 « i > 0 0 c « -i 0 I m 0 $12.95 Black Kaf- Appeal Cedar Kaf- Appeal % B. ROBBINS OF CHAPEL HILL > z 0 1 0 33 n ©feYMOUR TFTOY DCSir-.iMfis Public Invited To See New Ledbetter-Pickard A number of valuable merch andise gifts will be given away by Ledbetter-Pickard Company this Saturday noon when a drawing will be held as the climax of the store’s “Get Acquainted Days” this week to show off the new store to their friends here. The public is invited to inspect the newly-remodeled store on East I Franklin Street this week and to register in the drawing for the I many free gifts which are on dis- I play at the front of the sales floor. Ledbetter-Pickard has been in con tinuous operation here since 1932. UNDIR ONE ROOF ONE STOP SHOPPING Complete Women^s AppOfel From the Tip Of Your Toes To Tte Top Of Your Head ALL [jEPARTMENTS FOR YOUR SMOPRiNG CONVEIsriENCE ■i- Tar Heel beef cattlemen will j have thq opportunity to sell fat cattle at 13 fat cattle sales next i year. of Chapel Hill

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