/ell Iton Hon rell classified ad rates yininiuni Charge Three Lines One (nsertion 20c Per Line Three Insertions ]8c Per Line Six Insertions, . ]6c Per Line ;ount 5 Average Words To The Line. u order your ad for two jre times you may cancel ad at any time and pay for the^ number of times your ad appeared, per line, of white space ■ same as line of type. \jews Leader will not be nsible for more than one rect insertion. If your ad- ;ement is wrong notify us t will he corrected, ified advertising copy ac- d up until 5 p.m., Fri- (or Monday’s paper, and 1, Wednesday for Thurs- paper, All classified can- ions the same as copy lines above. and Found blue PARAKEET, CHILD’S very tame, has band on 95504. Lost two weeks. ON WRIST WATCH lilton Road, Call 80642 iai Notice T.4STEL PORTRAITS OF dren and adults call Fran- Crawford, 9-6134, 73 Max- DESK, CARLTON HOUSE $150.00 — Wing Chair, ntz cover $85.00 Christmas Whitehall Shop, Chapel Phone 9479. $25.00 Reward L PAY ,$25.00 TO THE FIRST giving me information ing to the purchase of a ness building on Ea.st Frank- Street, This will be paid 10 as soon as I confirm that building is for sale, with idditional $15.00 if I buy it. ress “Ui. Smith,” Box 1187, pel Hill. ENGRAVINGS :iIILD ENGRAVINGS MADE 1st service—low cost—high lity. For general use in news- ers, pamphlets, all printed ter, also plastic reproductions your Social Security card, dent’s ID cards or anything up to 6” X 8”. Telephone 4 during office hours mobiles For Sale like NEW. SEE SOUTH- Motors, Bypass. PORD CONVERTIBLE. GOOD new Gres, radio, heat- 1947 International pick-up. ll>175. 0. L. Morgan Ge station, 3 miles west. Automobiles For Sale 5 USED CAR BARGAINS WITH THE OK TAG 1953 Buick 4-dr. , $1995 Roadmaster,' power steering, tinted glass, R. & H,, white walls, extra clean. 1953 Chevrolet 4-dr. $1295 Bel Air, R, & H. 1951 Buick 4-dr. $795 Special, Radio & Heater. 1951 Pontiac 4-dr. $795 R. & H. 1&52 Dodge 4-dr. $595 1950 Mercury 4-dr. $495 Black, heater. 1950 Chevrolet $595 Special Club Coupe 1950 Chevrolet 2-dr $595 1949 Chevrolet Club Coupe __ $495 Heater. 1949 Ford 2-dr. Custom $495 1949 Plymouth 4-dr $495 1948 Chevrolet 2-dr.' $295 R. & H. 1940 Plymouth 4-dr. $95 HARRISS-CONNERS CHEVROLET, INC. 501 W. Franklin Phone 9491 Our Salesmen: M. B. Merritt, .Line Merritt, Jimmy Parker, Clarence Burch Services Offered 8 HART’S TELEVISION SERVICE. Phone 96481. FOR HOME DELIVERY OF THE, Greensboro Daily News in Chapel Hill and vicinity phone 8-6366. PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS It’s none too early! Put your family of children on your Christmas cards this year. In formal photos for Christmas made in your own home by ap pointment; wedding photos a specialty. Press Photo Service, Roland Giduz, News Building, Main Street, Carrboro. ENGRAVED AND PRINTED WED- ding invitations, reception cards, informals. University Printery, beneath Suttons. Phone 9-7701. RADIATOR REPAIRS PROMPT service. Reg. gas 28.9c gal. Hi- Way Service Station. Carrboro. Female Help Wanted 9 WANTED: MHIITE FIFTH GRADE teacher with class A grammar certificate for Efland School. Group transportation available. Call Fred V/. Rogers, Principal of Efland, Phone 52321 at Ef land. Male Help Wanted 10 LARGE INSURANCE COMPANY desires Chapel Hill representa tive. Minimum monthly salary $330. Excellent future opportun ities. Call Mr. Mench, Durham 72109. NIGHT MANAGER FOR DAIRY Bar in Chapel Hill. Regular hours, chance to advance in a field- needing men who can manage. Prefer foundtain exper ience. Must be able to supervise. Good income. Write Box DDN, c/o News Leader. Employment Wanted 12 SECRETARY DESIRES PART OR full time work. 95932. Insurance 17 EXCELLENT AUTO LIABILITY and Physical Dapiage Insurance with saving to 20% with a Capital Stock Company-.Safeco Insurance Company of Ameri ca of the famous General of America group. Assets: 185 million dollars, policyholders surplus 75, million. *C. Whid Powell, Smith Bldg. Chapel Hill phone-8478. “Save with Safeco” APARTMENT. SIZE ELECTJIIC refrigerator. Only $15.00, 4- burner gas range .$40.00, also Venetian blinds. Phone 8-6432 after 5 p.m. 7.6 CUBIC FOOT FREEZER. COLD- spot. Seven years old. $75. Phone 9-5609. WE HAVE SUPER TERRIFIC special prices oh our new stock of LIGHTWEIGHT ENGLISH BICYCLES ^ N(} one can compare .wtih our bargain bike quality. . BROWN'S AUTO SUPPLY W. Franklin St. PliOne 6981 LARGE KKNMORE IRONER. Ex cellent condition. Used very little. $55. Call 85235. For Sale 18 FOR SALE: 31/2 MILES FROM Chapel Hill, nice country home, modern, 9 acres of good land, all under fence, cultivated, out building and brooder house for about 1500 chicks. Price right to sell. Shown by appointment. Call 9-9443. TOBACCO STEMS For Lawns, Pastures, Flowers, available now. PRICE--$5.50 Per Ton 3.75 In 5 Ton Lots DURHAM-ORANGE FARM CENTER 3527 Hillsboro Rd. Dial 8-6981 Durham, N. C. NOT FOR YOUR FUDDY- DUDDY OLD AUNT TABITHA OUR NEW GREETING CARDS are definitely jet propelled. GraT» your hat and start looking! INTIMATE BOOKSHOP 205 E. Franklin St. If you have a phone your credit Is listed in your name, good with us. Houses For Sale 301 Farms, Sale or Rent SEVERAL FINE NEW HOMES for sale. Athorne Realty , Chap el Hill 9-2221. 172 ACRES, THREE MILES FROM Chapel Hill. $17,500. Phone 84.33 or 80663. Articles For Rent 19 jIeL) REFRIGERATORS FOR rent by the month. Bennetf ana Blocksidge. Phone 6161. — Dogs, Cats, Pets 22 REGISTERED COCKER PUPS, 6 weeks old, $15. Durham Motor Court Cabin No. 13, Old Chapel 'Hill Road. Property For Rent 25 Houses For Sale 30 MODERN HOME, 2 BATHS, about 8 acres land. 2 miles north on Durham Road. For quick sale. See Thompson & Vincent. Phone 8433 or 80663. NICE OFFICES FOR RENT over Senter’s Drug Store. Rent reasonable, heat and lights fur nished. Apply at Senter’s Drug Store, Carrboro. Apts. For Rent 27 NEW THREE BEDROOM HOME with large fireplace, cedar lined closets, and clear hard wood floors on large wooded lot—4 blocks from Medical Cen ter. Call 95458 in evenings. DEFINED Pedestrian—A driver who has found a parking space. — Dope Sheet, Norfolk, Va. THREE ROOM APARTMENT, furnished or unfurni.shed, hot water and bath, electric stove, near White Cross, .'u’easonable rates. Contact Betti‘6 Ward, Roule 1. • Houses For Rent 28 ONE LARGE FOUR - ROOM apartment. Heat and water furn ished. $85. Another one exactly like this for $80. HOUSES FOR RENT Five room house witli carport, paved road, conveniently locat ed, very reasonable rent. R. G. WINDSOR real ES3WrE & MORTGAGE CO. NEW THREE BEDROOM HOUSE forced hot-air heat, on paved street, priced at only $8,750'. New three bedroom brick home, just $12,000. New home on Westwood Drive near Hospital. 8 rooms plus 2V2 ceramic tile baths, screened in porch, full basement with play room, 2 car garage, laundry workshop. Also this horns fea tures air conditioning and many other modern conveniences. For your housing needs-whatever they may be-call HOUSES FOR SALE 1 2-story house' which can be converted into two apartments. Presently rented for $50 a month. Price for quick sale $4750. $750 down 1 2-bedroom house presently rented for $50 a month on large lot with small house in rear suitable for couple after minor repairs. $4750. $750 down. 1 3-bedroom house 5 years old on landscaped lot 75 x 150.Alumin um awnings. Price $8500. Can be financed. We consider these three particu larly good buys. We also have other listings in Dogwood Acres, Chapel Hill. 108 acres including 10-15 acres suitable for lakesite, also timber estimated worth .$6500 - 700C. Price $12,000. In addition to the above, we have exclusive listings on smaller acreage tracts and houses up to $22,500. ATHORNE REAL ESTATE Durham Road Chapel Hill 9-2221 Reading Matter Is Needed For Negro Center asked to contact •Miss Caldwell at the center or Mrs. W.J. Ogburn, Jr. The Junior Service League is currently working toward the com pletion of a reading roojn in the Negro Comrhunity Center. In ad dition to accessories and materials that have already been bought or donated, sofas, chairs, tables, lamps, books and magazines are needed. Miss Lucille Caldwell, director of the center, has daily requests from children and adults for good reading matter and feels that the reading room is supplying a real need. Books of reference, fiction, non-fiction, and children’s stories are particularly needed. Popular magazines such as Life, Time, Pop ular Science, Readers’ Digest aiiu family magazines are in great de mand. Lots For Sale 31 CHOICE LOTS IN BEST LOCA- tions. Phone 8431. Foushee- Olscn Really Co. WHY RENT A HOUSE OF BRICK OR STONE WHEN A LITTLE PLACE YOU CAN CALL YOUR OWN IS FAR BETTER? (WALT MASON) Persons having discarded items of furniture or books and maga zines that they will donate are CALL US AND SEE this com pact, three bedroom (or two and dining room) house in a pleasant neighborhood where real estate va lues are'sure to rise. Low price and payments no more than rent! TWO FINE OLD HOMES in nice tieighborhoods and easy commut ing distance. Bargains in really at tractive and roomy homes; short drive from Chapel Hill. IN EASY WALKING distance of Medical Building, a handsome, so- ! lidly built, three bedroom home. Memorials LARGE STOCK CUT FROM AL- len and Winnsboro Blue Granite. All work guaranteed. Terms if desired. Buy direct from yard and save agents and salesmen.s commission. Siler City Moun- ment Co., Siler City, N. C. J. C. McTver, owner and m'anager. THREE BEDROOM HOUSE FOR rent $80. per month. Chapel Hill Realty, John A Cates. Phone 6-566 or 9-1071. CHAPEL HILL REALTY John A. Cates Phone 6-566 or 9-1071 Wanted To Rent 29 WANTED TO RENT 3 BED-ROOM HOUSE near University campus, January 15th. 1956 for one year, for college student, doing post graduate work. Contact J.' C. Gatlin, 206 S. Brevard St., Char lotte, N. C. R. G. WINDSOR REAL ESTATE & MORTGAGE CO. Home Loans-Conve^tional, F. H. A. or G. I. Terms Up To 20 Years Interest Rates of 5% or below Over Sloan’s Drug Store Phone 9-1341 or 8-6263 FINE BIG HOMES We have sev eral attractive, large houses for the family wanting space, com fort, and beauty. FOUSHEE-OLSEN REALTY CO REALTORS 108 N. Columbia Phone 8431 COUNTRY PLACE Good condition two bedroom home, located between Chapel Hill and Durham. Large trees on lot shading home, 11 acres of land, fenced for pasture, four outbuildings include barn, chicken house and pump house. Two springs on land that have not run dry. Most reasonably priced at $13,000. GIMGHOUL ROAD Brick veneer dwelling, eight rooms, three bathsj garage and utility room in basement. Can be seen by appointment. Call 8472. Service Insurance and Realty Co. ’'They're Really Moving" PICK YOURS DURING OUR SALE 1953 Plymouth 4-Door. $1395 1953 Chrysler New Yorker,« 4-Dr. P.iS.-i|3VD PB. Club COUNTRY HOME One of Hillsboro’s historic homeplaces, beautifully restor ed, river on land, tenant house in good condition, 210 acres, 65 acres cleared land under culti vation. By appointment only. Service Insurance & Realty Co. 28 Years At Same Location C. E. HORNADAY DICK YOUNG Phone 8472 1949 Studebaker ‘ Com. 4-door ) 1948 Plymouth 4-door 1947 Plymouth 4-dOor 395 $295 $250 1948 Chevrolet 2-dr. extra clean 1950 Dodgt $395 $695 1948 Pontiac 4-door 1950 Nash 2-door $395 $395 Poe Motor Co., Inc. 112 W. Franklin St. CHAPEL HILL Used Car Lot Across from City Hall Main Street, Carrboro MR. VETERAN Buy A Quality Built, Spacious Brick Home On Large Landscaped Lots Get the Most Benefits from Yeur G.l. Bill In Beautiful Colonial Heights ■■ this may be your last opportunity to get a 100% have several new three-bedroom homes almost com- ■ were submitted before the no-down-payment plan was luality-built homes prices range from $16,500 to .$22,500 lut to Colonial Heights development today and select ^ Carolina Construction & Realty Corp. 8408 405 W. FRANKLIN ST. FOR QUICK SALE COMPLETE double bed, roomy mahogany dresser and rocker. Phone 87616, 734 Gimhoul Road. WANTED — SMALL FURNISHED or partially furnished apartment in Chapel Hill. Inexpensive. Phone 9-2308 after 6 p.m. COLE-PAWSON REAL ESTATE SALES; RENTALS & INSURANCE Dial W. Franklin St. Dial 2721 Opposita But Taralna. 272! rt. D. Andrew. — M. J. Daw*»n CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK ORDER YOUR CLASSIFIED AD THE EASY WAY BY MAIL Your Nlime Phone Address "rVrite your complete News Leader classified ad below. Put one .word in each space. Put your address or phone number in the ad below. The cost of your ad for the number of times you wish to run it is at the end of line on which last word is written. STOP YOUR AD AS SOON AS YOU GET RESULTS. YOU WILL BE BILLED ONLY FOR THE NUMBER OF TIMES YOUR AD RUNS. PLEASE PRINT AD HERE 1 ' 1 ! MINIMUM AD 3 LINES / 6 Times 3 Times 1 Time i $ 2.88 $1.62 $ .60 ! i| 3.84 2.16 .80 1 I 1 4.80 , ' 2.70 1.00 I 5.76 3.24 1.20 N 1 .. 1 6.72 3.78 L40 !i 7.68 4.32 1.60 • ' 8.64 4.86 1.80 1 1 !i 9.60 5.40 2.00 ! , 10.56 5.94 2.10 ~ ■■m !;i vW' H: 1 :‘7 it