A son, Robert Harvey, was born to Prof, and Mrs. Harvey Liss Smith of 423 Whitehead Circle on October 23 at Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Smith is the former Lillian Dorothy Kamen of Illinois. Mr. Smith is a professor of sociology in the Division of Health Affairs. Ronaid Martin Webster ■dip; 2 {s 3BSERVE 60TH ANNIVERSARY —. About 200 relatives and ends turned out for the 60th wedding anniversary celebration Mr. and Mrs. James Oscar Franklin of Chapel Hill, Route Two, yesterday afternoon in the Orange Church cabin. All six of couple's children were on hand for the occasion. They are j. H. Duncan of Route Two, Mrs. W. K. Moore of Roxboro, Ruth Franklin of Roxboro, James Marvin Franklin of Durham, W. B. Carr of Matthews, and Wiley Franklin of Carrboro. and Mrs. Franklin are natives of Durham County, but have ad on Route Two near Orange Church for the past 30 years. News Leader Photo S.'Ot ocal Art Entries Are Sought appeal has gone out to all i third annual exhibition of local art, artists in the community to be put on display next week in iter two selections of their the Morehead Building Art Gal- in the School Art Guild’s leries. Exhibitors are asked to bring their entries to the gallery be tween 10 a.m. and noon and 3 and 5 p.m. tomorrow. Otto Stunhlman, chairman of the show, and Mrs. Marjorie Beshers and Mrs. Carol Mason will receive all entries, for which the total fee v.'ill be a dollar. A son, Mark Foster, was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Phillip Webster of 114 Polk Street on October 16 at Memorial Hospital. They have one other child. Mr. Webster is a University student. Cynthia Sue Burden A daughter, Cynthia Sue, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Graham Donald Burden of 260 Jackson Cir cle on October 19 at Memorial Hospital. They have one other child. Mr. Burden is a University law student. Kathryn Kinnaird Everard A daughter, Kathryn Kinnaird, was born to Dr. and Mrs. Stuart James G. Everard of 54 Maxwell Road on October 19 at Memorial Hospital: Mrs. Everard is the former Carolyn Fox of Connecti cut. Dr. Everard is an instructor in the UNC Dental School. Mark Foster Vaughn A son, Mark Foster, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Vaughn of Draper on October 8. Mrs. Vaughn is the daughter of Mrs. John H. Maddry. iV.RS. RAYMOND PENDERGRASS Wooten-Moulton Photo Lewis-Pendergrass Vows Said Art Jurors Forum Is Set On Tuesday evening from 8 un til 10 o’clock there will be a pri vate preview showing for exhibi tors and Art Guild members and their- friends. Dr. Alfred Frankfurter of New York, Robert F. Gates of Washing ton, D. C., and Allen S. Weller of Urbana, Illinois, have been chosen as jurors by the North Carolina Art Society to select the exhibition and to make recommendations for purchase awards in the eighteenth annual North Carolina Artists’ Exhibitions and the ninth annual competition, both of which are sponsored by the State Art Socie ty- Artists and laymen are invited to the Annual Jurors’ Forum to be held Friday at 8 p.m. in the second floor reception room at the State College Union in Raleigh. Those present will have an opportunity to talk informally with the jurors at a coffee hour following the for um. The wedding of Miss Helen Jean Lewis and Raymond Pender grass took place in Graham Satur day evening at 7:30 in the Con cord Methodist Church. The Rev. Daniel Sain officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. James M. Lewis of Graham and ;he late Mr. Lewis. Mr. Pender grass is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Atlas Pendergrass of Carr boro. STUDENT WIVES Miss Ann Molleson of the School of Nursing will be guest speaker at the Student Wives meeting tomorrow at 8 p.m. in ihe Victory Village Day Nursery. I BUSINESS WIVES I The faculty wives of the School I of Business Administration will ! meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. in Car- roll Hall. Hostesses for the even ing will be Mrs. Dudley Cowden and Mrs. Paul Guthrie. Early Christmas Shoppers Special ON SALE ^'iifworth id SIcon Jewelers Imported Handcut Crystal Fruit Bowls Flower Vases Candy Dishes Beautiful Pieces Greatly Reduced AT feil 1* S.ll 'lieai al!t' Phone 9-3331 1^7 E. Franklin St. MERRIMAC SHOP 117 E. Franklin Phone 6361 IsW- doi LAMPS 3ve just received several shipments of floor ible lamps from Paul Hansen, Nelson Lebe, and Mobilite. Lamps range in price from $15 to $55.00 MUSIC BOXES iss and German music boxes have also We have satin-covered boxes which tied on a crib. These play Brahms Lui- ther music boxes play old German and unes. Nuptial music was presented by Miss Viola Perry, pianist, and Mrs. Harold Gibson of Roanoke, Va. cousin of the bride and soloist. William Lewis of Graham gave his sister in marriage. Her only- attendant was Mrs. Frank Findley a sister. Grady Sturdivant served as best man. Ushers were James Alfred Pendergrass, brother of the bride groom; and Frank Lindley, broth er-in-law of the bride. On their return from a wed ding trip Mr. and Mrs. Pendergrass v/ill be at home in Carrboro. The bride is a graduate of Eli Whitney High School. Mr. Pen dergrass is a graduate of Chapel Hill High School and was recent ly discharged from the Ai-my. He is employed with'the Chapel Hill Tire Company. Personal Mention (Phone 8444 For Contributions To This Column) Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sugioka are visiting friends in New York. Prof. Richard E, Jamerson left yesterday to attend the first Nationa. on Intramural Sports for College Men and Women Conference being held in Washington, D. C. Mrs, William Hopkins of Baltimore, Maryland, was a recent guest oi Prof, and Mrs. W. L. Wiley. , t> Miss Blanche Dyer of Baltimore visited last week with Mrs. L. de R. MacMillan. Mrs. George Logan is visiting here with her daughter, Miss Alice Logan, in Glen Lennox. Miss Cornelia Love left today on a visit to New York and points north Prof. Harry' Martin of UNC will give a progress report of a current study' being (Conducted here at the 53rd annual convention of the North Carplina State Nurses Association to be held tomorrow through Thursday in Winston-Salem. Prof. Harvey L. Smith, also of the University, will be a principal speaker at the Thursday session. Mrs. J. Newton Merritt has moved from 38 Hayes Road, Glen Lennox, to Morgan Creek Road. Mr. ad Mrs. Wallace E. Caldwell and James L. Godfrey will return tomorrow from Providence. Rhode Island, where Profs. CaldweL and Godfrey have been official representatives of the University at the inauguration of the new President of Brown University. James Blake, Jack Long, and Wanger Harw-ard returned Wednesday from Cape Hatteras where they spent several days fishing. They said they caught “blues” just about as fast as they could pull them in, and cleaned and brought back about 75 of them. Profs. Thelma G. Thurstone and A. M. Jordan of the University School of Education, as well as Thomas Jeffrey, John J. Hellinger, John Kelton and Rolf Bargmann attended an Invitational Conference on Testing Problems over the weekend at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh N. Beattie of Cleveland and Medina, Ohio, were w'eekend guests of Dean and Mi's. N. N. Luxon. A number of Chapel Hill friends called on Sunday afternoon to meet the Beatties. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bloom of Peoria, Illinois, were weekend guests of Mrs. Lucy Street, with whom they toured Europe last spring Gloria Basile, daughter of Prof, and Mrs. David G. Basile, is a patient in a Durham hospital. Mrs. Rebecca B. Scoggin and Miss Lou Davis of Raleigh and Miss Virginia Poekey of Asheville, were Saturday visitors to see several friends here. Mrs. Adams Reports On Citation To WIL Mrs. Raymond Adams has just -eturned from a national board neeting of the Women’s Interna tional League for Peace and Free dom in Philadelphia, w'here it was announced by Mrs. Meta Reisman, president of the U. S. section of the organization, that the WILPF has been cited by the State De partment for its work and support of the United Nations. John Foster Dulles, Secretary of ! State, in the citation expressed his 1 deep appreciation of the work done, not only by the Women’s Interna tional Laegue, Put by all American I non - governmental organizations How The Village Cooks By MRS. MARK HANNA Guest Columnist: Nuncy Winborne Today’s recipe by Mrs. Mark Hanna combines the ingredients of complete simplicity and intrigu- | ing taste. This dish, because it is ^ so inexpensive, is as suitable for ’ a gala occasion as for a family ; dinner. It takes only a minute to | prepare and your oven does the rest. You’ll find this recipe in the revised and enlarged “Carolina Cooking” now on sale at many stores throughout the town. The Junior Service League has placed them so that you will have no dif ficulty in obtaining one. HINTS; The ingredients may be put into the casserole in any order. For a taste change omit the mushrooms and use onion soup in stead of the bullion. Allow at least an hour for cooking. It is done v/hen all the liquid is absorbed by the rice. This is good served with beef or pork. The New fall Book Bargains Are Now On Display THE INTIAAATE BOOKSHOP 205 E. Franklin St. Open Till 10 p.m. MRS. MARK HANNA News Leader Photo Sport Shirt RICE CASSEROLE SALE 1 stick butter or margarine 1 can beef bouillon can water 1 cup raw rice 1 4-ounce can drained mush rooms (cut into small pieces if! whole) Reg. Values To $5.95 $099 ENGAGED—Miss Mabel Jeanette Lashley, daughter of Mr. and J. M. Lashley of Route One, Chapel Hill, will become the bride of Ernest Eugene Edwards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Edwards also of Route One on Thanksgiving day. Wooten-Moulton Photo Cut butter into four or five pieces. Place in two-quart cass erole. Add remaining ingredients. Cover. Place in 350 degree oven. Check in one hour to sec if liquid has been absorbed. A few more minutes may be required. Serves six. A FINE SELECTION OF LONG-SLEEVED, SMART LY-STYLED SHIRTS IMPORTED FABRICS, FLANNELS, WASHABLE COTTONS, ETC. A. SUGGS HOWARD PASSES PLAIDS, CHECKS, STRIPES, AND SOLID COLORS Music Boxes from $6.00 to $22.00 PACE Gien Lennox Shopping Center, Chapel Hil Open Daily 9:30 AM., to 5:30 P.M. For Flowers—For Gifts it's University Florist "Flowers by Wire World-Wide'' 124 E. Franklin Phone 6816 A. Suggs Howard, the father of' the Rev. B. J. Howard, died last | Monaay morning at his home in Lee County. He would have been I 97-years-old on Wednesday. Mr.' I Howard had been in good health: recently, but suffered a serious j fall the week before his death. The funeral was held last Tues- i day and was followed by burial in ■ Baptist Chapel Hill cemetery, j Another son and four daughters! survive, in addition to the Rev.! Mr, Howard of Chapel Hill | TOP VALUES AT THE HEIGHT OF THE FALL SEASON AT: gTEVEKS- SHEPHERD LEDBETTER-PICKARD Says "Thank You" The following prize winners in our Saturday drawing are asked to bring their ticket stubs to the store and receive their prizes. NAME Will Spong NUMBER 1409 Mack Lampert 2488 George Wray 2580 Carol Earp 1691 W. B. McDevitt 2727 Liz Gardner 1716 Robert L. Hawkins ....1997 D. Aeschleman 3315 Mrs. Blair Parks 3396 Donald Nance 1479 Black 1640 Vivian Cole 1722 Mrs. John Ensign 1643 Paul M|oor ., S. Christides Aliie Blake .1842 .3365 .3471 Milton Kabler 1724 Doug Henderson 1723 John Williams 2897 Sandra Mclver 3286 Mrs. C. T. Kaylor 1835 Tony Dees 1559 "i. G. Harrington .1881 Leroy T. Fort 3425 Bob Nichols- 2747 Bill Hathaway 2422 M. Etheridge 3216 Mac Mehaffy .1 1492 Gene Morris 1490 Jim Inabinet 1413 R. C. Andrews 3338 Mrs. D. P. Dobson 2604 W. P. Stephens 2036 Sallie Bahnsen 2394 J. Dorsett 2932 Gary Tise 3211 Joann Bridges 1604 C. A. Inglesby 1684 John Talbott 1494 Ruth Boyce 1682 Horton Upchurch 3217 J. L. Shepard ...2919 Mrs. Paul Green 1814 William R. Peterson 3476 Mary Jane Wing 2610 Walter W. Long 3484 lo Ward 3481 Gladys Gravis 1213 Pokey Alexander 1518 Howard Little Jr. 3415 P, Houghton - 3467 Bill Ellis 1661 Betsy Fitch 2930 Barbara Pendergratt 3482 J. Mellinger 3378 Roberta Champin .2531 Mrs. Sue Littlejohn 1678 L. Guesten 2002 Neal Morgan 1840 L. utz Magler 3371 A. S. Winsor 2413 Mrs. J. D. Thayer 2684 Nina C. Allen 2938 Jane Dicks _.2101 Avery Russell 1517 D. J. Floyd 1651 Peter Gems 1705 Marilyn Hedrick 2556 Mrs. Robinson 2553 M. Parker ...1688 Jeeji Marr ..._.3257 Honorio Pasion 3330 Agnes Merritt t „ 2492 E. R. Lewis Annie Stephen Belle Hampton Jake Trexier Betty Marks Frances Proctor -3405 .2034 .2416 -1495 1665 2395 Mrs. Ruth Homewood 3268 Mrs. Frank Mann 3395 R, E. Sumner )2536 Louise Poe _.1668 .2400 .3477 -1202 .2148 .1446 Mrs. R. C. Hanes Herman Goodwin I Robert L. Howkins i Susan Fink W. B. Aycock J. Q. LeGrand 1741 W. R. Straughn 2088 Gloria Williams 1733 Louise Stone 1839 W. H. Plemmons 2899 Sally Sloan 2931 Amorette Bryant Audrey Johnson .. Robert Saxon J. D. Bynum 1378 C. W. Saunders ... 3322 Frank Parrish 3320 Robert Kuhns .1685 Dr. Fred Patterson 1361 Lois Filley 2591 I JVifs. R. H. Marks 1664 j Mrs. A. H. Bryan 3321 Dottie Batten 2402 Virginia Gratz 1548 Jimmy Mytos 1455 B. R. Tingle 2118 Linda Blaney 1454 I Nancy Turner 2622 R. M. King, Jr. 1788 Harry Hobbs 3485 Wiley Brown 2077 Magoffin .2498 I Joe Hilton 2908 I Kimsey King 2774 Joan Renger 2570 D. D. Chipman 1630 M. Eubanks 1976 Peggy Ward 3256 I Mrs. Don Bain 2081 : R. M. Joyner . 2050 Leonard Hampton 2586 LEDBETTER-PICKARD E. Franklin Street Phone 4611 u M