21/ 195j CHAPEL HILL NEWS LEADER PAGE SEVEN lassified ad TES lum Charge le Janes fper Line Insertions |pe>' Line ■ Insertions Iper Line Average Words She Line. id Found 3>rWEST FRANKLIN male fox terrier, long bite and black spots, 7 old. 9-1281. S ^|your ad for two ^gs yea may cancel at any time and pay the [number of times ir ad appeared, line of white space mejas. line of type. Leader will not be )le for^more thah one insertion. If your ad- ent is wrong notify us 11 be corrected, j advertising copy ac~ ip until 5 p.ni.,.' Fri- Monday's paper, and Wednesday for Thurs- )er. All classified can- 5 the same as, copy s above. : ■ ■ Special Notices 3 Male Help Wanted $25.00 Reward t WILL PAY $25.00 TO THE FIRST person giving me information leading to the purchase of a business building on East Frank lin Street. This will be paid SIO.OO as soon as I confirm that the building is for sale, with an additional $15.00 if I buy it. Address ‘.‘Ur. Smith,,” Box 1187, Chapel Hill. - ' WHITE OR COLORED SHEET metal and roofing worker. Phone 8-3207. For Sale BROKE BEAGLES FOR SALE. Two to three years old. Ill Cald well Street. Phone 98807. -^OR PASTEL... PORTRAITS OF children and adults, call Fran ces Crawlord, 9-6134, 73 Max well Rd ENGRAVINGS 'AIRCHILD ENGRAiVINGS MADE —fast service—low cost—high I quairty. For general use in'news- ! papers, pamphlets, all printed matter, also plastic reproductions of your Social Security card, Student’s ID cards or anything 'else up to 6” x 8”. Telephone 8-444 during office hours BOTTLED GAS STOVE IN GOOD condition. Thermostat controlled oven, broiler, and two shelves. $20. Phone 95676. Notice — 3 SfTjNfoFANTIQUES ft items. Whitehall Shop :HiNCH!LLAS ait? Secure breeders now isy to,raise. Litter guarar 'ite for facts, price list ve data and picture' d convince yourseif. Rf if desired. Have lived h arles all my life. )0N M. DALTON il||| JlOB Lake Charles, La EXCELLENT AUTO LIABILITY and Physical Damage Insurance with saving to 20% with a Capital Stock Company-.Safeco Insurance Company of Ameri ca of the famous General; of America group. Assets: 185 million dollars, policyholders surplus 75 million. C. Whid ^ Powell, Smith Bldg. Chapel Hill ; phone 8478. “Save with Safeco” ' \ufomobiles For Sale 5 32 GMC 1-2T PICK-UP, A-1 Con dition, reasonable. Pete Koonce, University Cleaners, Carrboro. Phone 91901. 1950 PLYMOUTH ALL-METAL station wagon. Good condition; priced for quick sale; Phone 8-6461 after 5 p.m. Memorials LARGE STOCK CUT FROM AL- Icn and Winnsboro Blue Granite. | All work guaranteed. Terms if i desired, Buy direct from yard j 1 and save agents and salesmens [ commission. Siler City Moun- ‘ ment Co,, Siler City, N. C. J. C. Mclver, owner and manager. 76 Athletes Are At UNC Of! Grants N. C. Patriots Group Gives Its Objectives ON HIKE YESTERDAY If you have a phono listed in your name, your credit is good with us. Rooms For Rent 26 WE HAVE SUPER TERRIFIC special prices on oui- new slock MODERN BRICK HOME, WHITE Oak Drive off Old Chapel Hill Road. 5 miles north hospital. Family privileges. Call Durham 76941. of 1956 FORD CUSTOMLINE TUDOR. Blue, V-8, radio, heater, white walls. 1900 miles, $400 down. Call or see Charles Stevens, 18 Old West Dorm. Phone 89026. iervices Offered 8 ;NGRAVED ANB PRINTED WED- ding invitations, reception cards, informals. University Printery, beneath Suttoris. Phone '9-7701. LIGHTWEIGHT ENGLISH BICYCLES ' No one can compare wtih our bargain bike qualii-y. j BROWN'S I AUTO SUPPLY i W. Franklin St, Phone 6981' LARGE KENMORE IRONER. EX-' cellent condition. Used very j little. $55. Call 85235. Houses For Rent 28 Huiet Location two bedroom, two bath good neighborhood. All spacious and well plan- iviier leaving town and excellent buy. oul Road ry brick home, four bed- thre^aths, large living li'.h ^replace, full base- ilh garage.. Close to town lool^viihin walking dis- HOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS It’s none too early! Put your family or children on your Christmas cards this year. In formal photos for Christmas made in your own home by ap pointment; wedding photos a specialty.' Press Photo Service, Roland Giduz, News Building, Main- Street, Carrboro. iADIATOR REPAIRS PROMPT service. Reg. gas 28.9c gal. Hi- Way Service Station. Carrboro. emaie Help Wanted 9 B n Avenue n home on large ne paneled living room, lichen and dihTflg tirea, ith, screened porch. 0(1 Greenwood litioned new brick home, hedrooms, two and V2 0 tiled baths, cypress 1 s^dy, large efficient fii-piace indiving room, m neighborhood, d qtial- 00 tor fine living. Weaver Road oondition two bedroom lietween Chapel Hill and 11 acres of land fenced, oliire, four outbuildings, producing springs on /ANTED: WHITE FIFTH GRADE teacher with class A grammar certificate' for. .Efiand School. Group transp.qrtation available. Call Fred W. Rogers., Principal of Efiand, Phone 52321 at Ef iand. NOT FOR YOUR FUDDY-! DUDDY OLD AUNT TABITHA HOUSES FOR RENT ONE LARGE FOUR - ROOM apartment. Heat and water furn ished. $85. Another one exactly like this for $80. Five room house with carport, paved road, conveniently locat ed, very reasonable rent. R. G. WINDSOR REAL ESTATE & MORTGAGE CO. NEW TWO AND THREE BED- room houses. Chapel Hill Realty. Phone 6566. Wanted To Rent 29 OUR NEW GREETING CARDS j are definitely jet propelled. Grab I your hat and start looking! INTIMATE BOOKSHOP 205 E. Franklin St. GOOD HOUSE TRAILER, THREE rooms, hot water, electric re frigerator, gas stove. Buddy Thomas. Phone 95552. • Seeds, Plants, Flowers 21 Male Help Wanted 10 AT ONCE THREE INTELLIGENT, NEAT Ap pearing men who desire a per manent connection with a large, growing organization. Must be willing to work and start at our terms. This means $50 to $100 to start. If you mean business apply in person 110 E. Main St., (upstairs) Durham. 9 ‘til 5. K'OSES ARE AKRIVING, PL.4CE your order now. Cow manure and planting service. Chapel HiL Niu'seiv. 8-5606. C'illCKEN MANURE FOR CALE; excellent fertiLzer lor lawns, plants, flowers. Phone Jack Kirk, 9-7333. Property For Rent 2i i\luE oir'Ryigv, joR rent o\’er Senter's Uni.j store. Rent reasonable, heat ana lights ;ur- nished. Apply at Senter’s Drug Store, Carrboro. Country Herne ••'us Country home on 210 “ith river frontage, a ‘“at has retained the his- 9'*’ its early Orange hajWw'ith its wide ver-, '“t a,home that has the jOB' “ws of modern leisure, heating,, completely «i. two .m;odern baths, y living within easy ac- ipill Iissiiraiice Rfealfy Co. “““S'At Same Location ‘ [HORNADAY YOUNG ffone 8472 Only In Colonial Heights'.. Are All These Advantages Available QUALITY BUILT, SPACIOUS B/ICK HOMES ON LARGE LANDSCAPED LOTS. Hard Surfaced Streets, 30 feet wide. One-half mile from city limits. Curb and Gutter. City Water, , City Sewage, No City Taxes, Large Wooded Lots, some more than an acre m area. Approved for FHA and VA financing. In Chapel Hill School District. Telephone Service. t/^ These quality-built homes prices range from $16,o00 to ^^DHve out to Colonial Heights development today and select V GARAGE IN CHAPEL HILL, Pre ferably near University. David L. Heck, 39 Lewis Dorm. Phone 8-9055. .VANTED — SMALL FURN’ISHED or partially furnished apartment in Chapel Hill, Inexpensive. Phone 9-2308 after 6 p.m. Lots For Sale 31 CHOICE LOTS IN BEST LOCA- tions. Phone 8431. Foushee'- Olsen Realty Co. Farms, Sale or Rent 32 About 100 acres, 7 room house,; running water, modern kitchen,' basement, barns and outbuild- j ings. About 50 acres in cultiva- , tion, balance in growing timber. 9 miles from Chapel Hill, 1/4 mile off hard-surface road | 8 acres •wdth 4 room residence, running water, mo(iern kitchen, 3 miles from Chapel Hill on NC 86. 5 acres with 5 room house, bath and heat 2 miles from Chapel Hill, one block off US 15. 157 acres growing timber land. 10 miles from Chapel Hill. 172 acres growing timber near Fittsboro. • All the above properties are priced yery reasonable. For further in formation call THOMPSON AND VINCENT, 8433, nights 8-0663, Chapel Hill. Houses For Sale 30 ;EW THREE BEDROOM HOME with large fireplace, cedar lin d closets, and clear hard- wmoc' floors on large wooded lot—4 blocks from Medical Cen ter. Call 95453 in evenings. If you have a phone listed in our name your credit is good for Vews Leader Classified Ads. R. G. WINDSOR lEAL ESTATE & MORTGAGE CO Koine Loans-Conventional, F. H. A. or G. I. Tern.s Up To 20 Years Interest Rates of 5% or below Over Sloan's Drug Store Phone 9-1341 or 8-6263 NEW LISTINGS FIRST TIME OFFERED New' brick home on nice wooded lot. Three-bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, priced at rnly $12,000. New three-bedroom brick home in quiet neighborhood. Price $11, 500. Quaint modern homo in Dog wood Acres. Three bedrooms and TODAY fight II yp I ,'i ID By BILL CORPENING D. D. Carroll, chairman of the University Scholarship Committee, has announced that 76 athletes are now attending the University on athletic scholarships. The scholarships, according to Dean of Admissions Roy Arm strong, are awarded by a special subcommittee of the University Scholarship Committee and are classified a,s “Grants-in-Aid” to athletes. Funds for the scholar ships are endowed completely by alumni and friends of.the Univers ity, according to Armstrong. Six sports are included by the scholarships, said Armstrong and Mr. Carroll. They are football, basketball, baseball, tennis, track and swimming. The bulk of the scholarships, said Armstrong, is awarded to football and basketball athletes. No official tabulation of the number of scholarships for each sport could be obtained yes terday. Armstrong declined to reveal the names of the scholarship hold ers for this year. He said it is the policy of the University Scholar ship Committee not to publish the names of holders of University scholarships. He added that a part ial reason for this policy is to avoid promoting “bad feeling” among those students who do not have such scholarships. The sizes of the scholarships, said Ariustrong, range from partial cov erage ($100-$400) to full coverage (up to $1,000). A National Colleg iate Athletic Assn. (NCAA) regu lation states that no athletic schol arship may cover more than the necessary college expenses. The size of each scholarship, said Mr. Carroll, depends upon the need and qualifications of the recipient. Armstrong pointed out that con tribution by alumni to athletic .scholarship funds is a “good thing” for the University. He said as a result the University is free to award more scholastic scholarships. Armstrong pointed out particul arly, however, that University athletes were far from possess ing “all brawn and no brain.” He said an estimated 80 percent of all athletes graduated, as contrast ed with^only 30 percent of the reg ular student body. He remarked that the high scholastic standing of University athletes was due chiefly to more stringent schol astic ' requirements than those maintained by other colleges. Every University athlete must pass 24 semester hours with a grade of C or better in half his subjects to be academically eligible to partici pate in his sport, said Armstrong. No athletic scholarship will be aw'arded unless the applicant meets the following requirements, ac cording to Mr. Carroll and Arm strong: (1) Every applicant must have the qualifications necessary lor en trance to the University; (2) Every applicant must be recommended by his high school principal as expected to fulfill his obligations under the Honor Code; A resoluUon of the Patriots of North Carolina, Inc, was released vesterday by Executive Secretary \llison -lames, in which the ob jects and purposes of the organi zation w'ere stated. Dr. W. C. George, member of the University Medical School fac ulty, is president of the Patciots. The resolution stated the aims of the organization- are “to pro- j mote the value of maintaining the existing social structure in North Carolina in which two distinct races'heretofore have lived as sep arate groups, and the value of educating the different races in separate schools,” and “to cooper ate with and support our state and local civil authorities, agencies and committees, including state and local school boards and offi cials, to.the extent that they are favorable to the ohjects and pur poses herein set forth.” The report read that the Nation al Assn, for the Advancement of Colored People (N.A.4CP) hnd its “white collaborators” have as their •innouneed purpose the breakine town of all racial lines. It said ■he NAACP has already demanded North Carolina laws against mixed marriages be repealed. “It is believed . . . that we will he in for many decades of bad "ace feeling and strife unless ■emelhing is done to counteract 'he leadershin of such' organizn 'ieps and loaders ” Thev called noon tlio Governor, 'he Coui''-eil of State, the Attorney Go.neral. t^o .stotp Bon-^d o*' Edpoa- ‘inn and all school anlborities. the state Legislature and othor public officials and agencies of the stale, oountv and local government rn use governmental po-wo'rs and all "psources to accomplish these •urns. Fifteen members of Carrboro Scout Troop 45 took an afternoon hike to Winslow William’s cabin near Calvander on Saturday after noon. Leaders were Ray Puckett, Sandy Morton, and Scoutmaster Ralph Howard. The boys partici pated in three scoulcraft contests-— string biuming, tent peg making, and wood chopping. 1 has laiisaaaia Pyrex PERCOLATORS 4 Cup Size 2 75 ARDWARB (3) Applicants must be recom mended by the University coach of their prospected sport. After applicants have been ap proved by the Grant-in-Aid Com- mittes. final selections are made by the University Scholarship Com mittee. Although most scholar ships are awarded only for one year, some are renewable for four full years, according to Armsirong. Francis Bacon: “Houses afe built to live in, more than to look on; there fore let u:sa be preferred before uniformity, except where both may be had.” Both beauty and convenience are being provided in the build ing of this outstanding home. ■WTiy not watch its develop ment? See the excellent work manship going into this plan- :ied-for-beauty ANI> convenience house. Have the final w’ord in decorating and details. For this fine new home and for homes of all sizes and price ranges call or see John Foushee, Sarah Olsen, or Bill Olsen .Jr. 8431 on your dial can. find you the home of your choice. FOUSHEE - OLSEN ReaSiy Co. REALTORS 108 N. Calumbia Phone 8431 HAS •arport. On large landscaped lot. Price—$12,500. CHAPET. HIJ,L REALTY John A. Cates Phone 6-566 or 9-1071 New brick veneer home, three bedrooms, ili baths, in .Dog wood Acres. Priced reasonably, small down payment, easy terms. K. B. Cole, owner. Phone 99607. MARTINI PITCHER With Glass Mixing Rod. .50 [£ UGG INS ARDWARE 50 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON .. 52 MERCURY Hardtop $59o 52 STUDEBAKER 4-Dr. $545 1950 HUDSON Pritchard & Little Motor Co. Used Car Lot on Main Street in Carrboro—Phones 9-444 & 8-1301 Look At These Used Car Bargains ‘51 BUICK 4-Door Special, Radio &-Heater. Was $895 NOW 795 '51 WILLIS JEEP Panel Vi Ton. Was $695 NOW 495 1695 COLE-DAWSON 53 BUICK 4-Door Rcadmaster. Power Steering, Tinted Glass, Radio & Heater, White Walls, Extra Clean. Was $1955 NOW '54 CHEVROLET Bel-Air Sports Coupe. Radio and Heater. Was $1695. NOV/ '53 CHEVROLET 4-Door Bel Air, Radio & Heater. Was $1295. NOW '50 MERCURY 4-Door Black, Heater. Was $495 NOW 395 '40 PLYMOUTH 4-Door Was $195. NOW 95 '50 CHEVROLET" Club Coupe, Special. Was $595. ^95 '51 PONTIAC 4-D ocr Was $895 NOW 795 NOW '49 DODGE 4 Door Was $495. NOW '49 FORD 4-Door Custom, Radio & Heater. Was $495, NOW your home. CAROLINA CONSTRUCTORS & REALTY CORP. POWELL BUILDING phone 8408 W- franklin ST REAL ESTATE SALES, RENTALS & INSURANCE Dial w. Franklin St. Dial Opposite Bus Terrainei 2721 I'LL 1 '■■'(■■I >e'S ,!S J

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