MOViMBiR 28, 1955 CHAPEL HILL NEWS LEADER PAGE THRE* ^OnflGD S NgWS Cradle Call Incy Winborne Women's Editor Scott Covington Marsh A son, Scott Covington, was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Covington Marsh of Route Two on November 16 at Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Marsh is the former Margaret Car rington Burch of , Washington, D. C. Mr. Marsh is a student in the University. Aline Lynn Eades A daughter, Aline Lynne, was born to Mi', and Mrs. Irvine Hu bert Eades of Route Three on No vember 16 at Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Eades is the former Alice Louise Lorenzen of Nebraska. Mr. Eades is a University student. 'Grass Roots' Stars Will Give Sixth Petite Musicale Sunday “Opera Night” will be observed in the Petites Musicales Series at the University Sunday when two stars from the Grass Roots Opera Company will appear at 8 p.m. in Graham Memorial Main Lounge. Miss Mary Jennings and William Beck, soprano and bass, will ap pear in concert, accompanied by Valter Golde of Chapel Hill. The Petites Musicales are presented by Graham Memorial Activities Board and are open to the public free of charge. Mr. Beck is a native of Wades- boro and is now singing his fourth sea,son with the Grass Roots Com pany. He graduated in 1941 from Duke University, where he was baritone soloist with the glee club I and was active in the university -choir and Hoof ’n Horn musicals. During the summer months he ap peared in several opera produc tions of the Juilliard School of Mus ic in New York, where he was studying. He has also sung with the Mannes School of Music and with a San Francisco troupe. Miss Jennings, a native of Ar kansas, attended the University of Arkansas and in 1951 represented her state at the beauty contest in Atlantic City where she placed third in the nation. With the Grass Roots Company she has appeared in ‘Carmen,” “School for Lovers,” “Hansel and Gretel,” “La Ti'aviata,” and “The Secret Marriage.” UNC WRESTLERS OPEN The Carolina wrestling team opens its tough ten-game schedule against The Citadel December 9. and closes out the season at the ACC championship meet at Mary land March 1-3. The schedule in cludes Davidson, Duke, Washing ton & Lee, N. C. State, Wake For est, VPI, VMI, Maryland, and Vir- lanGuage bulletin RELEASED gmia. Their Chapel Hill program will include works by Luly, Respighi, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Massager, j and Bimboni. The fall edition of the Soittb Atlantic Bulletin, official publi cation of the South Atlantic Mo dern Language A.ssociation, ju: 1 released in Chapel Hill, contain reports on literai-y meetings, comparison of British and Amer ican university offerings, review.'^ of new books and other articles. ' Frank M. Duffy of the UNC F niance Languages Depai'toient h editor of the bulletin, which published quarterly. iritffiil .'T' •’f Junior League To Hear Panel On Recreation The November meeting of the Junior Service League will be held tomorrow at 2:30 p. m. in the Episcopal Parish House. Guest speakei-s will be Gran Childress, Dr. Kemp Jones and Bob Cox whose topic will be “Recreation District — To Be or Not To Be.” Mr. Childress, is president of the Jaycees, and Dr. Jones is Co-Chairman of the Recreation Committee. Mr. Cox is a past president of the Jay cees. m EDDING toast—Making the traditional wedding toast are dMrs. John Clifford Earnhardt Jr., .who were married on No- 19 in the Chapel of the Cross here. Mrs. Earnhardt is the iJean Chandler Andrews, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. s of Bolin-Brook Farm, Chapel Hill. The groom Ts the son of Bmhardt and the late Mrs. Earnhardt of Chapel Hill. IVliitley-Scott Photo NEWCOMERS lhapei Hill—Carrboro~G!en Lennox—Rural Coke Party Is Given For Coed College Set A Coke party for coeds in the local college set home fo-r the Thanksgiving holidays was given by Miss Kristi Pendergraft on Fri day afternoon at her home on East Rosemary Street. Invited guests were Misses San dra Kednocker, Rosalind Johnson, Penny Martin, her classmate Judy Myers of Louisville, Kentucky, Ce cilia Husbands, Ann Lou Jamer- son, Janelle King, Bryte Abernethy, Marilyn Scott of St. Louis, Doro thy Moore, Nancy Davis, Stuart Pendergraft, Peggy Hinson, Nancy Tilson, Nancy Pendergraft Barbara Cole, Clai'ence Meiritt, Helen Ho gan, Sally Burket, and Susan Saun ders. nd MRS. SIDNEY ELLER ir children, CHERYL, 10, ON.tRD, 15, moved to 155 in Road a few weeks ago Ew York City. Mr. Eller is 1 with the Reverie Linge- in Hillsboro. LES JAVENS and his MERALDA, are living at Dawes Street. Mr. Dawes, of Mount Doar, Florida, is late student in Spanish at IS. Javens is from Brazil. H. H. BASS of Henderson is spending the winter here and doing some writing. Living with her at 506 Pritchard Avenue are ' her mother and daughter, MRS. PAUL GOW and MISS ELIZABETH I BASS. I ANDREW J. BARTLEY, his wife, THELMA, and their son, JON, 8, have recently moved here from Raleigh. The family is living at 105 North Street while Mr. Bartley, : who is on leave of absence from j the State College faculty, is en- ' gaged in graduate study at UNC. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! How The Village Cooks By MRS. MARK HANNA (i«on Tea for 75 People bliday season is here with Is gayness and party giving, [[your worries about the «'ill be taken care of be- if'an exciting brand new in Cai'olina Cooking, “Come irtv.” i'of Chapel Hill’s favorite K have contributed this sec- Dt only will you find me- |also the details of pian- [thas when to set the table, Irange it, etc. If you fol io wtheir directions, you will find that “parties are meant for fun— even for the hostess.” Mrs. C. P. Spruill has arranged our first partyj an afternoon tea. We cannot even begin to give you all of her excellent sugges tions here, so we must limit our selves to one recipe. Menu: tuna sandwiches, cheese ribbon sandwiches, or cheese bis cuits, open-face cucumber rounds, butterscotch nut refrigerator cook ies .orange-cocoanut cookies, easy chocolate drop cookies, tea and Monday, November 28 Mrs. William Page, Mrs. David E. Brodigan, Dr. C. C. Fordham, Mrs. J. Monroe, William D. Ramsey and Mrs. Robert Fleming. Tuesday, November 28 E. G. Kenion. Wednesday, November 30 William G. Pierson, Mrs. Theo dore Granger. Mrs. H. R. Brashear, Mrs. J. A. Carter, Miss Suzanne Axworthy, Mrs. Martin H. Keeler and Zan Z. Cochran. hristmas hopping Is ^ore Fun incf Costs coffee. Quick and Easy Cheese Biscuits Grate Va po'und of sharp cheese and mild American cheese. With a fork, mix cheese into three packages of prepared pie-crust. Add V2 spoon red pepper and one teaspoon paprika. Gradually add one six-ounce can frozen lemonade. Mix well. Roll thin on wax paper and with a IVz inch biscuit cutter, cut into rounds. Press with a fork, sprinkle with paprika, bake at 400 degrees un til edges begin to brown or 12 to 15 minutes. This makes 200 biscuits. They can be stored in freezers for many weeks. Hints: During a large tea there is so much to do that nothing should be left till tile last minute that can possibly be done ahead and only those foods that are ea sy to serve should be used. Any thing requiring last-minute cook ing, heating ,or spreading should be avoided. ess At he Intimate Bookshop P FrankI in St. Open Till 10 PM. TRUI TO UFi w Informal Photography (By appointment at your home) Wedding Photos A Specialty PRESS PHOTO SERVICE ROLAND GIDUZ Ofc,—News Building, Main SU Carrber# For Every Member Of The Family \4 Yes, for Father, Mother, Sister, Brother and all the kin folks we have just the right Christmas gift to make them all happy. Come and see them ... and note how much you save when you shop at MMiite Oaks. Lovely Nylon Slips Fine quality nylon in tailored and lace trimmed styles... they make lovely gifts. 2.98 Give Her A Beautiful New Lacy Gown She’ll simply adore these exquisite new nylon gow’ns with their beautiful lace t.lmmings. 3.98 Nylon Gift Hosiery Where can you get first quality nylon hose such as we sell at this low, low price? You can afford to give her several pairs. 89 up Cotton Blouses Many colorful new cotton blouses in the most wanted styles. Also Mac Shore styles. priced at only... 1.98 up Women's House Robes Quilted robes, silk robes, cotton robes in a variety of smart ^ new styles and colors ..... at only ... 2.98 up Girls and Misses Robes Daughter likes to look smartly (pressed In a robe around the house the .same as mother does, remember her with one this C.'iristmas... 2.98 up Girls Christmas Dresses Many beautiful new styles in lovely new cot ton fabrics that will delight the heart of any girl this Christmas. 5.95 r A Wool Flannel Skirts Full cut softly textured all wool skirts in all the desired styles and colors. 2.98 up Scotch Nap Sweaters Fine quality, soft wool sweat ers in slip-over and cardigan styles.... sizes fpr misses and women. 3.95 up Ladies Scuffs Soft and pliable in comfortable corduroy, terry cloth and flan nel. A pei'fect gift. 1.98 Men's Slacks All wool flannel slacks in charcoal grey and other desirable colors ... a real value at this low price. 9.95 up Men's Dress Shirts You can’t beat these nationally advertisted men’s dress shirts for fine quality fabrics and tailoring, they’re full cut and made to fit right... every man can use more. 2.98 up \r U CORO Costume Jewelry A fine collection of Coro costume jewelry including pins, earings, bracelets and neck pieces ... only .. $1 and 1.98 Briefs—Panties Why not give her seven of them, one for every day in the week for no woman ever has too many. 39i up Boy's Pajamas Fine quality cotton pajamas in a good selection of patterns. 1.98 up Gift Ties Good selection of ties in several dif ferent fabrics, good patterns and solid colors. 1.00 up Rugby Wool Sweaters 100% all wool Rugby sweaters; wool and or- lon mixtures in the most wanted colo.s for fall and winter wear. 5.98 up ■ biif'i 1 SU'. 1 \ - -Ji Printed Aprons Here is a gift that al ways goes over big and brightens up ones spir it while busying pround the house. $1. and 1.98 m Slippers Men’s leather slip pers and soft terry cloth slippers. Some thing he can always use .. priced at only Men's Robes Robes for both men and boys and both of them will enjoy lounging around the house in them these cold winter nights. 1.98 up Shop Early! Open Monday, Nov. 28, 'Til 9 p. m. 5.95 up Bath Sets Colorful chenille bathroom sets, in clude mat and seat cover.... all colors. 1.98 up Trivets A fine selection of decorative gift Items such as trivets, ash trays in wrought iron and ash trays, planters and piaquesj 48?! Charge Account and Lay-a-way Plan Carrboro White Oaks Dept. Store Alain Street Phone 'ill,'['I i-.ti !k! :: 1 Men's Pajamas 'i’i 'll Full cut, durable cotton pa |!‘l jamas in a fine assortment of slripe.s, fancies and solid T ’ colors. lii 2.98 up 9I'-' Vi I