PACE EIGHT ! i' M : i % CHAPEL HILL NEWS LEADER "I"HUR3DAY TO AIR 'PORGY' George Gershwin's “Porgy And Eess” will be played by Norman’ Cordon on his WUNC program “Let’s Listen To Opera” tomor-' PEOPLE In Brief SPORTS CAPERS Buy Here Or Away? row night at 8 o’clock. He will p.iesent a new Columbia record-! CHAPEL HILL RECORDER'S! By Claudia Cannady ing of Gershwin’s only opera, star-| Court Judge ’W'illiam S. Stewart; Tragedy almost struck last week, ring Camilla 'Williams as Bess and cracking down on speeders. He^ In years past, I have tried to in- Regarding Domestic Questions: Rotary Anns Apply 4-Way Test Lawrence Winters as Porgy. GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS For Home Delivery Phone 8-6366 levied fines of up to $50 and costs j elude as many football players this week on defendants who were as I could provide for, in my charged with speeding from over.' Thanksgiving dinner plans. 1 re- 75 to over 85 miles an hour. Three lized long ago, that continuous of four judgements were appeal-■ prai lice necessitated their remain- 2, 3, 4, or 5 room, attractive homes, inside or outside, suburban or coun tryside, contemporary or colon ial, from $6500 up. Three brand new, outstanding listingsl Why not come in new and let us lo cale just what you want and need? ed to superior court. A NICE LOOKING YOUNG blonde woman 'and a letter are missing from Person Hall Art Gal lery. The two are a part of Fra gonard’s picture, “The Letter,” which is the first mishap in the! mgelhcr,) and an invitation to' eight - year history of Person more of the players. I Hall's picture rental system. Thej We shopped every available mo- . ^ f. - n i_. .1 1 . 1 ! ing in town for the holidays. A friend and fellow fanatic on the football subject, opened her home and heart this year so that we WGu.d be able to provide more! room, more food tby preparing it whereabouts of this painting are ment for a full week and devoted now unknown because of a mix- up in the checking-out system for all our remaining free time to making plans and preparations. ihe rental service. Anyone with! Cur p.D'chases included a 16 pound mforrnation on “''Ine Letter” asked to call the Art Gallery. ■IS 1 Foushee Olsen Really Co. REALTORS 103 N. Columbia St., Phone 8431 , A f ^ STARTS ■ THURS. STtRtOPHONlC SOUND ClliEiifASfOPE M-G-M's Comedy Hit! Love h... "FfiE rnmmp' starring IE KlESTE iliH iarma LEWIS LATE SHOW SAT. NIGHT ■ SUNDAY-MONDAY Thursday 5:.30 p. m. Barbecue supper, Me- hot / Church. 7.1)0 p. m. S. E. Gerard Priest ly speaks. Hill Hall. 8p.t m. Interracial Fellowship, Ep.scopal Parish House. 8 p. in. Bask.tbaii, UNC vs. Mc- Jraiv Eagles, Woollen Gym, Friday 2 p. in, Pcnian.l Crafts Fair, ..ira,,,;;!! Memorial. . 3 p. m. B-eat Book Parade,! .town.own Chapel Hill. 3 p. m. Community Club, In stil utc of Pharmacy Building. 8 p. m. Prof Wilfred Sellars speaks, Morchead Building facul ty'lounge. Saturday 10 a.'m. Peiuand Crafts Fair, Graham Memorial. 5:30 p. m. Barbecue supper, Canboro Methodist Church. Sunday 4 p. m. CHHS tree band con- ^ \ .ii.'gh School Auditorium. 8 p. m. Petite Musicale, Gra- .jam .‘Icmorial, Monday 7:30 p. m,. B'oard of Aldermen, town Hall. COA'MUNITY DR.3iMA GROUP P-RCSCNTED Qy V/ARNER Bros. WarnerColor jifik ill - OoROiiiy MmoNE' Alex Nicoi ^ WILLIAM DCMAREST* LORI NELSON • LURENE TlirTLE Screen Play by IRVING WALLACE Produced by HENRY BLANKE Ar IMtiRKAflONAt. ARfiSTS Ltd p,oj Dirtr.lort hg nniiciilg The next meeting of the Com- niuiiily Drania Group will be on Sunday at 7:-j5 p.m. in the Library Assem'biy Boom. Mary Smith will direct a reading of Galsworthy’s play “Loyalties.” This play has a large cast and everyone who is interested in reading is wel come to come. Mt. Carmel Community News Mrs. Ralph L. Blackwood, Sr., Correspondent, Phone 8-5587 FRIDAY ONLY Varsity JAMES DEAN AT HIS BEST IN ONE OF THE YEARS BEST PICTURES r,\-vr JOHN STEI^BECKS GREATEST BOOK! II ELIA KAZAN S I MOST EXPLOSIVE PICTURE! | Warner Bros, present it in CinemaScoPE WarnerColor SOUND JULIE HARRIS'JAMES DEAN-RAYMOND MASSEYa^'pTivi is^PA^L osmrn*EL1A KAZAN TECHHICO’lO* SATURDAY — Cary Grant ~ Victor McLaglen las Fairbanks Jr. Dough m // GUNGA DIN // Late Show Sat. Nite Sunday-Monday m mm ALL HONEY ON THE OUTSIDE... ALL FURY ON THE INSIDE! for the Teachers and Assoc. Teach ers. Allen White held a Clinic for the officers of the Sunday School. I iirV MHHI flW * tlay fay RANALD MacDOUGALL . Based on a novel by Edna Lee a A JERRY WAID Production • Directed by RANALD MacDOUGALL HEAR PROF PHIALAS Prof Peter G. Phialas of the U; \ ersity’s English 'Department will speak on “The Coherence of Theme in Shakespeare’s Joy ous Comedies” at a meeting of ; the Philological Club to be held I Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. in the . Faculty l.aungc of Morchead | Building. j turkey, and ev- j erything else, one may ex pect to be ser ved on a tradi tional Thanks giving t a b i e. The “Big! Blow” came,j however, when at a football meeting on Tuesday evening. Coach Barclay announced it would be compulsory for every player to eat, together, at th Monogram Club. All was not lost, for Coach Bar clay’s weekend plan.s for the boys did not include Saturday night. I Hastily, I joined forces with my fri’end, /(Dottle Thorp) and her family, and together we contacted everyone and rc-issued the in vitations. . .The belated Thanks giving dinner was warmly receiv ed and joyously consumed by some 12 happy people. . .It always does my heart good when I feel I have perhaps given them a small part of home life. . .away from home. It seems like such a little thing when they work so hard for so many years to provide many en tertaining afternoons for all. You men folks, take heed: Join the Chapel Hill Athletic Club and take several •'athletics home,, to meet your familis. The boys . love, the a.mosphere of a home with the warmth of family love. . .and you will never regret having tak en them into your hearts. Four wives of Chapel Hill Ro- i tarians last night put the national ly - adopted Rotary “Four - Way Test” to quite a severe test, check ing its application to several do mestic questions during a panel discussion. Raj'mond Kaighn, program chair man, introduced Mrs. Whatley W. Pierson, Mrs. Tom Bost, Mrs. Jer ry Hudson, and Mrs, Jake Wade. He reviewed the origin of the test, which is as follows; “Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it help build good will and better friendships?” and—“Will it be beneficial to all concerned?” The panel was first asked to ap ply the test to their home-town buying practiees. Consensus of the group was that some out-of-towm ! buying might be sanctioned, some | not. For instance, Mrs. Pierson felt' that the variance in local gas prices -'ould not stand the F'our-Way Test and thus felt “If we apply the 'our-Way Test in this case the •vomen feel they have the right act to trade here if they doiTt ■vant to." Lincoln Pupil Struck By Car However, regarding the buying of their clothes, and electrical ap pliances which might require local .servicing, Mrs. Pierson, suggested that the application of the test would direct them to shop at home. Other questions taken up by the panel in its presentation of this Test were; “How can the amount of time a person should give to community work be determined?” “Is it right for a man to consistent ly bring his work r.ome from the office?” and “How can the prob lem of who should use the car in a one-car family be solved?” ^•— A,lice Alston, 18-ycar-old Lin coln High School pupil of Route Two, was slightly injured in a traffic accident Monday morning as she -started to board a school bus on the Pittsboro Road. According to Highway Patrol man E. S. Robinson the girl was waiting for the bus at the en trance to Dogwood Acres. It had stopped for her when a north bound 1951 Chrysler driven by Grover Davis, Negro of Albemar le, skidded into her and over turned on the highway embank ment. NEED BLOOD DONORS Mrs. Berty Partin, Airport Road Negro woman, was ser iously burned yesterday morn ing When her clothers caught fire as she stood near the fire place in her home. She is now in Memorial Hospital and is in need of blood donations. Any one who will donate blood for her is asked to telephone Hill iard Caldwell at 9-9473. Any type of blood will do since the given to her simply needs to be replaced. by the patrolman with reckless driving. greeme I “5:3 Phone 8-1537 '"''^! gran p. CHllcI ^genf "«W(KCi I John Frank Kirk, a passenger, I in the car, was slightly injured; in the wreck. Davis was charged | Give Teenagers a Slice of North Carolina Life! 'Beat Dook' Parade Is Tomorrov/ The Queen and a court of six coeds were chosen Tuesday night to reign over the gala annual “Beat Dook” parade, sponsored by Pi Kappa Alpha social fraterni ty. These girls will ride on the PiKA float in the parade, which begins tomorrow at 3 p. m. Thirty-two floats have been scheduled to appear in the parade. They have been entered by various dormitories, sororities and fratcr- The Southern Part of Note These Advant; ® GREATER PROTECTION © SAVINGS UP TO 20% I nities. The University Band is schedul ed to play in the parade, and Coach Barclay and the Carolina football team will probably be on hand for | a pep rally to be held at the end o£ the parade in front of "VVoollen Gym. j Heaven only $2.49 at The Intimate Bookshop News Leader Classified Ads get result?. Just phone 8-444. 205 E. Franklin St. Open Till 9 P.M. With The Many-in-One Coverages Of J HOMEOWNERS Call On Us For Details Service Insurances Redlyi A. H. A. Williams, Mgr. Ins. Depf. Rhone| Mr. and Mrs. Highfield Shelley of Summerfield visited M'iS. Shel- I ley’s father. Pies Bennett over the Ihanksgiving Holidays. | ; Mr. and Mrs. .Jack Ray and John- I nic of Hillsboro., spent Sunday with : Mrs. Ray’s father, Mr. Pies Ben nett. I Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Bennett of Raleigh spent Sunday with Mr. Bennett’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Bennett and Mr. Bennett’s grandfather, Mr. Pics Bennett. Miss Ellen Spa'iTow was home from East Carolina College for the Holidays with her paients, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sparrow, Mi.sses Clarice and Iris Merritt were home from East Carolina Col lege and Meridith College with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Merritt, for the holidays. Mrs. Irvin Smith is improving at her home on Pittsboro Road. Mr. U. S. Suittc, father of Mrs. John Williams, remains seriously ill at Watts Hospital in Durham. .Airs. William’s mother is improv ing at her home in Durham. Mrs. S. C. Hundley has been con fined to her home with illness for a few days but, is much improved. The W.M.U. women of the chur Tile W. M. U. wmmen of the church are observing W’eek of Prayer this week for Foreign Miss ions. The W. M, U. met with Mrs. E. G. Merritt at her home on Pitts boro Road Monday night. Tuesday night they met at the home of Mrs. Gene Hundley just off Far rington Road. They will meet to night (Thursday) wtih Mrs. P. E. John.son at her home on Old Lys- t. a Road. On Wednesday the Rev. Hubert Mumford from Durham Missionary of the Yates Association, conduct ed a Sunday Clinic at the church Save on Preiniums .. . Save on Food! See What 99c Buys at ColonioJ! Ton have yoiii’ choice of purchasing . . . either buy one brand of the units specified, or '%Mix 'em up’" and buy several items in the same unit designation. It’s a grand op- portuiiilv lo re-stock your pantry , . . and save money doing it I A. M or to n 's Fr esh-F rozen POT PIES • BEEF • CHICKEN • TURKEY S'/i-OZ. PIES KB. CANS LIBBY’S E.4MOUS Corned Beef i^ oz 49^ I.IBBV S COfi.NED BEEF HASH oz 29c LfHBY'S FAMOUS BOAST BEEF 2oz 49c t.lBB) S-VVI I H .MEAT SAUCE SPAGHETTI no 2 27c V rOTTKn MEAT 2 3V402 17c Special Price! Our Pride LAYER CARE Chovolute DOGATE beans rEDGATE cut ^lO 303 beans bush or vas cam-p s bush BLACKEVE^ ^ 300 peas ““ SCOTT COUNTY Cpjighetti ^ BIBO t-mUE SAU Siennas bS. navy OB nN^« BEANS COLONlAi nsH Sill 33 lO-OZ PKG Luter’s 6 to 8 Ik, nil WHOLli OR HALF LB. CANS t-nTOU SAUSAGES^ NO 300 CANS 4 BIG surri.Y-BEsj buy: .n a tub-tender, u. s. choice CHUCK ROAST Cl T BEDGATE EARLY lUNE PEAS NO 303 CANS REDGAIE GOLDEN CHEAM NO 303 CANS Mi. i\c:kson Ari’LE Sauce NO 303 CAN5 DO YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT SHOPPING '’iv)' V -iij -7 SAVA^AMPWm MATCIi SOMED BU: SUi’I'I.Y-BEST BUY! BUDGET BEEfa - BONE-IN CBUCS mms'L BIG SUrPLV-BESI BUY! AEI, MEAT JIFFY STEMS M';\\ I \,ST t: T!t!'A r: c;!iKK's pmii NIWI I \,S1T. TRl'XY r: C.iiEE S PHIDE CBANBEBiO IN M-OZ RE USABLE PLASTIC CUP Quality Sliced Breahlaii BACON li. A hand}, easy way to get wonderful (Christmas presents for every iiieni* her of vour family and vour friends, too! Save ^our (>olonial Sav-A-Slainps . . . redeen? them for }Our choiec of hundreds of valuable S.iV-A-STAMF premiums! Get com plete details and a full-color catalog at any Colonial Store toda} ! sort FACIAL TISSUES SPECIAL NOTICE! KLDEEM YOUR CS GOLDEN TYPES (PRINTED IN GREEN INK) FOR FREE PREMIUMS OR EXCHANGE THEM FOR SAV-A-STAMPS — ONE STAMP FOR EACH 10c TAPE VALUE GOLDEN ISLE FIEl.O PSHS \lt(;0 ALL-GREEN liEM^aS DASH OR PARD ARGO Wms PKGS Of 200 NO 303 CANS Ikt Fancy Juicy llorida UAII NO 303 CANS DASH OR PARD DOG l-LB CANS NO 303 CANS wm SATURDAY. DEC. 3, 1955, IS THE FINAL DATE TO M.VKE THIS EXCIIA.NGE! Wower! SaY' wo GOLD COA,ST SPICED F^hches NO 2 Vi CANS CS Pineapple or Redgate Tomato JUICE 46-OZ CANS HEINZ TOMATO Hftghup 14-OZ. BOTS, NEW CROP KII.N DRIED — ffsa FI»I«.C¥ FANCY TE.NDEH GREEN ilS. Mortoit s Frozen Beef, Chicken, PIES 4 or 'I'M moi- PIES WEST FRANKLIN STREET GLEN LENNOX SHOl PPlNH^'n