,»'S1 Address: Chapel Hil ffice: et, Carrboro Chapel Hill News Leader Leading With The News in Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Glen Lennox and Surrounding Areas CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1956 TELEPHONE li-444 SIX PAGES THIS ISSUE iO I- ' Mnntno'l'l'' Bl Jnet iifii [fit RAINS ILLS HE- upk- of weeks visit •lug vvliicli she at- niere off Warner “Giant." in Holly- side Mr. and ilrs. nry iFonda, and Piper Laairio—all i c'ficcs of Kay ITERS Wtl.L FA- polls toinonow -by 1 per cent for the iale to 25 per cent g to preliminary ”11 of newspapers jxiliary. i-n which || participated. How- tion these 1 gures ictly re\ersed, ae- isiilts of the poll newspper trade Pi.'.>rshor’s Aiixi- he most accurate the election. ■ARD CHAIKMAX that '‘Challenge t his past Satur- telv imchallenged ascertain. E\ crv- diness for lonior- clections official ight hc‘d already lallots from over Record Vote Of Nearly 70,000 Is Seen In Orange County For General Elections Lone Republican Listed On Local Ballot; Latta Says Absentee Voting Is Heavy Four Teen-Agers Are Charged In Halloween Assault On Two A Halloween affray has brought assault charges by two University stiidonts against four Chapel Hill plaints earlier in the evening on Halloween about peaestrians be ing pelted .with eggs and wet paper wads in the vicinity of the downtown drugstore. He said that the two University HELL VOTE THAT S SURE—Girl Scouts of Chapel Hill reminded Chapel HtMians of their civic duty to vote lomorow by pinning “I Will Vote—Will You?” tags on persons in downtown Chapel Hill on Salurday morning. Fixing up auto dealer Crow all Little are Pat Gallagher (left) and Pamela Bar clay. The Girl Scouths will aso provide baby sitter service at the precinct headquarters for voters begin ning at 3 p.m. tomorrow. j^-ews Leader Photo SucHo'd veoi.'.tratiori loUs, iiuveascd rctiiiosts lov al.st’iitec balUns and levei-pileh caiiipai>niiig- by pvc.sidcntia! as])iiaiit.s ill tlic lonlu (lining naiioinil election indicate toinorro’tv'.s Cicncrai KIcclion in Oiangc Clounty will see the lavgesl vote of local lerord. 'I’his was tlic opinion ttalay of elections olficials atnf po- litital leaders ot both iiarlies as, tatntraigning nio\ed down leen-ager.s. the honte Stt-etc.li for totnon-ow’s big test. Rcgi.s,ra.ion books tveve dosed followittg a heavy p.c “d .Culents „„d him that thc.v were election legisli.ilion in alniosl e\cT\ Oi.nigc..Counts pininct. against Pat Burns walking past the drugstore through l-year- John- nie Vickers. 19. of Rrmto Three. Polls will he open 6:30 a.m. to Ronni'e Vick, of Chapel Hill. 6:30 p.m. in the 19 Orange Coun ty precincts. Two UNC Students There will be a ballot for state The charges were brought in officers, U. S. Senator and Repre- connection’with a 10:15 p.m. fight In Chapel Hill and Carrboro coimtv tomorrow, 19 of Carrboro his IB-v alone, a total of 1.009 were added , .. . ,, , J- > to the .six precinct voting lists to "^j^h would be the largest of rec- brother Tommie Burns, George Says Patriots Organization Has Changed Opinion To Segregation bring thfe total number registered to 7,770. and an overall increase of 13 percent. Other precincts were swelled to their highest reg istration of record, and an csti- maUul 15.000 citizens are eligible to vote if they want lo. Just 31 short of 9.000 Orange County voters cast ballots for Eis enhower and Stevenson in 1952 and prediction.s on the increase by some observers go as high as 15% for 1956. Best guess seems a vote of 9,500 a large group of boys when one of them was hil by a wad of paper. As they turned,! he officer related, Ihe .students said, they were "Jiimpod” by some of those in the group. Students Injured Ill the ensuing fight Ward su- sentative of congress which con- in front of Sloan's Drugstore by stained a broken nose, a severe EMEXT OFFI- Prof. W. Critz George, retiring President of the pi'o-segrcgation 3 past Halloween Patriots oi North Carolina. Ine., to- ghest in inajiy a day credited this year-old organi- tandpo.lnt of van- /ation with ‘‘niaieriallv changing gh the intermit- the sentiment" of the state to op- ng.s quieter than )>ose the Supreme Court’s public een. The columu.s school int(^gration edict. Biilicling Avero Prof. George, teacher of histology was a teen-age and enibryoicgy in the University and .“cviwal tic- iUedical School, stepped down as 'erturned at Ken- leader of the Patriots on Saturday of the most un- \'hcn the 60-,inau board of directors gh was the lock- niel here to choose a new exeeu- across roads inlo coiiimittt-e and officers for the at student court- t'oming year. However, he was t get (Wit at coed elected to the 15-membcr executive Icck.s came frn.n "roup and said lie would continue of public opinion was continuing 1(1 turn more toward the side of scgrcgalion. Tli^ need for the Patriofs organbeation will continue as l()n.g as tho integration question (See GEORGE. Page 6) Canine Controversy Season Ends Here Friday Dog Dilemma Keeps Board Henderson Uses Fumbles To Whip Wildcats 14-0 The Xew's^ 'leader will report eliK^tion relUriis tomorrow night on the prt^:jdeiitial and stale bal lots. Hesistrars are asked to call 8-H4 as soon as the count on any one ballot Is completed. For those desiring to know how the election is going in the cuiitv. The News Leader will give out mfoniiatioii as available. For these services, please phone S-444 or call in per son at the Carrboro office or at the Chapel Hill Town Hall where huUetiii board will s)h>w the re turns. William W. Winters. UNC sopho more from Spring Lake, ami Rob- bruise on the back of his head, and a cut inside his lip that re- erl S. Ward, graduate student qi.nred four stiches to treat. from Fayetteville. Sgt. Durham said the Police Department had received com- 'I'he cases are scheduled for trial in Recorders Court tomor row. District Jaycees Open Drive To Run Cox For National Post hletic XE HEIDRI^;.' ,wo paintings ac- h annual exh bi- 'u. I., and one ft x4ssociatiion of al .4rt Exhibition fently ex-Iiibiting in the November York City Center By .lOHN KibUO The Henderson High School Bull dogs lui-neci two costly Chapel Hill fumbles inti) loiichdav. ns Pridaj' ti’ghr to defeat the underdog Wild- cal.s 14-0. 'Lye xvpj enables^, Henrler.son t.() re tain the t' p ::;h)'i ii'i liie conference over .second place Roxboro. Althcwgh no rain fell during the cpiTne, the field wa.s in jxjoi- coiu',;- tion. The muddy conditions made ion question h.s changed so nia- cniional play.s. Only fh-e passes to re.nain active in the organization. Liecs AccompHsliiiient • 1 t \\k oiu' grciin> has accohi- piishcd a great deai. "Prof. George- said. "It i.s in large measure due to our efforts, I feel, that the sen timent in this state on the integra- lerii'diy. i.'wo ^ears ago the ge.nerj.l feeli-ng was t.iat there was iiouiUig were thrown in the entire com that cuukl l}e done about the late- gration order. That feeling is not. ITERXITY STU- (Uite a trick for •ckets. They have ges out to shift he Columbia St. nd thevTe aiiso '13-taIe blue chalk into tiros by po- so prL-va.ent today." lie added that he fell the tide F ARCHIBALD Chest Pledges Top $4,000 book. “George ian of tlje Cen- rders placed be- ’be accepted at ii'thor yesterda'X'. Ppleton-CentiuTv, In first Check to about liailf a has 100 illustra- also be a two- $25. rUDENTS HAD of silence Thurs- ifcion of the part n University stu- t rebellion. ITiis arried out to tlie 1 South Building, ration' witli uni- Vmerica. SON WAS RE- of t-lie North for Cr>!ppl:ul ts at the group’s ?ld recent! y n iu \eai*l.v re- on said the 1956 1 ramed $160,000. It in tlic hi.story Willi only 116 of the 704 solici tors reporting, Coimiiunity Chest Head Walt Baiiconi said yesterday that $1,233.OS of the goal had been collecled. A lot more has been collected but the solicitors arc waiting to see ail of the people in their ar^a before they make any report, he added. All of the solicitoj’s who have cojiipieled their collections arc in the advanced and resi dential division of tlie $27,937 campaign. hir. Baucom pointed out that a lot of coiitribulors are increasing their donations by 25 per cent over last year’s. If this continues Chapil HiJl has an “excellent chance of reaclung its Community Chest goal this time,” he added. f.iin;>le£ we.-e fj’cqucnt. Second Quarter Score Henderson scored the gaiiie'.s tii’St touchdo'.vn in the second quar ter, The Bulldogs had the ball on its own ■15-\'ard line but -c-ouldn’t make the necessary .\ai-dHgc for a first down. Wynn archcxl a beauti ful punt vhich rolled dead on the Wildcat three-yard Mnc. On the first play from scrim mage Chapel Hill I’umhled and Richard Faukner recovered for the Bulldogs. Quarterback A1 Tay lor scored fro the one-yard line on a quarterback sneak after two other line plays had advanced the ball only twiF yards against the deicrmlned Chapel Hill line. Henderson elected to kick off to start the second half. Pendergrass leturned the short kick to the Wild cat 45-yard line. On the first play fiom scrimmage Har\'ille fumbled :).nd the alert Bulldogs recovered the An un-vaccinated, im-licensed. and numiiu^t^s and 11 Republican nom- iiivtax-listecl Thapivi Hill dog that inecs for some of the same 25 of* hi! a telephone lineman wavS the ticcs ranging from CFOvernor and l''■pic of an hour-long discussion in Congre.ssinan through some.of the County Cmumissioncrs meeting state cabiiuB olfieers. There is no 'll Hillsboro this morning. Republican candidate for any ot Thi- caj:::nr\ belonging to Mrs. the Supreme Court or Superior Susie Smith of Merritt. Mil! Hoad. Court judges. hit t lv pel Hill Telephone Co. line- Preparations were going for- n n Boh Rush on OiT. 13 and was ward yesterday for tho delivery of iiitllv thereafter raptured—with ballots and other elections sup- A move to draft State Jaycees Point Jaycecs. at the meeting of President Bob Cox as -a national the 13 clubs in the eight-county vice-president of the U. S. Jay- district at Ili.gh Point on Thursday cees has bc^n .startc^d by imani- evening, and it was unanimously tains the names of 2.5 Democratic mous action of the Fifth District carried. Mr. Cox tvas not present of the Tar Heel young men’s civic at the meeting, group. The motion was made by Ed Miller. President of the High FXy-i d'tficulty-^by County 'tVarrien C;ishe Boggs, In Pound Since I’hen He has had the annual in the plied by Elections Chairman S. T Latta to’ registrars, throughout tho county. Well over 200 absentee ballots County Dog Pound .‘Since then. 'Hie have been mailed to or returned hoard ^\ns toW t:hi.s morning that Applicants to Chairman Latta PLAYER OF THE WEEK— Haywood Pendergrass, star sen ior guard for Chapel Hill High, has been named Player -of-the- Week by a secret committee which watched him play In Fri day evening’s Chapel Hill-Hen- derson game, t News Leader Photo Wildcats Threaten !tic dog’s owner said she would not h'U’e the an’mal vaccinated. The crmniis.'v'oner.s directed that it be ■jtaced on the rax books, and direct- I'll Warden Bogg^ ro confer with liie Couiry Attorney as to possible action in rhe ease. Commissioner Eiiwlii S. Lanier u\' Cliape’- Hill suggested that Mrs. Smith was "(kfying constituted au- i.hority” and added that he resent- od "squandei ing tax money” to keep the dog at the pound. He sug gested that the dog be destroyed if all taxe.s were not paid and vac- tuiatlons taken care of by Friday. Other Business ■JTie Board also directed tliat a lefund of $55.43 be made to W. M. MeCauk'y for 1951 taxcis paid on his W. Franklin 6f., Chape] HiU pi'Operty which was rlobble-listed. Alex McMahon. Chairman of Hie Greater Chapel Hill Fire District, received approval from the com missioners for a clarification of the ■ (See ELECTIONS, Pape 6) : RIDES, BABY STITTING Transportation to the polls to morrow is being offered through the Chapel Hill Jaycet^s. Persons desiring Hdes are asked to tele phone Station WCHl.—8484—any time b*^tween' 6::W a.m. atid piiii. The Girl Scouts of Troop H. under leadership of Mrs. J. R. Ellis and Mrs. George Barclay, will be stationed at precinct poll ing places begining at 3 p.m. as baby sitters while parents are The 10 national vice-presidents will be elected at next June’s .an nual convention of the U. S. Jun ior Chamber in Alilwaukee, Wis. Mr, Cox ha.s been successively President of the Chapel Hill Jay- eccs. District Vice-Prc.‘^idcnt. a na tional director, and now, Stale President. L^Vcal delegAitcs to T’hursdays 'district meeting were Sandy Mc- Clamroch. Monk Jennings. Charlie Phillips, Leonard Hampton, George Rettie, Bruce Martindale, and Everett tVilkinson. Sample Ballot OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR STATE SENATOR, REPRESENTATIVE AND COUNTY OFFICERS OF ORANGE COUNTY INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTER To vote a straight party, ticket, make a cross (X) mark in tlie circle or the party you desire to vote for. 2. lo vote a split, or in other words for candidates of different parties, omit making a cross (x) mark in the party circle at the top of the b.rJlot and. mark in the voting square Opposite the name ot each candidate on the ballot for whom you wish to vote. If you should'mark in the parly circle at the lop of the ballot and also mark opposite tte name of any candidate of any pai-ty, such ballot shall be counted as a straight party vote for all of the candidates of the party whose name the cross mark (.v) is placed in the party circle. If you tear on deface or wrongly mark thi.s ballot return it and get another. loose pvaskin to set up its second earl.y in the contest. With (See WILDCATS, Page 8) ■Chapel Hill's only serious threat “ an area of the Airport development where i)roy)erty owners have been paying the district fire tax. Case That Touched OH ''Ugly Club" Affair Brings $50 Fine To Student At University HOSPITALIZED iDOriy's r«gisr«r of paffonff at Memonai notpitai tnciutfi, ■■ iick TICKETS tickets are now on ticket book b'olina Playmak- V. U-18 of Bct n- rocles and th? on sale to the $l.,'>0 on W'ed- ibemethy Uall. and Box 1050, Mrs Lucy Alston, Mrs. Thelma Byiium. Corinna Carter, Neill Clark. Peggy Clark. Mrs. R. O. E. Davis, Edna Dixon. Michael Fitz- Simons, Joe S. Floyd, Jr.. Dr. Carl Hai'tramph. Jack Hogan,' James Jones. Mrs. Wilhelmina Floyd. Charlie Maynor, Mrs. Caroline Mul- lis, .E. W. Neville, 5[rs. Thomas Peyton. Furman Poythress. Julian Selig. Ruth Sheppard, Mrs. Dor othy Smiley. Mi’s. Daphne Stew art. Lizzie Williams. Mrs. .5 $30 fine on traUc vliarge? against a Universilv senior frorr Dainille. Va.. has brought to r L'h;se the noloriou« "Ugly Club" case of police station vandalisu here last spring. Judge William S. Stewart ii !>ecordor’s Court found Hosea W’il sv-n. 21, guill\' of reckless driving speeding, and making an improiX turn, and fined th.e defendant .$5 and court costs after lie pleade. guilty to all tliree charges. Wilso: was acquitted on a drunken dri' ing chaige. to wivieh he pleaded no guilty. Anested April 16 It was sihuily after Wilson wa. aiTfc'sttd on the e\'enin^; of las. -A IVhitted Robertson .'P'-i' IS tbut u group ol University Andrew Womble. ii'atenii;>' studeiu.s descended on tin , , v..vi Wvnn p; lice .-ti'.tiun and eommitted sev- Chester M ood, and Eai | W>nn. ■ul acl.s of \’anda‘iism. In the en- uiug nu'estigation a groi’o kno^vn said they pursued the speeding ear uthward on Columbia St., and that r the "Ugly Club" was dislianded, it suddenly made a U-larn under a nd its "Ugiiot.” Louie Woodbiir.'. Wilmington and two other niem- [■k. were fined for the police .sta- on vandal\‘^m. In the B'ilson case Police Patrol- nan Howard Pendergraph lesiifi- d that he and Patrolman Amos tonic were parked on E. Franklin •1.. shoiMy after being called lo ii-eak up a "jimglc party” staged TV I'nlversily students at the American Legion Hut. The time vas .slioHlv alter It p.m. Pati'cliuan Pendergraah told tlie uirt that WIN 3‘ed light signal at the Cameu-on .\ve. corner and halted where the police car had blocked its return ing path. Three Passengers Wilson wps the driver, the patrol man said, and apoeai’.ed to be untler Hie influoii'-e of an intoxicating beverage. Thei*e were three other passengers in the car. Te.stityiug in his own behalf, Wil- .s(in said lie anci his passengers bad left their dates for the even- iug at a sororlLv house and did not DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN (=6(1 A STRAIGHT TICKET FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET o o MAftK WITHIN THIS CIRCLE MARK WITHIN THIS CIRCLE For Senator, 14th District For Senator, 16th District □ F.in\I\ S. l..\,\IER n For Hous.e of Represeniativos For House of Representativos □ JOI-I.N ^V. UM.'jTC.VD □ Cl ORt.l-: .\. H,\R\V.4Rri For County Commissioner For County Commissioner □ R. J. M. HOBILS □ For County Commissionor For County Commissioner □ UO.\.\I,D .\r. Sr.V.NFORD □ . Min s car .pa.ssed them know'. t]ie\' were six^eding. and caded wed cn E. Franklin St.. go.JtluHiglit (he LMuni would be all ■ C at a hig',1 rate of .s-.xied, andl; igbt. I.bat late at ni.ght. W-ilsun pre- airowly nii3.hig,.o-veral colli.d()ns|;.eiited the Danville ixilk-e chief a.s ] the Viciuil;. of the po.stofficc. H, |a character Witness. Chairman Oranga County Board of Election, Local Election Returns Tomorrow Night-Telephone 8-444 y!

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