>i|i paper Seivice 'ffice: ,;et, Carrboro Chapel Hill News Leader TELEPHONE 8-444 Leading With The News in Chapel HiH, Canboro, Glen Lennox and Surrounding Areas CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY,' DECEMBER 17, 1956 ^ Parade Photos Photos of the entries in yes terday’s motor pageant of the Nativity—a full page of them— may be seen on Page Six, this issue. EIGHT PAGES THIS ISSUE if MiJItcal church stigating the pos ing a Hungarian 0 settle in Chapel prereqiHsite, of t'ide an occupation the family. The ijrough an arraiige- Greensboro Daily Ni biggest Crowd Views Yule Parade; Estimated 10,000 Persons On Hand The biggest crowd ever to wit ness a parade locally turned out to see yesterday afternoon's mot or parade of the Nativity, a 14- unit pageant of religious floats. Police estimated that 10,000 per sons, many coming from as far as Raleigh; Durham, and Greens boro. lined Main and Franklin Streets soildly along the two-mile ?lad to act as a local persons who Hungarian faimily ers of jobs will be II u g h appropriate ted person may newspaper. Juniors Beat, Girls Lost ■b|. b 11 PAUT4 CHEEK ;k.en stew feed for yees in the post- on Friday even-^ sons attended. ENG THE TWO —according to the -are using the box side of Uie street niich as the other i to go out and the curb in front KJut a hour ^before ickup. Wildcat Cagers Are Good Bet For Loop rifle; Win At Garner lOL HIGHER-UPS •d with an act of ird patients at the e right to use the aces right by the tched at the first that now vlsitor.s 5 may park there, K)1 personnel use areas in the mas- Chapel Hill High’s Wildcats ap peared an early season favorite to capture the District III title this year as they went into a tie for the conference lead upon trouncing Garner 62-44 there Friday night. Both Chapel Hill and Northern High of Durliam County now hold 3-0 Dop records and each has an other game before the Christmas holidays. The Wildcats will, meet Oxford here tomorrow night at 8 o’clock and wijl next play on Jan. 2 against Hillsboro here. Guard Randy Blackwell with 16 points led the local scoring against G-arnor. while Eddie Clark netted 15. Gordon Neville 14. ad Merle T^amio 12. Chapel Hill led 25-16 at the half. The girls team was swamped by Garner 70-26. ALson on Friday night Coach A1 Wells' Chapel Hill Junior High squad edged out East Durham Jr. route of the parade. A goodly crowd also adjourned to the steps of the Morehead Building after the parade to ' participate in the ^ community carol sing, led by Nor man Cordon and several church choirs. The float entries, prepared by members of the participating local church groups, drew enthusia.stic praise from all viewers queried' on the idea—a unique Christmas event locally. It was staged by the Chapel Hill Jaycees through the cooperation of the Merchants Association and the Ministerial Association with the idea of ‘‘put ting Christ back into Christmas." Sandy McClamroch, General Chairman of the event, express ed his pleasure over the rccep- tio of the parade and caroling. He said that he felt sure the . spon soring groups would like to pre sent a similar event next year. Community reception to the '■•'rollna prrgeam was quite good, too. he noted, in a revival of a custom carried on annually a number of years ago here. EOSyiTiO, i-Tv RANDY BLACKWELL .^.High Scorer With 16 nigh there 48-43, center Stafford Warren leading the scoring with 14 tallies. i MEMORY FOR [1 that the current 1” at the Univer- ared to the “ring” ;1 on the campus 0. Then the Presi- class and a star dmitted a major hich was getting !rs as they were ersity dupiloatiiLg Police Find No Ansv/er Yet In Attempt Robbery Of Lenoir No answer has' been received 2 and 3 a.m. when the building is from SBI officials in Raleigh at- unoccupied. CITIZENS FOR RECREATION The Citizens Committee for pas sage of the forthcoming election on a public recreation program will be formed at a meeting to morrow evening at 8 oclock in the courtroom of the Town Hall. William S. Stewart, who will be temporary chairman of the Ja.y- cee-spoiisored session, urged all persons interested in working for adoption of the plan, to attend the meeting, at which a formal committee organization will be set up. The election will be held within the next three dates, the date to be set by the County Com missioners. “ .A '{^ > m rir. . .-f. L } TO •T . r/ KISC dT. 0/ I tempting to indentify vvould-be ^ thieves wh6' la# week broke' ihtd Imethodist lell-prepared float \ during the parade he donkey on the Inn” .scene edg- side of the plat- i artiaily off. The • n had secreted a j!on befoi'e the pa- d, I that he was able ci|ij halter rope and inW to slide the rest of elatively unharra- ; a 1 « 10 outi Um Dr|> ERSITY METHO- 7 likewise had a ni^oo, when the tow in front of the downtown. How- OH.T) choir, in the how must go on,” :jing “Away In A , Isif! spectators shoved ^''ngithat it coasted on Lenoir Hall. The burglars failed in their at tempt to unlock a safe containing an undisclosed amount of mon.cy. Fingerprints were taken by lo cal police and report to the SBI in Raleigh in an aGcmpt to identify the criminals The burglars, on the ni jht of Dec. 3. gained entrance through the north door of the dining hail and forced open doors leading to the manager’s office, accounting office, and safe room. G. W. Prillaman. Director of Student Dining Halls, stated that “to my knowledge, nothing of value was taken.” In explaining the break-in, Prillaman also said that someone is in the building 23 hours a day and that the probable time of the burglary was between . ,Jt,i§ believed that the arrival of tho bakers at 3 a.'m. for duty prob-' ably scared the burglars and pre vented them from opening the safe .and taking the money. Warm Weather Persists; '-But It Can't Last!' The weather prophets were con- NEW INTERSECTION PLAN — State Highway Department workers are proceeding with the con struction of the all new Intersection near the for mer Mason Farm Road-Pittsboro Highway corner. Map above illustrates the new plan, via which th ? new 36-foot link from the bypass to the Hospital v/ill meet the Pittsboro Highway -it a poir*+ about 150 feet east of th* existing Mason Farm Road in tersection (dotted lines), and will continue across the highway mto Pittsboro St.'The old Victory Village entrance will be closed, and the new one will be on the bypass link. A new road is proposed to parallel the Pittsboro Highway a|ong Victory Village to the proposed fraternity court. Pittsboro St. will narrow into a one-way out-bound thoroughfare at its intersection with Pittsboro Highway. HOSPITAL! Today’s r^9ister of patients at Memorial Hospital include: Mrs. Nannie Andrews, Pink Ba son. Mrs. Jesse Ba.snight, Mrs. Claude Best, Miss IMildred Council. ?Jrs. David Dixon. Mrs. Mabel Find- Icy, Charle.s W. Gardner, Mrs. E. W. Gitlin, Floyd Headon. John T. Johnson, Mrs. 'Wilhelmina Lloyd. Mrs. Fred Massey. Mrs. €. S. Mau rice. Baxter Norton. Mrs. Eleanor Patterson, Samuel Rogers, Julian Mrs. Gordon Taylor, and Mrs. Mary '^'agslaff. founded by the behavior of the elements over the weekend. Though Christmas is only a few days off, there were violent thun der and lightning storms, sum mer temperatures, and an out burst of flow'criug shrubs in town and on the campus, followed by dense fogs that i*aLsed and fell in a way to bewilder car drivers. Everybcxiy said “This warm V,leather can’t last last,” hut they' had .said that aJi the month. The news is. however, that a cold wave is on its w'ay from the north ' and west. If it doesn't come soon, citi zens will celebrate Cliristma.s out doors on their lawns. DECORATIONS DEADLINE Judges in the News Leader’s second annual outdoor home ChrLsimas decoration contest will be (dicckiiig contest entries through this Saturday night. Dec. 22. Persons who wish their homes to be judged are asked to tele phone the News Leader office, 8-144. A total of $40 in cash prizes^ will be awarded, in addition to a special $35 savings bond award which the Glen Lennox manage ment will provide for the best de corated. front in the apartment de- A elopment. Drinking Contest Ends In Death Of Local Man A Friday night drinking bcut ended in rieatli for Lemuel Ingram, Negro about .38, who was found dead in his bed on Saturday morn- :ng. ;ead Building. il v ES, AS ONE WHO a rr a iigemeu ts for ^Kvell prepared for today. He drew jictioiis as to his wMle ago, and led today. l^ON JONES WAS Treasurer of the ■ledical Society at business meeting S' Wednesday. Dr. s was the outgo- NINE SAY 'MERRY CHRISTMAS’—Smiling through the Yule atmosphere of snow-frosted windows in Hospital Saving Association's new office addition on W. Franklin St., are nine HSA employees who wish one and all a ‘Merry Christmas”. Left to right (front- are Mrs. Richard Lee, Mrs. Ben Poole, Mrs. W. J. Blair Jr. (center) Miss Vicia Perry, Mrs. Robert Dixon, Mrs. Thomas Davis, Mrs. John Dixon; and (top row) Mrs. Edwin N. Kearns, and Mrs. C. R. Farrell. This striking photo-was made for the Christmas issue of the Hospital Saving house magazine, ‘HSA Life.” Chapel ilill police vvere called to ingri^mhs house on S. Merritt Mill Rd about midnight Friday to in vestigate a reported fight. The of- iicci’s were told by one of several versons at fhe house that they had all been iiaving a contest to see who could drink the most liquor. Ingram w’as lying across a be^d in the house at the time. But at the request of his wife—who said he was “just sleeping”—the police didn’t disturb him. Inasmuch as no charges could be brought at that lime regarding the reported fight, the police left. However, police were called again 11 little after 9 a.m. Saturday, when Ingram couldn’t be awakened. Po lice Capt. William D. Blak^ .said the man- was lying, just as earlier re- forted, on the same bed. See Strangulation It was the deci.sion of Asst. Coroner George Cannada and other inve.stigating authorities that the victim died from strangulation, or uossihly from a heart attack. They cited deep marks on his neck from tl’e edge of the mattress, over which his liead had been hanging. .4 small quantity of ‘’white” li quor was confiscated at the scene on Saturday morning. However no ; rrests were immediately made In !hc case. Funeral arrangemenhs v.cre incomplete early today. )SR, ONE OF THE of the ‘ Horn In la at Boone, was It of the Southern rieal Association, pageant, at the ti Boone on Wed- KETBALL TEAM >ming up. Tonight here, preceded by •UNC game, and Thur.sday to play rsity ill Madison fral members of will be at home Ig city, including |RLES M. JONES, l.nmunity Church, Ids former pastor- Isist ill the dedica- J .60,000 Presbyter- Bother former pas- Ifchurch were also Subscriplicn Contest Winners Will Receive Frizes Tomorrow At 11 o’clock tomoiTow morning^ !he six-weeks battle will over. Some Jiicky contestant will be presumed the ke^'s to a new $f.$Q0 1957 Plymouth, straight out of t'e show’room of Yates Mo tor Co. This will be the first prize award for the News Leader's giant good-will subscription c 0 n t e s t. Other entranl.s will receive their cash awards and commissions for riibscriptlon .sales at this same time. The prizes will be given by the publishers of the newspaper in front (;t the News*Leader Of fice on .Main St. in Carrboro. With Buhscriptions rolling in up through midnight last night, and J3st minute checks still rolling in this morning, it was impossible to determine the leading contestant. Tile Contc.st will finally close at 6 o’clock this evening, and the judging w'i’il take place in the Board Room of the Bank of Chap- ‘.’1 HLl at 9 a.m. tomorrow. NAMED TO HONOR SOCIETY Twenty-three new members of (he Chapel Hill High School Chap ter of the National Honor Society were announced at a school as- .«embly program Friday afternoon. They were named on the basis of character, scholarship, leadership, and seiw’ice. Bobby Costello Is President of the chapter which lias had eight charter members this past year. New members of the group are Neil Claiii, David Jones, John McCurdy, Sharon Sullivan, Jerry Hocutt, Elizaiieth Green, Susan Greulach, Vicki Greulach, Donna Ballenger, Vir ginia Timmons, BetJv Hayes, Rudy Barker, Martha Adams. Jane Shearin, Lynda Ward, Elaine Hartness, Virginia Hardison, Be verly Thompson, Patricia Hunter, Ann Proctor, Tammy Lefler, ,Ta- net McAllister, and Judy Fergu son. Jones Dies In Suicide HereFriday Kenneth Jones, legless, ailing, am under the pres.s of a financial probe s^ucceeded Friday in his fourth ar- lempt to take his own life. The well-known 53-year-old Ne gro businessman and former civic leader conimilted suicide minutes before he was to appear before Ccunty Clerk of Court Edwin M. Lyaich in IliUsboro to give an ac counting of his administration as executor of the estate of the late ■Kstella Oldham. Funeral services this afternoon at 2:30 from the St. Paul A.M.E. Church of which he was a mem ber, were followed by burial in the Chapel Hill Cemetery. Tlie Rev. 1'. P. Duhart, Church Pastor, of ficiated. Found In Car Jones’ action Friday was the climax to a series of suicide at- imcpts inter.sper.sed with recent le gal actions concerning his execution ui' at least two estates. He was found shortly before 11 a.m. Fri day at the wheel of his manually- controlled auto, which wa.5 parked at the back door of his home on ?/lain St. here. All ice pick was driven into his heart. He was pronounced dead on arrival at Memorial Hospital. Asst. County Coroner George Can nada and Sheriff Odell Ciaytoh agreed that there was no question about Jones' having taken his own life. .4 native of Carrboro, Jones was in business enterprises here tor many years. In the late 20’.s he uorked as a clothes pressor in down town Chapel Hill, and a decade later became one of the organizers of the Chapel Hill Funeral Di rectors. lie was for many year.s iSecrctai’y of this business firm. Hfjongh the' relationship was d\A- 'solved a litlle more than a year ego. ife wa.s also an {>rganizer of the Chapel ILil Mutual Burial A.s- ■sociation. In recent years he was President of the Chapel Hill Coun cil on Negro A.Tairs and Treasurer Cl the Building Fund of St. Paul A M.E, Clnireh. Diabetes Victim 'I'he big rotund, bespectaceld in- suranceinan-tax consultant—a vic tim of diabtdes for many years, di’ove to see the Rev. E. D. Swain, a former associate, at the, funeral home on Friday morning after his vife had left for work at the Caro lina Inn. According to reports from po lice authorities and various per sons who saw him that morn ing, these things happened: He spoke with the Rev. Mr. SwaUi and Douglas Caldwell, funeral home employee, while sitting in Ins car in front of the N. Gra ham St. establishment. A telephone call came through from Hillsboro asking if he would be at the 11 a.m. inquiry sche duled there for him. He said he was then leaving to drive to Hills boro. But then he continued to wait ill iront jf the funeral parlor for (luite a while, causing the Rev. Mv. Swain and Caldwell to l>e- comc suspicious. Seen In Car .4 next door neighbor, Willie Les ley. who was sitting on his porch, said ho noticed Jone.s looking back at him at frequent intervals. After a while. Le.sley said, he had to go to work, and stopped by the house on the other side of the Jones’, the residence of Mrs. Maggie Mor- p'ms (a relative of the Jones’) and told her of his suspicion.s. She went to the house about ( See JO.VES, Page 8) Partly cloudy and mild late to day and tonight. Scattered show ers tomorrow. Expected low to night, in the .W’s. Expected high tomorrow, in the low 60’s. High Low Rainfall Thursri^' 70 48 .00 Friday 75 52 .02 Saturday 57 44 .83 Sunday 51 46 .95 hi Stores Open Till 9 Nightly Through Friday For Christmas Shopping f. J