a V i CHAPEL ■,>LL NEWS PAGE FIVE Apis. For Rent FUHNISHED BACKYARD COT- tsge for quiet student or couple. S3aort wailc from Med. School. ■ Cosy, compact, comfortable. Call 3311 between 6 and 7'p.m. only. Houses For Rent iof white space title of type. THREE - BEDROOM Dogw'ood Acres. Burnham, 8-5231. HOUSE IN Call Mart er will not he more than one \Ji ion. If your ad- ttfong notify ua jriected. V., using copy ac- 1 S p.an., tVi- y's paper, and lay for Thuts- classified can- same as copy 8. OR SALE NEW BRICK HOME, GOOD neighborhood. Carolina Coai- structcrs & Realty Co. Phone 8408. BEDROOM HOUSE. A SHORT walk to West University Drive, $70 month. Phone John Foushee Agency, 84.81. lur ad for two 'ou may cancel time ard pay imber of times ppeared. ■DR„ R&H, RE- od mileage. $350. 71 after 6:30 or VC, LET PICK-UP jndition. reason- le 9-1061. Can be rgraft’s Atlantic red 8 VE SALES AND 1 Keith, 403 W. |t tone 9-7041. OFFERED TWO - BEDROOM FURNISHEi, house. Call 9-458 or 3081, Wanted To Rent 29 WORKING COUPLE DESIRES small home or apartment near Chapel Hill. Phone 9-8183. Houses For Sale 30 HOMES FOR SALE 3 bedroom home on Westwood Drive. Panelled kitchen, break fast room, dining iioom^ large living room and den plus full basement with 2 car gwage. Fully air conditioned. New 3 bedroom brick home.. Din ing room, den with fireplace, 2 full baths and garage. Small farm with ycnovated farm house. All modern convenience i. 5 room house on Barclay Road. BUSINESS PROPERTY Busines.s property on West Frank lin Street. »OS: TAKEN IN me by appoint photos a spccial- P Service, Roland J « eader Office. Lr EDD PERIODIC correct ovcrflow- ish sewage lines. Service, 8-0833. INVESTMENT PROPERTY •Several investmeii't properties for sale throughout Chapel Hill. . CHAPEL HILL REALTY John A. Cates Phone GSeC Over the Univer.sity Restaurant Wanted 91 SIX ROOM HOME WITHIN walking distance of hospital Two full baths. A good buy Carolina Constructors & Realtj Co. Phone 8403. WANTED FOR t. $150 to $180 te ago to P. Q. :ett, N. y. JOIN OUR LONG LIST OF SAT isfied clients by calling Foushec Olsen Realty Co. If TO LIABILITY mage Insurance 20% with a iompany- Safeco aany of Ameri- amous General up. Assets: 210 policyholders ilion. C. Whid a ne e Agency, Bldg., 405 W. me 8478. “Save jl! ND MARKERS: iplay of finished from Allen and Granite, Check Jiship and prices ment Company ■ City, N.C. Its REGISTERED. Ears, trimmed hone 9-9756. BY OWNER, COLONIAL HOUST on Westwood Drive near Memor ial Hospital. Seven rooms pin, breakfast room. Price reduced for quick sale. A. S. Winsor Phone 4191.- , Lots For Sale FOR SALE: NICE BUILDING lot on paved street in Carrboro Call 8-1553. Wettach Writes Piece On School Laws Of N. C. School legislation, w’ith empha sis on the Pearsall Plan, is the subject ,o£ a lead article in the fall issue of the North Carolina Law Review, published by the University School of Law. Prof. Robert H. Wettach, form er Dean of the School, prepared the article which presents both side.s of the picture in .school legis lation. A second major article, concerning taxation, was written by J. Duane Gilliam, Law School .?eni.-,r and an instructor in the Have A Christmas Present You Don^t Want Or Meed? Exchange Or Sell It Through w- The NEWS LEADER CLASSIFIED PAGE- ASC Sign-Up Period Opens On January 3 Prospects For New Year Bright Despite Low Spots in Economy DIAL 8-444 Orcinge County Farm Agent's Column /By Don Matheson & Ed Barnes Tim Orange County Technical Committee has selected a list ol of practices it consider best suited for Orange County. Th^ Oianre County AS^.' ner^on- nel will begin taking applications i-r liiese practices un januaiy 3, and continue to accept applications uorough January 20. Following is a list of practices selt^cted for Orange County with a brief description of each. 1. Permanent Pasture or Hay: This practice is for the initial es- t'^blishment of a i>srmanent veg etative cover for soil protection or a needed land use adjustment. 2. Adiiti'Cnal Vegetative Cover Ill Chip Rotation: This practice is forv'he establishment of additional -j' eage of vegetative cover in crop ation to retard erosion and lo >rove soil structure, permeabiii- or water holding capacity. Liming Materials on Farm- 11: This practice is for the inui- j jreatment of farmland to permit! use of legumes and grasses for improvement and protection. [ Forest Tree Planting: This police is for the initial establish- j nwst of a stand of trees of farm- j ‘aid for erosion control, water-; sM protection, or forestry pur-; Vos&s. 5, Permanent Pasture or Hay Ifl^irovement: This practice is for he improvement of an established paifuanent vegetative coveh for or watershed protection. Farm Ponds As A Means Of ting Vegetative Cover Or Fotkrigation Water:, This practice ,is^ the construction 'Of farm ponds as a means of protecting vegPative cover or for irrigation wak 8i^Fol•cst Improvement: Thi.s praitinc is ^or the improvement or Prospects for continued prosperity throughout the nation during 195.7 are bright de.^olte sectional low spots in our economy, according to a majority of the nation’s econo mists and bu.siness prognosticators. paiision of our economy. Indications are that busine.ss will continue to expand operations and plant facilities, though to a some what lesser degree than in 1956, and it is expected that empJoment will continue high. It is expected that there will be a gradual rise in prices and a continued mild ex- Tobacco farmers in the flueeured growing states will be hard hit by a 20 per cent reduction in tobacco acreage, but a part of this decrease in income is expected to be offset somewhat by the soil bank program. In addition, many fanmers' will turn to other crops and a live-at-home (program to- cushion the shock of a severe reduction in acrerge. panslou of the economy, but, it is pointed out, tilte government’s fis cal experts will keep a close watch on the economy and ease the tight money at the first indications of a slump. It is the purpose of the pro gram to maintain a stable dollar and prevent ruii-away inflation. For the nation as a whole, 1957 IS expected to be one of the most prosperous years in the nation’s history. nATTtiVMFV TO JANUARY 7 or the most Popular toharm varie.- ^'^g-^^hment of stand of forest AH grade A who are ! ties, farmers are maMfig every ef- ^ erosion control, water- iiot keeping reco rds through-,D.H.I. fort to learn all there is to know or foiestiy pur- or Owner-sa:]ppier systems are about the different available invited to atten ^ meeting to be I eties. This inform ation-wili be giv- Waterways: This practice held Monday, o’clock in tb Jillsboro. Marvin Ser '?airy Special] lecords, will .V-Day-A-Mon" r January 7th at 2 eh at a tobacco meeting to be held old courthouse in ' at Aycock .School in Cedar Grove 9.i h fdlthe initial establishment of perrsinent. sod w-aterways to dis Thursday night, January 3rd, at :er, State College 7:30 o’clock. Representatives from 'st In Charge of Dairy State College, the Oxford Experi- ixplain tihq new Weigh-1 ment Station, and the Stabilization ih plan, and start the ystena work/^ns 1" Orange County. I "his plan R ,* nation-wide in scope, ' ;nd is being ! sponsored by the U. S. ! Jepartment j Agriculture tlirough [ he County I Agents. It is the most nexpensive'l of U'e tfc-'ee systems. The dairy® n®h P^y sixty cents per ow per ye “ advance and agree 0 weigh P'e: morning and even- ng milk .from each cow on the .'ifteenth t k each month. This ree- ■rd is SCI ^(: to the county office ind sumn^'su'zed. The production of lach COW' i is computed and a table jiving thf ^ amount of feed each cow ihbuld ha'/ye is furnished monthly to ‘.he dair> fmen. All da. ky authorities are agreed Cooperative will lead the discussion. mg aii.sion. 10.{Terracing: This practice :s for lb emstruction of teiraccs to .d4in or control the flow vf v/atorfcd check soil erosion. Community Advis^y Units Set in Blue Ribbon Fart(t Program Several communities have already ^ Mrs. jiijes Bradsliaw, Mrs. C. B. elected Advisory Committees to ^ Comer. guide the- Farm and Home Blue J schlejl Uarry Wood, Lone Min- Ribbon Program through 1957. List-Mr! Van Kenyon. Mason Ken- ed below are members elected to • date: yon, Kb ^ Mrs. iVrJ St. Marys Community; Wallace Bacon, Mrs. Douglas Hill, Reid Walker, C. N. Woods, ■in PlielpS; Mrs. Vernon Latta, Mrs. Parker Ro- ChaiiOiS Mincey, Cbar- Roberts, Dupree Smith, Mrs. Harry MilierjA. E. Wilson. that pro P^^tion records must be Walker, Mrs. Mary Clayton, Mrs. kept in herd effh irder to manage a dairy iently. Henry Walker, BiM Crabtree, Ted FERTILI [ZATION WTTHOUT SOIL 1’EST W- (VSTEFUL Profess V** William F. Bennett of Iowa Stal*ie CoIIbge says buying a ton of fert for $30 without first Nunn, Mrs, lent -to sell or buy largdius in hous- l;ufo?, jobs, ser- lems—use Class getting a i Wif test is like purchasing ^5(1 ^rorth iof medicine without first consulting doctor. For best results from a soil man agement pC’ iogram, each field should have a soii l fost made once every three years!- Mailing cartons are Bu.siness Administration School. ("available at \ ffte County -Agents of- To be rclea.sed today, the is- floe. ■, sue -H’ill be the first of four for • 1956-57, w-ith others scheduled TOBACCO FAi,' for publication in February, April TO STUDY and June, 1957. * Martin, Mrs. a>Me Roberts, Helen Gates, Bratcher Evans, New Hope: B. F. Spencer, Dave Patterson, John Locldhart, Ernest Mauer, Elvin Cates^ Bob Strayhorn, Arthur Minnis, ‘Mrs. John Wilson, Miss Janie Blackwood, Mrs. Will Clarence Blackwood, Mrs. Edgar T. Campbell, Mrs. Mitchel Lloyd. Buckhom: Merritt Kirlc, Evelyn Patterson, Mrs. Pattye Stanford, James Crutch field, Wiley Perry, Mrs. E. J. Ren- nington, J. G. Pender, Mrs. War ren Holmes, Winford Shambley, Mrs. W'alter Shanklln, Mt.s. Ralph Vfetetcr, Mrs. Harvey Durham, In Uie weeks before the na tional eleaon on November 6, the United StsLs Department of Agri culture bought more than 62,000 cases of egjs for the school lunch program, .says Clayton P. Libeau, Extension poultry and egg market ing specialist at North Carolina State College. GRAN P. CHILDRESS Agent JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE CO. 'With the bl listing of some Is MAY ROOM; li p r 0 f e s s .i r’ linutes beyo.nd i iPhone 3311 be- Ip.m. ' EE YOUR ISERS . FOR YEAR ROUND LIVING! A cozy three-bedroom home whose attractive living room fireplace adds warmth to an already well-heated masonry bouse. In the spring and fall you can expand onto the large private screened porch and dogwood-covered back yard (lot is 270 feet, deep.) In the summer? Why all you need is this well-insulated house IS to turn on the window unit air-conditioner. Evenings you II love that ncirthside porch. •Ajso: .Acull have a half basement with a washing machine, a modern spacious kitchen with a good electric range, a dining L off the living room, good neighbors, paved street . . . any- thmg else? Oh, the price: Owner moving very soon so it's $14,500. ■Vou I] be glad you called us at 8-431 atout one of our excellent usuries. Crowell Little Motor Co. Dealer License No. 1067-A Used Car Lot on Main Street in Carrboro—Phones 9-444 & 8-1301 FOUSHEE-OLSEN REALTY CO. REALTORS Mrs. Sarah Olsen, John Foushee, Bill Ol«on ir 108 N. Columbia St. Telephone 8431 "i.v -I-'. The government is expected lo continue its “tight” money policy during the first six months of the year lo preve.nt too fast an ex- GREENE ELECTRIC bO. ElECTRICAl CONTRACTOR FREE ESTIMATES Tel; 4021 5 335 West Rosemary TRUI TO UFI Informal Photography (By appointment at your home) Wedding Photos A Speci-alty PRESS PHOTO SERVICE i?OLAND GIDUZ Ofc.—News Buetdingi, Main St.^ Carrhcrrs Check v/ifh us about alt of your insurance needs . . . and have adequate insurance protection. JOHN FOUSHEE, AGENCY Phone 8431 108 N. Columbia St. FOR REAL ESTATE SALES AND RENTALS CALL Service Insurance Bt Realty Co. 8472 REALTOR 8472 Clyde Dictf Homaday 28 Years at same location Young LIST TAXES EARLY To Avoid Crowded Conditions, Long Lines Later Oriy And A Lata List Penalty Of 10% THE TAX LISTERS FOR BINGHAM AND CHAPEL HILL TOWN SHIPS WILL HOLD APPOINTMENTS AS FOLLOWS FOR THE PUR POSE OF TAKING TAX LISTS FOR THE YEAR 1957. CHAPEL HILL TOWNSHIP L. R. Cheek Lister Hollow Rofk Service Siation, Jan 4lh, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Biackwood Station, January 7th, 9:00 a.m. to .5:00 p.m. Midway Service Station. January 8th, 9:00 a.m.. to 5:00 p.m. Chapel Hill Town Hall each weekday from 9 to 12 a.m. and 1 to 5 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Chapel Hill Townhall each weekday from 9 to 19 a.m. and 1 to 5 p.m. Saturdays 9 to 12 a.m. BINGHAM TOWNSHIP Jeter Lloyd Lister White Cross, January 4th, Ail Day. Manley Snipes Store, January 8th, All Day Joe McCauley’s Place, January 10th, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Harden Johnson’s Store, January 12th, All Day Tom Andrews Store, Januai-y 14i.h, !1:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Strope Store, January 16th, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Lewis, Allen Store, January 18th, All Day Glenn Lloyd’s Store, January 22nd, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00p.m. MTiite Cross, January 2eth, Ail Day TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL Mrs. Ruth Ward, List Taker On Duly At ’The Town Hall 9-12 & 1-5 weekdays 9-12 On Saturdays AH R.esidents Of Chape] Hill Must File 'VSTth Both The Toivn And County Listefs. ATTENTION DOG OWNERS Don’t fail to list your dogs and pick up a County dog license. All dogs are re- qmre4 to wear these license tags al all times. LATE LISTING PENALTY lOtl of the total tax will be add,cd to all lurts not filed miring the month of January unless a written extension of time is obtained from the Tax Supervisor prior to Januaiy 31, 1957. The minimum penalty to be assessed will be $1.00. COUNTY TAX SUPERVISOR ORANGE COUNTY