iii Brief rhVH KIWAN^LVS'S will Mage their an ting this Wednesday m the Carolina Inn. liosts lor the oc- i! to yo a Jong way ioa,-t Cornish game Knvanians fed ’em lER roui.D HWE cciitly sct'up employee clavssi- cecs. n o the North Caio- ticatioii plan and seeking au Btuce iVTartindalc, general chair- of Pliarraacj' .w oe :icroiS-lhc-board direct salary mai of the May 18 event, said tliiit a cordiig, t) the jjureysc tor stale tvovkcrs ‘W porsen rvho will not have ^ accumulated lor turned over to tiic o'' *>“r 20th birthday by August 15, the date of the na tional iloacl-lL-O finals in Washing- l(ji, D. C., will be eligible to en- KET, NEWLV-AP. Hdll Dirc' tor ’of C v 1 :>’ng ti) really acti- zntion I'ca’ly. Plans wi’l he announced iirer ho confers with Pmso Dirc-ct'^r Wah ;s:*oro. Mr. Mask t cio amateur d:era- wly-Organized Elecfronics Industry Is To Be Set Up Here spaper Service a I B-444 Office: E. Main St,, arrboro Chapel Hill News Leader Tiame-Out, Inc/ Plant Planned By Don Barrie Forman mouth. Ill. Ad TfcLEPMONE 8 444 Leading With The News in Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Glen Lennox and Surrounding Areas CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY^ APRIL 15, 1957 SIX PAGES THIS ISSUE Unit Protests Classification Petitioners Ask Pay Increases 'Across Board' Teen-Age Road-E-O Set May 18; Jaycees Sponsor Driving Event Petitiuns with tlic names of .0JO University employeCvS a!- The Teen-Age Road-K-O driving milted to drive his own car in the bill contest will be staged locally contest. The local winner is to be for the .first time this year under given a trip to the state Road-E 0 FiMt d, and protesring the re- spon.iorship of ihg Chapel FiiU .lay- finals in Monroe on June 1 and 2. to 10,000 .ro'nts m-^mhefshi.'^ in the Senter has a-^ciimu* >00 through h’s h'’st’- D shirt Governor of ^ ^ General Assembly in Raleigh today or tomorvoiv. Several hundred signers’ names were,on an earlier petition presented to the House of Kepre- mitativps on Thuv.sday by Orange '■’ounly Rep. John W. Um - cad Jr. ho documcnlH were sent on to the House Apprcprialion.s Committee, which is censidering the pay raijo wcposal. Spf^nsorH By Local Assn. A, Tpokesman for the local Area '-tx-A of the/North Carolina State Phpployees Association, which ij OF KINGS MILL 'poHsoidiig-ihe campaign, as out- ood, Tcm'nded by linedi in the pclitien, said that a ■•rdh a'^-counted f r minihcr of. faculty menibors had loined mainlenancc and aclminis- ration employees hwe in signing u'ditioii, the I’uJI text of which follows: “Wo. the un Icrsigncd state cm- »’nye,\;. respectfully petition the General A 'iembly, as follows: /First, w* solemnly protest the plan of classification of em- nloy^e*-- of the University at Chapel HIM recently prepared by the State Personnel Department. We feel it is unfair, unreason- and will result in great eon- fusion and dissatisfaction. ‘'Second, we point out that far from favoring the low-salaried group a ■ promised by the Person nel Department formula, this clas sification and salary adjustm'ent would have exactly the opposite effect. Wc again request that what ever you give H.s, you give us Tj’aight across the board, straight I'rom you to us, and not through Ihc Personnel Department or any agency.” North Carolina's entrant in the national contest will be in the running for the three top awar ds of scholarships for $2,000, $1,- 500, and 51,000. May 13 has been sot as the deadline for local en tries. A.s.'Lsting ]\!r. Marlindale in slag- tcr. Time and place of the local ing the Road-E-0 here will bo contest will ae announced later, he Walts Poe, Charles Hodson, and Red Altcmncllei-, elig'ibUily and Written Quii, Too ^ cerlU’ication; Bill Stewart, Bill The cornpelUion will consist of Wright, and Kim Partin, judging, a written quiz and; IhCj perform- Charles Manor, prizes and awards, ance. of four obstacle-type exer- and Ty Boyd, Roland Giduz, Herb ci • in cars to he provided by the Hidland, and Marvin MiUhe.son, Jaycees. No cm rant will be per- (See- ROAD-E-O, Page Siiv) Ecfstsr Sunrise Service Set of the Total of 16 reived on Sa U 'd-iy 'i.'.h'ol D’s'rict. d’gc- ■inct Rcgim'ar Af ,s. would’ve had a qriet da'- if th s -istcred to vegis er. IGXS OF SPRING or Clyde Squires: up in Mrs W. B. yard on Ros'inary day, took (ff and 'wn the b^ock bc- 4 b g tree. "fM g t minutes telling mo su’d Mr. Squires, : apiarist-that is. avoe.ation. CORNIVELL OF rf 1 ini opposition i-'-tdecli. n for about !?ck. Percy Quinlan. Par Heel .Sandwch he Town Hall late and officially filed 5 M y 7 ohetions. orning he went by siatcmont of fil- (. hurehes of Clia.pcl Hill and Crun*- •]x)ro will spon' or a sunrise East r worship service at fi o’clock this Sunday at the Lawson Golf Couiv e. The Rev. J, Paul Edwards of the Carrboro Method’st Cbiirch. P e - ident of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro M'nistcr’a! AH-=ociaLion. and the Rov. M'uvice Kickier of the Ephoop 1 Church of C e Holy Family, ChaT- nm of the' A.ssocialion'.? Sp'wi J Iv.'crts'Cotrmi tee, will conduct the -cwices. A b •a.ss ensemb’e Tom th:. Chap el Hill Htgh Schl'oi band will pro vide sp:?c.-ial mn-ic and accompaiii- rrent ' for the hymns. Silent Prayer Period Asked For Hun'" ’rians A two-mini-te period of silent prayer for the Hungarian p€"ple will be observed bore on Friday al n k.rn. Mayor 0. K. Cornwell has asked a'l residents of the community to :oin in the Jayece-sponsored oc- ca.sion by offering two mnutys of silent prayer, during which local clnirch bells v'lh be tolled. The Hev. .1. Kimsey King of The Alder.sga'c Methndist Church i,-; chairman of tiK‘ Good Fridl^ observance for the Jaycees. ‘‘Now' v.e can help the Hungarian peo ple,” said the Rev. Mr. King. 'ACADEMY' AWARD FOR SENTER—W. J. S nith. Secretary of the N. C. Pharmaceutical Asso ciation and its Academy of Pharmacy, presents to C arrborc civic leader and pharmacist Lloyd Senter (right) his certificate as the seventh person to be inducted into the 18-months-old Academy. The cere mony took place at Thursday evening s Lions Club meeting. Academy memberships are awarded on the basis of points given primarily for pharmacists' civic activities, 10,000 points being required for mem bership. Mr. Senter’s award was brought about mainly through his activities as Liens District Governor, News Leader Photo Only 16 Register For School Voting kTIlOl.iMAN E. S he hit upon £ Cites 'Misunderstanding' spokesman I'or the local hi-anch of the Employees Associa- ion, which has over 400 members, ra-iii" yesterday -aid today "There is quite a bit of ould have resulted misunder.standlns; about this pro- er. He was invest'- posal, but no one has ,vet been able r-olPs'on that was 'o expJain it to ii, satisfactorily.” Under the bill as currently pi rpased within the classifica tion system, he said, many local employees would be "frozen" in their .resent salaries, in that they wbuld already be drawing a higher salary than the classifi cations would provide. Clifton Beckwith of Raleigh e Chatham Couu y State Secretary of the Association,’ tower. Tile drive:- was here today conferring with hr and charged with cal Association representatives on kless driving. the matier. the road on the highwsv near .4u- 's, when' a car to the scene, and P’st the pile-up, moments later by 'so narrowly avoid- ■ehiclcs. Mr. Robin- second car and ad Savs . formation' Spread Pet. Pay Increase V W. U.MSTEAD d;-un!t will mean revocation of U- iscussJon the bi 1 left to the disc e- Jd2e as to wheUitr logislatiou would have meant 0 revoked in flrimk- 'k R when a peison was convicted was tab'ed in the drunlsen driving his lawyer would majority. This always t'lken the pos ton that iciion of drivng person could not make a liv- •ng i-n’ess he v.'as allowed to drive as many of th.em do when pler.diiig a case before a jury. mer feday. Cold- scattared light ht 40-45. Tomor- ^alr. fh Low Rainfall 7 3U .00 1 45 .00 40 .12 ,) .00 Would License Drunk Driving To have parsed tlrs hill wou'd have for aU 'm'ents and purposes licensed drunken driving when a iperson used his or her car in go ing to and from work or in per forming the duties of their job. As is my usual practice in all matter.^ afiecting highway safety I vigorous- Iv opposed this legislation. Having been tabled there is no chance th t fScc (NDUSTRY. Poge Sir) tutiU -of lb Chapel Hill Schooi Di.slrict residents living outside the Town of Chapel Hill became eligi ble to vote in the May 7 School District elections a.s registration books opened on Saturday. Books will be open again in the cinct voting places between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. All Chapel Hill residents who register for the Town elcction.s will aiHcmatkally become eligible to vote in the School District elec tions, and person^* already regisr vote in the School District elec tion, in which five candidates are seeking the four seats at stake on the six-member Board. In the North Precinct at Iho Chapel Hill Town Hall Registrar Mrs. Henry llcyali reported that d:stribi|o!-ship for the Lord-Taber three Chapel Hill election precinct tered on the Town's voting books on Saturday only two persons were Ganand-gua, N. Y., also on will likewise be eligible to vote in registered. South Precinct Regis- ncy*()!■”a11 ized indus try, “I’laine-Oiu I'ire J^rnlec- tioii. Inc./’ will se set up in the Ghapcl Hill area in tlie near Inturc, it ^vas annonneed tins morning; l)y Don Lar- lic oi Clfiapel Hill, President of the Clorporation. Ml’. Bari'ic said that ilic firm will in.stail and laler manu facture .all types of clccti'onics ui- slallations, with particular emphasis on installing electronic and alarm s.\’stems on military bases. At the presenr time pat’nts aire being .-'i’ciired cn some of the apparatus v\liich is to be manufactured, he 5 aid. Ill Electronics Many Years .Mr. Barrie, a Californian, moved to Chapel Hill with Mrs. Barrie— the former Frar-ces Harris of Chap el Hill—fj’oni Los Angeles, about four years ago. He has l)een en gaged in eleclrojiics work his en tire life and holds several patents on such devices. Recently he comi)lctcd the in- stMlatlin • of a comp’a?^.e fire protection system for the 51th Fighter (Defense) Squadron at the Greater Pittsburgh Airii-ort. under ontract to the Harold Smi'h and Son firm of Washington, D. C. As presently planned the indus- Itw w.'.uld employ about JO persons in the manufacture of its products, W''hich w'il include a dry fire ex tinguisher ior heme and offee u=c. recording to Air. Barrie. It will also distribute all types of firo equip ment aiifl el.'cLrimic s y .s t e m s 'hroughout the country. ‘Non-Smol-estack’ Industry Mr. Barrie emphasized that he definitely w^anted the plant to be in the Chaj>el Hill community, and that it would ])e a “non-smoke- stack” type of operation. "We plan to buy land here within six or eight months aiid build a colonial type building on it tliat will be a credit to the Vui- versity jomniunily.” He added: "We are del.ghled at the pro.specl of h'wuting the operation here. I love Clr-ipcl ft ill and have never before found a place like it." •At the present lime the corpora tion has Its headquarters in Dur ham It was locently granted a 'headquarters this Saturday from 9 a.m. until 6-p.m. This Saturday v/ill also be the first cf two. successive Saturdays for registration of new voters for the biennial Town elections, also to be held May 7. Qualified new voters may register in the pre- both elections without resgistcring anew. However, any person living in the District outside of Chapel Hill will have to re-regisfer this Saturday to become eligible to trar Mrs. A.'T. Miller at tlie M’ool- len G3'mnasium lobby said that she registered four person..-. Mrs. Lind say Neville, Registrar for the East Precinct at the Glenw’ood School, said she registered 10 persons. Postal Snarl Solution Seen Soon; Delivery Deluge Is Expected Today Chapel HTl and 'Carrboro ci-tizcn.s lion of mall. All in all though, he seemed to take hi stride the cur- saM. the'-e \va.? no doubt that a tailment o[ postal service here and saving in postoffice operational over ihe country on Saturday. ■ cc-st's w-as realized by the SatU M y Chapel Hill Postmaster Paul closing. Check said today that while ail # nationally would be remedied by this weekend, in light of appro- priafrHn steps already taken by Congi-ess. , , and rural earrier.s had a lioli- Saturday. in keeping with the Postmaster Oeneral's orders, ihcy h.id to have extra help today to make up for the extra accumula- 41 Drawn As Jurors For Civil Court Term . Had To Refuse Quite a niiml>er of -persons te'e- p.ioned and called at the postoffice to inquire about the situation and to try to get their mail, Mr. Ch:>ck 'loted, but all mail requests liad to be refused. He predicted that the situation A’eunwh'le,- ih- pUbTc wu1l -be af forded w'indow' 'service, in the Chap- el Hill post-offee onlj?- from 9 until o:J0 p,.m . Monday through Friday, instead of the regular nine-hour period from 9 until 6. Third-Class S'mvcr .Miothcr p-.'it.^l S-'ow^-dowu as the fSec POi.S'TAL, Paf7c Six) electronic and a’arm system in- (tii.stry. .\s planned tiy Mr. Barrie Mie ' “Flamc-Oiit” organization will c..nl>ody a sales force acro.ss the coiiiilry of 60 or more persons. Chnriered In State He said (odav that he had just ’■elurned from A'lianii. Fla., where lie has been for the pa.st two months oiganizing the corporation. It was (.•hartered in \orth Carolina earlier this monih with $100,000 authorized capital .stock and wdh .Mi.ss Annie J.ciui'ie Rcavc.s, financier of Eu- faula. Ain,, ATi-s Jiiduh Barrie of Las Angeles--Air. Barrie's sisttif. , .r>ul Air, Barr;e himsrlf, an in- corporato’'s, C'irreiit’y, Mr. B''iTle said, he is fillteg nut forms for bidding on ctecfronic end fire tanitroi sys tems for m.'rt'>rv installations all rc’nss the country. Some of the timis verk will be classified by the fedc’al government as "top secret," he said. "We have some very ' ambitions j'lans for this firm," Mr. Barrie said, "but we want to build sound ly and move ahead cautiously, so that we can grow .soundly." SCOUTS AT ‘CIRCUS'—Chapel Hill Boy Scout Trcop 39's eight- man signal'tower erecting team topped off its demonstration in Sat urday night s Occoneechee Council Scout Circus at Raleigh with the displaying of big "UNC V signs for the Tar Heels' basketball cham pionship. The boys can put up the 20-foaf tower In five minutes. Shown atop their completed product are (clockwise, starting^ at top left) Bob Spearman, Vance Barron, Bill Graham, Billy Black wood, Johnny AMcott (back to camera): Charlie Lefler, David Rad ford, and Scott Parker. Assistant Scoutmaster Ed Johnson was in charge of the team. More than 200 boys from Orange County Scout units participated in the Circus. Forty-one persons from Chapel Hill Township are among the 70 Orangor County residents who.-ie names have been drawn for jury duty during tlic one-week civil term of Orange County Superior Court beginning Alonday, April 29, in Hillsboro. They are: W. J. Hall, E. L. Petit,. Aiillard Whitley, E. C. Kirkland, Charlie Maddox, Charlie Sparrow., William Burn-ett, S. AI. B. Coulling Hi, John K. COLighlen, E. D. Pal- matier. Clarence E. Philbrook. W. B. Partin, Allie Brooks Petty. Wm, H. Short. T. A. Peaiwn, Barbara Cleaveland, Ben Sehrieber, J. D. Scarlett. Frances W. Crook, Mac S. Armstrong, C. L. Alarks, Julia B. Yaj'bor-ough. Don J. Bettingcr, James G. Clark, H. Charles Holloway Jr., av. N. Slack, Grace S. Poe, John F. Craw ford. Alarian J. Rosenzweig, Joseph Bradley Stroup, Edwin S. String- ham, Raymond Eugene Strong, E. . Strayhorn, M. A. Turner. Vern on S. Skyes. Howard Tapp, Robert E. Strayhorn. Albert Suskin, Fred M'. Tcare, Joseph W. Straley, and Lcui.^a M. Alacisaae. ur '■ request for a fown-vride clean- P r L/ e "?:! Coker Garden Cub-sponsored garden tour. Above, Street De- partment employees saw up a dead tree on North Street which was removed as a part of the campaign. ISews Lcaticr Photo

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