0 V ' ! h ... 1 I- ;-;-'4v;; THB MONROK ENQUIRER, MONROE. W. C MONDAY. JONE U, 1M4 -a"P FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 18th GIVE DAD A HAT Soft Straws Large Selection of Men's Soft Straw Hats. In Light and Dark Colors. Men' Summer Ties Just unpacked a new shipment of Men's Sum mer Ties for Father's Day. MEN'S COOL PANTS One Table of Men's Cool Summer Pants in Shark- skin and Cotton and Rayon. In sizes 30 to 50. Efird's Department Store Monroe, N. C. Ura Tim tniu laft MiM ' tar Shelby where she Is visiting Mr and . . . . , i ... Mil. tiacs v. necsnam. urcer ana wm go on to Danville, Va where she will vialt. her. daughter. Mitt Marv Ellisa- beth Evan. Mrs. Dewitt Kluti of Charlotte, will come the first of the week .for a visit with her cousin, Mrs. C. H. Hasty and family and other relatives in the city. Miss Joan Davis who is a student at State Teachers college, FarmvUle, Va., came Friday for an extended visit her? with relatives. Her mother. Mrs. Robert Davis, came several weeks ago from her home in Lynchburg, Vs., to spend some time with her sister. Miss Chattle Stack and other relatives. Mrs. W. L. Saunders and daughter, Pamela, will leave Thursday for Wal terboro, a C, and Savannah, Oa., where they will visit her husband's people for several days. Miss Jane Crow of Mocksvllle, came Sunday for a month's visit with her cousins, Misses Mary and Adeline Crow. Mrs. H. D. Stewart has returned home from Albemarle where she had been visiting her sister. Mrs. W. E. Milton and family. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Reynolds and son. Dot, Jr., who attended the Harris Long wedding at West Point, came by and spent a few days with Mrs. Reynolds' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Long, and left this morning for their home In Wilmington. Mrs. James Ellis and daughter, Anne, of Charleston, S. C, have been the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sell. Mr. and Mrs. J. & Simpson and daughters, Mrs. 'Wiley Coleman and Miss Katherlne Simpson spent Sunday In Kannapolls where they visited their daughter, Mrs. Robert Field and Mr. Field. . . . Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Presson returned home yesterday from Greensboro, where they had been to attend the wedding of Mr. Klrkmans niece, Miss Anne Hodgln to Mr. James W. 8ykes which took place Saturday at 5: SO o'clock. , Mr. and Mrs Frank Gulledge and children of Camden, & C. spent the week-end here with his mother, Mrs. C. U Chilledge and other relatives. Miss Chattle Stack spent a few days last week In Charlotte where she was the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. M. Owens and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Simpson and daughter. Miss Kalherine Simpson, have returned from Mississippi where they visited J. B. Simpson, Jr. They also spent a day In New Orleans. Mrs. Wade Clawson left last week for CarrabeBe, Fla., where she will spend some time with her husband, CpL Clawson who Is stationed there. Mrs. Whiteford Blakeney and two children, Retta and Virginia Claire, returend to their home in Charlotte today after a week-end visit with her mother, Mrs. C. M. Redfem. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lockhart, Jr., spent the week-end In Mocksville where they visited her mother. Mrs. J. A. Craven and other relatives. Meeting Of D. A. R. The Daughters of the American Mrs. Hoyte Sell and children have f?,-""" returned to their home in Marsh vUJe - - - after spendtag some ttae here with! Mlsg AleMnder on Morrts street, i.cr --. ?UJ"f,. " rw";fflth Miss Alexander and Mrs. W. A. Hume Ul nu paiciiba, mi. aim mo. Charles Sell. Pvt. Sell has returned to Camp Shelby, Miss. crewmen for their sponsorship of the landing craft. , .., c.y.iv,'. The fourteenth of June, designated at Flag Day, Miss OUle Alexander presented the program. In celebration of that day. '.? V.vv , The Chapter was delighted to have members of the C A. R present They gave interesting stories, poems, songs, customs and methods of display of the flag and many points of 'good citizen ship. -Those taking part vers: Olin Bikes, Jr Robert Morrow; Betty Ross Davis, Alios Vernon Snyder, Barbara Murray, Baca Dew, Emily Broome, Dororthy Duncan, Lane Ormand, Mar garet Helms, Claudia Duncan, Jean Ooudelock, Betty Marks Tucker, Har riett Sue Broome, Bobby Tucker, John MUllken and John Ormand. v Mrs. Rebe Elsenstein. with Mrs. Roy Laney, aooompanlst, sang a grogup of three numbers: Gavotte from "Ma non," Vincent Newman's Through the Yean," and "Coming 'Through th , Rye. v . - The "meeting came to close with the American's Creed, - " . Ice cream and cake were served tor v- aMtafjul hv Mlana Har- '. MJV IMHHl" ""' J rlette and Elisabeth Alexander ana Martha MUllken. ' .,, MMMaFs 'i T .v1;-. Double trouble, t Meaning whatf 4 Collars, cuffs, and hems. - Jroa first on the wrong side, then on the right. SOCIAL NEWS BT BfXS. EUGENE ASHCRAFT none Na. 445 Mrs. C. T. Anderson returned to her home here the last of the week from a visit with Mrs. Bascom Pope and family in Newton and w 1th relatives in Hickory. Birth Anonnncement Lt. and Mrs. Clyde Zink of Franklin, Ohio, announce the birth of a daugh ter, Judy Frances, on May 28th in a Charlotte hospital. Mrs. Zink and baby has returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Clark where they have rooms. Lt Clark Is stationed at Camp Sutton. , . . . Mrs. J. A. Craven and son, J. A. Craven, Mrs. Russell Felts and Miss Frankie Craven of Mocksville, spent Thursday here with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lockhart, Jr., and other, friends. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Helms and son, Tommy, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helms left last week for Myrtle Beach for a several days vacation. Henderson Joint hostesses. Mrs. H. H. Davis. Regent, presided; and the meeting was opened with tne I w ii tt i.i ii f iharintt- i slnelne of American, the Beautiful, spending a few days here with Mrs. followed by prayer by Mrs. 8. B 6. B. Hart. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Hart Bundy, Chaplain, and the Pledge of : and other friends. Allegiance 10 me nag iea oy av.i 'John Hearn. j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hart and Lt. ! Minutes of the last meeting werej and Mrs. W. C. Custer and son have read and approved and two acknowl-1 returned home from Myrtle Beach edgement notes were read from the where they went for a vacation. ; families of the late R. A. Redfern and . i John H. Boyte. Mrs. C. H. Hasty left the last of the; The treasurer's report remained the; week for Charlotte Where she will same as the previous month with spend a few days with her cousin, the addition of ninety cents for war' Mrs. Dewitt Klutz and other relatives, stamps. ! A discussion of the scrap books Miss Kathrine Simpson, daughter of made by members for boys in the , Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Simpson of Mon-! armed forces brought a decision to. roe and Miss Cora Bell Stegall of place them in Camp Sutton Hospital MarshvUle, left this morning for th the request that they be circu Edgewood Arsenal, Bd.. where they lated among nearby hospitals also.! have positions lor uie summer. j Members also voted to send cwtnes I left from a rummage sale to Crossnore Mrs. Wiley Coleman will leave Schools. Thursday for Macon, N. C, where she. Migg Mary Futch reported sending will visit her husband's brother, J. M. several appropriate cards both of con Coleman and family. gratulatlon and sympathy to sons of D. A. R. members. Park-McBride Mrs. John Hearn brought to at ten- Miss Anne McBride, daughter of tlon the War Loan Drive beginning Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. McBride of i soon and obtained volunteers for bond Marshvile, and Cpl. Allyn Smedley and stamps sales on Wednesday morn Park, Jr., TJSAAF, son of Mr. and Mrs. : mg during the month of June. A. S. Park of Wayne, Pa., were mar-! two most Interesting letters have ried Monday afternoon, June S, In been received by the chapter. One tne Virginia uare room oi Aiumnae told In detail of the sponsoring of 50 house at WCUNC, Greensboro, by Rev. amphibious landing craft by National I J. Clyde Turner, pastor of the First society of D. A. R. and the assignment Baptist church of Greensboro. Wed- of L. C. I (L), Landing Craft Infantry ding music was rendered by Miss (large) to the N. C. Society. The! Jane McBride, sister of the bride, ' jonn Foster chapter has been given pianist, and Mrs. Ben Parker, soloist, the name of Raymond H. DingmanJ , miss iynn Mcurrae ana muss js.bw ; B2-C, In the Pacific area, whose moth Harrell lit the candles. The bride- er, Mrs. Albert Dingman, lives in groom's father was his best man, and Ontario, N. Y., R1. Members are , the bride was given in marriage by her asked to write to both crew members father. 1 and next of kin, telling of sponsorship j Greeting the guests were Miss and Interest. Other suggestions for Jean Park, sister of the bridegroom, ' crew members are: sending books. Miss Dorothy Park, sister of the periodicals, records holiday greetings, bridegroom, and Miss ancy Taylor of etc., and writing as often as possible. Salisbury, and Miss Eris Sturdlvant The second letter was from the kept the guest register. commanding officer UL (tot E. 8 The bride is a graduate of WCTJNC. Smith U. 8. N. R thanking the N. C.- Miss Virginia Ash craft who had been spending several days in Washington, D. C, with her brother, Tom Lewis Ashcraft and Mrs. Ashcraft; returned home Thursday. She was accompanied to her home by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lewis Ashcraft for a few days visit Mrs. Ashcraft stopped in Hickory Where she is spending the time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe. Cpl. Park was graduated recently from the Keesler Field, (Miss.) sir plane mechanics school. Chapters on behalf of officers and Mrs. x. r. weus nas rexumea n , Mrs. Ed Rice and children have gone home to Hamlet after a several day; to Bamberg. S. C to meet her has visit with her mother Mrs. Joe Ben- V, who ta Navy and m ton, in Benton Heights. visit relatives while away. Mrs. S. B. Bundy had ss guests last , , . week her sons, Julian Bundy and son, J. C Jr., who has recently returned home from service in the Navy In the ; South Pacific, and Charlie Bundy of Charlotte. ,. I ; .Miss Billy Cochran who is with the Ameerican Red Cross at Fort Bragg, spent the week-end here with her brother. Jack Cochran and family. Miss Mary Alice WQklns of Ban ford came today for a visit with her uncle and Aunt Mr. and Mrs, Eugene. Pres son and other relatives. - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hargett and" three sons, Robert Jr Stewart and Fred, and Mr. and rMs. W. T. Wall ana iiwo sons, jsuaaj ana iwoert, re turned home Sunday from Myrtle '. Beadh where they had been spending m :.i:r.:l: ' - S v Mrs. William Austin and son Billy and 'ber nephew, Billy Austin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cull Austin of Charlotte left Friday for More head city where they will spend several days. Birth AaiMVneement ISt. and Mrs. J. Blair Secreat an- dra lw, In the Ellen Fitzgerald os- pilal, Wednesday, June 7th. Mrs. 8e erest is the former Miss Annie Hemby, daut.:.ter of Mrs. W. L. Hemby and the late Mr. Hemby. , . ... ,: ,. . ?" Ii'a Lsne Velsh has gone to I-:.-nre, 8. C, a! -.ore she is visiting 1'fT sunt, IiS. I jgens BaU : and i.i.T.r.y. , . . Iwkk.of WC-.-e i. a".i Waxhav THIEATQE ' WJw, N. C Tuesday, June 13th - Allen Cairaey Wsily Browa " ROOXIES IN DUTJ1A It's Loaded With La1! ; 7 added ';:, COMEDY AND NEWS' Thurs.-Fri., June 1S-16 ' Orson Welles - t- ; Jn FonUiM V " v "' ' ; SUrring is ' . ADDED NIWS Titurdajr, June 17 r ' 't Foran Fiaae Kecital Mrs. Zeb Jones wlB present s group of piano pupils in recital Tuesday eve-1 nlng at o'clock In the high school auditorium. j The following pupils will be pre-, sen ted: Juanita Enrd, Barbara Murray. Anne Robinson, Emily Broom, Harrl-j ette 8ue Broom, Margaret Helms, Mac Bowles, Margaret Helms, Mac Bowles,' Sara Dew, Eftehea Chords, Lorraine MKchum, Elsie Broom, Martha Oopple, Jane Copple, Frances : Curiee, Sara Carpenter, Lucille Melnus, Jane Fuller, Martha Knox, Jean Ooudelock, Dor othy Medlln, John Milliken, Barbara Helms, Phyllis Niven, Marrianne Nlv- en, Eusaoeth Price. --:;hr-r Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevens of Win- jston-Salem, spent the week-end hers with her sister, Mrs. Mabel Dew ana other relatives, . ' Fresbyterlaa Bnstaf Cirelee The evening . circles -of the ' First Presbyterian church will meet this evening at 1:00 o'clock. "The Business Woman's - circle win meet 'with Mrs. Henry West at her home on Wilson street with - Miss Cars Coble as co-hostess. - - . The Alice Hargett circle win meet at the home of Mrs. H. D. Stewart with Mrs, Loyd Green and Miss Ruth Clapp as hostesses. . Mr. and Mrs. t. Lockhart ' are spending several days tit Tarboro i where they are she guests of their daughter, Mrs.' George Fountain. - CORRECTIVE . SPUJAL ADJUSTMENTS CniEOPRACTTVE -la puc cessful in not only correct injr illness, but in keeping the body in such condition as to make illness les3 liable to occur. v PASTIME Today and Tuesday UP IN MABEL'S ROOM Marjerie Reynolds Dennis CKeefe ALSO NEWS Thoraday and Friday - TARMCO Lynn Bar! ' Edward G. ALSO COMEDY OLD KtOrfTERET . . Geae Aasry -s Smiley Bameite , - Jane Ssety ,. .George (Gabby) Bayes . The Us later Hot Shats Sarie and Bailie, .- The Eaaeav: Boys . . " ALSO SERIAL NO. U . COMEDY Sanday IT HATrCD TC..-.0 f . CUI7AL0 c:ll r 1 c ! ' .: '11' ;n mm I Sf & llil I I . J' CEtlTIFICATE GAD ALL B AND C BOOK HOLDERS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR CERTIFICATES If their present tires are not serviceable First choice of millions of motorists everywhere is the new Goodyear, now as always, the tire of extra quality, extra value, ready to give you long:, jow-cosi nuieage. paoie carcass.- we ve got tnese Dig peauues now so Dnng (piiu j in your Grade I certificate for today's Number 1 tire , . 4.00.14 a new Goodyear. : Good Tabes Save Tirest Get A . New GOODYEAR -; -- -rias Tas '- ' 1 :-,:;(ssxi) tr, . Don't weaken your tire with a poof tube. Trade your certificate f or a saf$, sound, new Goodyear Heavy Duty. A long-lasting, reinforced tube, care fully designed to give your tire a perfect fit; the kind of support it needs. f ' 4 A StOP Tire Cuts' 1 P"VTHP Ltw 'NOW, Before Ttof: Pncc fcr Extra- ,w . , VZzzzs Kccappingr vmcANmw2-03 , ; , . .. up ' r v ns vulcanize those lit- Famout. long lst!ng Goodyear tie cuts and breaks NOW, materials, armjed by factory k Kpfora thev CTOW-UT) Our trained exiens pive you hun- . oeiore mey grow P- uur cireis of extra nines. Preferred . specialists USO Goodyear- ?Z vs materialsrGood-. I..- r- .! year-developed methods to- give you sound tires for thousands cf safe, low cost miles that might have teen lost, 4 r .