-n itoti r v I'VAH. M. c, jVtt?, t h, i-i I r i I'ii I f i .--j; THE FMOUS BUTTON In warm, weightless WOOL-AND-RAYON, a rich quality. Choose it in Coral, Aqua, Haze Blue. Purple, or Green. ' (In ordering state second color chdfc. Sizes 12 to 20. And as always your guarantee of quality workmanship is the, famous TOMMIE AUSTIN label. Monroe, RUSSIAN SCIENTIST , PLANS ICE MUSEUM Bavaat's Saper Time Capsule" Weald Fieeerte Homaa Bodies Fst Fntare. Moscow reports a unique plan the Russians now have ot elaborate on the . v American "time capsule" buried at the . New York world fair grounds some A years ago and which will also attempt to preserve objects of our everyday , life for future generations. But the ; red project goes the American one ' " better 4t includes the perfect preser " vation of human and animal bodies for study by future .scientists. - When Mi Sumgin, the soviet sclen--. tlst who is now working out plans for the gift to the future was experi . rnenting in eternally froeen Northern s Biberia and found bodies of prehistor ic animals and humans buried for .. centuries lacking in decomposition, he - conceived the Idea of m huge under ground museum which would preset ve In the frozen earth a perfect sampling '; of our current existence. ' . " Seventeenth - and Eighteenth Cen tury cemeteries have been excavated by scientists and river waters in Si beria, and the froaen bodies revealed that little deterioration . had set in. - Even objects placed , in graves, . such a wooden spoon, a saddle, wolf skin blanket, horse-meat, and cloth ing worm by the corpses, were in a of i...f . f r n f-itln- t. ' M Oaf f! .3 )'4 It C splendid state of preservation. Thus Sumgin plans to erect a mu seum in the froeen crust of the Far North and place in it everything from household objects to great historical documents and human and animal bodies for preservation. . :; . PROGRAM FOR PEACE AIM OF CONFERENCE v. S, Britain, Bussla and, China Te Begin Discussions Se.":;; The question of proper organisation and use of military forces to suppress aggressor nations and , to preserve world peace will be the major concern of representatives of : the " United States, Great Britain,4 and Russia at tne world security conference opening in Washington August 31. Later dis cussions are , planned ": among the United SUtes, Britain and China - Later it is presumed other members of the United Nations will be drawn mto - the planning, and whatever agreements' may be made wm be sub mitted to the legislative bodies of al .Bed nations for action; ' V - 1 1 Edward R. Stettlnius, acting secre tary of sUte, wlU be bead of the American delegation and the confer ence host He will be assisted by a starr or military and diplomatic ex perts. Leader of the British delega tlon will be Sir Alexander Cadogan, Under-Secretary for foreign affairs in the London cabinet, and chief of the soviet group will be Maxim M. Lit vwoff, vice comlssar for foreign af fairs m Moscow. f v The conference will be. held ; at Dumbarton Oakes estate in the Georgetown section ' of Washington, and representatives of the. press will be permitted to attend only the open ing ceremonies. After that all news of the progress of discussions will be made in Official communiques. Some time later, it is reported, these same leaders of the United Na tions will Cake part in a conference on the imoprtant questions of trade barriers, tariffs, and debts. : ' f Mrs. E. D. Steele left Friday for Frownwood. Texas, to be with her 1... ' and for some time. . I 'rs. Claries Fhil'lps. has received rf- 9 s'.T.irg that her husbnnd. t. 1 .;" s. hss In riled in few '.. I i. I s' sr.d s..n. . Jr., ere v i ; r ..ronts, J.'r. '. si". 'J I . ...e, for V.t Department Store SOCIAL KZUS BY Webb Mcleod will return home the flrst of the week from Kendall Field. Fla., when he hu been spending sev eral days as the guest of Miss Una Evans and, other, friends. , i ' Miss Grace Mitchell of Bennetts' vllle, S. C spent Saturday here as the guest of Mrs. C. A.' Miner And Mrs. Arb ' Miller ', at their home on Lancaster avenue. , Vvv'VV-v Miss Sallie Qrr and ' Miss .Irene Carr Bowie returned home last week from Wrlghtsville Beach where they had been attending a house party. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Phlfer will return home tomorrow from a few weeks visit with their ' son, Charles Phlfer. and family,, in Miami, Ha. Miss Irene Carr Bowie left the last of the week for New York City where she is visiting her sister, Miss Mpllle Bowie. Mr. and Mrs. Hal P. Love and two children, Mrs. Clegg Sell and Tommy, returned home yesterday from Sumter, 8. C, where they had been spending a week with Mrs. Love's mother, Mrs. J. B. Brosdon. Mrs. Brogdon accom panied the mto Monroe where she will be their guest for some time. Miss Mar jorie Howie returned home the last of the week from Jackson ville. Fla.. where she had been spend ing several days with her father, Hoyte Howie, who is engineer for the Jacksonville Turmina Company. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ragon . have re turned to their home here after a few days stay at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thoman and daughter, Miss Alice, of Cincinnati, Ohio, will come the last of the week for a visit with their daughter, Mrs. John W. Ormand and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McRae, of Rockingham, were guests of Mrs. Mc Rae's sisters. Mrs. Dorothy Redwine, Misses Marian and Margaret Lee last week. Mrs. Bill Pierce, who has been! spending some time here as the guest of Mrs. James W. Powell, has returned to her home inMontgom ery, Ala. xcr. ana aits. iann w. istcs ic- - " turned home Saturday from Spartan- cards will be sent to Monroe soldiers burg, 8. C, where they spent a week'ta he service, .nd a Cbna. box with their daughter, Mrs. Grier Hud son and family. Cpl. and Mrs. Clarence Houston, of Fort Bragg, spent a' few days here last week with his mother Mir RlAr. 2,, AT mother, Mir. Clar-, ence OUSW)n. . . ... . . Mrs. ujiA Mnrrnn win rpT.iirrt m her home here from Ashevllle where she has been spending some time. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brooks and daughter, Mrs. Herman GuUedge and son, "Brooksy," left Saturday, for Morehead City for a several days va cation. Mrs. K. B. Laney, Jr., of Washing ton, . D. C, is visiting her father, J. M., Rollins, and other relatives in Pageland, 8. C, and will also visit K. B. Laney and Miss Lee Laney and other relatives in the county before returning to Washington. - Mrs. R. M. Moore, of Washington, D. C, came Saturday fo ra several days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lemmond. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Li taker and daughter. Miss Sarah, went to Ashe- boro last week to attend the 69th wedding anniversary of Mrs. Li taker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. White. Mrs. Li taker remained for a several days visit. ," -i , . , Miss Kathleen Craven, of Mocks vUle. , spent the week-end here with her sister, Mrs. . Jesse : Lockhart, Jr, and Mr. Lockhart -, Mr. and Mrs. Max Griffin and son, Liles, of Wake Forest, came Saturday for a two weeks visit with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joel .Grimn and Mr. and Mrs."W. B. Love. ., Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Presson, who have been spending two weeks here with Mrs. Presson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Mangum, will leave tomor row for their home in Charleston, W. Va. . ' ''vii " ' , -V Capt and Mrs. Hlnkle ' McLendon, Jr, -who have been the guests of his parents,. Mr. and Hrs. H. McLendon left last week for Ridgeviue, s. C, where they -visited her people and left today for their station at Camp Davis. ! is .v . ; -; t'. " " Miss Sue McLeod, who Is secretary of the Tint Presbyterian church in High Point, Will come the first of the week for . a several days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs., R. W. Mc- Leod. v. ... ;,s,.v ;;i Mrs. Charles G. Kapler left 8unday night for Los Angeles, Calif, where she will spend some time with , her husband, Capt Napier, Miss Sallie Famell of Mathlson, Miss, eame today for a few days visit with Mrs. Same wager. jf Mrs. M.' H. Huntley of Lancaster road, left last week for HteksvUle, Long Island, to be with her son, J. R. Huntley and family. Mrs. Huntley will also visit her . brother and other relatives . In New York. Mrs. J. R. Huntley is a sister of Mrs. D. B. Gettys. - :. . - , . Miss Margaret Wafer of Washing ton, D. C, will come Wednesday for a visit here with her mother and sister, Mrs. Sallie Waeer and Itrs. Archie Beaty. Another dav-hter, Dr. I.nr'ia Wager of New Yorit City VJ come t'e last of the week for a vi.-.t Willi J. s. Wager end i:rs. Eeaty end family. Mrs. FT.e .U sn 1 tree ir(, Jimmy, Charl.s sr.i Ia-.'p, ' a t rrukirg VvirJ:' e i ! ' : - vC',e f r t ; J Ti,m, k it f ' -.-end r.r.'t w...:i :..r. a-:i 1, s. C f "1. Mrs. Virginia Davis, Mrs, J. W. Sewell. Mrs. Lura Evans and Mrs. Olin Sikes went to Mint Hill Friday where they attended . the funeral of Miss Essie Johnston.: - ? Mrs. Mabel " Lane Thompson of Greenville, a C, spent the week-end here with her parents Mr. nnd Mrs. W A Lane. , Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harris left the last of the week for Texas where they are visiting relatives. They will also go to Oklahoma where he will buy stock. Mr. Harris' sister. Miss Wtacy Harris, 'Of Griffith road is keeping house. for ttienuvri.v'-!' Leslie Blanken ship left recently for Charleston, 8. C, where he has a po sition , with the McAnster Funeral Home. , - ' Mr; and Mrs. Walter O. Sanders are spending several days in the moun tains. -' . Mrs. Horace Neal of Raleigh Is spenaing some tone here with Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Neal and also her mother, Mrs. W. B. Houston. Mrs. June Morrison and son, Dave, of Miami, Fla., who are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hugglns, in Marshvule, visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Love yes terday. They wlU leave for their home in Florida today. Granddaughters' Chapter, U. D. C The initial meeting of the Grand daughters' Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy was held 'Thursday evening with., Mrs. Maurice Liles and Mrs. W. W. Gentry, at the home of the latter on Griffith road. Mrs. Jas. F. Thomas, nresldent, pre sided over the business session, and many matters of importance were dis cussed. Mrs. Jas. F. Laseter, Jr, ! was Sue Jo Hough, historian, and Mrs. W. H. Saunders, chaplain. The following committees were ap pointed: Program committee, . Mrs. Bonner Hasty, chairman; Mesdames Maurice Liles, and W. W. Gentry; hospitality committee, Mrs. J. Walter . neaaar cneese, ooamoa cura, wa. Laney, Jr., chairman, Miss Maryihney. "Jl tam' c5n?y Marshall Wolfe; Ways and Means ( nutv fruit bars, dates, sliced committee, Miss Margaret Gaddy, Ptaeapple, chewing gum, playing cards, chairman, Mesdames W. H. Saunders, cigarettes, smoking tobacco, plP. a and Jas. F. Lasseter, Jr., Patriotic ac- !ameUMdJ " , Uvlties chairman, Mrs. Jesse Lockhartr' jr. Under patriotic activities comes work in surgical dressing room, nurses aid. gray lady work, and work with motor corps. It was voted that each mem ber would cooperate a hundred per cent in these activities. Christmas wil lbe sent to the Confederate Wom en's Home in Fayettevllle. The first Friday in each month was i w ,. - T r adopted as time of meeting, and Mrs. Laseter Jr will bThostMsesTt the ' ?" nosteMe t rrr! . : ' L,iL.n8m! "ZTZl w...v... VA w. U. p. C. is Granddaughters' Chapter, and was chosen at this meettnr. Offl- cers are: Mrs. Jas. F. Thomas, presi-r dent; Mrs. Helen Schachner, Vice tag secretary; .M. Jas. Foy Laseter. Jr, corresponding -secretary: Mrs. w! W. eontry; treasurer: M1m Mary Marshall Wolfe, registrar; Miss Sue,1";:, ..vV ;.; "IL, Jo Hough, historian; Mrs. W. H.8aun- J f,!: ders, chaplain. THE LATEST WAR NEWS IN BRIEF LONDON Sparred en. by Gen. Eisenhower's order of ' the day calling for ceaseless bombardment of the cracking enemy, Allied air ten hammered at the retreating : German legions in France today as the Nazis reported heavy bomb- ' ers ever the Reich itself . , ... Another day ef excellent weath er sent the Tactical Air Forces lashing anew at Ten KlugCs scat- ' tered diviskMis, and the Berlin radio declared Allied bomber and fighter formations had swept ever SMrthera Germany to Bavaria and then retained tot he Morth west ward. . . , k ' ' MOSCOW The sere- hew for ' an aB-ewt Soviet assault en East PrassU appeared to be approach ing vapidly today as Russian ar saies massed hi a great threaten. ' tng are before the borders ef that Germasr province. ' Bnssian units . . to the senth were fifteen to seven- teen miles from the East Prussian : frentier, while to the east ether " Soviet fetees were seven to ten; ; rniks away and to the Berth frees , to SS sules, w t - t 11 n ' ' t'i''- '"4 0. 8. PACIFIC FLEET HEAD OUARTEBS The fourth bemMng ef the rhiltppiDes to five days and -new air blows north and south of Japan were portents today ef n ,'Wr moving west so fast that Ad miral Chester W. Nimita may . ' have to advance his headquarter' ' to catch up with It , ' iUFREMS HEAT QUARTERS ALLIED EXPEDITIONARY FORCE Allied trsops, striving to . eapKalise en what Cen. Dwight . D. Eisenhower describe! as a "def ' mMe epportunity for a major Al-' i Bed .victory." sw'.t tod.y to pinch off an-etghkien-Rj eespe corridor In the FaU - Arfeittan area and trap n c .aem uiuler- strength German divi ns retreat- ' tag towsra rarhv CORRECTIVE NTS rSPii:; adjust: - cninopiiACTrvri is- suc cessful ia "not cr.- ccrrtct ir.2 illness, jbut i -. , I: ' . z the body ia sac? : . .' : E3 to make illnc: " 3 1 . 1'3 ta occur. L'l f ' T i: rr; : (Mrs. Geo. 8. Lee, Publicity Chairman) The latest class to be taught in Nurses1 Aides which will be conducted at night, is still open for registration, according to Mrs. Sara Napier, Chair man Nurses' Aides Committee. How ever,' no applications will be taken for this particular class after August 15th. Anyone interested may get ad ditional Information from Red Cross office or by calling 430. First Aide Class Hi Waxhaw ' ' Mrs. W. H. Booker, Chairman First Aide Committee, wishes to call attend tlon to a class being organised at Waxhaw for instruction in First Aide. Miss Rtuh McCain of Waxhaw will be the instructor and application may be made or any Information obtained by calling ; Miss McCain -of T. Richard Nlsbet in .Waxhaw. : j :::.t::r: w Next-ef-Kln rands Changes have been made v in the War Department's procedure (or send ing out labels for next-of-kin and-tobacco parcels far American prisoners in Europe. These labels are now be ing mailed to next of kin throughout the 60-day period and not, as here tofore, in one batch on the 10th of every other month. ;v Moreover, the labels ho longer be come invalid at the end of a 60-day period. They may be used at. any time, but It is recommended that they be used as promptly as possible. After the first label has been received under the new plan, subsequent labels should arrive every 60 days. - ; .-ai;-. . Transportation conditions In Europe are steadily deteriorating, and will un doubtedly grow! worse.. For this rea son tne suggestion is made tnai Christmas parcels for European eamps oe mauea oy tne ena ox. juiy, - -me War pepartment Is not issuing special labels for next-of-kin Christmas par cels, and the ordinary 60-day label I should be used. . -, T' " .- i t, v ' I tlon for the next of kin of prisoners J? EuP to w what the special Red Cross Christmas package, now being made up In Red Cross Packag ing Center No. 3 at New York, will contain. It includes turkey, plum pudding, sausages, butter, deviled ham. wl2JZ. ' . . sufficient quantity, so that every American prisoner of war and civilian internee in Europe should receive one , at ohrin!- Vetanteer Heme Service . : J. Hampton Price, Chairman of Home Service for Union .County Chap . .. . vi n miIm r"2L".e fSrlS f!2$JE" servicemen, ex-servicemen and their dependents: !. Information: Supplying Information concerning f Government - regulations and legislation affecting 1 servicemen, ex-servicemen and their dependents. ! CaaanwHeMimai r AsslstimT, with1 mmtnnnlitlnn. htw- , ririiMn andlheir fae. when norn rnan. JtV!X sj . f.. "T" . -- iMiunj, iAnt TMiura, mm uu w 'JT,' J, . SJSL t PenstoM ? Government bene- 1 this type , of service, Join the Volunteer Home Service Corps. For further in formation see your Red Cross Chapter or call 430. ' HAS i$,000 '.'BOYS'? IN FIGHTING FORCES Godfather to 15,000 men in service, Ed Wallnau: of New York dtv. takes great pleasure In his frlendshln with! West Point cadets and Annapolis mid- Carey Kendrick, Mrs. Olin Sikes, Mrs. shlpmen he has "cultivated" since J S. C. Duncan, Mrs. John Ormand and 193L He also has "adopted ; many Mrs. Ooudeolck., ... r, . -ooaet guejdsmen.v'.-. -iuw' '-), - J , When his boys go to war Wallnau 1 y remains tneir agent, proxy, trustee, servant whatever is required of him. He receives from 75 to 100 letters a day from service men requesting fa vors, and fulfilling their orders gives Ed a great deal of pleasure. In 1S35 he began to meet navy mid shipmen when they came to New York on one of their summer cruises. He helped show, them where. to go and what to - see.' A regular fan at all army sports events he can get to, he eats in the West Point mess hall and is one of the few civilians admitted to the academy without a pass. Now in his late forties, Wallnau has made his way in life. .. His parents died when he was young, and he peddled newspapers. Today he is vice-president of a large hoteL-.v; v.-.au -I Mrs. Ben -wither of Charlotte, vis ited Mrs. Dorothy Redwine and other friends In Monroe last week." - ' " . Vetgrn:-,;!:i " '' Residence E. Windsor St Phono SS-R. Offlee 411 Green Streti, Phone S5S; ckiW. taxallv wsiF Ca.- JS m wni j LIKE mm w 4 .V fl v. v Jl n o;;ly LADIES' A!0) '8-dozen only. - Tailored and IFaney'1?M:atrli ; T-Rose and Wliite. Yalueso $2.48. These Slips are .V '; slightly soiled and damaged. : v ' opecuu rnce 2 to customer Special close-out Ladies; Summer Hats Straws and , 1 FeltslXlose-out'pricl--lf: PfiONElUCK'OF-LAb .v Slightly Damaged, v Greatly Reduced For QuickC ' ' '"..C;.. ClearanceS:5';4u'' LADIES' RAYON HOSE Goodjquality, V,,';'':5 ' 'tt. 4, pur. A New Shipment of Anklete-Assorted Stripes MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS " . Just received -; A; New ShirtsFancy Patterns. Special 51.48 I-lt'. Mmmm Twentieth Centsny Book Crab the Twentieth Century , Book -Club Wednesday at her home on soutn Hayne street The- lovely home was decorated with quantities of ; mived flowers. ; ". -"vr Z Mrs. ! Goudelock president of the Club presided. Mrs. R. R, Dobson gave a program on "The Home' Life In ytht White House, a - Delectable re freshments were served. iU1 ; Those present wer Mrs. R.'R. Dob son, Mrs, R. A. Willis and hr house guests Mrs. D. P. McGeachy of Clear Water, , Fla, and : Mrs. Anna ' Belle Sloan of Garland. & C, Mrs. R. A. Morrow, Mrs. Pickett Williams,. Mrs. USED OJ U I J i I.- WE NEED 25 LATE f'ODEL CAHS INCLUDING FORDS MERCURYS, DODGES, PLY MOUTHS, DESOTOS, CHRYSLERS, CHEVROLETS, v - - PONTIACS AND BUICKS ' J. - ;':-Vb." A.vceilk;g fiuck PAID ; ; NO ONE CAN LEGALLY PAY MORE , - SEE US FOR QUICK CASH , . "j- (bring Your Title With You) ..' '"Best Pine To Buy, Sell, or Service) Your Car or , " v Truck" . D0VIE f.lOTOR CO. SALES w vl lu ' '7': ':V;t ": Notice ia hereby given that I, S. C. Ker.fah, Tax Collector for the Town of Waxhaw,xby order of V 3 Town Commis-"oners of said Town, will on I.IONDAY, IZVZllZZ'J. 11, 1344, at twelve o'clock at City IIsIl doer in the Town of Wax haw. North Carolina, sell for delinquent taxes for the year 1943 the following real estate: . . t , Horace, God frey- -IT -e J. 7. 1" t. & ,'cir, R. L. L. Ilcne -s. J T, E..'-t3 1 '.":r, i: v.'cir, .:J V C JO y ye MSSES' SLIPS 91.99 eacn t?i i Z only for $3.00 , in all colors-'' 5ii''' :-' 9j.ua f?i Shipment of ; Men's Dress Ill ;:.:,.;.Mlss Heath Honors Brother yt. Miss Lura Heath entertained at rap-. " per in her out-door kitchen Saturday- ' evening la honor of her brother, Alien. Heath, on the anniversary of his birth. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. ' Allen Heath, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mc Muuefv Mr.- and Mrs. Henry Crow,'-"v Misses Mary and Adeline Crow, and - miss- jueatn. i S'-.-'MY Mrs. Walter Custer and son, Bobby( have gone to her home in Montana. Lieut. Custer - is technician at Camp Sutton hospital f The Custers have rooms with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hart ; ; Mrs. James W. Powell left the last o fthe week for Montgomery, Ala,, where she' is visiting Mrs. Cassels. Mrs. v Powell and Mrs. Cassels ' are- former class mates in college. - GARS ) v SZIVICE L4A .1 H2.74 -Lot 2.4J .?21.Ct ''Tf: ,&"i' r 0 K " . t . J. o