TO MOWROB KKQTJBBER, MOMftOM. W. ft. THPnaDAT, NOVEMBER , 1M4 i. I 1 rr? I'onday A Tnnrsdaj I ', a I -r lublishlng Oo, Ine ITAiXJCIISD 1873 . TTXEFEONS No. 1 x. eiuqht tuckk3 Bditot I -at 1 as second-class matter ftt the it,. joe, Monroe, n. o, May xi. ww Subscription t2M ft year ta advance k"r ' - GOIJDKN GLtaMS '.' l' ' Nothing is impossible to a valiant heart ' ' Motto of Henry IV. ' And what's Impossible, can't be, 'And never, never coma to pa. I ) ! -Oeorge Oolman. k . f in i" '" ,'- ,,Jt k not a lucky word, this same ijanoaalWe; no good comes of those Jft tun It so often In their mouth. Oarlyl. hind their backs. -V ;'V'.V;r rS' We call attention to Oils report In order that every American will under stand the brutality of the Japanese. It la Important to remember such in cidents, especially wehn sentimental Americans begin to talk about leenlent treatment for the enemy. In the day of triumph, there will be no need for revenge but every demand for justice to dead and tortured men. BEHIND THE SCENES IN AMERICAN BUSINESS ( ; ! ' I' ! i ii (By John Craddock) New York For some tbne to come. retailers, Jobbers, wholesalers- ana manufacturers will .have a source of merchandise and materials in the sur- Dlu8 nroDertv which various govern ment agencies are beginning to sell in large volume. Sales during August totaled $28,000,000, an increase of 75 ner cent over July. While the only market for much surplus property will be the dealers In scrap and wast materials, consid erable ingenuity is being exercises MO THAN WAK BEGAN Jjjjjp business men E finding vays tt wenu aeon uHHj mirnlim nmncrtr. with minor .'By flea MeGee i,(Pew. things are Impossible to dlli genoe and skill. Samuel Johnson. mantling general of the Army Air Vote, says that Germany has more airplanes today than at the beginning of the war. This will surprise many Americans modifications, in Its present form. An assortment of scabbards left from the last war, for example, was snapped up recently by a company which Intended to convert them to Who have been led to believe that oe scrapers for America's doorsteps, the Iweffe has been practice! de- strayed. General Arnold says that ORle 2,ooo rubber Hfe rafts of flve what Germany lacks is pilots and gas- man capacity, with oars, repair kit, ollne and that while "the Luftwaffe balling pump, and other- equipment has lots of planes," it has "no gas , thrown in. The rafts were bought by and no one to fly them." .sporting goods dealers who plan to I sell them to summer camps, life guard VtKHAVTOR. fFXPFI I rNT sbtauuiis auu 5(jurumen. in uiiciuik All of our legislators have been promising reductions (before the elec tions), but the taxes on my home re main $157.17. If I were to try to run my business like certain public i lorna rh l lm Kat ef nannlim mure rhA I u There has been much speculation in pm t Hlvi.inn aHrtu,rt "that!01" poorhouse or the lunatic asylum the United States as to the behavior . f, . ...n. or the penetentlary before I could say m J nuutu inane at,t.l pallet of the Russian Army when It invades weiehts or bookends. the territory or other countries, For One Tax Levy Never Takes The Place Of Another Tax Levy .- v Before taxes was put on whiskey, the taxes on my home was (157.17. After the tax was put on whiskey, the taxes on my home were reduced from $157.17 to $57.17. I felt sure that the tax put on soft drinks and cigarettes would furnish some . relief , but my taxes remained (on my home) $157.17. Our state reported a. $7 million dol lar surplus. When I read that in the paper I said to myself (there was no one else to talk to) "Well, this Is where I get a tax cut," but the taxes on my home remained $157.17. After our city reduced Its bonded debt from $1,200,000 to $950,000,. I said this Is it, but I was wrong again. My taxes re mained at $187.17. (We have a big floating debt that's about to sink us). After our state Increased taxes, last year on boose to the tuna of about 30 percent, I knew relief was in sight; but no relief came except the public was relieved of 20 percent In connec tion with their red-eye bills. If ft town, city, state or. other sub-division finds Itself with extra money, they im mediately look around for a place to spend it, in higher salaries or buying something they dont need, and they never have up to now failed to dissi pate a surplus and run a deficit. tetch -downs and 3 extra pints in this ending. foarth. ending patriotism of the Christian dtisen and the non-Christian cltlaenr It we will study the words given us In Matthew ' .i . v w mio oormoa tui wie uie wildcats kicked on nut tne nau Mount, we win discover that tre differ went behind the dicker and was re- j ence Is In attitude, or motive. Tbe wevou y ww. luuoacx wno paasea w ennsuan la a good otttsen because of ro uie ceniemeia wno lunmnea u ana fell on it and busted it a new ball was sent for while time was took out by all parties concerned, chance slug' ged torn head ft stiff upper cut, to the jaw and they took some more time out after, servers! more passes and rour ngms and 9 penny-Uses had benn made, the gam ended, the tally sheet read as followers: the wildcats, 84; the tigers, 88. they tore down both gold pastes after, the game. SUNDAY I chool Lesson THE CHURCH AND PATRIOTISM Internaiioaal Sunday School for Norwnber 12, 1M4 OOLbEN TEXT: Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called sons of Ood." Mat thew 5:8. Lessen Text: Matthew 5: 43-48; ma 13: 1-7. In another case, the Army had half this reason, it Is Interesting to re- a million yards of surplus cloth for port that Joseps M. Levy, New York making parachute flares. It was sold Timpjj nnrrsnnnripn. after visttini? back to the manufacturer, given a Romania, says that the Russian army's behavior In that country has been ex cellent, surpassing all expectations. The correspondent says that ob servers are amazed by the Soviet sol diers' self-control in view of the new finish and dyed various colors. Department stores and other retail outlets throughout the country will soon have the material to sell to American women as piece goods for dresses. The Treasury Department, which scat. It's easy to spend say i the other This is the first of two closely re lated lessons. This lesson, "The Church and Patriotism," or "Putting Chris tian aity Into Our Patriotism" Is to be followed. next week by a discussion of "Christianity In Democraccy." The lee son for this week will be discussed from the angle of Christians or church groups as a whole, while next week's lesson will deal more with the indi vidual Christian's contribution to his or her government. First, just what is patriotism? Web crimes and atrocities perpetrated by seems to have the biggest collection of Romanian troops against the popula- surP'us materials readily adaptable to tions of the Ukraine and Crimea. He civUian has " regional offices adds hat the Russians are also "living rT & up to their promise not to Interfere Francisco, Seattle. Denver, Boston and in Romania s Internal politics," much New York. Prospective buyers are to the disappointment of Romani"n asked to list themselves with one of Communists who expected strong sup- these offices. port. j MINING FOR SHOES Father may , not have to "dig down" so often for ALLIES NEED GOOD (WEATHER 80068 'wnen miners dig up the ma Military experts agree that much ' rlals out of which they are made depends urxn the weaker in western iTes "1U u lne AUlea les tion, just announced, of Koroseal fellow's money. I never did like for ster defines the word as "love of one's anybody to use my money and their : country; devotion to the well-fare of judgment in operating a business or one's country." Most of us would be something. Insulted if our patriotism was ques- tioned in the slightest degree, but do Social Items Of More Or Less Interest we shov our devotion to the welfare ra . . oi our country oy positive action? us consider first what Paul, in mesaame moore ana non. noisum writing to the Romans, advised those moore ainnerea ana supperea at tne who would be good, or Christian citi au-nite can in Oat rock last Sunday. zens. The Jews of Paul's time, while meir oooa went to aetroit ona visit subject to the Roman Government, ana wont return Dack. tney nave I were in constant conflict with the au been being fed at the boarding-house I thorities because they, as Jews, con but got wore out with the sameness , sldered it sinful to acknowledge i oi stun mere. Gentile ruler. Paul counseled the Christians (most of whom were Con or. nuDDert green has received a verted to Jews) to obey the higher new set oi operating tools irom tne powers those in authority and then w.p.b. it is rumored he is going deep-; he laid down the principle that the er Into things from now on. he will fact of the authority's being establish soon begin giwing penny-cillen if he ed argues than it was ordained by can get holt of anny of it, provided , God. Therefore, he who defies the nis victims pay him cash in advance i power is defying what has been in- hla love. of Ood and of Christ's way of life, not because of fear of punish ment or of hatred ot the enemy. He flghts ths enemy not because ot hatred for him but because of his love of Jus tice, equality and freedom, and his desire to do his part to perpetuate these principles in all parts of the world. ' , . .. ; Jesus'! command to his followers to love their enemies Is one of the most difficult of his commands to obey. However, we can be like Jesus In that while Jesus loved the sinner, he did not love the sin. While He loved the Pharisees, he did not love then hypo crisy, if we will let love fill our hearts, We will have no plaoe for ha tred. - - v v-'ii A writer, hi the Bible Society Glean ings, says: "He v has not only, given this comaaand, which he expects his friend' to obey; he has shown by his- perfect example how It is- possible to love publicans every one: make no exceptions. H you fall to see anything lovable In a person, treat that person as one wnom yon are bound to help to be beter. Pray God' to bless your enemies; end pray him to assist you In loving them. Kill your self-love, -for pride Is-, the chief hindrance to fair and kind feelings towards others. Only when pride is dead do people cease to bear malice when others cheat them. or snuo tnem, or worst of all as some think take no notice of them. Do ont be discouraged If your attempt , to olve your enemies Is misunderstood; you may De treated worse by them than If you had been cold and unamlable; but perserve. Ordinary love cannot endure unless It is returned; but the true Christian love must not seek any return." REDS BURY FLYERS . IN U. S. COIETERY Somewhere in the Russian Ukraine ft bright white picket fence rings ft beautiful plot on a hillside. It Is the only Ameertcan cemetery In the so viet union, ' the only spot In Russia where the Stars and Stripes fly every Three white , crosses nuob-uda from the darefully tended lawn. The mark the .craves of airmen who gave their uvea in the pre-lnvaalon softening of Hitler's Fortress Europe and the knocking out of. Germany's Balkan sateUtes. . The cemetery. t permanent cm n ine unnea states Army, was personally selected fay Maj.-Oen. Alex ander B. Permlnov, commander of Russian air forces stationed on Amer ican fields in the area, , JTa the center,, othe cemetery, di rectly before the flag, ft propeller from ft Flying Fortress ttandv j -ae-uee boy burled there are Ply tog Fortress , IMlbt Raymond, q. Brtle, of Gotheburg; Neb.; bis oo-pflot. vmcer Joseph o, Lukaoek, of Bergen. N. J and fiat. Donald SWww.ft -Wrre gunnet fftr y wounded on a hiytuJmnin HUBsion over uermany, .The thryeaf "RE pain for post- r rural eiectrmcsUon .Includes a ttobable, investment ot i8 Jnlukm dol lars ' for distributing IItim In linrOt Carolina and 10 million dollars for re- wico lacuities. - Be Quick To Treat Bronchitis Chronic bronchitis may develop if your cough, chest cold, or acute bron chitis is not treated and you cannot af ford to take a chance with any medicine, less potent than Creomulslon which eoes rlKht to the seat of the trouble to help loosen end expel germ , laden, phlegm and aid nature to soothe and. heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial, mucous membranes. ... Creomulsion blends beech wood ereo sote by, special process with other time, tested medicines for coughs. It contains no narcotics ..... -.. , No matter how many medicines you! have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the under-, r WUUktm WG wUUSur yuuubuuc iw. or you are m nave your wuh , Growing pines provide a sure, safe old-age Insurance. ...... HELP WANTED I Mechanics ami Mechanic Helpers) Good Pay; Steady Employ ment Get SeiFojr Postwar. CtlEVRbLET C0BJPANT Phono 310 Monroe, N. C. U. S. planes are now using high- velocity rockets against Germans. Retonga Mailed To Yon For Only $ (Priee Includes sales tax, postage, liaadung, etc) GAMBLE DRUG STORE J 25 MONROE, N. C. therefor like he has to do. stituted by God, and shall be punished accordingly, It Is incumbent upon the Christian citizen to be a law-abiding citizen, to miss jennle veeve smith wore her Mtr a!1 V.n . X , X. 1 4 1 A aet an even break in the weather thev 1 ,r" " , "hs " vutwvu na. ouimay vm citizen w oe t iaw-aDwmg citizen, to 3n iVZll JlTZ J0., :,,nota? oould see. anything about her be a cooperating .cWaen, even to the " . 'vi mi, w- excenc ner nat wnne sne mawi tne i mint nt oniM n tn- organ. nearly everboddy wondered all Christian principles which have been the way thru rock of ages and beaulah threatened or abridged. Certainly, we land and the doxology who she was, will all agree that war is not pattern and was supprlsed to see that it was ed according to Christ's teachings, yet German defenses. ; thetic soles, even on Junior's hard- At the present time the fighting is worp kicks, will outlast the uppers, tough and slow as the Invaders jab at Koroseal, you know, is the famous Nazi positions and laboriously wyork synthetic created by B. P. Goodrich their way through stubborn defenses. Sftt ltt ,. . . stone and salt, which stretches nke Meanwhile, supplies are being accu- Ehed8 nleT uke poyerbM mutated and, one day, as a British dUcks back, and is impervious to oil officer predicts, there will be "a hell of or grease. The word out of Akron Is bang." that other Korooseal shoe parts will The stage is undoubtedly being set be available later, including uppers, for a major effort to crash the West- toner nnlngs and ornamental bows, wall position., with the purpose of make possible shoes in vivid Mmx ; fl n, rainbow-hues or pastel shades (or trapping large segments of the Ger- even. transparent uW fasnlon M man army. Of course, a serious decree) to matcn any dresg aml wIth breach of present enemy positions will unprecedented non-cracking and wear open the way to the Rhine and place tag qualities. German soldiers In a precarious post- THINGS TO COME Fluorescent tion. : instrument dials for postwar automo- It is more thaan probable that we m to make night driving easier . . will see a repetition of events that Electronic water fountains which go . , . JT ... . ... on only as a person leans over to get J f J! drink. When the light from an of fixed defenses ends, there will be "electric eye" Is intercepted by your another period of rapid advances, body, the water is turned on . . with thousands of Germans caught in Miniature storage batteries which, it hopeless encirclements. lis reported, will be small enough to replace dry cell batteries and enable B-29S FOR JAPAN 'flashlights to operate steadily for 100 her when she turned around. The rfav will erm In ttu. Pariflr days Without going OUt. War when B-38s are as numerous' VACUUM PACKED-Judglng by the 7n li w..V.-. P" being set by one of the country's over Japan as B-17 Flying Fortresses leAdil)g tat.1iHtaciMrt!n m are over Germany, declares General mg optimistic plans for the postwar Henry H. Arnold, Commanding Gen- era, it would appear that food re eral of the Army Air Force. tailers may count on an Increasing The General says that a tremendous consumer demand for vacuum packed super-bomber program is being de- wares- Only a month or so ago the velnrwl and that the new nin. American Can company reported it tress pilots with 2.000 hours in the STTrX' T S i would manufacturer cans, when tor- air are given five to six weeks of in tensive training before being permit ted to fly the Superfortress. feet of floor space. On the heels of this, the company announced it would build a $8,500,000 the Christian does have an obligation to fight for the welfare of his countrv the fine jersey yearling of bert skin- and for the defeat of evil forces that ner which was killed by a big truck are toying to destroy the very founds a few weeks ago brought 04$ In the tionof Christ! sanity itself. magBwraies coart waay. ine trues; i Another was m which a neraon had ft good lawyer but the yearling ! shows his. patriotism, or-allegiance to was better than him, according to the his government Is by the payment of jury. must or oenn importea stock I taxes, or tribute, -and Paul declares from the way they talked about him i that Christians, like other citizens, for the prossy-cution. he was in the. have this obligation to help finance roaa ana so was tne truck, tne trues the various departments of govern' blamed it on him and they blamed I ment If we enjoy the privileges and nun on tne truck, an appeal mougnt be taken by the truck. 1 Foot Bawl the finest football game ever hell in flat rock taken place friday night be twixt the flat rock wildcats and the cedar lane tigers, it was played about as followers: The B-29 Is well able to take care Plant in St. Paul to produce fruit and of itself in the air. belnc emilnneri vegetable cans. And now, R. C. Tay wtfih a new flre-oontrol svstem. involv- !or- vice-president, reports that return lng the principal of remote control to production of containers in the mmiunv, r f .w V.a m . 1,1 i , i, j -""W " v t materials are made available, win pro- 0- ave neen nn mrougn enemy vide employment for- approximately ecoon ana tnat, on one occasion, ts 2,000 workers, which Is 600 more than Japanese fighters jumped a single for mation but not a Superfortress was lost The fact that the leaders of the national war effort have underwritten ft stupendous production program for are presently employed. Among rea sons cited by Mr. Taylor for expect ing heavier employment in can manu facture are the continued growth of aemana lor canned beer, whieh was arrested by the war. and indicationst that there will be a greatly Increased the B-2s and sistershrps. indicates 'demand for vacuum packed coffee that, despite the discussion about the effectiveness of aerial bombing, . the men who know are anxious to adopt the same tactics in the war against Japan. . REMEMBER TORTURED MEN ' Warning the Japanese that they will be held responsible for mistreatment of prisoners of war, General Douglas BITS O BUSINESS Vovsia. a touKh variety of grass, may offer snew vol ume market for seedsmen if expert ments are successful to utilise it for airports. Voysla grass is said to thrive despite crab grass and insects, and Its levels curl to form a woven mat . . . The days of dollar-down, dollar-a-week Installment selline. so popular before the war, may be gone forever, In the view of a Federal Re serve official, who reports that the the UacArthur refers to "unimpeachable evWence" of .-degradation and even public seems well satisfied with brutality- to which American prisoned j Present controls, while thousands of were subjected by the Japanese. ' !rchant. 'or the first time, find first ending It was the tigers ball on the wildcats so yard line, scmith tried to kick punt to brown, but It was knocked down by slim chance, the wildcats ever-readdy short stop, he funbled it and it went back to the tigers on their own 48 yard line, after 4 passes and 2 ena runs, the wildcats made tetch -down and then kicked a field gold for 7 pints, enduring this end ing the tigers made 4 home runs for tetch-down, but lost the extry pints. the wildcats allso scored verry heavy secent ending brown of the wildcats kicked to the 25 yard line of the tigers .but the fel ler who ketched It stumbled and was penny-Used 5 yards for cussing In publlck. he then flung the ball In line pass to smith who shifted It to skinner for another tetch-down. the field gold was again kicked while the wildcats, looked on hopelessly, the score when the whistle blowed was S3 for the wildcats and 34 for the tigers. third ending after the fight betwixt the referree and the wildcats' coach, the ball was kicked to Jones who made a sacrifice play to dullard who made a dive for the fold post, but missed it by 3 yards ne was penny-iized for spitting on slim chance and kicking him on the, 20 yarn line, another field gold was at tempted, but the ball proved to be a high fly and landed - amongst the band, jerry mire kitchens was trying tne out statute OI liberty nla v. when the whistle blowed.; each, team got 4 advantages offered by government. eacn one of us has a responsiiblity to contribute our proportionate part in maintaining government. What, then, Is the difference In the The special announcement recounts that a large number of Americans were removed from the Davao penal colony. The prisoners were surround' ed bl ropes, tied to outside men, and guarded by , enemy soldiers. -. They were packed Into a ship so tightly that they could hardly sit down. On the way to Japan, the Japanese vessel waa sunk by an American sub marine. A large number of Americans went down with the ship or "were brutally killed In cold blood by the Japanese officers and men." Some sur vivors were massacred as they tried to escape the sinking ship, others were hunted in the holds and snot to death, and still others were shot as they tried to swim to fthore. The report concludes that S3 officers i men rrs-'e the shore snd were 1 ty n.I'!r?ine guerrillas until -"i If ! -nartees snd planes.! , t'"-! Americans were! : t! t i rounds on thej , t t-.ur l.a-ds tied be- their. aeocunts en a stable basis. LAXATIVE? Elack-Dra-tht to' t-Usuelly prasnat 2-Uaually therewgli 3-Alwaye ecewoasleal 1 f 8 '" I V 1 23 - to AO I3SSS cr.! DEt::i:sTDn::j S nSM-MO CZUOATlOtt Com la. IMseevar lot yeonttf the advantages of Zeaith KadleeJe ; BaaelBsv wkk alt stveladeaaip Jsinr snuawo am. Let yeat ewa sas deckle, No "hist smb. sate." V dlayaan oaly ss ssoat eseWlpel , - ' (. ;)VJS2 VI V ? J WlthNMtnColor Lar-isa Jewelry Co. 2Zi IL Main ' Thone 431 Blair Theatre Marshrillo, N. C The Friendiy Theatre n Bay War Bonds At Our Box Office Regvlarrjr Matinee Mon Wed., Fri, StW, SaL, 2:00. Nisht two shows, 7:00 and 8:30. Thurs.-Fri., Now. 9-10 PASSAGE TO MARSEILLE Humphrey Bogart Michel Morgan Saturday, Not. II DOUBLE FEATURE MARSHAL OF GUNS!,:0KE Teat Ritter" RuseeU HTden YOU CANT RATION LOVE Betty Jane Rhodes ' Johnnie) Johnston OWL SHOW ADDRESS IOK0WN .C: favl Luka .. Mandy Christians AUCT Sale A Real Up-to-date Modern Home And Several Choice Lots In Mtoirps, Ff0 Co 10th Friday, Nov. b. .1. 10:30 A.M. Hie City Home Place of the Late Mr. Charles Iceman A home you have always dreamed of owning one Vkt. Not a vacant house m the City of Monroe. This hoose coild, with very EtUe cost, be turned into a foiirpartment house which would readily rent and make you a safe fovestment. Ako, a nnmber of choice lots. - This property is in on of Jhe best residential sections of the City. We urf you to look the property over, and on the day o the tale own a part or all of it r A NUMBER OF CHOICE THANXSGIVING TURKEYS FREE CASH PRIZES EASY TERMS MUSIC BY BAND CR0SLAND-TYS0N Realty and Auction Co. Bermettsvnie, S. C 4 Mon..Tus., Nov. 13-14 HIGHER AKD HIGHER . Michele Morgan Frank Sinatra Wednesday, Now IS THE 1.1ASTEH RACE Carl Esmond : '. 1 1.. Osa Massea ' co:n::G . TAIi ni TI3 SADDLE liJic. CL..J Cr, Dbift Fail To Attend ths Auction Sale Of the ICET.IAN. HOiaS Friday (Tdorrov) At mii A. a . and Get You A Free Fat Tharihcjivins . Tnrliey. . .. . ' . CnOSLAIID-TYSOn REALTY A!D AUCTICJ CO. EL;:;:nsiLLEr s. C

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