Vm MOWROC ENQUIRER. MONROE. W . C TOCBRHDAT, NOVEMBER , 1944 i v saw . . r w i V feu lv4 pi- I ? ' -I 1 J TAILORED . . nnED . . BOX STYLES Sport Coats , Dress Coats ; $16.50 $19.50 . $29.50 A marvelous collection of new Fall and (Winter coats in all wool and part wool fabrics. Tweeds, fleeces, and solids. Colors rae black, brown, green, tan, and wine. Sizes from 9 for junior, up to 50 for matrons. Rain Coats New fitted models with elastic back, and the popular boxy styles. Col ors: Red, Black, Blue and Natural. $5.95 to $8.95 Reay-to-Wear . . Second Floor COAT BARGAINS For Juniors and Misses $9.95 to $16.50 Plenty of legging sets for the smaller tots, and smart tailored models for the older girls. All wool and part wool tweeds and solids in up-to-the-minute colors to please both mother and daughter. Sizes 3 through 16. EFIRD'S DEPT. STORE Monroe, N. C. V ! 1 CeUsvs f"::rfei off Yocr r 1 As He Sleeps Now most young mother use this modern way to relieve miseries or a child's cold. Even as you rub ' iton.VicksVaDoRub starts to soothe irritation in nose and throat; loosen phlegm, ease coughing. inen, mm may sleeps, vapoKuD . , to upper Bronchial tubes with its special ' medicinal vapors. surfaces like wanning poultice. Often by morning most of the misery of the cold is gone. Remember, Mother... ONLY VAP0RU3 Gives You this spe cial double action. It's time-tested, home-proved . . .the best known home remedy for relier- A - - ing miseries of ICltG chfldren's colds. V vaTorw wax? Mrs Whltofntvl t1aV-an.iv and tm children. Retta nnA Vinrinl Olalr .if Charlotte are spending a few days here with her mother, Mrs. C. M. Redfern. Miss Doris Futch will spend the week-end in Charlotte where she will be the guest of Miss Eleanor Smoake. " 1 ' ' ' Y " Mrs. J. W. Glenn has returned from Charlotte, where she had been spend ing a few days with her daughter. Mrs. Marvin Dunn and Mr. Dunn and her son, James Glenn and family. Misses Nancy and Rebecca Napier spent the week-end In Wake Forest and attended the football game. Lieut, and Mrs. Tommy Kendrick of High Point, where the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Dickerson, Jr. Mrs. Prank Welsh of Abbeville, 8.. C, spent the week-end here with Mrs. j Gtllam Craig. j Mrs. Archie Beaty and small son, Bobby, who have been spending some time in Chicago, HI., with her hus band. Seaman Archie Beaty, returned to their home here recently. Miss Sarah Gregson of Hamlet was the week-end guest of her aunt, Mrs. Hoyle Wilkes and family. W. G. Gravely left Wednesday for Wilmington, where he will visit his sons, Allen and Edward Gravely and their families. Lieut, and Mrs. 8tephenson J. Welsh of LaHebra, Calif, spent the week-end here with Lieut. Welsh's aunt, Mrs. Hoyle Griffin and family. SOCIAL NEWS BY VKS. EUGENE ASHCRAFT Phone No. 445 Mrs. Charles Rushing left Wednes day for Missouri where she will spend several months with her husband who is with the Air Corps. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Spencer and daughter, Miss Mary Anne, of Gas tonia, are expected to spend the week-end here with Mrs. Spencer's sister and aunt, Misses Mary and Callie Putch. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lingle spent Sunday in Rockingham where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Cargill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell Johnston and children of Charlotte will spend the week-end here with Mrs. Johnston's mother. Mrs. John C. Sikes. Celebrate 52nd Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brooks will cele brate their 52 wedding anniversary Sunday November 12th. Open house will be observed. All friends and rel atives are invited to call during the day. Birth Announcement Bom to Cpl. and Mrs. Dewitt King at the Ellen Fitzgerald hospital Octo ber 22, 1944, a son, Zebulon Dewitt King, Jr. Mrs. King, before marriage, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Earp of Benton Heights. Cpl. King Is with the Fourth Air Corps, at March Field, Calif. He arrived home Saturday night to spend a few days with his wife and young son, at their home on South Hayne street. Mrs. John Williams, and daughter. Miss Connie Williams and Mrs. O. L. Mangum, and son. Moke Williams and Mrs. Williams, spent the week-end in Winsboro, S. C, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stephenson and sons. HOLIDAY NOTICE! Saturday, November 11, being a holiday, this bank will be closed. American Bank & Trust Co, Monroe, N. C. Miss Catherine Simpson who is a student at Woman's College of the State University in Greensboro, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Simpson. Mrs. Howie Hostess Mrs. Sam S. Howie, Jr., entertained her bridge club Wednesday afternoon at her home on West Franklin street. The home was decorated with late au tumn flowers and potted plants. Mrs. James Powell won the high score prize. Lovely refreshments were served. Those playing were Mrs. R. A. Morrow, Mrs. James Powell, Mrs. Hazel Davis, Mrs. Abram Hill Crowell., Mrs. C. C. Bikes, and Mrs. Howie. Walter P. Lemmond left this week for Brunswick. Ga., where he will Mrs. W. S. Walkup returned home spend two weeks with his son, Murray the first of the week from Charlotte W. Lemmond and family. where she had been spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. M. H. Mrs. A. P. Burgess of Washington, Oribble and Mr. Gribble. D. C, came a few days ago to spend j several months here with her par- i Christie-Hyatt ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lemmond. I Miss Annie Mae Hyatt and Corporal Lieut. Burgess is a lieutenant in the William J. Christie, of Camp Sutton Navy and is overseas. land Monroe were quietly married by i Justice of the Peace C. D. Roberts on Mrs. Charles Sell will return home Friday, November 3, 1944. this week from Charleston, S. C, i The bride is the ' daughter of Mr. where she has been spending several and Mrs. J. T. Hyatt of Monroe. days with her daughter, Mrs. Carnes ; The bridegroom is the son of Mr. Low heels and high heels, dressy and utility-wise, every one with 'that fresh new look that makes for neat dressing. Priced $3.95 to $4.95 Leather V Suede Leather heel and toe for longer wear, bow for eye appeal. Plain V Pretty Shiny patent in a pretty criss-crossed effect for beauty. NO FALL ENSEMBLE IS COMPLETE WITHOUT GOOD SHOES Sleek V Shiny One of the most graceful and versatile styles we've seen. Low V Comfortable Made for walking pleas ure . . . ankle strap for support. Your No. 3 Shoe Stamp In Book 3 Is Now Good For A Pair Of Shoes t - J I II Children's White Shoes Just received a shipment of Children's White Shoes. Sizes 4i to 9. $1.98 Ladies' Bedroom Shoes Several new styles in Ladies Bedroom Shoes just arrived. WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF NON RATIONED SHOES Knee Length Rubber Boots Men, bring in your cer tificate for Knee-Length Rubber Boots. We have all sizes. SPECIAL 100 Weartex Rugs. Spe cial while they last $3.59 In Our Basement LINOLEUM RUGS Hurry -to Belk's Basement for your 9x12 Linoleum Rugs. Only $3.59 BEMC BROTHERS and family. Celebrates Fifth Birthday Little Miss Wanda Lee Connell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Oon neli celebrated her fifth birthday Saturday 'afternoon and was honored with a party given by her mother at their home on Morris street. The home was arranged with lovely fall flowers the yellow and white color formal games were directed by Mrs. Immediately afte the ceremony note predominating throughout In- and Mrs. Joseph Christie of Spotswood ! Npv .Tprspv You'll Be As Happy As A Winning Candidate When You Sink Down Into One Of Our Comfortable Mattresses I LA I I Cpl. and Mrs. Christie left for a short wedding trip and for a visit with Mrs. Christie's sister, Mrs. W. A. Leonard of Lincolnton. The bride wore a .dress of navy blue with white accessories to match. They plan to reside In New Jersey after the duration. Mrs. H. M. Presson and daughter, Mrs. Wilson Brown and son Wilson, Jr., will spend this week in Bpencer with Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Fhifer. NOW, that the election is over it's time for m good mattress and plenty of rest and sleep. , We have them in a wide selection of styles. See us today; while stocks are complete. - ' ' ! '.., f, :.::;.:.?js;f I Bin. Richardson Honored Mrs. Darrell Griffin and Mrs. Chas. Myers entertained Wednesday evening with a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Griffin's parents Mr, and Mrs. Ray Garrison of Bakers, honoring Mrs. W. J. Richardson, recent bride. - - -f I Mrs. Richardson Is the former Miss Betty Hamilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton of Bakers. The home was decorated with bowls of pink and white Chrysanthemums. The bride was presented a corsage by the hostesses. . ' ; ' Guests included twenty-three friends of the bride. She received many love ly gifts. : - ,;:-iv''vi Refreshments consisted of punch chicken salad and ' accessories. The bride's plate was graced with a min iature bride and groom. . L. V. Ben left this week for Wll mington where he Is spending some time wlta Mrs. Bell's sister, ? Mrs. Roy Martin and family. ; M S j Birth ABneaneemeBt" ' -v Pharmacists Mate 2-c and Mrs. Ed win Ashcraft of Chapel Hill, an nounce the birth of a daughter, Cor nelia men, in Duke bospitaL sur ham. On November the 4th. Pharmacists Mate Ashcraft is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ray Ashcraft of Monroe who Is now stationed at Mojane, Calif. Mrs. Ashcraft la mak ing her home in Chapel HUO. Miss Eleanor Moor of Gastonla. wfll spend the week-end here as the guest of Miss Ruth Clapp. , ' . Mrs. Ralph Winchester has been the guest of hAY parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. A, Rice on Benton Heights, f E. W. Howie, after which pictures were made of the group. In the dining room the colors of yellow and white were very effectively used, composing the centerpiece for the table was the birthday cake of yellow with tiny white candles and rosebud trimmings. The refreshment course consisted of Dixie cups, cup cakes iced in yeUoW and individual Hershey bars. Favors were bright colored pin wheels. Prizes were awarded to Jane Howie, Phylls Helms, Ann Tucker, and John Calder Hinson. Guests were: Wanda Lee Connell, Glenda Fowler, Margaret Chaney, Johnnie Chaney, Martyn Williams, Tyndia Pigg, Ann Tucker, Margie Sue Rogers. Evangeline Hinson, Oail Ger ringer, Phylis - Helms, Jane Howie, Barbara Bivens, Emily Blvens, Mary Ann Blvens, Julia Ann Howie, lie nor Bowie, Betty Sue Chaney, Nancy Fight, Joan Belk, Frankie Garrison, Lyndia Gossett, Patricia Ann Helms, Henrietta MoCorkle, Jane Jones, NeaT Hinson, and - Dickie Worley, Kathryn Small, Bane Small, Vivian Fredie McOulrt, Craven . Williams, Butch Shumaker, David Rogers, Jackie Hall, Larry Broome, Charles Gordan, Joe Gordan, Bobby Belk, Kenneth Belk, - Laryr r Helms, David Wolfe, Harry Gossett, John Calder Hinson, jonn xuas iya. Mrs. H. B. Oeriner of Florence, 8. C Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. B. EseQ and family. . Mrs. Lee Hemes D. A. B. Officials Mrs. Sam Lee entertained at dinner today at Hotel Monroe when she had as guests the State -D. A. R, officials who are here attending the general meeting which Is In session this after noon, ; They are Mrs. Preston Wilkes, Jr, of Charlotte who la State Regent; Mrs. J. H. Myers of Thomasvllle: Mrs. J. M. Massey of Charlotte; Misses, Elizabeth and Virginia. Horn of. Wadesboro; Mrs. Hubert Patterson of Albemarle, and Mrs. Roy Smith of . Charlotte; and among the of: "'s of' the local chapter will be Mrs. ...a i. Davis, Regent; Mrs. Clem Ha-n,. ' ti Frank Lander, Mrs. 8. B. Burn y, .M.S. , Abram Hill Crowell. Mrs. Robert Mor row. Mrs. Olln Sikes and Mrs. . M. f 1 . YOUR HOME IS IMPORTANT WHY NOT MAKE IT MORE LIVEABLE? When the frustrations and restrictions of war time are added to the stresses and strains of an al i ready "high-powered" living, you need two things an escape from monotony in your home surroundings, and, a background that contributes to the art of xhome entertainment and hospitality. I M 'v.-. ' , 1 , ' ' ' ' 3 We suggest that you do this with beautiful plo- lures ana mirrors. v. We believe we have one of the largest selections in this section to choose from. Among the, pictures; we have Modern Florals, Temper-Tone Florals, Blaa ' Prevost, Godey's, Babies, etc. ' ; . ' " ALL PRICED REASONABLY 'FwLi L :i iIih Furniture ? Co. :lL