8 I —THE LINCOLN TIMES, Lincolnfon, N.C., THURSDAY, JULY 7,1955 IN TWO MAJOR WAYS ... . Sec. Benson Says Govt. Attacking Production-Consumption Problems Prom a longer-range perspec- j tive, the United States is attack ing the Production-exceeding con- ; sumption problem in two major j ways. Secretary of Agriculture j Ezra Taft Benson told an audience in Canada recently. “One is an effort to bring pro duction more nearly into line with demand through market- i ing quotas and acreage reduc tion”, the Secretary said. "The other is through the adjustment of price-support levels, which will tend to bring production and consumption into better balance in an atmosphere free lrom production and marketing controls.” Wheat producers have reduced acreage 30 percent in 2 years, ac cording to Secretary Benson. Cot ton growers have reduced acreage 23 percent in 2 years. And rice growers have approved the use of rice marketing quotas for the 1955 crop under a program which calls 1 for a 22-percent reduction below 1954 planted acres. Tobacco grow ers are continuing to produce un der marketing quotas. MARKETS—PRICE SUPPORTS "The united states, there fore, has been fared with a need to compete price-wise in world markets," the Secretary declar- A demonstration of the best known methods of hair ond scalp treatments to be given to the citizens of our city. HAIR AND SCALP AUTHORITY HERE TO TELL TRUTH . ABOUT BALDNESS A personal demonstration will be held from 12 noon until 9 p.m. on Tuesday ONLY. July 12. 1955. in the North State Hotel in Lincoln ton. North Carolina, by the Merill Hair and Scalp Consultants of Wichita Falls. Texas. The Merrill Consultant is being sent here for the express purpose of explaining to the people of our city, the facts and the truth about hair and scalp disorders. He will explain the 18 common scalp dis orders that cause most men and women to lose their hair. He will demonstrate the proper methods of hair and scalp hygiene that have been proven successful for thousands of Americans from coast to coast. The Merrill Hair and Scalp Consultants will give you, FREE, a complete hair and scalp examination and tell you why you are losing your hair, or why you are having trouble with your scalp. HOPELESS CASES ARE FEW First, the Merrill .Consultant is quick to tell the hopeless cases that they cannot be helped. Once a man is completely, shiny bald, nothing can be done. But the hopeless cases are few. Because, if the hair roots are still alive, (evidenced by the presence of light, colorless fuzz), the Merrill Consultant can perform what sometimes seem to be wonders. In the private examination, these facts will come to light. NO CHARGE FOR EXAMINATION The examination is very thor ough and highly technical. It re quires a full 20 to 30 minutes. And, there is no charge for this examination. After the examina tion, you will be told the re quired length of treatment and how much it will cost. After start ing the treatment, you will make regular reports to the Merrill Laboratory in Wichita Falls, Texas. An expert will check your progress regularly, and keep in touch with you throughout your course of treatment. As you will be shown at your interview, Mer rill offers you a written guaran- 1 tee of satisfaction. The Merrill Consultant will occupy a suite of rooms in the North State Hotel in Lincolnton. North Carolina, on Tuesday, July 12, from 12 noon until 9 p.m. Ask at the desk for the Merrill Consultant and see what can be done for your troublesome hair and scalp condition. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY You need not have an appoint- I ment to take advantage of this clinic. All examinations are pri-! vate and you will not be embar- I ed. "And. on the other hand, we have had to adjust the price 1 structure gradually and in line with market demand. To meet this situation, action has been taken to scale down price sup ports on a flexible basis, and in a manner designed to reduce ! surpluses.” Regarding foreign marketing programs, Secretary Benson ex- I plained that the U. S. Agricultural ; Export Policy is based on three i principles; 1. We must compete | fairly on the world market; 2. We must be competitive in quality; ; and 3. We must participate in a I mutually profitable international ! trade that gives our customers ahroad the continuous opportuni ty to earn foreign exchange to buy our products. The Secretary predicted marked advances for both Canada and the U. S. in the future. "Here are some of the things we look for in i the United States in the next 10 to ' 12 years.” the Secretary stated. “Population :.p one-fifth. Output per man-hour up 40 percent in Agriculture, and 35 per : cent in industry. National output | —up nearly 50 percent, in terms of ! constant prices, to a total of $535 1 billion annually. Per capita in come after taxes up nearly 30 NEW HAIR IS PERMANENT "If every man and woman will follow- our directions faithfully during treatment and after fin ishing treatment, there is no reason why they will not have hair all the rest of their lives,” says this authority. "We know our treatments will work from our thousands of testimonials. It all depends on the individual per | son's faithful observance of a few simple rules.” GUARANTEE PLEDGES RESULTS Merrill Hair and Scalp Con sultants GUARANTEE, in a writ ten certificate given to each new client, that if you are not re sponding satisfactorily to treat ment at the end of 30 days, that all money paid on treatments will be graciously refunded. “We do this to overcome skepticism.” says the Merrill Consultant. “Most of our clients are happy, satisfied men and women, confident that they will regain their hair and remove all traces of imbedded dandruff and other malicious hair and scalp ailments that prevent natural growth. This guarantee is for those who want to be assured that they w-ill get their money's worth, and that is exactly what we intend to give them!” A TRUTHFUL NOTE Thousands of men and women have been helped by the Merrill methods. Because of their tre mendous success in this field, it should be said here that there are some who cannot benefit from these treatments. Any person who is slick, shiny bald, is destined to remain so. If these is any sign of fuzz, no matter how short or colorless, there is a definite chance that hair may be re-grown in time. “We have no cure-all,” says our expert. “But if you take care of your hair, we can help you have healthy, normal, lasting hair that you will be proud of all your life.” I rassed or obligated in. any way. ; Both men and women are wel- I come. ' l percent. “These are the goals we can reasonable expect, based on the progress of the past 25 years. These/are the goals we can ex pect if we keep our spirit of free enterprise if we continue to work together as a free peo | pie “We are entering a period un like any man has known before. It holds vast promise and vast dan ger ... In agriculture we are on the threshhold of what is perhaps i the most revolutionary develop ment of all time the use of sis ! sionable material for power. Nu | dear energy may someday make deserts bloom truly agriculture is entering a remarkable era.” Veterans Should Make Insurance Money Plans i Some 15,000 World War II vet erans will die this year and will leave National Service Life Insur ance to help take care of their families. Many of these vets will have de cided wisely how they want their beneficiaries to get the insurance monej. Many others, however, will have given little thought to the matter and will, as a result open their beneficiaries to possible | hardship. If you're a vet with National ! Service Life Insurance, you should [ check your insurance policy from | time to time to see whether your | choice of beneficiaries and your method of paying the insurance | money are still as you want them. First of all, you may change beneficiaries at any time without their knowledge or consent. You also may change the way you pre viously had decided you wanted the insurance money paid without the consent and knowledge of your beneficiaries. As to whom you may name as your beneficiaries, you have your choice of any person or other legal entity as your first beneficiary. You may name one or more second beneficiaries to get the insurance money in case the first beneficiary dies while being paid your insur ance. If you don't name a bene ficiary the payment will be made in one sum to your estate. FOUR CHOICES You have four options for pay ment of the money. —Lump sum or cash. If you have SIO,OOO NSLI. for example, your first beneficiary will get that j amount in cash when you die. —Equal monthly installments over any period of vears from three j to 20. —Monthly installments for life. ; Under this, if the first beneficiary dies before 120 installments have ! been paid, the remaining install ; ments will be paid to the second I beneficiary. j —Monthly installments for life | time of the first beneficiary. In ef | feet, this guarantees a certain fix ed number of monthly installments I based on the age of the first bene -1 ficiary at the time of your death. However, if the first beneficiary dies before the fixed number of in stallments have been paid, the sec j end beneficiary will draw the re : maining installments. You may also elect to have part of your insurance money paid to your first beneficiary under one of these four options and the re mainder paid under another op tion. For example, you may have half of your SIO,OOO NSLI paid in cash and half of it paid under an installment plan. Also, even though you may have made a selection of any of the four options, your first beneficiary may elect to receive payment under any installment option, providing the number of installments so selected are payable over a longer period of time than the selection you made. The beneficiary may not have installment payments converted to lump sum payment. If you make no selection of pay ment. the insurance money will be paid in 36 monthly installments, unless your first beneficiary elects one of the other installment op tions. Incidentally, if you chose to have your insurance paid on an in stallment basis and no second ben eficiary is living when the first! benefioiary dies, the unpaid in stallments w ill be paid in one sum to your estate. AIR-CONDITIONING In the metropolitan Washington area, the Federal Government has 48.800.000 feet of office space. Os this, about half. or 24.200.000 square feet are air-conditioned. These figures do not include the White House which has its own air-conditioning unit or the Capi tal, Senate and House Office build ings. or Supreme Court building— but these are all air-conditioned. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having this day qualified as Ad ministratrix of the Estate of Charles A. Jonas, deceased, late of Lincoln County. North Caro lina. this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to file them, duly itemized and verified, with the undersigned on or before the 30th day of June, 1956, or this notice will be pleaded in btfr of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 24th day of June, 1955. MRS. ROSA JONAS, ADMX. West Main Street Lincolnton, North Carolina 6t ea Mon. 6-27 Basic Home Decorating Colors Should Compliment Personality “Be bold! ” the Small Homes Guide suggests, “in choosing home interior color schemes. And be consistent. ” The Guide lists four points of procedure to follow in decorating the inside of your home: 1) Start with a color scheme plan and stick to it. 2> Make a simple floor I plan, establish basic traffic pat terns and arrange your furniture —on paper, 3 > Select window treatments. 4i Select your acces sories. For your basic colors, the Small Homes Guide emphasizes that you should pick a pattern you like and which compliments you and your personality. Whether you choose period, con temporary, or a combination of both for a decorating scheme, the Guide suggests wood wall paneling as a soft background. Among the most popular woods being used today for interior finish Dont Fear If Nerve Dies, Substitutes Save The Day GALVESTON. Tex. Breathe by lifting your shoulder or twitch ing your face. Or. take a deep breath by tight ening your neck muscles. People may be doing these things in the not - too distant fu ture and thanking their lucky stars for new surgical techniques. The man they should really thank is Dr. Donald Duncan of the j University of Texas medical school. After six years of research he has proved with animals that sub stitute nerves can take the place of the regular nerves that cause us to breathe. Diseases such as polio and even serious injuries can knock out those regular nerves. Dr. Duncan discovered that other nerves will [ grow along the channel of the breathing nerves—and do the same job. The result may rescue many fu ture prisoners of iron lungs. After the original breathing nerves com pletely degenerate—it takes about six months surgery can't help. Duncan is the quiet, 52-year-old chairman of the department of anatomy. For years he studied nerves. Then one day. six years ago, he “wondered how far a nerve would grow if it had the opportunity." Using dogs and cats, he began training nerves into the channels j of other nerves. He found a nerve will grow at the rate of an inch every eight days to at least three times its original length. Then Duncan discovered that one nerve will do the work of an other nerve. He did this by run ning the neck nerves of a cat down to the animal s diaphram. a dome shaped organ which contracts to help cause breathing. Then the anatomist severed all other breathing nerves. When the animal gasped, contracting its neck muscles, the diaphram was stimulated and the animal breath ed and went on living. So did two other cats, similarly treated. And then the anatomist piped a shoulder muscle nerve down to the diaphram of a cat. When he stim ulated the nerve with an electrical batter, the animal breathed. The nerves by which we twitch the sides of our faces would do the ; same job, Duncan said. We breathe with the use of two sets of nerves which emerge from our spinal cords; 1. Two phrenic nerves w’hich Carolinian Mills Employees Enjoy Barbecue, Field Day Approximately 1.500 people en joyed an outdoor field day and barbecue supper given at Rankin Lake in Gastonia on Saturday. July 2, 1955. The outing was spon sored by Carolinian Mills, Inc., and the High Shoals Community Club for employees, their families, and invited guests as a Fourth of July Celebration and in recog nition of One Million Man Hours worked without a lost time acci dent. For Carolinian employees the celebration marked the be ginning of a one week's vacation period. Activities began at 4.00 p.m. with a softball game featuring the Single Girls against the Mar ried Girls. Well-planned games, races, and contests had been scheduled for all age groups with prizes awarded the winners. A highlight of the afternoon was the greasy pole which had been erect ed for boys, and many small lads took turns in trying their luck at conquering the slippery pole. Fin ally after much slipping and slid ing Raymond Pleasant reached the top and returned with the five dollar bill which had been placed there for the winner. Activities lasted until 6:30 when lines were formed for serving the barbecue supper. A delicious meal consisting of barbecued pork, bar becued chicken, potato chips, slaw, pickles, buns and cold drinks was served by Mr. Elmer “Red” Bridges of Shelby, N. C. Evening activities included a square dance. Activities and features of the day were well planned and well organized and everyone had a most enjoyable time. ILLITERATES CAN’T VOTE The new Castillo Armas govern ment has disenfranchised all illit erate Guatemalans but has prom ised to maintain the social ad vances of the last 10 years. The American Peoples Encyclopedia Yearbook for 1955 says the con troversial land reform act has al so been suspended with the prom ise of a new, more moderate law to be enacted. and wall paneling are Douglas fir. western red cedar and west coast hemlock. These woods have extra ordinary texture and warm natural hues which are a great help in adapting to color and furnishing schemes. For a truly contemporary set ting, the Guide recommends reds and pinks in the living room, fad ing into soft pinks in kitchen and bedroom. Orange-yellow' accent color could become gold for a background in another room. A 'transitional' grouping com bining blue-green and green-blue with vivid accent of tangerine is exciting,” the Guide says, “and these colors may be tinted and shaded for integrated color blend ing throughout the home.” Still another color arrangement deemed warm and comfortable by SHG is sharp blue and deep violet for major upholstery and large area colors, with bright pink as an accent. contract the diaphram. 2. Nerves of the intercoastal muscles which raise and depress the ribs. But all these nerves are not needed. “We severed both phrenic nerves and two-thirds of the inter coastal nerves of a dog and he not only continued to breathe b '.t frolicked with medical students.” Dr. Duncan said. "We are built to survive the supreme moment when every ounce of energy decides whe ther to live or die. Normally, we operate at 15 to 20 per cent of ca pacity.” How much hope does he have of the substitute-nerve surgery work ing on humans? 'Dr. Duncan smiled slowly. “Well. I'll tell you. I think the world of my two little grandchildren. If po lio paralyzed their breathing. I'd want to see the surgery tried on them.” Want Ads FOR SALE: Used-Reconditioned i 2 lawn mowers, 6 sewing ma | chines. Also Underwood Type writer at exceptional values. A great number of fine NEW sew ing machir.es. Our prices are low. We will pay cash for sizes 20” and 24" used girls' bicycles. : Bring ns your Electric Appli ances for repairs. Keever & Ramsaur, Inc. On The Square ' 2 Thurs 7-7 PUTTING YOUR best foot for w'ard is another way of saying you wish to make a good im pression. Should you want to make a good appearance and impression, see that those feet are dressed in a lustrous shine. Shoes are elegantly polished at our shop for only 15 cents. Two toned shoes are also cleaned and polished. For a shine that is outstanding, call for Leonard the Shine-bov at MAIN STREET BARBER SHOP WANTED TO Allis-Chal mers “G" or Cub tractor. Dial RE 5-7062. 2t 6-30* FOR SALE: Five lots, ideal for building, on hard surface road. Dial RE 5-2086. 3t 6-30» FOUND: Ladies billfold. Owner can claim same by identifying at Police Station and paying for this adv. 2t 7-7 FOR SALE 1 4-room dwelling. Good location. 100 percent G.I. Loan avail able. 1 6-room house. Forced hot air heat. Financing available. I 2 good lots in Boger City. SIMMONS HOUSING & MORTGAGE CO. Lawing Bldg. Dial RE 5-2361 t 2t 7-7 PEELER S WAREHOUSE Fertilizer Seeds Poultry Lime, Slag, Security Feeds Seed Cleaner, Slur-treater to treat wheat, oats and barley, 309 N. Poplar St., RE 5-5481. U you have ever been photograph ed at Fraziers, we still have your negative on file. We can make beautiful warm toned mounted enlargements at these exceptionally low prices. 1— $2.95, 2—54.95, 3—56.95, 4 $8.95. Fraziers Studio RE 8-2152. ts 11-1 FOR SALE, berry Brothers paint Used since 1858. Cronland Warp Roll Co. ts 3:26 FOR SALE: 1 Coca-Cola refrig erating dispenser. Dial RE 5-2148. 4t 6-23 FOR RENT: Cottage at Myrtle Beach. Call RE 5-7553. ts 6-20 * **•, DR. I. R. SELF ! J dr. I. R. SELF, JR. ; • DKNTIBTB J * < J Office: Dial RE S-7MS J ! Offices: Over Lawing-Ksstnh ! t Drug Eton t 1 FOR SALE: Practically new office swivel chair. Bargain. Dial RE 5-5257. 4t 7-7* FOR SALE: Used Philco Refriger ator good condition. $35. Rob ert McMurray. Dial RE 5-2062. 2t 7-7* FOR SALE: Tent at Rock Springs Campground. See Talmadge Little. 3t 7-7 * HELP WANTED: Saleslady for Ready-to-Wear Department in local store. Young single or married. Experience preferred but not necessary. Write “Job,” co Lincoln Times. 2t 7-7 FOR Large size Presto deep fat fryer. Practically new. Call RE 5-2571. 4t 7-7 * FOR SALE The church house located beside the Rhyne Heights Methodist Church. Frame construction of Ist class lumber. House originally con tained 7 rooms, has front and rear halls, large front and rear porches. Sale includes all plumb ing and oil hot water heater. No kitchen cabinets, oil space heat er or furnishings included. A reasonable period of time al lowed for removal from proper ty. House can be inspected at any time during the day. Bids should be submitted in, writing to Charles Eurey, 507 Madison St.. Lincolnton. N. C.. on or before Wednesday, July 20. 1955. 4t 7-7 FOR RENT: 2-room apartment, downstairs. Private bath and en trance. Dial RE 5-2306. ts 6-30 FARM FOR SALE: 42-1/2 acres! House, barn, five out buildings. Ford tractor and farming equip ment. T. J. Hovis, Rt. 1, Iron Station. 3t 4-27* FOR SALE: 3-room house, lights. water, telephone. Also building lot. Nice location on Gastonia Hwy. Will take car or small tractor on deal. Also, 4 nice lots in Lowell. Will take car in on trade. See or call H. H. Pope, Lowell, N. C. Phone 4-9117. 2t 6-30 * ! NOTICE: WE BUY USED FURNI TURE. ROGER FURNITURE COMPANY. Dial RE 5-7580. tf 6-6 FOR SALE: Used plumbing fix tures. Shipment just arrived. Tubs, sinks, lavatories. Lincoln Antique Shop—Charlotte High way. 4t 6-23 ♦ EXPERT Floor Covering Free Estimate Desotone Rubber Base Paint $4.98 Gallon. See Us For Your Next Job HARRIS CITY PAINT STORE Dial RE 5-2611 E. Sycamore Well Boring and Casing 20" $2.75 per foot. NO WATER—NO PAY ALL WORK GUARANTEED Bruce Christopher Dial 5-5815 or 5-5994 Route 4, Lincolnton 1m0.5-18 FOR RENT: Cottages, apartments —Windy Hill Beach. S. C. Elec trically equipped, near fishing pier. E. H. Abernethy. Dial RE 5-8738. ts 6-6 FOR RENT; Cottage at Myrtle Beach. Call RE 5-7553. ts 6-20 Several Good Used Electric Refrigerators Priced at *37 50 * M 1 ■ i m* Dial RE 5-2242 - Lincolnton, N. C. HOYLE HOYLE WRECKER 24-HOUR Dial RE 5-7163 Dial RE 5-8091 MODERN BODY SHOP Bear Frame Machine! Dust Free Paint Room Be»l Alignment Factory Bake Oven NO JOB TOO SMALL OB TOO LARGE ‘For Those Who Care' lt Costs No More To Get The Beat HOYLE MOTOR COMPANY, Inc. BOGEB CITY HIGHWAY LINCOLNTON, N C. - ■ • • - ' Look! Refrigerators MUp Ranges 519.75 Up Television MUp Radios MUp Phonographs 11.6 Up Dinettes mu P Sofas m up Upholstered Chairs jus Up Television Picture Tubes SIL2S Up KEN’S Television & Appliance Co. (CHARLOTTE HI-WAY) OPEN ’TIL 9 EACH EVENING FOR RENT: 4-room apartment, recently redecorated. Call RE 5-5225. ts 6-16 Carload of First Grade Whitewall Tires Just Received. Will Sell at Biackwall Prices, HEAFNER Tire & Motor Co, Shrum Motor Co. Still In Business Yes, we are still in business, just moved 1-door west between our for mer location and Leonard’s Recap ping Plant. We stock around 300 junk cars and trucks from which valuable parts may be salvaged. Come to see us for parts, new and ised. New And Used Parts And Used Cars Shrum Motor Co. Phone RE S-3Z21 Charlotte Hwy. lmo. 4-1 FOR RENT: Nice 2 or 3 room apartment private bath, hot water at 514 E. Pine St. Also, 3 rooms on S. Academy St„ next to Henry’s Radio Shop. Phone RE 5-2233. 4t 6-27 FOR RENT: Modern. 2 bedroom apartment 1 block from Court house. See S. M. Roper. Dial RY 5-2011. ts 6-13 FOR RENT or SALE the Forrest Pendleton 4-room house on A Louise Avenue. All modem con-" venlences, Venetian blinds. For further information see L. A. Wright at The Times office. No phone calls please. ts 6-13 WE HAVE all small parts for plumbing fixtures. Lincoln An tique Shop Charlotte High way. 4t 6-23 • [WeH Drilling] ! 4 and 6-inch ! 0 0 j Charles. Hoover - 0 0 i Lincolnton, N. C. ! ; Dial RE: 5-5972 . ! , • 5 lm. 5-30 ! «. J FOR SALE: Cut flowers. Tomato plants of different varieties, i Mrs. Lola Mace, Rt. 1, Lincoln ton. 5t 6-23 * FOR SALE: 8-room house, locat ed E. Congress St. Oil heat. Big lot. good location. Contact Rob ert A. Little Dial RE 5-7442 or RE 5-2348. 6t 6-27 l l " Bulldozing and Grading Ripping Land No job too large or too small JIMLOCKMAN Dial RE 5-8532 Route 3, Lincolnton lmos-2* Hawkins-Proctor Furniture Co. '‘Complete Home Fnrnlshers’’ Furniture, Rugs, Refrigerators Stoves and Ranges. Dial BE 5-51S1 Lincolnton, N. C. 1955 MODELS—We hare new 1955 model Scott-Atwater out board motors. Boats and motors for sale or trade. Easy terms. Henderson Heating Co. ts 2-28 J Lincolnton Insurance ! | and Realty Co. | BEAL ESTATE—INSURANCE 0 ! V. M. Ramsour ; DIAL BE S-5571 t Sewing of all kinds dresses, coats, suits, children’s clothes. Alterations. Reasonable. Mr* W. L. Abernethy, 403 S. Cedar St. Phone RE 5-8008. • 3 l Why Remove \ l + Your 4 i j RADIATOR? j 0 0 0 0 \ ★ | * * * * t We are equipped to completely i J clean and purge your radiator * , without removing It from your J * jar. 4 t t 4 4 J It is time for Spring cleaning * 5 to insure against over-heating t J on those long trips- -your radl- 4 , ator should not Vie neglected. , 4 Come in today I • 4 4 4 4 4 4 : * : Hinson Motor Co.: * 4 5 DODGE-PLYMOUTH Deale* J 4 4

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