A MADMAN WITH A SCYTHE. t TRIES TO MOW OW!f A MOB Or EXCITED ' PEOPLE 6K FOURTH AVENUE, 1 A tall, slightly built jiian. with gray chia whiskers, got olT a Fourth avenue oar at tha comer of Twenty-eighth treet Ut night Hi ahirt was crum pled and soiled and his soft slouch hat was tuud-stained. lie held a scythe in bis right hand, whose tung curved edge glittered in the gaslight Half dozen people paused when the stranger threw off his hat and began to cut the air with bis scythe. Some one in the crowd shouted : ' "Get an -officer and have hlin arrest ed." The man Still mowed down sections of atmosphere and appeared unconcern ed. A cabman named Williams got down from bis box and approached him. Williams struck the scythe with the but end of his whip, but did not knock it from the man's graHp. The cabman's attack was the signal for a violent outbreak on the purt of the madman. He drew his fingers along the clear, white edge, and, swinging tbe murderous weapon above his head, dashed into (he crowd. There were fully two hundred people on the block at tbo time, and they lied toward Twenty-ninth street. The madmau shouted hysterically : "I will kill them all. I am going to kill them all," and ran after the fright ened men and boys. Fifty iwople had gathered in the rear. At the corner of Twenty-ninth street half a dozen men were close at bis heels. I fe sudduuly turned and shouted; "1 can kill them all. I am going to kill John L. Sullivan and all the rest of them." A gain the clean, white scythe glis tened and the madman dashed -among the people. Thev fell right and left and the lunatic passed between them Crowds bad collected on the opposite side of the throughfare and shouted all sorts of advioe to the frightened people in the hallway. Across the street rvn the lunatic, and the people there fled in terror. An agile young fellow attempted to trip him up, and another tried to catch him around the neck. Thea devices were, however, futile, and the cries of "Pol ice were heard on all sides. The lunatic was probably not on the block more than ten minutes altogath' r, but the panic he created drew peo ple from all over the city. Before the officer arrived another cabman attacked him. - He held a heavy whip in his hand, and his first blow felt on the hsnd clutching the scythe. The lunatic's eyes bulged in their sockets, and with a wild shriek he ran at his assailant. The cabman met him firmly and batter edhim over the head and shoulders with his whip until the madman at length drove him into a hallway for refuge. The man with . the scythe danced np and down on the pavement, His attention was turned away for a second, and the cabman darted out and with a well-aimed blow knocked the say the from his hand. The cabman bent to pick it up, but the lunatic was too quick lor uilj. ne cauguc it dj toe dge and attempted to job the wooden handle down the cabman's throat. - At this juncture officer Browalie, of the Twenty-first precinct, swung his club and sent the scythe spinning in tbe air. Then he caught tbe laoatio by the col lar and shook him. At the station house the prisoner, after a great deal of . questioning, said that bis name was Patrick Clarkson, and that be was a gardner, : living at No. 5o5 Second avenue, , Sergeant Fitzgerald- committ ed him bn the charge of being . a disorderly person. After his hands, which were cut, had been bound up, a three cornered file was found in bis pocKet. New York World. . , No reoen tance can ever wipe oat the oast, or make it be as tbonch it had Dot been; bat the remorse of a fine character may be transmuted into a permanent source of nobler news of life and tbe world. iiesue Stephen. . IttiTHBaii'BAT SOUTHERN BEMBDY lor th noweu. it li ouo of the moil pieatukiu ana emcncioua remedies for ill umracrcomplliit.. At tenon when violent att.rki nf tlia hnw.l, are ao frennent. aoma apeedy relief should beat hand. The wearied mother, losinar ileep In nureiiiK the llttt) on teething, anould tie this Oli'dlclna. Wots. bottle. Send Sc. stamp to Walter A. T.iylor. Atlanta, Oa., for Riddle Book.' ! 'lylor' herokeoKeniKiyolbweetGum ndHuIleln will cure CoukIh, Croup and Con umpuou. l'rkt,io, and 1 a bottle. ' - Benbow Hall I TUESDAY, September 29 1 EHGAOIMEST TOE ONE SIGHT ONLY OF TBI DIkTIKODISHED EMOTIONAL AND TliAQIO ACIRU8R, MISS ADA GRAY! Supported by Ohaa, A. Watkins' 6th Avenue Combination, Au evening of alten ate LucrhUr and Tears, a Vein of Comedy and Pathos, a lasting sermon to Wives. Mothers snd Daughters: an rntirelv new version adapted from Mrs. Woods famous story, in o acts, dt Misa Uray, and performed by her over 2.000 times in the princi pal citiis in the United States, entitled: East Iynne, Or, THE ELOPEMENT. Ladi Isabel. 1 .na1 ,n . n . v Madam Vine, In which characters she has no living peer. 5aJPiervod Soats can be secured af. Porter k Dalton'a Drug Store. I'nce or Admission: 60 and 75cts. No t-xtru charge for Reserved Beats. OHAS. A. WATKINS, Prop'r andMan'r. To the Public: Certain printed posters having been pnt np in and abont tbe town advertis ing an excursion from Bennettsville to Danville, and setting forth that tho Rog Mnffin Club w..uld go to Dauville with tbe excursion and give an exhibition for the benefit of the Baptist church at this place: A.nd, whereas, on lost Sunday night it was announced from the Dnlnit that this was done without the authority of tue ollicers of tbe church. I wish to state, in my own vindication, tliat the authority to do so was given to me by brother Linscombe. the pastor, at my house in the presence of my family at least, and those present so understood it at the time, and I had the posters put np, beiioving it r gut at tue time. I hive received from the Baptist church in Wintton tho following au thority duly signed: We, the members of tho Baptist church of Winston, give Rob't Harris the right to show auy where in tbe United States. and the proceeds are to go to the benefit of the said church of Winston. Signed, Cenkbal Barbisoeb. G. W. Hjlland. Pastor, Witness: P. A. Martin. J-Ticke!s on sale at Rob't Harris' restaurant se22tf "SPECIAL !" HAYINO conn, oted mjself with the well known and popular Drug Honse of Alford k Miohanx, of this city, I would be pleased to have my former patrons, friends and the pnblio generally to call and see me, as I am confident tbat I oan make it to the in terest of all who are in need of anything in the drug line. Most Respectfully,. . Be21tf EUGENE ECKEL. tfOB ACC0 & GRAIN FAR1 M i Fob Sale. IN Guilford county, 10 miles east of Greensboro, 8 miles from McLeans ville, a farm of 288 sores. Well adapted to Tobacco end Groin; plenty meadows; abont 50 to 70 acres oak timbered and abont 35 or 40 acres pine lands; well watered; in good neighborhood; 2 miles from Bethel church, Presbyterian; 4 of Mt. Pleasant, Methodist; 4 of German Reform; 6 of -Lutheran. Good old time bouse, comfortable snd roomy , but not stylish; good, large feed barn; two new tobacco barns; cabins for tenants, tanyard and good buildings belonging, spring of excellent water with strong flow; vineyard, splendid young orchard of apples and peaches just beginning to bear. On the same a corn mill not now running. Cost abont $150 to put in first-class running order: has ground 4,080 bushels in a year. For further and more minute descrip tion of this valuable property, and for terms, apply to ' D. B. BELL, Real Estate Agent, Greensboro, N. C. selltf , DR. G. W. WHITSETT, '-i - Dentist, ; .Greensboro, N. C. Late Asst. Demonstrator in Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, v Office over Sample S. Brown's store. . May 19-Snt .TVhL JUS OP ... ' - , ZEIGLER, BRO.'S SHOES, , ' ' Just received at Apr il 16-tf . ' R. F, Boyd & Co. 'a. Crockery ! IWO0LD CALL ATTENTION TO an elegant line of Crockery, hist re ceived, embraoiug: Dinner SetP 122 Pieces, $15. Tea Sets, 44 Pieces. From vmd to itub.uu. Tea Sets. 56 Pieces, From 554.UU to BMl.UU. Chamber Sets. 10 Pieces, $3.50 to $18.00. Tin Chamber Sets, 3 Pieces, to$3.oU. Children's Bath Tubs. Also a large assortment of FANCY ARTICLES in CROCKERY, embracing: TOY, MUSTACHE AND Motto Cups and Saucers, GLASSWARE In Abundance. NOVELTIES AND SPECIALTIES -IN- FANCY GOODS. A Large Stock Of MEDIUM AND- 1 -''''"-7 ' ? '- ' ..V " ' : v .'C- LOW PRICED, CROCKERY ' ' . JUST IN OAXiii Boon. .Edw'd A. Siriail. ael9tf ' J.-W. Scott & Oo.'s Column TO THE Vholesale Trade ! -:o: WE OFFER TO COUNTRY Merch ants and others buying by the quantity a largo stock of everything in our different lines at "Bottom Prioes." We are expecting a large Fall trade, aud have laid in a larger supply of goods than usual. J LIST RECEIVED: 75 BajH Coffetall Grades from Common liio to O. G. Java. 15 BUH8. Granulated Sugar. 15 Ydlow 1 Car Load 35 J Bbbh Molasses aud Syrups all Grades Jrom "Black Strap" to Finest "Burba does." 3 Tons 240 Bags Drop and Buck Shot every Size You May Want. Powder! Powder!! Powder!!! 225 Kegs, 1-2 Kegs and 1-4 Keqs of Sporting and Blasting Powder. We are Agents for the Celebrated " Orange" Powder and can, supply it from our Magazine at Nortlirrn Prizes. 25 Cases Concentrated Lye. Also . Ball Potash 50 Boxes Cakes and Crackers. 25 " Laundry Starch. - ' , 60 " Soap. " 60 Gross Snuff. ,. 50 Boxes Tobacco. , 25 Thousand DuJeeCigarettes. 25- Drums "Taylor's" Soda'. ' And a full assortment of almost any and everything a country merohant needs. Call and seejis, whether you wish to buy or not. 1 ' Very Respectfully Tours, J. 17 SCOTT 6 CO. Richmond & Danville R. R. N. a DIVISION. i mi im)i:nski) m iikuule. trains going north. Msy 81rt, 1V No. 61, No. 53 Daily. Daily. Lv Clmrlotr- 4 50 im II 80 pru KHlisburv 82 am 760pm " High lV.iut. ... 7 45 a m 8 52 pm ArUrefuaboro.... 8 17 a m 9 18 pm Lv Oreensloro . . 9 35 a m Ar Hillsboro It 39 am Diubnii 12 13 p m Raleigh 1 20 p m Lv Raleigh 2 21 d m Ar Goldsboro 4 40 p m No. 15 Daily except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 10 00 p m Arrive at Raleigh 6 00 a m Arrive Goldsboro 1100 am No. 51 Connocta at Greensboro with R. k D. R. R. for all points North, East and West of Dunville. At Salisbury with W. N. C. R R. for all points iu Western N. C. At Ooldsboro with W. k W, It. R. daily. Nos. 61 and 63 oon nrct at Greensboro with R. k D. R. R. and for all points on Salem Branch. TRAINS GOINO SOUTH. May 3 1 t. 1885. No. 50 No. 52 Daily. Daily. Lv Goldsboro 12 35 p m . Ar Raleigh 3 00pm Lv Raleigh 5 00 p m Ar Durham 6 07pm Hillnboro 6 47 p m " Greensboro 9 00 p m Lv Greensboro... . 1121pm 9 86 am Ar High Point 11 65 pm 10 05 am Salisbury 1 05 a m 11 10 am " Charlotte 2 50 a m 12 35 pa No. 16 Daily except 8unday. Leave Ooldsboro 7 45pm Arrive Raleigh 1145pm Iave Raleigh 12 85 am Arrive Greensboro 8 30 a m No. 50--Connects at Salisbury for all points on W, N, G. R. R., and at Char Ictte with A. k C. Air-Line for all points in the South and South west, No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with C. C. 4 A R. It for all points South and Southeast, anrt with A, & C. Air-Line for all points Soul b. N. W. N. C RAILROAD QOIKQ SOUTH. Lv Greensboro .... Ar Kernersville. . .. Ar Sulem OOIMO NORTH. No. 50 Daily. 1135 pm 12 39 p m 117pm No. 51 Daily. 6 55 p m 7 80pm 8 35 p m No. 52 Daily, 9 46 am 10 50 am 1125 am No. 53 Daily. 6 40 am 7 Ogam SOS am Lv Salem Ar Kernersville. Ar Greensboro.. STATE UNIVERSITY R. R. No. 1, No. 3. Daily, Daily, ex, Sun. ex. Sun. . 10 25 a m 5 00 pm . 1125am 6 00 pm No. 4, No. 2, Daily, Daily, oonra NOBTH. Lv Chapel Hill Ar University G0I5G SOUTH. ex. Sun. ox. Sun, Lv. University. ... ... 6 80 p m, 11 54 am lr Chapel Hill...... 7 81pm 1254 pm ' Buffet Sleeping Cars without change on trains 50 and 61, between New York and Atlanta, Washington and New Or leans and between Ooldsboro and Ashe Tille. . . :;-; Through Pullman Sleepers on trains 52 and 53, between Washington and Au gusta, and Richuond and Greensboro, Greensboro and Richmond and Wash infrtan and Kav Orlpana. . i&" Through Tickets on role at Greensboro, Raleigb, Goldsbo'o, Salis bury and Charlotte, for all points South, Southwest, North and East. Emigrant rates to Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and the Southwest, address A. L. RIVES. M. SLAUGHTER, 2d V. P. k Gen. Man. Gen Pass. Ag't Richmond, Va. C. F- & Y. V. RAILWAY CONDENSED TIME TABLE, NO 1 Monday, Jane 22, 18S5. -. It AIL AMD PASSENGER TBAINS NOBTH BOCNP Leave Bennettsvilie, S. 0., 8.00 A. M. Shoe Heel, N. a, 9 60 V , Bed Springs.- ' 10.43 ' " Fayetteville. " 1.00 P. M. Sanford. ' 8.10 " " Ore Hill, " ' 4 80 " Liberty, ' 5.30 . " Arrive at Ureensboro, e.46 " - i.i Dinner at Fayetteville. . v , HATXi AND PA8SENGEB TRAINS SOTJTH BOUND, Leave Greensboro, N. C, ' 9.50 A. M -" Liberty, " " 11.05 " Ore Hill, . ' " 12.00 . . , " ' Sanford, r " 1.40 P. M. . " Fajetteville, l . ' 4.C3 " Red Springv ' , " " ; Shoe Heel, " ' ' 6.40 " , Ax've at Bennettsville,S.C.;; 8.15 ; . s Dinner at Sanford. : O W. M. S. DUNN, 1 IXC) 1W. TIOSM. 5 v, anri'l Snnt Oenl Pana. Atft "

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