r %} - 'V *■ FH^AILY WORKMAN,! J. L. MICHAUX, Editor. J- S, MICIIAUX, ijoca! Editor. y ■■■I / Rates OF SuBsoBiPTioN.—Single copy 5 cents By the week to carrier ten cents. By the month twenty-five cents in advance. Six mouths SI 50: one year Selin ad vance. ^he Daily Workman. ADVEHTTSINc KATES VOL. 4. aREENSBOllO,. N. C. MO^^DA\', SEPTEMBER 27, 188(i. No. 106 '^OjJice on South Elm Street, under Benbon' HrM. RAliLWA'-/ GUIDE. Greensboro, July 4, 18S6. KfGHMONl> A DANViniiE RAILROAD. -Arrives from RitOjmoud at U 43 a m 10 50 p m 9 43 p m 8 10 a m Leaves for llicbmond at —DISPLAYED— j —LOCAL 3 in. 1 day, i^l.OU 10 lines Itiuie,.}? .80 3 “ 3 days, 1.50!l0 “ 9timeo,l.00 1 week, .2.00 lu • ‘ l week, 1.60 t coi. 1 day, 1.5U 7 “ 1 week. 2.00 1 “ 1 ‘ 3.50 15 \ time, 1.20 15 *• 2 dines,1,5? 15 '* i veek. 2,00 -To night in Benbow -Hall Og I —Nelson’s nod Cox'^ Geiatine, E|.gle ’s Comedy Company will appear i Condensed Milk. Matby’s Dessicated ^'ORTll OAKOUI^/. RAILROAD. Arrives from Charlotte at Leaves for Charlotte at Arrives from Goldsboro at Leaves for (xoldsboro at NORTH-WESTERN N. Arrives from Salem at Leaves for Salem at c. r. A Y. V Leave Fayetteville, .Arrive at Greensboro, Leave Greensboro, - - 10:00 a. m, Arrive at Fayetteville, - - 3.50 p.m. 7 53 a m 9 35 p m 9 48 a m 11 UO p m 9 00 p m 9 50 a m RAILROAD. 7 32 a m 9 lOp m 10 CO a m 11 10 p m RAILROAD, 12:20 p, m. 6:00 p. m. SCHEDULE OF MAILS: Mails going North closed 8 00 a m 9 00 p m ” Sf)nth ” Salem Br’ch 9 00 a m 0 00 ]) m 9 00 a m 9 00 p m 9 00 a m 9 00 a m from 7 00 a m ” East ’ ’■ C.F. AY.Y.R.R General delivery open to 8 00 p m., except during the distri bution of mails. On and after Monaay, Aug. 31st, the Money Order and Regis tered i-cttep^ffice will only be open from 9 00 a m to 4 00 p m. cion’s Comedy Uompany will appea tor the first time. .Go and hear them. L.arge Tree.—There is a very large red oak tree standing in the yard of Mr. J. H. Buchanan, who live's about 4 miles from this place. It hf\^utracted a good deal of atten tion neretefore on account of its size, bnt'h^i-l-^riever been measured. Yes- terda\A^r. W, K. Buchanan, of this place, vncasuroci it and it measured 35 fefet in circumference 2 feet above the ground—making the tree over S feet though. This is somewhat of a tree, we think. ET.OdUTIONARY ENTERTAINMENT . —Professor Harry H. Jones, of N, Y., America's Great Reader and Deli-n^o» in Irish, German and French characters, will giye one of his intere'sting and amusing enier tainments at Benbow Opera Ilouse on Friday evening, Oct. i, 1SS6, Doors 7:30. Entertainment commeny^s at 8:30, p. m., sharo. Cocoanut a1 se27tf J. W .-JCOTT A' Co’^. .:v Waulipiiplpisl Nhops! We have to-day rect^u a full line of Gents Hand Bewed Shoes made on the celebrated Waiikenphast last, unexcelled —To people that do goto the Market we need not say anything, for they are already convinced who doeo keep the best meats, and the verdict Is Kernodle & Jackson keep the best, and no mistake. Now to those that send orders come and see and then yon will know who to send j your future orders to, for we mean to i keei> the best meats and as cheap, and for eomfortuuddurabih:^'. Also another ' u. .31.. 1 1. • j to handle them better than others, and lot of those popular .Bole, Round ' „*• u *• 1. i ^ jT' [ uea) sqiiaie at all times. Bo always g‘»t ' your meats at stall No. 2, on left hand side as you enter the front of the market. Mo.st Respect’y your Friends, se22tf Kernodle & Jackson. Box Congress Gaiters, Sf23 Iw Sam;--: ; S. Brown. N ()1ic(“ Tlic Stock! One car load iiockixnd Lime and Calcined Plaster, (.'Ue ear load Lester’s Guano, ene car load Navassa Guano, one car k>ad Orchilla Guano, one car load Tennessee Wagons, just received by Wharton .'c Stilitford. —If you want any tin. roofing done, be certain see Wharton A: Stratford before you give your out They guarantee every job. —.A few bu.shels of fist* Kifett Seed Wheat for sale, by '•#- 'W'H.^RTON’ii StRAJFORD. The i’rotei-sor is highly spoken of by 1 . .p,, ' , ^ . j irom Wharton se23dtfw3t the press, and -guarantees to makcj you lau.5(|i as an incentive to growing ' Buy you a nice Smith ^V’ell Fixture ^ Stratford. fat. Reserved seats Dalton’s Drug Store. at Porter & LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. —Scuppernong Grapes—very fine —at Caldclengh’s. —Look out for F. Fishblate's- new advertisement to morrow Benbow Ofi^ra HocjseTo Night. —Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ogden’s Re fined Farcical Co. will appear at the For Rent ' The bouse known as the Logan Mc Culloch property, lituatf'd on Asheboro street, next to Jesse Julian/ well situ ated; high and dry: gooo garden and a well of excellent water, hlodern house, 7 rooms, and fireplace in each. House Benbow Opera House to-night occupied by Eob-rt Flemming. -Bamboozling,” "Happy Pair” and | Poesession Oct. 1,’86. . nplyto ^ 'Smith & .Br..v Observei' ot Sa^iT —Be sure to report at tins office -iny and every failure to leceive •’he Daily Workman. —Remember the Ogden Comedy Company’s performance in Benbow Hall to-night. —New mjllinery good.s are being opened to-day in the building former ly occupied by the hanking house ot Wilson & Shober. —It is said that bird shooting has aheady commenced in this section. Look out.boy'S, the law says not until the 13th of October. he Charlotte ^fia's thi; tollow- ing to say ot this company : At the Academy ot Music the Og dens appeared last night before an appreciative audience, and ‘‘set the bouse aroar.” Three comedies, “Shakers,” Bamboozling” and “Smith & Brown” weie presented, and the lun was almost without a break. The Ogden’s have made a very favorable impression among our people, and the lavor witii which they have been received is well de served. Mr. Ogden is a capital comedian and he is supported by ohe of the finest little troupes on the road. St 2.3 1 Vv ■fw •m- ■ it. —^George J. Starr can supply hun gry men with fresh oysters ond other good food at the Cofi'ee House, on West Market street. We have tried him on oysters and found them prime. Particular Notice. -A commit tee has been appointed in behalf of the Greensboro Fire Company to solicit from the citizens generally a contribntion sufficient to buy new uniforms for the company, by which the town treasury will be relieved of the expense of the same. This is a worthy object, and the responses will be cheerfuV and liberal no doubt. —Findly Hairston and Anderson Drake, the two colored men who were' engaged with Spencer Brooks in robbing Fishblate’s dum my, were caught on Saturday by our town officers and tried on Saturday evening at half past 5 o’clock. Hairston was an escaped convict and no bond was named. Anderso-n Drake was bound oyer to court in a bond of $200, which he failed to give and was lodged in jail to await the December term of Guilford coun ty Superior Court. —The Dispatch says it is evident that there exists in Richmond a gang of thieves. - - New Rice! Crop ot j886 just received direct from New Orleans, at se27tf J. W. SooTT Go’s. —A young uum 22 years of age would like work in. some mercantile establish ment by Nov. Ist to help pay expenses at Smithdeal Business College. Several years experience in retail trade. Refer ence given. Address , V. M. Pbttus, se27tf Clarksville, Ya. - L —New crop Oat Grits and Oat Groats fresh from the mills at 8£27tf Scott fe Go’s. Notice 1 My regular customers will confer quite a favor if they will send in their Wednes day orders to-monow, so the same can be filled to-morrow evening as I will be unusually busy cn "Wednesday, se27it J. R. Hughes. —L. & P. Sauce, Anchovie’s Anchovy Sauce, Queen Olives, Chutnez Sauce, Olive Oil, Imported Sardines, French Mustard and many other new additions to our stock of fancy goods. se27ti J. W. Scott & Co. —Oysters, Fried, Stewed, Raw and by the measure, at the Coffee House. se23tf G. J. Starr, Man’r (For Other Locals See Second Page ) —D. Howell is daily receiving the best of tresli fisli, and can suoply his customers at siiort notice. Leave your order the eveniug before, or send early in the morning. se24 Iw —The undersigned respectfully noti fies his friends and customer.s that he has removed to the spacious store recent ly occupied by Hudson & Kirkman, aiia with increased stock will be able to offer as nice a line of groceries as can be found in this place. Your pat) onage is solicited, T. S. Shelton. se23 Iw' —At the Coffee Restaurant Ice Cream, Cream Taffy and Vanilla Cream, pure Stick Candy—our own make, good Cheese, .I5cts pound, Snowflake and Graham Wafers, 20ct—3 lbs for 50c, Pin Money Pickles, 40c quart, se20tf Geo. J. Starr, Mang’r. ^otico! Tile .subscriber having begun work as a manufacturer of cigars, begs leave to say to the public that he is ready to turnish the most choice bi'unds, which will uot sutler by comparison with any good.s on the market. Cull at next door to Vv. S. Moore, on East Market sti'bet. sel5 4w Edward G. Kern. To The Citizens of South Grecus- horo! I will open a drug store in the room next to M. iSewell’s store on or about 1st Oct. The business will be in charge of Mr. W. A. Leslie, a competent drug gist, who will be prepared to flll pre scriptions at all hours, day or night. Respectfully, se23tf E. B. McDuffie, Agent. Hilts ! Hilts !! Just received a large lot of all the latest styles in Stiff and Soft Hats at seltf • F, Fishblate’s. —Remember the leading restaurant in the town is run by Rob’t Harris. Meals at all hours. 3 dooLS l>elow Brockmunn’s Store. se3 Iw —For fre.sh Vege^||^^ Bg^, Fowls " ''4T: Bu't- ter on ice a speeWy, call on J. H. Swaim. at Steel Corner, East Market street. Packages delivered free. auSltf —For all kinds of Groceries, Canned Goods, Pickles and nice things in gen eral at rock bottom prices, call on J. H. Swaim, on Steele Corner. au31 tf —Clothing at prime New York cost for a few days only, at i;u2Ctf C. fe M. Pretzpelder’s. Contract AdverLiseumnw taken at proportionately low ratea. Entered at the post ojfice Lu fEeemboro,Ii G., as secwid-class matter. •A job lot good Shoes at 50c per C. & M. Pre-izfeldeb’s. pair, at au26tf —A first-class dmiiig room servant can bear of a gcod situation by apply ing at this ollice. ‘ jylOtf —A full itock of Zeiglcr Shoes just received—all of the latest styles for Fall and Winter, at au20tf G. W'iLL Armfield’s. I be finest and the lie.'^t Tobacco on the maiket—Dianora, Gravely,Fiue Cut and Nellie Bly just received at Alford & Michaux’s Drug Store. a9tf Alford & Michaux can now dispense to you from their soda fountain an ei- ceilent drink known as ginger ale, in addition to the customary mineral waters. declGtf Without good tlonr you cannot have good bread. Have your grocer to send you a sack of Patapseo Superlative Flour, and you will never take any other. Yates Brothers, W holesale Agents. 25tf Lost Or Mislaid! The undersigned have lost or mi.slaid a batch of store accounts, written on separate strips of paper for convenience, and inserted in a small s^nd flexible manilla paper book. W’‘e have no du plicates of these accounts, and therefore respectfully ask of those who are due us on recent transactions to call and assist us in reaching as accurate a'* conclusion as possible as to the amounts dm;. A liberal reward will be paid for the restoration of the lost batch. Respectfully, se21 Iw Alford k Michaux. Cloak Samples! Just received 36 Ladies and Children’s Cloaks, Newmarkets, Visites, Walking Jackets, &c. This is a line of Drum mer’s Samples Irom a first-class house, and they will be closed out to our retail trade ai New York wholesale prices. 8e20tf Sample S. Brown. —A few dozen left of the Boy’s Polo Caps at 15c apiece, at selStf G.&M. Pretzfelder’s. —Just received. Boy’s Knee Pants, and will be sold at 25c per pair for a few days only, at Sel3tf C. & M. PREXaFELDEB’s. From Keck to Heels! Cartland has what you want—in new, stylish, elegant and unmatohable neck- bes. the like of which you will find no where else: In suspenders, all silk rub ber cord, in new and easy patterns— superb goods. Men’s hose, a complete stock, in the finest fabrics of merino, Scotch wool and lisle. Just the thing for the season, as you will fiud. aa28tf : Given Away! A beautiful three bottle Castor given with every pound can of “Kenton” Baking Powder. No tickets, no lottery, but eveiy one gets the. Castor free. Sold by J. W'’. Scott & Co., _ Wholft.'^ale Agents. W, B. 1'arrar, tne jeweier, keeps a nice .stock of articles in his line whioi. he guarantees to sell on yijod terms Other dealers may claim to l)e fair, but he claims to be Farrar (.till. Call and examine his elegant stack, assured that you will find aomothing u fill che bill. '■261—’•?. + For Bale : Desirable city lots, couvenienl to the school^, churches and places of busi ness-neighborhood ‘"xcebeut, Also about nine acres rich bottom land less than a mile from courthouse. Prices moderate. Apply at this office. Greensboro, Feb. 2i. ’efi. tf ' (lioice Seed Wjieal! We are prepared to furnish the best varieties of choice selected seed Wheat, grown in the valley of Virginia. Farm^ ers aie requested to call and leave their' orders with us. Yates Brothers, —A Jot of Kid Gloves, slightly dam aged, will be sold at less than halt their value, at C. & M. Pretzfeldek’s. au26tf —Just put on our Bargain Counter aiiother lot of Dress Goods’ Remnants. au26tf C. & H, Pretzfeldee. Charles E. Blioher, Life and Fire Insurance Agent. In sures in I'est Companies. Office at present at liis residence. —Limeade, dispensed from the foun tain of Alford & Michaux, deserves to be put at the head of the list of cooling, invigorating draughts. iy27tf . , Lost! On Saturday morning, near tank at depot, a lady’s fine set ring. The finder will be liberally rewarded by delivering same at Postoffioe. jy27tf Hr. R. Tate, Practicing Physician, Greensboro, N. C., offers his Professional Services to the citizens of Greensboro and sur rounding country. Office at Porter & Dalton’s drug store. When not there can be found at his residence on Ashe boro street, opposite Col. T. B. Keogh’s. jlOtf ® A Coftee House R(istauraul AND FREE READING ROOM, Under the auspices of t’^.e Greensboro Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, is opened every day from six o’clock in the morning until ten o’clock at night, on West Market street, just West of the courthouse, same block. North ffide ' f24tf Barj^ains! Barj^aius!! In order to make room for a big Fall stock, I will sell all Summer goods on hand at a groat sacrifice, such as Dress Goods, White Goods, Lawns, Calicos, Percals, Slippers, Clotbiug, Straw Hate, ‘^ c. Cali early and get a bargain. Very truly, G. H. Royster. All Oppoihmiiy, To get some bargains. In order to make a change in ray business, I am closing out my entire Stock of Mili- nery and Fancy Goods at prime cost, I mean what I sav,and to conyince your self, you have only to call and sea the Rare Bargains. I am offering. Very Respectfully,- Mrs. T. a. Lyon. Brick! Brick!! Bricki 1. The subscriber U now making brick ofa clay which^ he believes to be su perior to any other in use here—olky found in the low grounds near Green Hill Cemetery. These brick prove to be hard and of tine qualities of durability, and are such as are needed particularly in work which requires solidity. I am ready to contract to furnish these sa perior brick and also to lay fhem. D. N. KlRkPATRlOX,

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